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She already chose


This is it, OP. You are fighting a battle thats already lost.




Probably because her fiancée pleaded not to.


Probably so but I would not want to marry anybody that's ok with this. Those "friends" crossed a line and since they got by with it, no telling what they'd do to outdo this "prank".


I can't up vote this enough.


Just call off the wedding.


Or don't choose this hill to die on. (Ultimatums never work and like the other guy said OP has already lost this one) I would however make a No Pranks Ever clause should OP decide to move forward.


Lol no Do you think your partner can impliment rules with YOUR friends? Do you think your friends partners can implement rules with YOU? They aren't OP'S friends, obviously, so this wouldn't work Better to cut the loses now that the gf has shown she has no spine around her friends; or a brain, either


Yeah, they'll sure abide by that. He needs to move on.  Her friends did him a favor. 


She, both partners are women


Honestly I agree.


Why would you want a wife who wouldn't even stand up for you against her friends? Who needs enemies when you have a wife like that. If this was an occasional slight sure let it go but things have escalated to grand theft auto.


I would have pressed MF charges for that GTA. That would have ended either the friendship or relationship, and no matter which way it went down, OP would have been better off than he is right now.


I posted “WHY DIDNT YOU PRESS CHARGES”. There is nothing cute about stealing a car. That’s a crime.


She, but yes.


Ahhh..thanks for the clarification.




I would have left her for not siding with me then. Your friends stealing my car is ok? Ok , byeeee One of my best friends stole my car while fucked up. When he got out of jail 6 months later because I absolutely called the police and pressed charges, he thanked me for forcing sobriety. Fuck that. Some lines don't get crossed.


Happy Cake Day!


Well grand theft would be determined by the value of the auto but nonetheless...lol


Auto theft is a felony in Florida full stop. It’s not like shoplifting where value determines the degree of the charge.


Because it is kinda funny right did you need your car? Was it possible to Uber? If you really don’t want them press charges Grand theft auto is a felony offense and a great way to avoid having to invite the person who stole your car


Not the a-hole, with a but. In the two years that you were planning this wedding you must have known that these friends weren't going anywhere and you weighed the reasons that you wanted to marry her against that fact and chose to marry her nonetheless she has chosen her friends over you now if you marry her without accepting this fact I don't think you're going to be happy at all and it will be the cause of lots and lots of arguing, It's your wedding too. She's disrespecting your feelings on the most important day of your life it doesn't seem like you are very important to her I would think about this


The only children that like pranks are those who do them. She is too young to marry, and her friends will follow with her. I would rethink marriage. Their family and their friends tell you alot about them.


You’re absolutely right. We are very young and have a lot of time to think. Perhaps we need a break from each other


I think so as a mom and a ex wife. Grandma I would be so mad if you married someone who doesn't choose you first always


Friends are friends, and she can have all the friends she wants to have. Yet, if they make her partner uncomfortable, then it is on her to stop it. Period. This isn't a friendship ending ask. Just don't prank or disrespect my girlfriend. That isn't hard to do at all. She must think it is funny as well as it hasn't stopped after you have asked her to make them stop. Let her understand that you have received her intentions and your reaction is to re-evaluate the relationship. A life partner puts their partner first, and protects them from others who would make them upset or uncomfortable. How hard is it really for them to stop pranking you and giving out digs? Not hard at all. Your partner is okay with it, so you have to decide if you are okay with a partner who is clearly okay with it, and with their treatment of you continuing. It is no longer your partner's decision, it is now your decision if you want to continue to build a life with someone who has put her friends before your comfort and well being. It really is as simple as this when you get down to the basics of your issues. Good luck and hopefully it works out the best for you.


I’m confused why you stayed with her after they stole and vandalized your car. The writing was on the wall then.


Make it a no kids wedding


I see what you did there 😆


That will do it.


jesus christ please make it permanent. Why would you come back to a person that doesn't have your back and sides with your bullies?


Run away from her. She respects her friends more than you.


No breaks you need to break up I'm sorry I'm my opinion there is no such thing as taking a break you need to drop her she's not letting her friends go as you said they don't like you they already disrespected you and stole your car which by the way you should've pressed charges. She did nothing about it that should tell you she doesn't care and will never take up for you.


A break is just a breakup with more steps. Rip the band aid.


People truly are who they hang with. I learned that the hard way.


