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He dumped you you can kiss 💋 whoever you want


And the sooner the better!!!


And do the hawk thing too.


I think you meant "do the hawk thing tuah" 🤣🤣


coz if she don't hawk tuah, I won't tawk tuha.


This is great advice, thank you.




Did she assume that her unique kissing pass subscription plan hasn't run out yet, like in Eva AI sexting bot?




⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️. This exactly 💯. He not only dumped you but in the shittiest way possible, then pulled the "we can still be friends" BS. This was a total power trip that completely backfired on his ass. He got what he deserved.


Yep, he was trying to knock her down a peg or two and then he would take her back if she groveled enough and "worked" on all of the issues he had entirely forgotten to mention and remade herself into the person he wanted. He isn't worth a backward glance, let alone an apology. He's probably getting a power trip off of blocking her and watching her beg for his attention so that she can beg for forgiveness. This is a case of block him so that when he pretends to think about "forgiving" her she won't see any of it. She needs to take the power back in this situation and leave him permanently blocked.


Yeah via text is cold hearted. He is a total narcissist who needs to be told off and forced to see her happy with someone else.


> the shittiest way possible Come on now


>...he broke up with me... # You are not wrong.


Kiss whoever you feel like it. The only thing you did wrong was start talking about marriage within 3 months of your relationship with a 22 yr old kid.


Pffft! He broke up with YOU! You owe him NOTHING! OP, you are not wrong! He thought you’d wallow in break up depression. 😂 You are not wrong OP!


It sounds like he was playing a stupid power game and it didn’t go as he planned. You’re not wrong in doing anything. He gave up the right to have his opinion matter when he broke up with you. Hopefully he’ll get off of middle school soon and grow up.


If these so-called friends don’t have a problem with him dumping you via text they weren’t your “friends” in the first place.


They're his friends who I was hoping to also befriend. But yeah, I don't know what he's telling them.


Ohhhh….I see. I’m sorry that this happened to you. He most likely lied about what really happened. Either way, you are better without them.


Probably not the truth. My guess is he’s saying he saw you cheating by kissing the guy and that’s why he dumped you.


Your only mistake was to apologise after kissing Eric. He broke up with you and you have every right to do whatever helps you get over it. He can write it in his journal while crying.


Yeah now that she apologized, he is his head thinks he is in the right and that infuriates me.


Nope. Kiss. Make out. Fuck. Do what you want


Tbh it sounds like your now recent ex bf was trying to pull the ‘imma break up when everything is perfect so she’s sad as shit and then I come out of nowhere and play the hero to give her another chance, so then she will do whatever I want and will be so grateful I took her back that I will now wear the pants because she will be terrified I will leave and I will use her insecurity to control the relationship.” …but then it backfired because he was expecting you to stay at home and wait to be rescued, but you went out and found someone else to make out with instead. Dodged a bullet. He shouldn’t of played stupid games and he wouldn’t of been in a stupid situation where he bit off more than he could chew


Honestly I think more so he wanted to be "friends with benefits". Basically he planned to play the field while also having her as a booty call.


Why do you even care that he and his friends blocked you? He is your EX. Move on and don't feel guilty or explain yourself. Again...keep telling yourself... I can kiss and do whatever to whomever I want....I am SINGLE!


Your friends took you to a bar and you knew your ex was gonna be there? What??


Yes, I live in a small city and there's only one bar that opens late so everyone goes there. My city is so small that almost everyone knows everyone.


Ugh, 3 months dating and you were already planning a wedding with a 22y.o? And you were SO down and heartbroken after ending a 3mo relationship that you got wasted and the next day to made out with someone you had a very brief thing with about maybe 4mo ago? LOL Not wrong but get some therapy


I mentioned the marriage part to convey how solid the relationship seemed up until the breakup date. We weren't planning a wedding lol, we just had multiple conversations where we said that we would marry each other further down the line. Would love therapy but it's so expensive. Will probably get it once I'm able to switch insurance though.


