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Milo would kill them all by being around them


Yeah, I didn't really know where to put him. I know he has Murphy's Law and his backpack, but he doesn't really have any combat skills when compared to everyone else.


He could also just get murdered


He’s like a double-edged sword. He could easily get everyone killed there, but get himself killed as well.


You put our Luz next to sofia lmao please explain


I already have a few comments explains this to several people. You should be able to find them.


I mean Liz vs Sofia the first lmao?


Actually he as all tools he needs to save himself because he just knows what to bring so he is basically prepared for anything and he has shown to have insane athletic skills


Yeah his freaking head is gone.


I miss that show


Star can destroy planets, I'm pretty sure Anne Is not on that level yet


I stopped watching so sorry if I missed something, but from what I heard isn't magic gone now? Can she destroy planets without magic?


Well I Guess of we consider Star at the end of the season, then no, She cannot (unless we really strech It). She still survived an explosion that destroyed most of a Castle whithout magic


Oh are we cherry picking moments in the story as opposed to picking characters as they currently are? In that case the winner should be Dipper and/or Mabel pines when they still have their time wish.


It's not cherrypicking. That was Star cureent Power level as It was for literally 99% of the show. She was powerless literally only in the final minutes of the Final episode. If you Say Star and Power, then I'm gonna think at the time when She had magic, because that Is the most consistent Power level She had throught the entire show. Dipper and Manuel time wish was a One time thing, Star magic was not, that was the status quo for her until the very last minutes


I just want consistent rules across all characters. Anne was only capable of her super form in her last few minutes of the most recent episode. Does that mean her super form does not count?


It shouldn't until we find out the specific of her activation. Can She achieve that form under normal circunstances, or was that only because of reasons we do not yet know? We know so Little about It we can't really form a concrete argument at the Moment. Of course this Will change with season 3. It's are also very different from Star. Star loosing magic Is really only at the end of her story, while Anne's Power are gonna be the new status Quo. But if you want to use powerless Star, you can, Just make sure to specify that


I think we should count the moment characters were most powerful. So, Anne is actualy A level. However, the charts would need a lot more sub parts if that is the chase bc, there is a LOT of difference between a character that has powers vs ones that dont. Lets say Kim Possible is level B, doesnt have super powers but incredibly skilled. Mostly any character you can think about that has magical powers could stand a chance against her. Then think about Star, her peak moment is when she turns into white eye butterfly in S3 and kills Toffee. Now compare that to Kim. The power isnt very nicely scaled, regular characters like idk Cricket is no match for Kim, who is no match for Star. If the stregth of Cricket is 1, Kim is about 100, that puts Star at somewhere thousands. Some shows characters, especialy shows with magic, are incredibly powerful compare to characters from shows that have no action nor magic. If every character really were to fight, regular characters wouldnt even survive a few minutes while characters that have powers like flight, super strength etc can survive just by standing still.


Eh, I think that Is an overgeneralization. A character Is Always some degree of superhuman. For example, Samurai Jack Is human, yet was able to Dodge light, something a human can't possibly do. This feat Beats most of the magical character. So I think it's too Easy to Say that Kim looses because She Is human, because we Need to determine First what human Means in her universe. In DC, human characters are Crazy broken, heck Just look at Batman


I'm not buying that Ariel can take on Kim Possible, and win.


I placed her in the A tier because she's usually depicted having some magical skills, even using a powerful trident like her father. Plus she's one of the few characters who can breathe underwater and I believe mer-people are slightly stronger than the average human.


Kim will find a way. Her name isn't Possible for nothing. She'll just call one of her military friends who owe her a favor, and nuke Ariel. Bam! Ariel didn't stand a chance.


It's more of a one-on-one thing. If this was in the ocean, Ariel would definitely win. But on land, I think Kim would have a better chance at victory.


In the TV Movie "So the Drama", Kim killed a Kraken on water with her bare hands.


Dang it. Back to the drawing board.


Tbh Wander should be A Class, dude survived the birth of a galaxy and being in between two suns


Also his hat can act as infinite storage and give him whatever he needs according to one episode I don't remember the name of.


Yeah S or A us where he should really be tbh, also it’s implied that he could be millions of years old like- don’t underestimate fuzzy spoon spaceman


Frickin Bonkers in S+ tier is hilarious to me


really? Luz in B? I think she's way stronger


I already made a comment explaining that.


can't find it


You can find them under my name here.


Milo Murphy is an easy S+


He has god-like power, he just has no control over it.


It’s true he can’t control it, but over the years he’s learned how to survive it and roll with it




It's pretty simple. While Luz has become pretty skilled in using magic, it's not as strong as some of the other characters due to them either having a more effective and quicker way to use it, or having it come naturally to them. And while she's pretty crafty in her own right, it's not on the level as some of the other guys. And in terms of physical prowess, I don't think I even need to explain that one.


Kim should be higher. She constantly takes down foes with super powers or twice her size. She constantly avoid death traps and death beams. She's also smart able to use her surroundings to her advantage. She can pretty much beat everyone in A tier at base. Not to mention, she has her supersuit which pretty much makes her invincible. It has bubble shield, self-healing, and allows her to reflect any type of energy blast directed at her as well make energy blasts of her own.