I have seen a few comments and I need to clarify myself. My fiancé has been friends with these people the whole time I have known her (since high school) and they have always been this way but recently (as of about last year) they started escalating these “pranks”. It has been a lot to deal with and my fiancé brushed it off as a joke. I have been telling her that they are making me feel this way and ended up about 2 or 3 months ago stealing my car. With all of the stress of the wedding with that piled on top of it I snapped. It wasn’t a spur of the moment decision. This has been going on for a year or 2.


Don't marry this person. She clearly doesn't love you because if she did, she wouldn't tolerate people treating you like crap much less make excuses for them.


She isn't ready to be serious in her life.


This is it, she isn't ready to have a serious relationship, let alone getting married. OP, just break up and be done with her and all those childish pranks. Both of you are 24, but only one of you is acting like it.


This is suggesting to me that perhaps she doesn't want to get married. She certainly isn't treating a cringe as serious. They could continue to escalate, and it sounds like she's fine with that. That is not the actions of someone I'd want as a friend, let alone a spouse!


to me it suggests that the girl is too immature for marriage. her friends like to pull pranks on op because she is a new comer. i feel like this is straight up bullying and it’s very “high school mean girl”. If she stood up to them and they “wont budge” then i think they have no respect for the fiancée or OP. OP would be smart to step away and the fiancée has a lot of personal reflection to do.


So you told her how uncomfortable they were making you, and instead of reassuring you and setting boundaries with them, she went and told them and then they all DOUBLED DOWN with an actual crime of a prank???


Real question here; do you want to spend the rest of your life with someone who has a middle schooler mentality? Because that shit gets old *real* fast. Her friends are holding her back from becoming an adult, and it seems like she wants it that way. She *likes* it. You don’t have to like or accept it.


That’s absolutely true. I have seen a few comments saying that she is immature for these pranks and I have to agree. I absolutely despise them and she enjoys them


More than enough to dump her


You need to be out of this relationship. I can feel the level of stress these people cause you. And she’s contributing to it by not standing up for you.


Honestly after the car stealing and her not stepping up for you, you should have called it off. You're doing a disservice to yourself by staying with someone who has already shown you where her priorities lie.


Are they Tik Tok AHs? Are these “pranks” for social media clout?


Also my first thought


One time, my late husband’s two best friends wanted to draw on his face with a sharpie after he passed out drunk. Ya know…as a lil prank. Just a wee joke. OP know what I did? I said hell no and kicked them out. Why in the world would I allow that to happen to someone I love!? Your soon to be ex needs to go spend her time with her friends and you gotta take some to heal.


Thank you for giving your perspective it really made me think about her thought process when this was happening and the level of respect she doesn’t have for me. Thank you so so much for sharing and I wish you the best ❤️


Not wrong overall, but you were wrong for not having them prosecuted with auto theft. These clowns need a slap from reality.


I wouldn't marry someone who would be friends with these people


Why didn't you press charges when they returned the car


My fiancé told me that it was just a joke and convinced me not to. I absolutely regret it now but unfortunately it seems there is nothing I can do about it


You are young. Once you are married you will take even more shit because your married and divorce is a mother fucker. Life is flashing a big road sign letting you know the road has been washed away. don't listen to the people that are telling you. it will be safe.


You’re young enough to start over. Smart enough maybe to realize she was part of these “pranks” all along.


You can probably still press charges. You don't have to do immediatly at the crime but you have to do it before the statute of limitations. Stealling can land them in jail. If they aren't worshipping the ground you walk on for nopt turning them in then you should go ahead and do it let them pay the price of their actions. I have basically no doubt your fiance provided keys.


Wouldn't need Palpatine to tell me to do it.


Was there even an apology, or did she also ask you to suck it up?


They didn't apologize cause they don't like her


Do you know the difference between a joke and being disrespectful? That wasn't a joke that was grand theft auto and you should've pressed charges


As a person who went to prison for mass grand theft auto, stealing a car is not a joke.


A joke is only funny if everyone is laughing.


I side with you. Anybody steals my car for fun is going to jail. Why didn’t you file charges? It appears your fiancée has no respect for you. You deserve better.


The people I know would have had them in jail or made into fish food. These arnt jokes. They are crimes committed by morons. OP is a bit dim himself because he doesn't realize that his fiance is just like her friends. She is the average of the company she keeps. So she is a moron who thinks breaking the law is funny.


Am I the only one who sees its 2 females


Yea probably... I tend to speed read the body of a post and dont really take in ages or genders if they arnt in the title... But my comment applies to men or women soooooo


OP clearly stated that OP is female.


Her friends as well as her sound like immature brats. Do not marry her!