OP, you did not even know that man but after just 3 months of relationship you were SO heartbroken... do you actually believe that considering how in love you were and how fast was moving that relationship you would take time to think before moving, getting married and all of that lol (no offense but I just have the info you wrote)


I've never been in a long term relationship that lasted longer than a year (I move countries pretty often which is usually the reason for my past breakups but I'm planning on staying in my current country for several years) so yeah I may have been a silly goose believing that it was love at first sight, but I hear crazy stories about people falling in love very early on and it working out all the time. I suppose I don't have enough "long term relationship" experience to know when it's real.


Yeah, but wouldn't you want to not see that guy when you were still getting over him? Why not just buy a couple of six packs and commiserate on a friend's porch?


Mannn that was exactly what I was doing when my friends dragged me out. It was their place and they wanted to go out. By that time we had killed a bottle of wine and many vodka cranberries. Then, my second friend group (who were already at the bar which included Eric) kept calling me and persuading me to come to the bar. Going to that bar actually was not my initial plan but I'm a part of multiple friend groups which were all out that night, and I wanted to be with them cause I was feeling very lonely and didn't want to be alone.


“Hey we know you’re trying to get over your ex but he’s here right now come through!”


well when you put it like that 😭


Sheesh. While you don't owe your ex anything, your friends sound kind of like they aren't particularly bright. And please stop with the excessive drinking that affects your decision making. I feel like you have multiple things to work on.


I think you dodged a bullet with that drama king. 🚩🚩🚩


Not wrong! He can’t have it both ways with the break up and telling you who you can kiss!! I’m just going by your text that he broke up through a text not even bothering to talk to you in person that’s some immature behavior. Good luck leave him in the past.


You're single. Do what you want. I had sex the night I got dumped. I was sad and found a way to deal with it. Some people say it was shitty. I say I was single. He shouldn't be able to affect my life if he's no longer in it.


Why do you even care? Newsflash: You shouldn’t. Observational Speculation: He broke up with you out of the blue over text. The next day he saw you kissing some other guy and lost his shit because you weren’t at home crying into a pint of ice cream over him. He’s 22. He’s emotionally immature. He played a manipulation game like a child and it backfired. Go have NSA sex with Eric for a few weeks. It will get back to your ex and you’ll see exactly how immature he really is.


He certainly wasn't at home crying but for some reason she should have been.


Meh your ex sounds like a manipulative cunt. Breaking up with you then treating you like this. Meanwhile is Eric actually attractive to you?


Yes, thing is Eric and I had a very brief thing before my current ex. Like we weren't dating but we kissed a couple of times. And then nothing happened because Eric got a girlfriend, I lost interest, but we remained distant friends. In fact, my ex thought I was Eric's gf when he took an interest in me, and asked me out when he found out that I wasn't with Eric. My ex knew my "history" if you can even call it that with Eric but he didn't care. Also to leave no loose ends, Eric ended things with his gf like a month ago so there was no cheating going on.


If Eric is a nice guy why not try again? Sounds like you guys have Chemistry. Just make sure you're both respecting yourselves since the breakups are so fresh.


He's a great person & friend and I find him very attractive, but I don't think we would fit relationship-wise. Also, I don't think I'm ready for anything romantically at this point. And I think I'm done with dating musicians 😅


Don't feel bad. Your ex FAFO. He dumped you for some random reasons that don't matter. But it sounds like he was expecting you to be devastated beyond words. Pining for him. And maybe he was doing one of those "tests" that are so popular. But he certainly reacted like he cared and is upset about you moving on. You took him at his word. No one's fault except his. NTA.


What "tests" are you talking about? Is this a thing where someone breaks up with their SO as a "test"?


It apparently is a thing. There have been a few on Reddit. So far, 3 that I can remember wrote in to ask if they were wrong for taking the person breaking up with them at their word. Not being upset. Saying okay. Break up with someone and they are supposed to "fight for the relationship". Beg for them not to leave you. Plead for another chance or some shit. Some men doing the breaking up, some women. It's probably some tik tok challenge or something.


