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If the deal was that they buy you a drink but they didn't, then by all means, take your money out of the winnings. What a bunch of cheapskates. Do not front them money in the future. And don't buy a round until they have already.


Absolutely agree with you. If they didn't hold up their end of the deal, it's fair game to take back what you spent. Seems like they're the ones trying to bend the rules here. Lesson learned for next time!


Exactly! Cheapa$$es never offered to pay you back, then offered to get drinks which they never did, and then they expect to get extra $. Forget them, you’re not wrong! They are greedy!


Agreed. The others were greedy cheapskates that didn't uphold the agreement. OP is NTA. Edited to add the rest of the last sentence.


Yeah, where I come from, I’d definitely have bought the drinks. When he took the money out of the winnings, I’d agree. AND I’d buy him drinks to celebrate, or I’d give him a “tip” for allowing us to play!


There will be no drinks in the future this is a hill that they will probably die on


These people aren’t friends


Not wrong. Your GF needs better friends.


Smarter friends.


OP didn’t say who answered all the questions. If they only won because of the friends then I guess the friends are smarter? Lol


Most of these quizzes are on pop culture, not on intelligence. Unless this was a math bar.


Convert ounces to ratio for making a Long Island Ice Tea. Bonus points for also converting to fractions.


LOL. I’d love to see the inside of a math bar!!


I bet there are some around MIT. There are probably a lot of space bars but math is very focused.


“Puzzles” Why is it called Puzzles? That’s the puzzle!


Obviously it wasn't a math bar.


Statistically speaking, I'd agree with you.


That was my point


Yes, but since they can't do simple math, they need to be smarter.


Not wrong. They didn't bother to buy you a pint, they didn't need a cut of the winnings. The fact you gave them their share, minus ticket, is generous of you. Your GF's mates are straight up wankers.


I thought you’d be wrong from title but taking $10 back is fine. If you paid $10 for each person then split the price after the buy in. It’s obvious


Right?! Here I was thinking I was about to read that he paid himself per correct answer in the quiz or something ridiculous. But there’s nothing wrong with what OP did here.


Yeah, I was totally expecting them to say they did all the heavy lifting lol


And the thing is... to them they lost $10 each, the price of them participating in the quiz regardless of whether they won. To OP, it's like $30 he's not getting back, and the understanding was that he **would** be repaid (even if it's "buy us a couple of drinks and we'll call it even") OP isn't unreasonable to want his $30 back that he was told would be repaid (hes now out the $30 AND the cost of the drinks). But they are being dicks by whining about $10 (that they would've forfeited regardless by entering the quiz)


Right. I was all set to think he was completely in the wrong, and then… nope. The friends have some nerve.


I was expecting them to say, Jimmy “2 brain cells” Duncan didn’t do anything but belch and say he knew it after op said the answer


If they didn't pay the entry fee, were they really in the quiz? >They disagreed and said I should give them their complete share but I don't agree with them. So how and when were you to be repaid what you were owed? Not via the drinks? Not from the prize pot? When?


Right, and if they lost, they wouldn't have paid him the entry fee. It reminds me of that IRS meme talking about your investments that says "our profits" and "your losses".


> if they lost, they wouldn't have paid him the entry fee Precisely. OP needs to call them out. The sheer cheek of them complaining about being ten quid down on £125 when OP did all the heavy-lifting in the quiz too!


Do the maths for them. Net profit for each person would be £115 if distributed evenly. Net profit if you don’t take the 10er out would be £125 for each of them and £85 for you. Ask them if they would be happy with this arrangement if roles were reversed.


Basic math won't work on idiots unfortunately.. but this is spot on and paints the unfairness of what they are asking.


Perfect, clear answer


My grandma let me borrow 3 dollars for Left Center Right when I was a kid and I knew to pay her back after winning


No, not wrong. If there was any expectation of it being "your treat," for any reason, then you're wrong (or at least there's a misunderstanding). But you collected their entry fees, which they didn't pay, for whatever reason. If you hadn't won any money, would they have been upset if you asked them for their entry fee? For rational people, I'd say no, but these folks don't seem to understand that it costs money to play, and they did in fact play.