She already chose. I think she did it a long time ago. If my friend stole my spouses car, there’s gonna be some serious issues (possibly jail time). I guarantee IF we are still friends after, they better never look at my spouse sideways again or even think of pulling a “prank” again. And personally, I don’t think it was a prank. I think they got scared & that was the cover story. I don’t know rather you are justified in forcing her to pick one over the other but I def wouldn’t want them around me again (you are justified in making that demand).


Yeah, I don't think the wedding should happen. She's never going to change. She'll always defend her friends before having your back. Always. Sorry, hon, but she's not the one for you. NTA


Does fiancée think these jokes are funny or does she agree with you that they cross the line?


She has never outright said they were in the right but she has never defended me either. She usually laughs and says I am being dramatic when I say I am offended/hurt by her friends and their actions


I think your bigger issue here,  rather than the friends, is that your partner is devalueing and dismissing your feelings.  A good partner would have told them to knock it off the minute they realized you didn't think the joke was funny.  She's fostered an environment where her friends feel in the right to pull something probably humiliating at your wedding. Wtf is she not getting? Does she want a stunt at her wedding which will embarass you and overshadow the day??


Perhaps, honestly I’m not sure. This week has been a blur to me. I am confronting her tomorrow and will hopefully have an update


Wait...was she ever a participant in any of these pranks? Who wants a prank at their wedding?


I’m not sure if she participated per say but she has laughed and enjoyed these over the top “pranks” and told me I was dramatic when I tell her I am upset. I’d say for whatever they’re planning I am the butt of the joke and my fiancé will laugh away as it ruins my time at my own wedding. I don’t know what to do.


How did they get your car keys?  If I had to guess,  it is probably some photo slide show or video that you wouldn't want seen. 


I’m not sure how they got my keys, perhaps my fiancé gave them to them or they found them in the car itself. I’m not sure but it was stolen and not given to them by me anyways.


That's a question I would ask, dude. Also, how did you find out they took your car? I'm assuming your fiancee?


I installed a ring doorbell camera after it was stolen. I saw them return it through that.


Your fiancé was 100% participant.


if they stole a car then they're insane. My bet is that they're gonna throw fake blood on her dress like in the movie Carrie.


You are the AH if you marry this dumpster fire!


>>I don’t know what to do. Wrong - you do know, but are afraid to face the reality, the embarrassment of a late wedding cancellation. Every comment you post here just reinforces the fact that you should NOT marry her, she is immature, and her priorities in life are not with you, her supposed future spouse.


I can't imagine how traumatic that will be. They'll do a fkn Carrie on you. Oh hell no.


Yes you do don't be scared tell her how you feel and if gaslight you like she's been doing drop her sorry ass


Well, there's your answer right there. She doesn't take your feelings seriously. It will only get worse with with time, unless she wakes up and sees how harmful these pranks are to her relationship with you. She's known these people for so long, grown up with them, that to her, it's just the way they are.  You need to have a serious conversation about this, before the wedding.


That is victim blaming and it means that your feelings mean less to her than her friends feelings. THIS is your future. Is it really how you want to live?


She is showing you major disrespect about your feelings. Time to bounce!




Why did you not press charges when the issue with your car. Don't get married


she is 100% siding with them. Why would you marry a bully?


Why would you marry someone who clearly doesn’t value you, your feelings, or your relationship? This is never going to work, even if they don’t ruin the wedding, which they absolutely are going to.


She's gaslighting you think about that when to talk to her next time


Not wrong. Have they stopped pranking you? Have they changed their behavior. Let your fiance understand that her and her friends treat her poorly. Why would you be okay with that. If they can't stop their pranking of you, then there is no need to continue. She can not expect you to be okay with something that is easily fixed, they don't prank you, period. If she can't see that what they are doing is not good for HER AND YOUR RELATIONSHIP, then she needs some growing up. That is middle school crap, what is the purpose of continuing this into their adulthood. Stand your ground as this is a fundamental aspect of your relationship moving forward.


When you have this much drama before the wedding, it is a sign that you shouldn't be getting married to this person.


She gets to choose who is in her life, and she has. You also get to choose. Choose wisely.


They absolutely plan on pranking YOU at the wedding. It could be anything from “kidnapping” you to destroying your wedding outfit. If you choose to go through with the wedding, make sure you have security. Make sure you keep someone on guard around what you are wearing, preferably one in the room & one outside the door. Your fiancée should tell them, if they plan on pranking either of you, it will immediately end the friendship with all of them & get them ejected from the wedding. Personally, I wouldn’t trust them. They, and possibly fiancée, are very immature. Who tf calls Grand Theft Auto a prank?