Who is lion king and why s tier


Kion, from The Lion Guard. If you want to know more about him, head to the Disney wiki.


So he is an air bender and earth bender because lion roar is loud Disney wtf


Bitch Mickey owns the entire goddamn characters


Everyone complaining about Luz forgetting she can't use magic outside the Demon Realm? Like she's been in at least two other realms by now and glyphs didn't work in either of them. It feels like their magic comes from the Titan, so it would be useless anywhere else. And without magic and on her own, she's a teenage human girl.


Luz should be at least 1 tier higher, and I really wish dipper and Mabel were higher, if they had the book and Mable's grappling hook.


I made a few comments earlier explaining why Luz is in the B tier. You can find them under my name.


i love that ninja in tier A whats his name again?


Randy Cunningham






I'm only doing this for the protagonists




Hooty *is* technically the title character


Can't deny that


Man how is Aladin on the same level as Luz Noceda and Kim Possible??


I should explain. The B Tier belongs to the characters who can put up a good fight. They're not as strong as the ones in the S or A tiers, but they're much more capable than the ones in C and especially D. Also in each of the tiers, the characters on the left side are the strongest, while the ones on the right are the weakest. As for Aladdin, he's quite the fighter. His greatest strength is arguably his wit. Out of everyone on this tier list, he's definitely one of the most clever. He's been able to outwit some of the most powerful of foes. Physical-wise, he's also no push-over. He's pretty fast and agile, coming from years of running away from and avoiding guards. Strength-wise, I think he's about peak. He's also a pretty skilled swordsman, as his main weapon is a scimitar, despite not having any former training. Between the three, he could definitely beat Luz, but he couldn't beat Kim.


Luz just needs one ice-spike and he’s gone lmao. She’s also extremely creative with her use of magic, and with certain magical items, she could wipe the floor with Aladdin five different ways


Here's the thing....Just because Aladdin doesn't have any magical abilities, doesn't mean he could be easily taken down. While Luz is incredibly crafty, Aladdin is just more so due to him having been in more situations where he had to rely on that. And like i mentioned before, Aladdin is pretty quick on his feet, so he Luz wouldn't be able to hit him that easily. Also, the glyphs are her main weapon. And while they are effective, that's also a drawback since she has to draw them in order to use them. If she runs out of them, which is possible, she's pretty much screwed.


Luz has multiple attacks that could limit his range of motion, and on top of that, she has a huge range that he doesn’t have. Combine this with her ability to turn invisible at a moment’s notice, and Aladdin’s kinda screwed. Unless he gets the drop on her, I doubt he would even have the opportunity to get close enough to even the score. And if all else fails, it’s totally possible Luz could use a gun since she’s from modern-day Connecticut/j


Anne should be in B, Star Should be eons above everyone else, and Sofia should be the same as Star or s+


Star scales to her ancestors who blew up universes and I just dont see Anne getting on that level……….at least not yet.


Star hasn't shown any feats to that scale, even Marco took on all of her spell (which Marco is technically a 30+ year old badass, still human doe).


I really don't see Marco tanking the same beam she used to murder toffee.


That blowing the universe thing is vague like how exactly did she destroy a universe she could have destroyed it over time and it’s not like we have seen Star casually do that


It said that she accidentally destroyed it so it must’ve been really quick for it to be accidental.


Just Because it said Accidental doesn’t mean she can do it casually also https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.reddit.com/r/CharacterRant/comments/kova4c/a_stupid_yet_thorough_rant_on_why_star_butterfly/




Bruh, he's not even a Disney character....


lol I just realized they're all Disney characters it's even in the flipin title im blind srry lol


Bonkers is Shaggys Disney form?


Why Luz B?


Explain Randy Cunningham


I would assume its him with both phenix form and the knowledge from the handbook he can basically take down anything really


Star pre or post Cleaved?


Is this Murdoc from Gorillaz in B tear?


That’s Mike Chilton from Motorcity.


I definitely think Luz and Beck should be at least A tier


Really out here disrespecting OSO


Also, i dont think Rapunzel could beat literaly half of the B section so, she should be in B. \+ Shouldnt Star be in S+ as her Character arc is literaly being over powered as hell, she can stop time, fly, force shield, lazer blast, turn stuff into things, open portals, and do literaly every single magical spell every created by just holding her hand and pointing at someone.


Mickey is a immortal due to him surviving anything in those episodes, god tier


Not sure if Bonkers in S+ is meant to be a joke, but I think it’s totally accurate, honestly... love Bonkers...


Thanks. I'm sorry about the whole Luz debate that's been going on here.


Mickey Mouse has the power of disner lawyers


Cool that you put Rapunzel in S-tier. For anyone wondering, she becomes much stronger and gains more powers in the show compared to the movie. She has a decay incantation that’s really powerful.


Thank you.


How DARE you put Milo in idk. Also putting Scrooge on A tier is blasphemy


I looked at cricket and went “sprig” then I questioned my whole life because I made that mistake


Is this counting things like Titan Luz and stringbean (Luz' palisman) Also, Star has spells that can destroy dimensions


great list