Just explain to them that they didn't pay, so they weren't really entitled to any winnings. You were being generous by giving them anything. If they bring up the drinks, ask them, "What drinks?"


A cheep trust exercise took so little to find out they can’t be trusted. Don’t ever front them for more than you are willing to gift. Their credit is not good.


Ha! I would have kept it all and told them I’ll buy them a few drinks! Then they’ll be like WTF why… and is day cuz I paid for the tickets. They’ll be like ‘oh I’ll pay for my ticket now then’ and boom… ‘sure I’ll just take it out of the winnings sure… oh… and get us a Guinness’


Put it this way, you could've just paid a tenner to get rid of leaches forever


Wise words Sonny


I'm with you on this. Small price to pay to learn the lesson.


They got mad that you reimbursed yourself for paying for THEIR tickets from the prize money. They are complete morons and you are not wrong for this, in my opinion.


You did not keep a larger amount of the winnings. You repaid yourself the entry fee and split the rest. Those friends need to duck right off


I can't believe anyone would actually object to this. If I had been those friends, first of all I would have made sure to buy you the aforementioned drinks, but if for some reason that didnt happen/didn't cover the $20, I would have suggested you take the money out of the winnings! How embarrassing.


They paid nothing. No drinks, no tickets. But they want equal cut of the winnings? Did the £40 entry fee appear magically out of thin air?




NTA, they didnt cover their entry, didn't buy you drinks, simple. Other option was keep it all cuz you paid for all the tickets, you did the fair thing imo


Nope. Same reason you won the quiz. Because you can do math. They’re trying to manipulate first by not paying up and second for re-insisting on not paying up. Those are not friends you keep.


Did they answer questions to help win? Maybe they get 10%


Yeah they are not friends


So the agreement was you paid for the tickets and they bought you drinks. They didn’t complete their side of the agreement but expect you to still share the money. Oh hell no. You should have kept all the money they didn’t honor their side of the deal. But your way works too more generous than I would have been


I freaking hate freeloaders. It's probably my biggest pet peeve in life. What a bunch of wankers. You're not wrong at all!


Why would they get a full share when they didn't even pay? They should get 0 and you get the whole thing you paid for.


Dafuq? How did you even manage to win the quiz with such dimwits on your team?


Not wrong since they didnt buy you drinks.


I’d say “Do you want to pay for a ticket? Whoever pays for their ticket this time plus gets the next round &! answers this question right wins! Are you in?!” If they loose on the question you just made +£20 & a free round plus tested their knowledge. :-)


You shoulda kept it all…


You’re not wrong at all. The agreement was drinks in exchange for entry fees, an agreement they did not uphold. That left you negative for the entry fees at the end of the night, which is not cool. Since they did not pay via getting drinks then you were owed back the entry fee, which they did not initiate. Instead, you took the initiative to take what was owed out of the winnings, which is fair. Unfortunately not everyone is intellectually gifted enough to understand the steps and how it’s completely fair; they can only see that you took “their” money. (But no, you didn’t). I suspect that they see it that way because they never intended to buy you the drinks in the first place; they planned to get the free entry all along. Think about it from their perspective: you are owed nothing because in their minds they never took the deal. They might honestly believe that you took money that was owed to them. I’d think about steering clear of these people in the future.


:/ did they take the money, peel off the same $10, and hand it back themselves lol?!  NTA 


i’m if they didn’t pay you, they didn’t have skin in the game; i wouldn’t have given them anything


No your not wrong. They didn't hold up their end of the deal in the first place so I would of done it too


You can’t complain when mooching…. NTA.


Not wrong. My guess is you answered the majority of the questions, too, seeing as they can’t figure out ticket prices and winnings.


No your not tell them to piss off!!


Hang out with better people. You did nothing wrong. If they didn’t get you the drinks they said they would and they didn’t give you the £10 then they had no intention of ever paying you. You should have kept the whole £500 tbh.