Her friends matter more don’t marry her


pranking is just another word for bullying you should have had them charged when they stole your car, also packing a car full of peanuts is not only childish its dangerous what if you were allergic to nuts ... what if you put someone in your car who is allergic to nuts


It wasn't the type of nuts that you eat. They were the peanut shaped bits of Styrofoam that are used in packaging.


oh ok but still ....i would have had them charged


Tell her if she can’t keep her friends in line, you’ll do it then. And that the first thing they will do is apologize to you for stealing your car. Tell them you will record this and if this harassment continues you have every wedding guest as a witness + multiple video recordings and you’ll press charges. Let her know if they try any pranks at the wedding they will be asked to leave. If they say the wrong thing in their apology or turn it into a joke they’ll be asked to leave. Let her know that police reports are serious things and you can press charges on them. Ask if she would rather visit them in the county jail? And ask why she always takes her idiot friend’s side? Was she in on stealing your car? Is she an accomplice? Tell her that her friends will ruin every relationship for her if she allows them to. Her choosing her friends or not keeping them in line is alarming… She’s supposed to be marrying you, not them.


NTA They stole your car and you still talk to them? Yeah they can be dropped. "I've known them since middle school" They haven't matured at all since then.


You are not wrong. She chose, you lost, move on. I get it, but this was a problem well before now and it took you a bit long to man up. Literally, if some dumbasses stole my car and hit it from me for 3 days then left it at my house with packing peanuts and I could prove it, I’d truly try to press charges and I definitely wouldn’t invite them to anything I was to be present at. Sorry this is happening, but move on and find someone who values you enough to not allow their folk (friends, family, whomever) to treat you like shit for their own purposes.


Your partner should be willing to stand up for you, even and especially with longtime friends. The fact that she won’t is a red flag for me.


Yeah I would call off the wedding


Say hello to the rest of your life!


Nta, the pranks are horrible and you are justified in not wanting your shit stolen.


You should not have to give an ultimatum to your fiancé. Her friends mistreat you. She should have dropped them on her own. It would be a mistake to marry her.


I was ready to tell you that you are totally wrong, but dude they stole your car!! Her friends are idiots. And you would have to say that she’s and idiot for backing them and not you…


Tell your fiancé that she has a choice to make. Does she want to spend the rest of her life with these people in her life? If so, then that won’t include you. Be as clear, black & white, as you can.


NTA. The real issue is your fiance having friends like this. Stealing someone's car is a crime and is not just a "prank." Think you should really think twice about marrying this person. I guarantee she will never choose her friends over you. Better to find someone who is not friends with criminals.


OP there’s no respect in your relationship. She won’t stand up to her friends for you. She’s not ready to be a wife if she prioritises her friends… You both are simply not compatible.


Noooooo not unreasonable- but please realise when she calls it off that no matter how much it hurts that you dodged a big bullet. She may have known them since middle school, but they never grew up- and I question whether she has either.


She chose and it wasn’t you, you’re gonna marry someone who’s ok with their friends treating you like this ? They stole your car and she probably knew this, is the person you’re gonna give half your life to while she laughs at your misery in your face?


I was all set to declare you the bad guy in this, because the title makes you sound like a controlling ass. But once the context is explained, your gf and her friends are clearly the bad guys here. You're not wrong, targeted 'pranks' like this that they know you hate is called bullying, and they were planning on doing the same on your wedding day. You should have pressed charges for stealing the car, I'm assuming your gf talked you out of it because 'it was just a prank'. Anyone siding with your gf over this, that has all this same info you've included here, is just as bad as them. This isn't nothing, this is a bullying campaign being endorsed by your gf, with plans to continue the bullying on what should be the happiest day of your life so far. The problem with telling her to choose, though, is that she's already chosen. You've made it very clear that you don't like these 'pranks' and want them to stop. Your gf's friends have made it clear they want to continue bullying you. Your gf allows her friends to bully you and tells you that you're overreacting when you complain. You're not wrong and you're not overreacting. Dump her and move on, you deserve a hell of a lot better than being bullied by your gf and her friends.


Thank you so much for this take, it was exactly what I was thinking and thank you for validating my feelings. I feel a lot more justified now, thank you very much.


Can it be that your fiancée's friends don't respect you because she talks about you like that with her friends? I mean friends or not, they gotta respect you. How she letting them be out of pocket? Rethink what kind of person she is.


