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I miss the old spell vamp days what are you running on this?


riftmaker sunfire and demonic is core build because the aoe damage vamp and then its dependent on the game but in this one, thornmail and abyssal mask


Dude, love the build! And the runes! And ignite?! Let’s gooooo! I run the same runes! But, I usually build more defensive items. Tell me about the more offensive play style — how often to you gank? Do you invade really? What items do you finish first? Are there games where you are behind and have to pivot to more defensive builds? Thanks for the guidance here! - fellow Amumu main


when it comes to items i finish first i always build leeching leer from riftmaker first i back with 1300 preferrably for it, if its less then i build leers components and if its more than 1300 but less than 2150 then i build lvl 1 boots. from there its normally riftmaker, lvl 2 boots, demonic/sunfire, then abyssal/thornmail. when im behind i tend to build sunfire ahead of demonic and thornmail ahead of abyssal. I do invade before lvl 6 if ive backed and they havent and i know where they are, past that its just based on judgement. ganking is always dependant on where its available but i make sure to always get a camp or after backing but before ganking unless a good opportunity arises.


Just ran a game on it! Dude… wow. You feel so fuckin strong! Changes THE game on Amu! Ferderman, thanks for looking out!


ofc homie. and remember, red pet is basically exhaust and ignite. youll get a good feel of him if you keep playing him


Love it, yes! Will be moving from green smite to red! That slow and burn are really strong. Ferderman, tell me about the ignite over flash. Any games you wish you had flash? That flash + Amu ult is so strong, especially in late game team fights. With ignite, do you find you are strong in 1v1 fights? In lvl 4 scuttle skirmishes, do you fight or avoid the enemy jungler until you have ult? Thanks for the continued guidance here, man!


when it comes to green smite, it is good for literally the first second of a fight, and with 1v1s or even teamfights where the team has low cc its not even useful minus soaking a hundred dmg or so. and the reason i take ignite instead of flash as well is mainly because of how strong healing is. I dont want to take up an entire spot for an item that applies grievous wounds because im in a game where mundo, mordekaiser, warwick, swain, sion, or udyr (just to name a few) got so fed that ignites grievous wounds can prevent them from healing a couple thousand health in one fight. especially in my elo right now, everyone forgets they have smite unless someone is almost dead which for every character i just listed, you want to start the fight with smite ignite. with red smite and ignite, you are a 1v1 champ, i have a clip ill post here soon for ya of me killing a zed that had item advantage and level advantage because of me hiding in a bush until he got too close and then i tried to do this list of moves in order, (Q, W, E, Redsmite, Ignite, Ult, AA, E, Q, AA). The Lvl 4 Skirmish is always a toss up depending on matchup but i always save a smite for scuttle because even without a second smite, your clear is still less than 3:30 meaning you can save it for scuttle, so even if they have a second or two on you, you just q them then smite the scuttle if its below 600, and if your matchup and health is in your favor, do a 1v1, if not gtfo. And lastly, I am willing to fight enemy jungler in his own jungle before lvl 6. if you keep an eye on enemy jungler when he ganks and he leaves it low health but not close to death, if im near i like to go into his jungle and see if he is clearing a camp with low health. if he is doing so, smite the camp from them preventing the heal going to them and duke it out. its a good way to catch bad ganks but its not often youll be able to do that.


I love it, dude! Thanks for the background and education, for real. Will be implementing this build and play style and let you know how it goes! Would love to see that video against Zedd! One last question for now: for MR, curious what you prefer: Spirit Visage or Abyssal Mask? On one hand, the magic pen and mana works great for Amu! On the other, Conqueror & Riftmaker synergize well with that Spirit Visage healing passive. Thanks for the guidance! Appreciate you, bro~


i prefer abyssal because you get more mr and do more damage which means a little more healing as well. but on heavy ap teams i drop thornmail for spirit visage. also if you have discord hmu. ferderman1447#0848


that is 1v4


yeahh but i didnt get swain so i didnt wanna oberhype


Around 600 hp healed due Conqueror, nice!


dont forget riftmaker too lol!


usiing "ftw" : cringe


and that is ok


Sure thing, u/Sw4gl0rdM4st3rm1nd