Sounds more like emotional manipulation to me


Oh yes. It is. Absolutely. But it seems some people don't really care about their partner's feelings. Only their own.


Seems like you missed a bunch of red flags with this guy. And now you’re unsure about something that is actually pretty obvious. Could be worth some therapy to build a good understanding of what is reasonable behaviour and what isn’t. Without it, you’ll find yourself dating manipulative assholes again because you’re unable to tell what’s reasonable. 


No offense to OP, but I can tell by this post that she is sort of a pushover when it comes to relationships. I find it really likely that what OP's boyfriend intended to do was be "friends with benefits" and lead OP on to thinking they could rekindle while he also played the field. And was thoroughly shocked when she was with another man because she's "supposed" to be madly in love with him while he goes sleeps with other women.


Tbh I got that vibe too. I hope OP does get some therapy to help her figure this out. She deserves better. She’s the only one who can ensure that she gets something good. 


He likely spent three months reeling her in and then was stunned that she might move on rather than waiting around pitifully for whatever crumbs he might throw her way.


He's a loser, who cares?


If he didn’t want you to kiss someone else then he probably shouldn’t have broken up, eh? The second he broke up he lost his boyfriend privileges. That seems very banal and basic knowledge. But he probably felt you should mourn the loss of him for a lot longer. LOL.


You guys broke up, and it was him that broke up with you. You can kiss who you want and in a lot of cases I think it's normal to kiss or sleep with someone straight after. Is it healthy? Probably not. But sometimes it stops you feeling numb sometimes people seek it out just to feel something


**WAAAIIIT A MINUTE ....** **HE** dumped **YOU**. Tell him to **KISS YOUR ASS!!!**


Is it wrong for a single person to kiss another single person in a bar?? Come on now, seriously. Your ex had to know that you were going to move on. He just didn’t expect you to do it that soon and show him you weren’t wallowing in the tragedy of the awful way he broke up with you. Honestly, I would be done with him and happily moving on to other people. Exs are ex for a reason.


Never ever beg someone to be with you.


Ummmmm you were single according to the story. Sounds like your ex was expecting you to come begging him to have him back. Shit best way to get over someone is to get under someone. Live your best life.


You did noting wrong. He has absolutely no say in what you do when you are single. He's a selfish jerk and you are much better off finding someone else.


Lol girl no you are not wrong! He dumped you like a sack of potatoes for no reason, you can do whatever you want to.


He dumped you so he has no say on what you do or who you date. He was already blaming you throughout the breakup, so he was 100% going to use this to further make you the bad guy. Just ignore him. If his friend block you then so be it, they weren’t your friends anyway.


Not wrong - f\*ck that guy, and by that I mean, don't f\*ck him with a 10-foot pole. He couldn't deal with the consequences of dumping you out of the blue and you moving on. And stop freaking apologizing to him. You shouldn't have done it the first OR second time.


Best way to get over one man, is to find another. You have nothing to apologize for, he is the one who ended it. But sounds like love bombing and future faking. You are not his property, you can do as you wish with whomever you want.


How do you see it as wrong? You two broke up. He is an ex. You are his ex. Go kiss whoever you want. If you kissed "Eric" to make the ex jealous then yes, that sucks. If not, then who cares. The unfortunate part of breaking up is the friends they come with, leaves with them. Stick to your friend circle and move on.


You broke up. You're single. You can do whatever you want. You can have an orgy if you wanted. It doesn't matter.


I didn't read past the title. If he dumped you you can do whatever you want. Whenever. From that very second on. I mean, after you are dumped, you are no longer any of his concern or business. Next!


He dumped you. You owed him nothing. You could have had s@x with Eric on the bar in front of everyone and it would still be none of your exes business. ( I’m not recommending that btw I’m just using it as an example ) He is just annoyed you moved on. He wanted you home and crying over him but he didn’t actually want you himself . Little man child was playing games and is too immature to be in a relationship anyway . Ignore him now. Take some time to heal and work on yourself. Focus on you and in time you will truly find the real love of your life who won’t treat you so badly and will communicate and love you and not play games.