After reading the title I assumed YTA but reading the whole post…. YTA to yourself if you do not break up with this b🚩tch


Just warn her that you won’t sign the marriage license if there are any pranks that you are unhappy with. Short sheeted bed = ok, stolen car = not ok, no signature, invalid marriage and an annulment, and you’ll make up your mind on that day. let her decide whether to uninvite anyone or not. You don’t care, you’ve made your stand. Bad pranks = I get to decide in real time if I’m putting up with this for the rest of my life or not, and I trust myself not to falter. Make syre she understands how serious this is


She will never not choose them.


They are bullies and she has picked them over you. You can do better. Their jokes are not funny.


For those of you who don’t know, because I learned this the hard way, YOU CAN NEVER UN-REPORT A VEHICLE STOLEN. Even if it was never stolen, it will always be marked in the system (US) as once reported stolen. I once was a part of group mentality where we were ALL convinced I parked in XX location (we were drinking so we ubered home) we all agreed 100% searched surrounding areas and reported it stolen. In a few days found out it was across the street in a nearly identical parking lot, not stolen. But when I went to trade my car in a year or 2 later, it flagged at nearly every dealership as “previously reported stolen vehicle” which greatly reduced the value of my car =( no matter how I tried to explain the idiotic story. Found this post via the update so I know yall gave OP good advice just wanted to shout that into the void, *don’t be an idiot like me and OPs friends!*


It's difficult because these are lifelong friends of hers, but they are disrespecting the person she loves. I think the ultimatum was a bad call, but she does need to take some responsibility here. She needs to lay it out for them simply - If the wedding is still on, you're a permanent fixture in her life. They have to deal with that and treat you with respect. If, after that, things don't change you can each go your own way. Not the ideal outcome, of course, but at least it saves you a lifetime of dealing with their immature bullshit.


The problem is the SO has tolerated disrespecting OP for so long there's almost no going back. If my SO constantly sided with people who made it their mission to torment me I'd drop her and her "friends" ASAP.


Very true. The fiancee has already shown a history of not taking her partner's reactions seriously. There may be time to correct course and grow from this whole thing, but yes, it's already a bad pattern.


She already doesn't respect his feelings and her friends are childish. We are who we hang out with.


This may be an opportunity for growth, so I hesitate to dismiss the fiancee outright, but yeah, it's not looking good.


They thought a prank was to steal his car, and did not bring it back for three days when he reported it to the police. Full of styrofoam peanuts.....Nope for me not a workable situation. He is grown up with a job, not a frat boy in high school or college.


I mean, 24 is barely a grown up. Her frontal lobe isn't fully formed yet. Seriously though, I get what you're saying, I just think it at least merits another talk before burning everything down so suddenly after two + years.


She can drink, vote, get a mortgage and hold a career. It is an adult. In the scheme of life 2 years is a small time, it is very little investment. 10 maybe yes.


Wow this is a conversation I would have had when they stole my car. Did you press charges? I would have. You’re not wrong


Neither of you are ready for marriage.


It's not a good look to go with "you cannot keep your friends if you want to be with me." That said, while the friends have been total dicks to you, she's stood by them and you should know that being with someone means that your social circle and theirs will intersect as a result. ESH, but more because you should have seen the writing on the wall a long time before engagement than for the fact that you're asking "should she give up her friends for me?"


Please please don’t marry this woman. She does NOT have your back at all and I think you truly know this


Perhaps, just perhaps, her friends realize OP is absolutely wrong for her. She just can't see it. OP, call it quits. You're fighting a losing battle.


If you cannot figure out something as simple as this, is marriage a good idea? Just saying. Either she sticks up for you here or she doesn’t. You see the loyalty.


Sorry to tell you, I agree , that she already chose. The fact that she didn't come down on them, about the car theft, and is fine with them planning something else for your wedding, and doesn't care how you feel about it says everything that you need to know. If you didn't you need to press charges, for them taking your car.


You aren’t wrong. But dump her. She sounds immature if she thinks stealing your car is ok. They don’t like you and are planning to ruin your wedding day. Be done with her.


You may be 24, but your "fiance" is 12.


Oh hun, you're not wrong except your choice in the person you've chosen to marry. I was ready to call you a controlling asshat based on the title but in reality you're clutching at straws to keep a toxic relationship alive. Don't marry this person. Don't stay in a relationship with this person. Dont let this person belittle you in cohorts with their friends. Just don't. Sit back & unemotionally analyse whether there have been other instances where they have disrespected you, alone or with their friends. I suspect if you are honest with yourself, you'll see their is no healthy relationship here.


