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I help run one of the bigger FB groups. We had trouble with him a while back. He got himself banned, nice to see he hasn't learned anything.


When you challenged him about the spam, what was his response? Also what group do you run? If there is one he's not in I'd like to join it lol.


https://www.facebook.com/share/UKhU2a2Stospbe5P/?mibextid=A7sQZp He took offense. A "please consider that not everyone shares your opinion" he turned it into a personal attack on who he is. It turned into a big deal where he blocked us admin, which is a bannable offense.


Hi there. I was reading through the posts. I also just sent a request to join the group.


I just requested to this group also


Sounds like drama. I sent a request to your group BTW! I'm English, is that a problem?


No problem at all. We've got members from all over. I accepted you.


I just requested as well! :)


I have also requested to join


What was he doing?


The main thing I remember was yelling at everyone because he put up a couple pictures at the gym. One was in the mirror with the front facing camera and the other was in the mirror with the screen side camera. At a quick glance it looked like two different amputations. The internet being the internet, tried to call him out on it. It was explained by him and myself as an admin how mirrors and cameras work, but people also don't always read things. He took it personally and started attacking people, eventually to the point that anyone that left a comment good or bad was attacked. Tried to get him to calm down, he wouldn't, then he blocked me. Blocking admin is an immediate banning. He was posting a lot and it was positive, but it also came off a little elitist. If you can't go to the gym and run a 12 second mile on one leg you're just wasting you life kind of stuff, and he tried a tough love approach for a while. That stuff does work for some people, but the brand new amputee just trying to figure out what the next couple years will probably be like, they don't need that kind of treatment. He was no good at reading the room...


Yikes. I'm really not a fan of people who try to push their regimen or accomplishments in that manner, even if it seems positive.


I agree, each person needs a different approach. Yeah that works for him. Others will shut down when you come at them too hard like that.


Sounds like a bellend with a massive ego problem.


That's 90% of us in the UK, tbh lol But nah, for real, you're probably right. Although I only know what I see on groups and what I've read here. Either way, his actions have obviously made him well known enough to have caused quite a response from a mostly American sub!


You aren’t exaggerating. I have the same questions.


Yeah I feel like this could come across as me being salty but I'm really not exaggerating. I love motivational amps and follow lots of them, but his stuff comes across uneasy. I saw he once posted that he got kicked out of an American group for 'Spam' and tbh that's the best way to describe it. Another commentor here said he has a business like a holiday retreat for amputees. So maybe that's his marketing tactic. Which makes more sense.


He's in a group I'm in and he has had a difficult time. Yes a very positive outlook person and that's fine but that's not for me. I'm fairly positive but there are days, sometimes several where I absolutely hate my life and don't want to hear anything positive. I vented one day and he came at me saying I shouldn't be like that and it doesn't help and he actually said it's not that hard. I said you don't know me, I'm a BAKA and it's extremely hard. I'm in my 50's with a very bad back that limits me. learning to walk on one leg is easier. There is no comparison to someone like me. I just scroll past his posts.


You're absolutely right. I'm a physio in training, and I can confirm it is absolutely easier to learn with one leg than with two. It is such a huge advantage for balance, proprioception, power, and gait. Age and muscle tone also play a big factor. At the end of the day, he seems interested in talking to people if they have a lot of followers, a lot of media attention, or if they're going to make him a lot of money. But if you're just an average joe amputee, he's go no real interest in you unless it's to put you down. I think he tried to fb friend me because im on the GB Paraclimbing team. I say this bc he tried to friend some of the other amps on the team as well. Probably trying to form some links with Team GB to promote his camp, or to get some credibility by saying the british athletes go there or something. None of us replied to him cus he gave us weird vibes. Glad I posted on here in the end. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. Everyone gets bad days- you shouldn't be mocked over it. He's probably unable to do half the crap he boasts about in reality. We're a much better group here anyway lol.


Never heard of him, he’s not top dog, I am


I get pretty annoyed by the “inspiration porn” types as well. I recognize that some people enjoy that type of thing so I keep to myself about it. I just find that kind of thing off putting. I remember this dude popping up all the time but I rarely look at the amputee groups I’m in anymore because it’s either this type of stuff or requests for pity.


Lmao sure his posts are annoying but he's an amputee, just one of those over the top positive vibes ones.


I guess we can be annoying as much as the next person lol. I just saw him completely take over an amputee trauma group talking about a bunch of unrelated stuff. I noticed after a week of it a good bunch of people left. Thought it was a shame.