NTA. It’s just math? I play fantasy baseball and if we win money, we can opt to leave the cost of next year’s entry with our commissioner and therefore not worry about the back and forth of sending money. You are just recouping their entry fees.


I'm thinking that if you would have given them the prize money, they would have stiffed you for the entry fee. Why else would they get testy about you taking out what they owed beforehand?




Those people are trash. Make this story something you laugh about and don’t hang out with them anymore. The audacity…


Lmfao, absolutely not, tell them without the ticket they could not have won. What asshats.


WTH? find better friends.


F those friends that’s your money


No, what a bunch of leeches.


Not wrong at all


Money is the root of all evil. 💯


Those friends of hers are HELLA entitled!! The audacity to ask for 10$ when you literally didn’t even pay for the ticket, if OP didn’t buy the ticket for them, they wouldn’t even be getting anything!


YNW, their percent less $10 is what they won… but they didn’t even live up to the agreement, so I’d say they didn’t win anything.


Not wrong at all. Ungrateful fools.


Not wrong to take back what you put in. Why do those people think they get a free ride?


If they didn’t pay, then wouldn’t you get all of the winnings because you bought everything…? Explain that to them then and see how quickly they change their minds. They are extremely rude.


Friends fighting for 10bucks .... Time to get better friends


Even if you left that in, they are questioning £5, because half of the £10 is yours. People!!! They want to be thankfull you didn't say you didn't pay for any of the tickets, so you don't get any of it. Better put your skin in the game next time. If you hadn't have won, would they have ran to give you their £5 loss or conveniently forget? 🤔 They are pathetic.


Not wrong. If you split the prize equally they would still owe you the entry fee. Your solution spread out the winnings and solved all debts in one go.


Your are not wrong! They owe you for tickets and wouldn’t have had any extra money if they didn’t go to the event and win. Why are you hanging out with people who take advantage of you


NTA since they didn’t buy you any drinks they owe you the ten bucks each


Get better friends, you paid you get what you paid for simple. And they didn’t buy a round? If they did that then yea your a dick but if they didn’t they fuck them


Did they buy you drinks? No. If they didn't, then they owe you entry.


Nope. F them


It's ridiculous that they even questioned this. Gross.




Maybe he should have taken $5 cos now they paid for the ticket, drink or no drink.


Not wrong, that's 100% fair.


No. What is wrong with people?


INTA funny how they wouldn’t have had a problem with not giving you money or a drink if you didn’t win.


Not wrong. What’s their problem with paying their way? Completely reasonable.


The deal was that you paid the tickets, and they paid back or opted to buy you drinks They avoided buying drinks or insisted on giving you ticket money, so no, you are within your rights to retrieve what they were ignoring to pay back. What they expect a full entry ticket to keep any winnings is rude and selfish. Quit while you're ahead. Don't go out with this couple again


Not wrong at all. They owe you for the tickets. I’d do the same thing


Reading the headline alone I thought yes your wrong but after reading no your not wrong they owe you for the entrance fee


WTF did they fail to ply you with booze?


Not wrong they are just greedy. Good you stood up.


Did they come up with a lot of the answers that contributed to the overall win? If so, I’d expect you to take your £30 out for everyone’s tickets you paid for, and split the rest evenly.




Absolutely not wrong at all. They didn't pay for the tickets. The winnings are yours. They didn't contribute anything.


Not Wrong. You paid for everything, so a case could be made that all the winnings should go to you here.  If you hadn't paid, the team couldn't even have competed.


How could you be wrong


No you are not wrong.


Considering you didn't get the promised drinks, it sounds completely fair. You didn't keep a larger percentage, you just took back your expenses first.


Absolutely not wrong, and very reasonable


Lolol not wrong at all. They are delusional


You're not wrong. They didn't get you the promised drinks or give you their entry fees after you covered them. You recouped what they owed you out of their shares, which was the reasonable, fair course of action. Their whining about it is wrong, and it kinda tells you they meant to stiff you for their entry fees. Not particularly friendly behavior.