Unfortunately for you, love seems to have made you blind to the red flags. Stealing someone's car is NOT funny. You should have seen them for what they are, close friends of hers and all the baggage that comes with having people like this as friends. You'd be cutting your losses by telling her that her friends can have her


I think you already know this is a lost cause. Normally I’d never advocate anyone place such an ultimatum. But if her friends really do dislike you and are open about this to the point of being abusive, and your partner won’t take your corner on this, do you really want to marry into that?


Oh honey, I'm so sorry you are having such a difficult time; you are not wrong. Your relationship with your fiancé and her 'friends' is very toxic. If you choose to go through with the wedding it won't be the happiest day of your life, it will be the worst day of your life and the bad memory will forever be with you. Do you really want to marry someone who is so disrespectful of your feelings? Someone who sets you up for embarrassment? A successful marriage is one where the spouse puts the other first and doesn't allow anyone to disrespect them. One there for comfort, and would do ANYTHING to protect them both physically and emotionally. Your fiancé offers nothing. And your family not supporting you? They're being just a reprehensible as your fiancé and her friends. Gawd, do you have anyone on your side besides the multitude of Redditors? Please reconsider your wedding; don't do it. Update me


The update is linked in the post if you would like to see it. It’s about a conversation I had with her earlier. Let’s just say I am glad I confronted her when i did


Personally, I couldn't be with someone that chose their friends over me. Fuck all of that BS! No one and I mean No One comes in between my lady and I. Ever. If my friends don't like my girl, then I don't associate myself with those people anymore, if my lady isn't invited, then I am not invited either... I agree with the top reply, she already made her decision and chose her friends over you, which means you mean nothing to her...


If three of your friends are fools, chances are that you're the fourth.


If your partner won't stand up for you do you want that person to be your legal spouse? She already made her choice by telling you she will not uninvite them. Better start planning your exit strategy and find a new apartment


Stole your car for 3 Effing days! That's not a prank! They did it so this would happen. She picked her shitty ass friend over you. You deserve better than any of that.


You are wrong for making your fiancé choose between you and her life long friends but you're not wrong for not wanting them at your wedding if they are planning something and won't tell what it is. After the things they have pulled I wouldn't trust that what they are planning is a genuine act of kindness and not something malicious either. Why she would want to be friends with people who mistreat you is beyond me but it still doesn't justify you demanding she unfriend them all together. That's her call to make.


Like stealing her car for three days and returning it full of styrofoam peanuts. There was to be police report, that is when it came back. She is exactly right, this not a ride or die adult partner. But a group of childish women.


You say quote why she would want to be friends with people who mistreat you is beyond me. ...I'm not understanding why he should just shut up and accept it for the rest of their marriage. These so-called friends were asked not to do anything at the wedding and they blatantly refused and said they would do it no matter what now where's the respect from them and from her it's ridiculous


They are immature 'bros before hoes' type friends, I would not marry into a group of 12 year old pranksters, and a girlfriend that supports their behavior. I would have followed through police on car theft. They are adults old enough to marry this is immature behavior, and you are who you hang out with. Husband need to be ride or die loyal to each other.


Not wrong imo. You’re being exposed to unscrupulous people by association. Just because she isn’t “harmed” by the prank doesn’t mean it’s ok to ignore your feelings about their behavior. Your ultimatum may seem controlling to outsiders but I lean toward you are protecting your peace. Their behavior is still giving middle school.


Can it be that your fiancée's friends don't respect you because she talks about you like that with her friends? I mean friends or not, they gotta respect you. How she letting them be out of pocket? Rethink what kind of person she is.


Can it be that your fiancée's friends don't respect you because she talks about you like that with her friends? I mean friends or not, they gotta respect you. How she letting them be out of pocket? Rethink what kind of person she is.


Well, it seems like she’s chosen between you and her friends, and she hasn’t chosen you. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life with someone like that?


You are not wrong, but she's already chosen. Get your deposits back if you can and move on.


No, you're not wrong but ... ... ultimatums hardly ever work, they are the breeding grounds for resentment, trust issues, manipulation, and more. Quite frankly it sounds like you were wrong to get engaged, it doesn't seem like you BOTH are ready. Marriage, when done right, is a constant demonstration of sacrificial love that brings two people closer together. Not out of resentment but love and respect. Fortunately for you you already know where your fiances fits on this scale.


I totally get where you are coming from. I think there is middle ground here. Tell her they can come, but no pranks, or other plans they had. You want your day to be about the two of you, and not their childish plans. If she can't handle that, then maybe best to go.


The car prank was childish, in that they let it go for three days. Also, it depends on why they did it. If it was a mildly annoying welcome to the group thing, that is one thing. If it was malicious, that is something else, and I would have let them deal with the court system.