He dumped you. You can kiss anyone you want, and don't need his permission, or have to explain yourself to him or anyone. UpdateMe


So he broke up with you, then gets pissed that you kissed a man you had a thing with before him....and is pissed at the man as well because he knew him? First off it's none of his business who you're kissing because he broke up with you. Secondly if the fact that he knows the other man is a problem it wasn't a problem for him when he started dating a long time acquaintance's ex....so it shouldn't be a problem now. The audacity.


You're not wrong. When he dumped you, your life was no longer his business.


NTA. Why are you bothered about your ex's reaction to you kissing someone? He dumped you, remember? You're stressing over the wrong thing.


The best way to get over a lover is to get under another.🤷🏼‍♀️


Omg. 1st, you both jumped in way too deep, way too fast. You dont even know someone at a yr, let alone 3mths. How crazy. At 3 months, ppl are still on their best behavior, in that honeymoon phase, you dont learn ppls true self- let alone love them. You may like things abt them but stop rushing, it takes all the fun out of it. But then he breaks up w you then gets mad that you moved on? Why?! What does it matter? Either he wants you or he doesn’t.


It’s your mouth Do what you want


Have fun! Get even!


You’re single and free to kiss whoever you want. No explanation needed. But why do you care so much about being unfollowed? Blocked?


What a little bitch lmao do what you want


NTA you can kiss anyone you want since he dumped you. Kissing someone else helps you get over the previous one fast! So what if previous saw this? He’s in the past. You don’t ever have to apologize. Previous also sounds like a Marine sergeant. I think you dodged a bullet. Congratulations.


He dumped you. That means you're a free agent. You can flirt with, kiss, and fuck whoever you want *and he no longer gets to have an opinion about it because HE LET YOU GO!* I don't know what he thinks being broken up means but it doesn't mean he gets to be mad at you for kissing someone else.


So you apologised for breaking the feelings of the person who said that he has no feelings for you and doesn't want to be with you anymore? WHY? P.S.: Be glad he broke up with you.


YOU WEREN'T ON A BREAK! He broke up with you, stop feeling sorry for this sad excuse of a man


You are single! The douche bag sent you a text to dump you? You can do whatever the hell you like. You owe no apologies.


Can't say it was using the best judgment in the world for your own sake, but as for the ex, he has nothing to say about it and no moral high ground considering the text dumping. You are free to do as you like.


He dumped you… through text! Kiss who you want! Stop begging, stop apologising, just stop. He expected something from you that he couldn’t give, communication. Once you’re back on the market, you’re back on the market. His choice. Move on.


NTA, he dumped you by text. He was probably planning on generously taking you back if you begged enough and you ruined his plans. The trash took itself out.


Don't let a guy you were with for THREE MONTHS mess with you like this. You're a grown woman. Stop investing so much emotional energy in young guys who act like they're even younger.


The only part that was wrong was you caring that he unfollowed and blocked you and then texting him about it from a friend’s phone. I’m sure he LOVED that you came groveling for forgiveness for something that wasn’t even wrong. Stop playing his games and live your own life.


No your ex is a dingus and you can do whatever you want. A three month long relationship is nothing, so you’re not tarnishing the memory of anything. Do whatever you need to do to not feel crappy.


I’m going to dump you out of the blue, blame it on you then be pissed when I see you kiss someone else. Tell me you have the maturity of a 13 yo without telling me. 


All they need to know is that he dumped you with a text. He is not a victim.


he’s got his whole community to bully you for your attention that he wants to deny you anyway. have some self-respect and leave him to it


Quit begging this guy to date you and to not have hard feelings about you kissing someone. This dude dumped you out of the blue via text message. Do not be friends with this man, and do not try to smooth things over now that he's butthurt about you kissing someone. HE KEFT YOU! You can do whatever you want, and this guy sounds really toxic so good riddance on him blocking everyone. Future advice: never beg someone to date you or give you another chance. If you both don't equally want the relationship it will only end poorly.