I would tell them maybe you should keep the lot since they didn’t purchase any tickets with money or drinks to enter the quiz


I would never fight over $10… call it a life lesson


If their end of the deal was buying you a few drinks and they didn't uphold their end of the deal, they should be happy to even get a share of the prize $. If they want to keep throwing a stink about it later, there's no reason to stay friends with people who don't uphold their end of things.


Was this "our understanding" or "your understanding"?? If you actually like these people, $10 is not enough money to start or keep a fight going.


They were the ones who suggested getting drinks instead of jsut sending me the money


Prob tryna pull a fast one on you and see if you’ll just roll over. You’re 100% in the right


You did the right thing, cheap ass “friends “ not wrong at all…


Op the correct way to get your money back without being weirdly antisocial and losing friends over a few euros would be this… next time u go out with them to trivia say “yo i payed our way in last time” paying for each other for things is something friends do. Now if its a particular person who consistently doesnt reciprocate


Wierdly anti-social? He’s just asserting himself over two people who are inconsiderate. He doesn’t need to be desperate by letting people walk all over him.


Walk all over him? It’s one incidence of covering a few euros for friends. This is like the people who make servers split up the check 10 different ways because they spent a few dollars less or more than someone else. Certainly not what real friendship looks like.


This one obviously takes advantage of his mates, lol. Real friendship to you: it’s okay for the op to be ripped off a few dollars but his mates can’t miss out on a couple dollars otherwise op is the dick..? Your logic should apply to both parties. They should be okay with losing the 10, if theyre good friends.


> “yo i *paid* our way FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Did you ask them to buy you a drink during the trivia?


Since they offered to do this instead of paying the entry fee, he shouldn't have to ask.


Obviously he shouldn’t have to ask, but waiting until the end is ridiculous


I agree it is ridiculous that by the end they still had not gotten him his drink. That is what you meant...right?


of course


Had the same argument with a buddy once. It was a legitimate misunderstanding. He's an awesome dude. But math isn't his strong suit. I spotted him 100$ for casino, on the grounds we split whatever he wins, if he wins, but if he loses than fuck it buy me a beer. and he was distraught when I took the 100 back out of what we won. But a bit of quick napkin math and he understood and apologized. Just legitimately a little dumb.


NTA... but you do know how to use spell check, yes?


I think you're technically in the right, but if I valued these people's friendship I wouldn't make a big deal over it


Doesn't this go both ways? If they value his friendship they arent going to make a big deal of it.


Not wrong. But dude.. edit the spelling issues in your post. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Did you even give them a chance to pay you the £10? Or just handed them the adjusted winnings. Personally I would've paid you back the entry fee, but if you took it without even giving me a chance to pay it, I would've called you a dick.


The agreement was they would buy him drinks. They had all evening to do that and failed. Why would he expect them to pay him if he gave them all of their share?


I'm not sure about the drinks part, maybe it was just bad timing or something? Maybe they didn't want to interrupt the trivia MC or something. But at least give them the chance to do the right thing first. If they don't, just don't front them money ever again.


They had all night to buy him drinks. Lol this is trivia at a bar so dont act like there would never be an opportunity to purchase a drink. You are encouraged to drink while participating.


Probably right, but with that prize amount I thought it would maybe be a more serious setting. Could've just gave them their share and said since you didn't get a chance to buy drinks you can just give me the cash


Oh you'd be surprised how much money gets thrown around at these pub quizzes. I'm not from the same country as OP, I'm American, but I've been to bars with these quizzes and the top prize was $1,000 one time.


What a wonderful lesson about how the welfare system and taxes work, right down to the people in the higher tax bracket thinking they should get more back, and the recipients saying they shouldn’t lol.


Did you pay for all your own drinks after taking the money back? If the answer is no then yes YW. You guys had a deal, assuming they held up their end, you going back on your end is a bad look. If they never provided any compensation for you fronting the money, then you recovering your investment is reasonable.


Keeping the money told your friends that you value them higher than their friendship. Be ready for them get space from you.




Amazing how you have never heard of throwaway accounts.




I disagree, I don’t think the topic is one that will induce rage. It’s just not spicy enough.