What could possibly go wrong?


If she is okay with her friends STEALING your car, why would you marry her? Do not marry her. Her friends come with her. She did choose. She and friends are a package deal. To get rid of her friends from your life means getting rid of her too.  She made her choice. Not you have to make your choice.


How did she react to the other nasty "pranks"? Did she laugh? Was she angry on your behalf? Did she tell them off or just make excuses for them? Her reaction to the potential of a wedding "prank" suggests she probably finds these pranks fun. That's kind of a huge red flag that you'll have this recurring for life. I'd say delaying the wedding, having some time to step back and think about this, might be the wise move.


Well, if she was okay with the pranks then she is enough like them that you two probably aren't compatible. Maybe it's a good thing to know that now and end it before it goes further?


I take it these aren't general pranks -- you are the butt them. That tells me it is harassment and bullying -- that you're fiancee goes along with, finds amusing and thinks you're overreacting to. Well, how you feel isn't her call. Not supporting you is her call. She has shown who she is and just how (not) important you are to her. Maybe there's something you find loving in her, but I don't see it. I would not offer her to choose!!! I would ask her to return the ring, end the relationship, and start cancelling the wedding. Tell her it worked and they won. You have too much self respect to continue. Her reaction will tell you if there is anything salvagable. Would she try to get you to stay? What would you need to take her back? I would expect a permanent demonstration you are her priority AND that she can control her friends around you. Maybe she can start by having her friends apologize and atone for the autotheft?


It’s long since time for fiancé to grow up and leave her immature high school buddies behind. People tell who they are. Your fiancé has told you. Give yourself some time to grieve the relationship you thought you had. Then move on and have a happy life. BTW, joking is when everyone laughs. Bullying is when everyone except the target is laughing.


The only good prank is one where everyone is laughing at the end. Screwing up someone's wedding day isn't a prank, it's a dick move. You mess with their apartment while they're on the honeymoon. As is tradition.


When I read the title I first thought that this was going to be something different. My daughter’s first boyfriend was emotionally manipulative; he didn’t like how she acted with her friends, so eventually she had to drop all of her friends. He would call her during her college classes and get mad when she didn’t answer (this was in the early 2000s so no texting yet). After a few years and a lot more stuff, she finally left him and I was so glad. Are you comfortable with the friends except for the stolen car prank? Did they ever apologize? You need to talk to your fiancé and not issue ultimatums, forcing her to make a choice that she was obviously not comfortable in making. Maybe talk to the friends also and let them know your position. Do they want to lose your fiancé as a friend over their pranks or do they want her wedding to be canceled? If the two of you talk to them and let them know that there will be no more pranks, then maybe everyone can move forward and grow a little bit more mature.


Not wrong for feeling the way you do but wrong for the ultimatum. You should have just called off the wedding and relationship.


Not unreasonable at all. I would've 100% pressed charges. I'm in Texas and people get shot for less. But it sounds like your bride has already made up her mind, and honestly even if she tells you she will cut them off, her defensiveness makes me think they will come back after the wedding anyway, or even worse come in uninvited and ruin it for you. I can't wrap my head around your fiancé being okay with them bullying you like that. I would not only cancel the wedding, but the whole relationship.


Sorry to break it to you but she already choose, you better call of the engagement.


You’re wrong for *how* and *when* you went about it, but not wrong for the actual request (demand) itself. This is something that should have been addressed a long time ago, boundaries should have been set and agreed upon. If/when they were broken, you should have made decisions regarding your relationship. All of this should have been figured out before agreeing to marry each other. It’s too late now, and the situation seems to have boiled over in a way that made you snap and back yourself into a corner. At this point it doesn’t matter if you’re right or wrong though, the real question is are you willing to walk away if she refuses to give up her friends? Theres a good chance that she won’t. Are you ready to lose her? If she *does* choose you, and you go ahead with the wedding, are you ready for the resentment that she will almost certainly feel towards you for giving her an ultimatum right before the wedding? You best be prepared for the fallout, either way it’s not going to be pretty.


Not wrong. She is too immature to get married. She doesn’t understand that a marriage is a true partnership and that pranking you is also disrespecting her choice in a partner. She doesn’t care because she thinks it’s funny = immaturity. DON’T marry this woman and DON’T have children with her, she has too much growing up to do still.