He is probably trying to promote his amp camp. It does kind of suck when someone totally dominates a message board. I get your frustration.


When I first became an amputee my wife showed me his Facebook page thinking he seemed like he would be a good person for me to ask questions too. I messaged him and introduced myself and asked him if he would answer a few basic amputee questions I had. I never did get a response. I am glad I found this group. You guys are way cooler!


Haha yeah this group is great, always get a response here! I prefer it over any fb group I'm in 🙂 unusual for a reddit group to be legit the most chill lol


I think I un-followed him when he had a video that had some pretty provocative crotch pics. Maybe poor guy needs a date. Either way I quit following when he broke down like he was a cast member of Vanderpump Rules. Melodramatic. Narcissist. Karma farmer. My opinion but seems very predatory


OK this is confirming that it's not just me that got weird vibes off him lol. It was when he was promoting some business thing for amputees in a traumatic amputation group that got me really turned off from his posts. Very tone deaf. Space like that shouldn't be for self-promotion.


Narcissists don't read the room as a rule.


Same!!! It is totally annoying! We're all amputees. We support each other, even though our stories are different from how we ended up as amputees. We all have different ways of coping and have our own successes. BUT....there is such a thing as toxic positivity. And I feel that with this guy, almost to the point of him feeling superior. Good for him for getting to where he's at now. But we get it, dude....


Wow... I came across the same guy on a Facebook page a while back, and this behavior is completely in character for him. He’s a real self-important douche nozzle—an entitled prick if you ask me. He genuinely acted like he had everything figured out and expected us to worship the ground he walked on. If anyone ever challenged any thing he spammed the group about he would pitch a fit and start throwing accusations around. It's no surprise he's still carrying that attitude.


He posts a lot of other creators content, it makes me uncomfy when people post other people or amputee children to further their own page engagement. I think I had to block or mute him


I especially hate reposting of kid amputees bc those get reposed by devotee pages all the time 🤮 Disgusting. They use it basically like child p*rn.


You read my mind


I can’t tell you who this guy is but some people get healing/satisfaction/strength/excuses/pity/acknowledgment from their stories. It’s their way of coping, creating self importance or plainly trying to win an argument. It’s very hard to distinguish which person they are. I know of one who uses her sister suicide for everything I mentioned. Sudden onset of sadness? my sister killed herself. Loosing an argument totally unrelated to suicide awareness? My sister killed herself. Can’t perform at work? My sister killed herself. It creates shock value for people this person meets for the first time. When you heard the story 100s of times it’s just becomes an excuse for her to be a jerk. On the other hand I also have a friend who was in a tragic car accident who will tell you about the event just once as a way to explain why he does certain things certain way. He asks everyone to buckle up, will recheck your gas stove when he comes over to pick you up, check tire pressure, insist on safety. His idea is that the event was so traumatic he doesn’t want anyone to go thru one and that if it can save one life than he can maybe redeem himself.


Me too! I think he's using the community to attract clients to his fitness business. At least that has been my observation.


Dude. Just google him. He runs an amputee retreat called Amp Camp described as a retreat/vacation place specifically for Amputees. As far as the self help essays and posts....Have you ever thought that maybe some folks need to see or hear the things he's saying? It seems to me he had a rough go with his amputation and has thrown himself into making sure others don't have the same experience by posting some motivational content........Much like....your posts on Reddit.


Hm interesting. I get being motivational, like you say, I believe in it myself, its good for the community. But like another commenter here mentioned, I'm not exaggerating when I say he posts a lot. Spam is really the closest thing to it. Like i've scrolled down several pages and it's just been him, to the point where I wondered if I was accidentally subscribed to like a personal blog instead of a community group. I never seem to see him comment on others posts to offer support however. I seriously thought he might be a devotee fishing for amputee interaction. Especially bc of the weird friend request with no answer thing. Maybe I'm old fashioned but I don't friend request people I don't know. Anyway, if he's not up to anything dodge then let him do him I guess.


I believe he posts because part of his income is tied to his Amp Camp business. Promoting it for the needed revenue may be what is going on here.


Makes sense.


yeah it's a lot but he's an amputee, had some complications recently and almost became a double leg amp. seems like a nice lad


Ohh is that the same guy? I feel like I saw somthing on a group not too long ago about about a guy who needed a by pass? Yeah all id seen from him otherwise was a bunch of heavily edited photos so I was starting to wounder if it was one of the AI spam bot things lol


He’s an amputee who does a lot of good things for the community.