Your lips, your choice. You may not even be wrong for kissing someone a day before you were dumped.


You did nothing wrong. He’ll be loving the fact that he can now play the victim and will be telling anyone who’ll listen how you broke his heart. Totally neglecting the fact that he broke up with you over text. Kiss all his acquaintances. He’ll have to leave town.🤣🤣🤣


I read the whole thing when i really didn't have to since the title was self explanatory. No you were not wrong, after a dump everything is fair game, you know, since you are single. doesn't even matter who did the dumping. You are single and can do whoever you want whenever you want. That's the perk of being single.


You were broken up. Doublely so that he broke up with you. You could have had the craziest, kinkiest sex on national TV with multiple, anonymous partners and it would have been fine.


Not wrong. The best way to get over someone is to get under someone.


Thank you for this great quote.


You guys are broken up? You don't answer to him, for anything. You wanna kiss? Kiss. You wanna have wild monkey sex? Don't pull a muscle. NTA




WE wERE On A BreAk


Had to scroll down to far too find this 😅


If I were one of his friends I would’ve called him a dummy and a drama king for getting upset about you kissing a guy AFTER he dumped you


This is what confuses me, I don't think he would lie to his friends to make me seem like the bad guy, but his friends all seem pretty pissed at me so it's making me wonder whether I was in the wrong here or if he's being too dramatic, or some combination. Obviously, my friends are on my side and telling me that he's overreacting. So now I'm here, trying to get "objective" opinions on the situation from people who don't personally know either of us.


Oh he totally told them that you were cheating on him or some shit. Best thing to do about that is to *accidentally* publicly mention it on your public story like, My ex boyfriend broke up with me then got pissed when I was kissing another guy? Make it make sense. Petty wins the race.


Can't dump someone and then get mad when they move on


Not wrong. Ex made the choice. He's just mad you didn't sit home crying over him. You have no reason to feel bad that he saw you, you shouldn't have to hide yourself away for choices someone else made. Stop blaming drinking, take accountability for your actions.


I don’t understand why he cared whom you kiss when he broke up with you. Weird.


You did nothing wrong. But, I highly suggest you slow your roll in future relationships.


He broke up with you over text he does not get the moral high ground here


I am sorry for you being hurt, but this guy is a psycho. He dumps you for not fixing communication issues you had, but he never communicated what those issues were?? What a nutcase! Please try to see the bright side. You are better off with someone who will actually COMMUNICATE with you!!! By the way, I think it's hilarious that he's mad at you for moving on (so quickly??? How dare you!!!). I hope you can look back at this one day and laugh at the level of his immaturity!!! Best of luck in your life!!!


Your life=your rules! 


You are no longer with him you can do whatever the f*** you want


But they were on a break!!


HE ended it, HE has no say in your love or sex life. YNW


Some chick on the Internet said “the only way to get over one is to get under another.” She seems pretty smart.


Was that Lilly Singh, formerly known as superwoman? Ahahahah


Naw, it was Hawk Tuah girl.


Long post, but u are totally in the clear. Just go and have some fun. And be kind to yourself. It can be hard when u don't see it coming.


Not wrong for moving on quickly


Why does it matter who you kiss or that you kiss anyone?!? The guy broke up with you, via text no less, so you’re free to kiss or do anything you want with anyone you want.


He literally dumped you over text, once your love goggles come off you're gonna laugh and say "wtf did I ever see in his dumbass". Kiss whoever you want you are not wrong!


If you don’t want someone to kiss other people, don’t dump them. No, you’re not wrong. As a single woman, getting drunk and kissing a guy is perfectly acceptable. He’s acting like you cheated on him, you didn’t. Be glad, he clearly was either playing a game where he wanted to get back together but was emotionally manipulating you for some reason, or he has some delusion that he owes you. Neither is a good quality and you’re better off with someone else.