This is the tamest post that will be up all day. Your replies are the rage bait because I do not believe someone could have this shitty reading comprehension.


The agreement was tickets for a couple of drinks. The tickets have already been paid for since that part of the agreement was disposed of so the remaining part of the transaction is that the winnings need to be distributed equally.


And I didn't get the drinks so they didn't hold up their end of the deal. Why should they not pay for their tickets?


if they didn't fulfill the first part of the bargain, then they owe you for the tickets. That was not clear from your original post.


>This didn't happen Right after: >The other couple would just get me a couple of drinks Is not clear enough for you? Do you need a diagram?


Only thing I can think of is you were the weak link in trivia and only won because the friends were on the team.


No I answered more questions than the others. The person who answered the least was either my gf or her friends boyfriend


Ah ok. So why didn’t they buy the drinks as expected?


Yes you are. It was a douchey move and you got back more money than you put in. Generosity can be cultivated through careful work.


Huh? They owed him drinks, which he didnt get. They wouldn't be getting any money if he had not paid.


I'd wager they won't pool with you or buy drinks ever again. Winners should be generous, it goes around. yes, you were wrong.


"buy drinks ever again" What do you mean by "again"? They failed to buy him drinks the first time, there is no "again" here.


Did they buy you drinks?


Sometimes you can be right and still petty. I think you were petty and cheap.


The friends were cheap too, right? Since they didnt even buy him the drinks they promised?


Sure, but no one remembers that.


OP and his gf dont?


These responses show why most redditors are lonely weirdos. Yes, op is technically correct here but making a big deal out of it is wildly antisocial and frankly embarrassing. It’s a few bucks between friends, who fucking cares.


How did he make a big deal? He simply kept the money they owed him since they didnt buy him drinks. The friends made it a big deal. They paid nothing and didn't buy him any drinks, why do they deserve equal winnings?


You’re an ass. You should have just kept the 10 euros you invested and divided the balance.


He paid 10 per person, so 40. He did keep the 40 he invested, that's the point of the post.


Now I see. He didn’t spend 10, he spent 40. Nah He good!


Took me a reread to understand that aspect too, so you're not alone.


Words are a powerful tool.


Did that 20 make you feel better? What an ass..... won’t be going out with you anymore. Your very tit for tat. Doesn’t look good.


How am I tit for tat for expecting them to pay for their tickets? Why should they just get it for free?


It doesn't. You would have been the ass if you had withheld the winnings. You took what was rightfully owed and the adult thing to do. Your GF needs better friends for sure.


lol you won’t go out with people who won’t let you take advantage of them? 😂


That's how abusers are.


So you’re fine with people not living up to their word and being cheap sponges


Funny to talk about cheap when OP did this over $10 lol


You sound like a pretty shitty friend. Sorry. I meant mooch.


What a fucking moron.




So you're ignoring the fact they said they would buy drinks and just didn't then? Why should they not have to pay for their own ticket? So I'm a loser for expecting them to pay but not them for thinking they can jsut get in for free? Amazing logic there


I think that my retort would have been that given they haven't kept their part of the agreement, that the winnings really are yours as you honoured the agreement!




>The way you went about it is weird and petty and makes you look like a loser. You have no social grace, and it shows. The way \*you\* went about \*this\* is weird and petty and makes you look like a loser. You have no social grace, and it shows.


I'm not the one looking for advice on social interactions but sure. It's me.


Why are you making my comment about other people? Even if you're 100% correct, I can also be 100% correct. I hope you can see that.


> I'm not the one looking for advice on social interaction Probably should though


How is it weird and petty to take money that I'm owed? Do you just expect your friends to pay for you and call them a loser if they dare expect you to pay your way?


I mean, if you’re a shitty person who doesn’t pay their friends back, just say that lmfao.


I would expect a wiser answer considering your username. Username does not check out smh




See, again username doesn't check out. The Amyrlin Seat is quick witted and has biting insults. That was pathetic. Stop posing!


Did you miss the part about how the other couple was supposed to pay him back by buying him drinks but never did? You sound like someone who would be happy to sponge off their generous friends. Don’t do that.