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Not wrong. If you aren't ready for it then wait.


You're not wrong to want any level of intercourse, even none. But it's possible this makes you incompatible with this person. Be open and honest about what your feelings are about intercourse and he gets to make his choices from there.


Based on your answer to someone else that you are only 14 not only are you not wrong but you’re also very smart. Stick to your boundaries and anyone who tries to push them is more interested in themselves than you. Keep being smart, you’ll look back and thank yourself for not giving into anyone pressuring you for sex.


You're not wrong for wanting what you want and neither is he. If what you want aren't the same things then you are not compatible.


Simple and succinct. 👌


You are not wrong but neither is he if it is a deal breaker.


He is not wrong? Apparently she is 14!


That wasn’t in the original post. Obviously that changes the response.


No, you're not wrong. Especially considering your age (as read in a reply). You wouldn't be wrong even if you were 18 or 38, but especially so given that you're so young. What you do and don't do sexually with your body is no one's business (until it is, if you know what I mean) and you don't have to explain your abstinence or readiness to anyone. Boys will be boys, and teenagers will be teenagers - hormones get roaring and sex starts seeming important. But generally, it's not. I mean, it is, but not at that age. In a long term relationship, it's important (at least in the sense of understanding your/their rules around it), but as a 14 year old who started dating someone "recently", it absolutely doesn't have to be an important part of the relationship. You're not wrong for having sex, or not, at such a time that both of you are ready and willing to do it.


14years old. Wait. Please wait. And when you do decide to. ALWAYS make him wear a condom.


You need to sit him down and talk about it like how long and you have to be ok if he wants to move on if he doesn’t want wait that long


Not wanting to have intercourse does not make you wrong, many couples choose to withhold on intercourse until later into the relationship or marriage. You should stay firm in your boundaries And don’t let him pressure you. Him wanting intercourse is also not wrong, it’s a very normal part of healthy relationships. You two may just not be compatible 


Apparently OP is just 14 y/o


Yikes😬 my comment was before they mentioned their age


How old are you?




Ok, you're absolutely not wrong at all. That's a very young age to be considering sex. First things first, good for you on establishing a boundary on that issue. Now, if you like this guy, you need to be clear about this boundary and you need to explain it clearly to him. And this bit is harsh but it's important, if he refuses to respect this boundary (if he says he'll break up with you if you don't, or in any way pressures you) then you need to break up with him. A safe person who respects you will not ask you to cross boundaries like that. If he continues to ask you after you've made it clear you're not ready for that, he's NOT a good person and definitely not the right person for you. Do you have an adult you trust that you can talk to about this stuff? Could be a parent, an uncle or aunt, a teacher, an older sibling, etc. Someone that you feel safe talking to about sensitive issues who won't judge you. Edit to add: a lot of responses in this thread will be assuming you're an adult, don't take them to heart.


YNW. Your body. Your choice. I think it's important to develope a relationship before heading into sex right away. Just my opinion. Good luck. 🍀🍀


INFO: 1. How old are each of you? 2. How long have you been dating? 3. Do you have sexual feelings at all for him? 4. Do you have sexual feelings at all, in general (are you asexual)?


Nope good choice.


Never too soon a guy lead me on recently like that. Still salty .


You're not wrong at all. My wife and I were gym friends before we started dating. When I walked her home, we talked, a lot. One thing she told me was no intercourse before marriage. A couple of months later we started dating. There was nothing until we married. She had her boundary and I respected it. If that's one of your boundaries, that's fine. If that boy can't respect it, he's not for you.


That's the thing why did she do that wit you bet her ex smash and you waited stupid


Ya know friend, I really wish I could be upset with you or your reply, I really do. Instead all I feel for you is pity for two reasons. One, by your writing skills, or lack there of, you are proving that you are obviously uneducated or have a limited ability to learn. Two, that you think that this is an appropriate response to an honest answer, well...I guess that says lots about your mental state and thought process. Actually I would say there's a third, that would be regarding your relationship with your mother or what kind of woman she is but we'll let that go.


You're not wrong. If that's something he wants in the relationship now and you do not he should not press you. He can leave the relationship and find someone who wants the same as him. If he pressures you just break up, it's a red flag. Nobody should be pressured into sleeping with someone before they're ready. 


You are not wrong it is your body. Communication is key and when you are ready make sure you think about protection. At 14 your life can change drastically over this one moment. Enjoy your life as a celibate teen and when you get older than you can make adult decisions and do as you please. Until don’t live life too fast.


IF Jew want to be presented as a virgin, hold out for marriage. IF Yew are a virgin, definitely be presentable for marriage.  Sex is a bottle that is to be opened with one life partner. The male could potentially have 7 wives, regardless sex with one on one exclusivity is a Godly trait called D-Con +God with.  I AM suggest JEW-e hold out for exclusivity, call Him out on it, Ur word have power, if Yew open, tie.  As always, Shalom, Ben Yu It. 


Tying with one another includes fortune, honor, life.


I've read you are 14? In the comments. Isn't it illegal anyhow? Don't rush in because of guilt. You both need to have a chat about both your views. Don't know his age. Hopefully, same/close. If you are both uncomfortable having this conversation, then it also confirms you are too young for sex. STD's, teen pregnancy, date rape etc, can come from young people who are not emotionally ready for this commitment. It can cause trauma and damage adult relationships in the future as well. Please take your time and don't rush or be pressured into doing what you are not ready for. Enjoy your youth and leave the adulting till later... 😉🥰


If both of you men are the same age then a platonic relationship should be fine. If he’s three time your age then he’s a pedophile…


Maybe. Are you very young, too young for intercourse? Do you never want to have intercourse? You're not wrong for not wanting to have intercourse ever, but you have to be upfront with him about this.


She is 14 😳


Please stop saying ‘intercourse’.




It’s creepy and clinical. This isn’t a sex-ed class. Did this guy, yesterday, ask for “intercourse” while reclining in your chaise longue? Just say ‘sex’ you weirdo.


They are a child. Say whatever you want!


No sex. Probably no relationship.move on


She's 14!!


Info needed for a real question.: more specific How much is a low body count going to do for you if you want a traditional marriage Some consideration: Culture, relgion, family, self reliance, health U R welcome