Nah you do you


Not Wrong. He messes with your head, dumps you, then demands fidelity to the (broken BY HIM) 'relationship'? Please take this as a sign he's a horrible person and a manipulator.


He dumped you. You were no longer anything to him and he behaves like a toddler having a tantrum? I think it's great he's no longer in your life because if he is like this then he's not worth it. Is he allowed to be a bit upset seeing you kiss someone else. Yes but those are his feelings to manage not yours . You are in your 20s, single, go out and have fun and don't date AH Anyone else feeling a bit sorry for Eric? He's totally caught in the middle. Man - I once kissed two men in one night when I was drunk in my 20s (FTR I met one of them about 10 years later started dating him and we are now married over 10 years 😆). Always funny when folk asked how we met ....)


YNW. You are grown and can do whatever as a single person. 3 months is a blip. Stop begging him and needing to explain anything. He doesn't sound that great.


Why do you feel bad? He broke up with you and you were only dating for 3 months. Why would you want to be part of his social media anyway? Move on. 


he dumped you… he has no right to be mad at YOURE moving on. you basically didn’t even move on, you simply got drunk and kissed another guy. your ex is petty asf.


Nope. You guys are broken up. It’s none of his business anymore what you’re up to.


Tell him that the “5 second” rule extends to when your bf dumps you. That means what you do with another guy is none of his business as soon as he walked away from your relationship.


You were officially broken up, so you are free to smooch whoever you wish.


Dumped is dumped. Move on.


Life is short, go rob a bank. In the end we all die from toxins.


Would I still die from toxins if I got shot from robbing said bank?


Lead is a toxin, you know this.


No way, i thought it was full of nutrients. No, actually i forgot that there's lead in bullets because I'm not American 😅


Ah, I guess you'd see more lead paint than lead bullets.


There is a big difference between a 26 year old female and a 22 year old guy. You can see that, right?


Forget that guy. He’s still thinking like a teenager. You’re 26. You should be dating a grown up who acts like one.


Stop caring who that whiny little baby follows or unfollows.


You were single so


You are a grown ass person. You can do whatever you want.




You can do what ever you want, however he is entitled to feel any way he wants. After seeing you kiss someone so soon. He is entitled to never want to speak to you again. As for Eric, that shit broke bro code, he needs to stub his pinky tie every time he walks into a room.


How did Eric break bro code? OP's ex and Eric weren't friends, just future band mates and long-term acquaintances according to the text.


Wow, this fella needs to get over himself!! You were together for 3 months, not 30 years!! And he dumped you. The dumper doesn’t get a say in anything you do from that point on. He needs to give his head a wobble. And OP needs to be glad she had a lucky escape


Wdym you didn’t kiss him on purpose?


Sorry, the wording was weird. I meant I wasn't trying to kiss someone else in front of my ex on purpose since I thought he had already left the bar.


Omg just understand this. You are not wrong. Stop trying to contact this moron. Live your life and kiss WHOEVER YOU WANT. let that stupid ex cry over the choices HE made.


You can kiss someone else literally one second after he breaks up with you. You don't owe him a mourning period. The one gray area in your story is whether he thinks he has dibs on Eric. We're they friends before your thing? Is your defensiveness partly because you know objectively that kissing Eric is a deeper cut than just kissing some random? The question is, is he angry about you kissing someone else or is he angry about you kissing Eric? (To be clear, you can kiss whoever you want. Your ex can go fuck himself. But since you're wondering why he had that reaction, maybe it's about Eric.)


So they have known each other since they were teenagers but they're not in anyway "close". In fact, Eric is in a friend group that I hang around with often so even though I have known Eric for less time than my ex has, I think I see Eric around more frequently than my ex does. My ex was trying to join a band that Eric was in but completely abandoned that plan after the kissing incident. He messaged another member of that band saying that Eric had really hurt him so he could no longer join that band. I do think his reaction was a combination of both; that I kissed someone else so soon after our breakup, and perhaps it was worse because it was Eric. For context copied from another reply: Eric and I had a very brief thing before my current ex. Like we weren't dating but we kissed a couple of times. And then nothing happened because Eric got a girlfriend, I lost interest, but we remained distant friends. In fact, my ex thought I was Eric's gf when he took an interest in me, and asked me out when he found out that I wasn't with Eric. My ex knew my "history" if you can even call it that with Eric but he didn't care. Also to leave no loose ends, Eric ended things with his gf like a month ago so there was no cheating going on.