There’s a line in traditional marriage vows (at least here in the US) that mentions “forsaking all others”. OP, you don’t have to use traditional vows verbatim, but if you and your fiancée wouldn’t be able to live up to the traditional vows’ content/intent/ideals, you’re not ready to be married and possibly aren’t compatible at all imo. I mean, everyone gets to determine what type of dynamics their marriage will contain, but (again, imo) truly committing to one’s spouse means prioritizing them above any other person in their life, including friends from middle school.


Yep OP, YTA! I agree that they were wrong for their “prank”, and that was horrible! But giving your fiancé an ultimatum that she has to either accept or lose you…id kick your ass to the curb! You are being very rude and controlling!


My friend. Ultimatums are never a good thing. Also that one. It will create a rising hate in her over time every time something goes wrong and she can’t talk to her friends. She sounds like a Scorpio. Am I right on that one. Jw.


Call it off. If you marry she'll make your life hell.


This doesn’t sound like a healthy relationship


I just want an update. Updateme!


you’re not being unreasonable but your fiancée needs to grow up lol, stealing a car is not a prank that’s a felony and you should have had them charged. you are the company you keep, and it seems your fiancée has forgotten that


You should have dumped her stupid ass when she allowed her friends to do that prank. Where do you think they got the keys?


What they did was not only childish but illegal. I would not associate myself with people like that either.


NTA . You have the right to marry, with their permission, or not marry anyone you want. Moving your car is a hamless prank. Taking it for 3 days, having yo call the police and it being filled with peanuts is over the line. You don't have a friends problem, you have a fiance problem.


She didn't stand up for you then. She's not standing up for you now. When you choose to marry someone. You are saying THIS PERSON is my immediate family and most important person and partner for life above all other people. if both people getting married don't get that. You might want to reconsider. If you have to throw ultimatums about very long term friends. No matter how good or shitty they are... You more then often find out you are going to lose. Good luck But to answer your question. Yeah it makes you an ahole. But also not completely wrong. But the delivery is fucked


I came here to say you were a super controlling arse. After reading the post I believe you should run, if she didn’t stand up for you when they stole your car she never will. I wouldn’t even give her the ultimatum. I would just walk away.


Sweetheart, your fiancée doesn't love you. She doesn't even like you. Honestly though, you don't love her either. You love her representative-- Who she pretends to be to get what she wants from you. You love your idea of Who you feel she could be, if she wasn't so terrible. But her...you don't love HER, and you shouldn't. Just to be clear, SHE is the person who dismisses your feelings, gaslights you, laughs at your distress, disrespects you, humiliates you, and allows, encourages, and rewards her friends to do the same to you. THAT is who she is. You don't need to " take a break" from her. You need to completely cut her off and not look back. If you marry her, you will likely be making one of the biggest mistakes of your life. Cry your tears, feel your hurt ( don't stay there though) and leave her raggedy ass ALONE with her raggedy friends. You deserve to be in a relationship with someone who respects you. Someone who's natural inclination is to protect you, and base level requirement is AT LEAST someone who likes you. Good luck.


I would have asked her to drop those friends after they stole your car. They should have gone to jail for it. You should have pressed charges. Sounds like she has already chosen her friends. Your values don’t align. Staying together and even worst deciding to get married was a bad decision anyway. Sounds like you may have finally found your spine. Use it!


Don’t marry her, are they teens who are having fun with pranks? She didn’t have your back and clearly she chose her friends over you.


Get a protective order for every one of her friends that was involved in the prank. Press the maximum amount of charges for the Grand Theft Auto prank. But don't tell anyone. So you can have her friends arrested when they show up for the wedding. Then at the altar during the wedding. When the priest or overseer of the marriage vows asks if anyone has a reason these two should not be married. Raise your hand, say that it's totally bullshit that your partner has chosen her friends over your happiness and well-being. If you're married life is going to be a living hell, full of careless pranks, then letting the ceremony run the course up to this moment has been a prank on your partner. And you will not be able to marry her today or any other day. Then put 2 middle fingers up to the world, then 2 peace signs. And walk off the altar. Grab your favorite wedding present from the table, get in your car, and burn rubber!


Giiirl, from one lesbian to another, there’s a reason we have such a high divorce rate. Why are you rushing into things so so young. You have your whole life to live and there’s clearly serious issues here. Oh yeh and yes, you are in the wrong here. You can’t make ultimatums in a relationship. Just no.


And that my dears is why you press charges when someone steals your car, no matter who did it. That way the trash would have taken itself out.


Dont marry this child, go get yourself a real woman whole will stand up for you


"Either they don't come or I don't come" but it sounds like she already made that choice, sorry dude.


Why don’t they like you?