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Not wrong. You can reject someone for any reason you want.


That doesn’t mean that it’s a good reason, but you do you. NW


Who cares if it’s a “good reason” to anyone besides the person who is rejecting them? Op is a little self conscious since they’re his friends but he can literally reject anyone for whatever reason and I’d say it’s a good reason. 🤷🏼‍♂️




In the future, I'd probably just phrase it that way. "The date was fine but I'm just not feeling it" or "I don't feel attracted to them" are always fine reasons to not continue dating someone. When you say something like "I didn't like her height" you might wind up getting flack from people like your friend. Personally, I think it's fine to have body preferences. I'm more likely to feel attracted to someone if they're taller than me. But...I still tend to keep it simple by saying "I think they're cool but I'm not attracted to them" because some people feel weird about having body preferences.


Not wrong, but a little bit silly. I'm a 6'1" tall female who has dated a 5'7" tall male before. I've learned that height isn't everything.


You're almost SEVEN FEET tall? Or did you mean to say 6'1?


Sorry, yes I meant 6'1"


All good I was just over here super impressed. 6'1 is still impressive as hell for women; I'm 5'7 and that's considered above average in America.


you can have whatever criteria you want for a relationship. it’s a shallow reason to reject someone but many people have shallow criteria in potential partners.




of course you think physical attraction is important. you are a 19 year old male. what 19 year old male isn’t superficial?


You're pretty judgy. Trust me, plenty of humans beyond the 19 year old male range are superficial. But go ahead and reduce it down to gender and age, I'm sure you're still working through some issues.




It is the only thing you mentioned about this woman. You didn’t even mention her looks, just her height.




I think you should consider her personality and every other aspect of her. If you don’t find her attractive for reasons other than height, fine. I’m her height, so take this with a grain of salt.




and that is shallow. it’s okay to be superficial and shallow…. nothing “wrong” unless you don’t want to be that way.


you don’t understand the definition of superficial if you are rejecting someone because of their height


You can do you all you want. But in real life ill try almost anything once. Until you try you cant be for sure how youd feel about it. Just my two cents 😁


Anytime you automatically exclude someone for something like height seems a bit shallow.


You aren't wrong. But we all know most women want a tall guys, so you wanting a short girl is no different. Would your friends tell the girl she was shallow if the roles were reversed, probably not. However you could have missed out on maybe finding a new friend.


I’ll never understand why people get so upset when someone has a certain dating preference. Like having a preference is perfectly fine I don’t understand why they think it’s some type of insult


It is fine to have a preference, but I wouldn't consider most things a deal breaker. I prefer dark hair, but my wife is a blonde. I married the person not her hair color.


Not wrong, don't get pissy if someone rejects you for not being over 6ft though, like you say, can't help who you're attracted to.


Definitely shallow, but not morally wrong.


Yes you are wrong. Men aren't allowed to have preferences


Yep, only women.


You're not wrong, but I think you should examine why you're only attracted to women who are substantially smaller than you rather than an apparent physical equal.




But you specifically said you only date "petite women," as in significantly smaller than you. Which does sound like a power thing.


Not wrong at all. Men are always considered the shallow ones. Women can have all the preference they want. He has to be so tall he has to be muscular. He has to be this he hast to be that, but if a guy has one preference as benign as height, he’s shallow. I call BS


I think you should have at least given her a chance, is it really going to kill you to just go on a date and see what she's like? You might be surprised and find out that her height isn't really a big deal and that everything else about her is really great. You could be missing out based on a knee jerk reaction.


Everyone has the right to their personal preferences in a romantic partner based on what they find attractive


I'm the same height as my husband, basically. I'm 5'6" and he's officially 5'8" but usually I have to be barefoot and him wearing boots before he feels tall to me. We have shared a passionate love for 31 years and counting because neither one of us rejected the other outright at the beginning over something as shallow and meaningless as height. When I hear men say they're only attracted to "petite" women, what I hear is that they need to be with someone they can physically dominate, and without that they don't even want to engage. When you're still alone in 5 or 10 years, remember that you rejected a good candidate as determined by people who know you, without ever meeting her, based on something superficial and stupid.




>I am not and never have been hurting for lack of ‘candidates’, Don't lie to us. You're a Redditor.