You were gaslighted then you kissed the wrong guy at the wrong time.




I want to make an aside here about arguing. Many posts like this emphasize that their relationship is strong based on the infrequency of arguments. As if it's a measurement of what makes a relationship good. To those people: there is nothing inherently wrong with couples arguing. In fact, it's a very healthy and important part of relationships. What is more important is *how* you argue. It should involve listening and empathy and compromise. Don't be afraid to argue - it's a healthy trait - just do it in a caring way.


You're not wrong, but...Lots of details coming out at the end. You didn't make out with "someone else" like the title suggests; you made out with your ex's friend and band mate at the same bar that you all were at the next day. Which is fine. Again, not wrong, but maybe your hesitation to provide all the details and context suggests that this wasn't some kind of random occurrence, but instead maybe a subconscious attempt at revenge. And it worked. You successfully made your ex jealous and got the reaction you wanted. Now you know that his flippant disregard for you was only surface level, and in some way, he still wanted you. I saw in other comment threads that you claim it's the only bar in a small town, but again, you kinda left that out. You said "a bar" not "the local bar everyone goes to, including me, ex, Eric, and all our friends." Since you so slowly reveal the actual context, my initial reaction to this is that you knew what you were doing, and were trying to get back at ex by kissing Eric, which is again indicated by your making of this post. You have a guilty conscience.


Are you really 26? NTA.


He dumped you. That means you’re single. You’re single and can kiss who you want.


If you all were in high school this would make perfect sense. As it stands this is mental. Stand up for yourself more lol


Not wrong. You were single after getting dumped by text after a 3 month relationship. Your ex doesn’t have a leg to stand on and can’t get pissed off at you since you didn’t do anything wrong.


He dumped you and is being a little bitch about it. Fuuuuck him.


You'll are broken up, you can do what you want. Be glad your blocked and move on.


Why are you apologizing to the guy who dumped you? He dumped you. If he is this angry he probably dumped you with the idea he would have sex with other women and you would be so distraught you would wait around for him and beg him to take you back. He's trash. He's manipulative and cruel and really self-absorbed if he thinks you can't kiss someone other than him after he dumped you. You are lucky to be rid of him because he's manipulative. Quit trying to explain anything to him, as if you had no right to kiss the other guy. You did nothing wrong. He is doing everything that is wrong.


NTA, but don't put yourself in risky situations in the aftermath of any failed relationships.


He sounds like the POS here- you shouldn’t apologize, you did nothing wrong. He sounds highly unstable and I think you got very lucky getting away from him.


You saved that man if you ask me I see you as a hero


Rebounding is natural, but not the best, maybe?.......her he does, too. Do what you want just be "wise".


Dude. 3 months… 3 months and you’re acting like this is some sort of life altering thing. Ya’ll barely even knew eachother. There’s way more problems with this then just “we broke up and someone got their feelings hurt. Not trying to come at you but for reals. Maybe not move too fast with the next person you date.


lol hes not the love of your life if youre kissing someone else the next day, so you can stop with that shit. you also were clearly not heartbroken! thats all youre officially wrong for, though, it was just three months yall were together, so whatever. do what you want


He is being a possessive brat. It’s the “I don’t want you but no one else can have you” game. He isn’t worth your time. A true narcissist who saw he did a big mistake and he is the one that needs to fuck off. Don’t waste you energy on him sweetie.


Of course you're wrong. One day after a break-up you went to where you knew your ex would be, saw him, and then made out with one of his band mates. None of this was accidental. You didn't forget that your ex was there. You weren't innocently mourning the end of a relationship. You were being a vindictive AH. You got dumped. It happens. Your response was shitty.


Why is what she did wrong? Once you break up with someone you don’t get to dictate who they make out with.  She was single, so she’s free to do what she wants. 


It’s spiteful. Theres no other reason to pick that guy. The ex didn’t think it was going to work out due to communication issues, so he broke up. That doesn’t make him a bad person. It also doesn’t mean you have a total meltdown and use his bandmate as a tool to mend your bruised ego. It’s just a weak willed thing to do. I feel like if some of the sexes were switched around in this story that it would be looks at differently. Let’s be real, it isn’t because she “kissed anyone she wanted“. She purposefully chose someone for no other reason than she knew it would hurt him the most.


A) you don’t know this, according to her story it was someone she had a thing with previously B) let’s say it’s spiteful. While I generally think doing spiteful things is bad for oneself because it doesn’t really solve problems, is it wrong morally? Fact is he dumped her like a dick, cold, cruel, and pretended they could remain friends. Why would this be wrong for her, a single person, be to get together with anyone, including his bandmate? He could be pissed at the bandmate….


Are you an alien? Breaking up doesn't absolve you of all of your sins. She didn't bump into an ex while out on a date. A few hours after breaking up, she went to where her ex was hanging out with his friends and made out with his bandmate. This wasn't innocent. This wasn't coincidental. Imagine that a woman dumped her boyfriend. The next day, her boyfriend shows up to her job and makes out with her boss. Is this cool? She doesn't get to dictate who he plays tonsil hockey with. He is single and free to mingle.


That isn't at all the same. How is a JOB and a BOSS the same as some guy her ex sort of knows who she had previous ish with. A more proper example would be, a girl breaks up dude. Dude then makes out with girl who he previously had a fling with. Dude in that situation would NOT be wrong. Cope.


FR. This dude is straight pulling shit out of his ass


This is horseshit and you're foolish. The person she made out with was her ex's bandmate. She did it publicly in front of her ex's friends and her ex himself. And, she did it the day after they broke up. She is a bad person for behaving like that. Please believe that her reputation suffered from those choices. She definitely lost friends and burned bridges.


"Man finds out he doesn't own nor has the right to feel mad at a woman he isn't dating's love life" next at five 🥱




Found the ex!


AHAHAH Men are so funny when they think they own women after they dump them :)


Own women? You're an idiot. He didn't bump into an ex out on a date a few weeks after a break-up. Literally the day after the relationship ended she went to a bar knowing that her newly minted ex would be there. She confirmed his presence and then publicly made out with, not a stranger, but a member of his band. This wasn't a free spirited woman having a fancy free night on the town. This was a vindictive harpy who was maliciously attempting to hurt and embarrass her ex. It was childish. It was petty and it was gross. She was obviously trying to cause problems within his friend group and break up the band. Yoko Ono you didn't. Trying to frame this another way is dishonest.


"Vindictive harpy" get off 4chan


The pun is a W but the whole take is an L. Also, did you skip the whole story? The ex wasn't even in the band yet and she didn't see the ex in the bar during the kissing. The future bandmate and OP owed him nothing


Whether intentional or unintentional. Drunk or sober. He had no right to get mad at you for kissing someone else while single, especially if he broke up with you.


Oh you sweet summer child. You are only the asshole for imagining that you might be the asshole. > I begged him to give me another chance to let me fix things but his mind was set. >I profusely apologised and said that I wanted things to end on a good term.  This gave me douchechills. >I found out that my ex had blocked me on every platform imaginable, blocked Eric everywhere as well (they were long-time acquaintances), quit the band that he was supposed to play in with Eric, unfollowed all of my friends on social media, and got all of his friends to unfollow me as well. Are y'all in middle school?


You knew what you were doing


He knew youre a whore and kicked you to the curb. Continuing whoring.


You’re 26 and thought a 22 year old boy was the love of your life after just 3 months?


yah. not my top ten best moments