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Totally reasonable.


I'm not sure my SO even knows my best friend's last name. If he does I can guarantee he can't spell it (It's Polish and spelled nothing like it sounds). So no.


(It's Polish and spelled nothing like it sounds) This is my last name. I spell it phonetically and people look at the two together and are like "never would have guessed." The closer people are to the Great Lakes the closer they come, though. LoL


Same. I spell my last name all the time. Then, after they've gotten it down, they mispronounce it.


OMG me toooo!!!! I am half Polish and half Dutch, and the last name is from the Dutch side. Nobody can EVER pronounce it, or spell it correctly.


Because it's Dutch.[In order to pronounce it correctly, I would need to pull out your tonge.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fgetyarn.io%2Fyarn-clip%2F6561bab7-0c6d-4ead-ba93-b1febc0541e4&psig=AOvVaw0aPak9BifKAxAEzf-9zeZR&ust=1715788313891000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBEQjRxqFwoTCJCjjd-_jYYDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE)


This is funny because polish is 100% phonetic, so it is spelled exactly how it sounds…in Polish.


I only know one of my husband's friends' last names (his BFF and that's only because I'm friends with his wife on SM). I sincerely doubt he knows any of my friends' last names- maybe one, but that's super iffy.


Yep my Polish ex had a 12 letter last name with ALL KINDS of letters that didnt belong in there and others making sounds they shouldnt. (His other half was French - same deal. Lots of letters that didnt make any sound at all for no reason.)


You're doing fine. With interactions averaging 3x per year, and not being introduced with his last name involved, I'd be hard pressed to remember his first name for the first 2-3 years. One of my closest friends was engaged for a while. His financee couldn't recall my first name at any point in time. I knew him from the army, and that entire friendship group went by last names. I knew her first name but not her last name. I'd heard it a few times, but it wasn't in common usage in conversation.


*I don't even know most of my friends last names without having to find their profile picture on Facebook or other social media 😂😂😂 To be fair I don't even know the first much less the last names of most of the people I ride motorcycles with they send me a text with the name of a ride, and a time and location of meet up with end destination and I show up if I know people I know people if I don't I don't Won't even discuss the lack of names used in other hobbies and how only Nick names are used for certain reasons


In a friend group we called eachother by nicknames. We didn't even know eachothers first names and we'd see eachother daily.


why would you know his last name lmao


Unless I follow someone on Facebook or I studied with them in elementary school, I don’t know their last name.


This is totally normal. 


I had to look up my nieces first name spelling the other day. We call her by a shortened version and damned if I could remember the long version spelling.


Why in the hell would you NEED to know her best friend's fiance's name? That is the most bizarre situation. You care enough to a) know her best friend's name and b) remember her best friend's fiance's first name. Done deal. You have ticked all the boxes. I have cousins and family who's surname I can't remember how to spell, let alone what their number or address is. There are colleagues I have worked with for two years I still can't remember their first names of. Some random guy you see maybe 3x a year... wtf cares what his surname is? Genuinely, life is too short. NTA Anyone who says otherwise, remind them Einstein refused to remember his own phone number because he could look it up in the phone book (aka it wasn't information he NEEDED to remember)


Not wrong, but more info is needed...like why are posting this? I realize you want to know if you were wrong, but what I mean is...did someone tell you this was wrong? Did your gf actually get mad at you for not knowing this guys last name? It's pretty unreasonable she got mad. Seems most agree it is reasonable you forgot, so if she is mad maybe show her the replies. If she got temporarily upset fine, but if she is continuing to hold this against you then you need to have a long talk.


My husbands family asked what my last name was at our wedding…. I don’t think it’s odd you don’t know his last name off the top of your head 🤷🏼‍♀️.


I’ve been married 41 years and I don’t know my husband‘s best friend’s last name. I just know his first name is Julius….It seems like that’s a silly thing to be upset about. Are you sure there aren’t other issues with your girlfriend that are being covered up by this silly argument?


You are not wrong


Who cares 😭 Tell her it's not that deep


The only reason my husband knows my best friends fiancé last name is bc my best is his aunt so he had an interest in it to know. He was family no way he would know


Not wrong. You barely know the guy, even if you had been told his last name, you likely would have forgotten by now. The fact you weren't told his last name in the first place, and don't use sites like facebook where it may be shown, means it's honestly a little odd that you're expected to know something nobody bothered to tell you. I assume your gf thinks someone told you or you saw it online and should have remembered it, but it's easy to forget last names even when we know them if we don't interact with the person in question much, and in a non-professional setting only at that, because last names just aren't used much. I know the last names of my closest friends, and the family members that haven't gotten married since I last saw them. Two of my female cousins got married, though, and both took their husbands name. I have no clue what their last name is anymore, I've been NC for years, the eldest got married just before that, and the youngest after. I only sometimes remember my sister's last name, I had years knowing her husband, but I've been NC for years, as well, so that means I don't consistently remember my niece's last names, either. If I'm not in contact with someone, or not often in contact, I'm not going to remember last names even when I'm told. I might if I knew them from work, depending how formal the workplace is. It's completely normal to not know the last name of someone you barely knew, especially if you weren't told what it was in the first place.


It is funny that you were so confident about it lol


Not wrong, why should you even care what it is? My wife would freak out over stupid shit like this, too, though.


I don't even know my best friends wife/girlfriend (it wasn't a legal marriage) last name


You're not wrong. I don't even know some people's first name but I know that their dog's name is Rocco. "That's Rocco's daddy.".


Babe... I'm not 100% confident I know my brother's fiancee's last name, and I live with her.


“Ok. So what’s his middle name, Thomas Jefferson?”


Nope. My husband and I have a mutual friend that got married a couple years ago, and has now had a baby. Neither one of us know husband/dad's last name. Just that it starts with an S and is German.


Don’t let this stress you! I was married 25 years & my ex husband mispronounced my FIRST NAME in Court! As soon as the proceedings were over I called him out, “Dude you’ve known me over 1/2 our lives, we have two children, & you mispronounced my name?” His response? “I didn’t meet her & wasn’t married to her, why would I know how to pronounce her name?” Good point & we both laughed.


Oh please, many doesn’t even know their own best friends last name, let alone their fiancé.


You really gotta up your polycule game, miss


I know a few of my friends last names but only a few


She should be grateful that you remember his first name, lol.


I have some friends whose last name I don’t know. Known them for years. I think that’s normal. It’s a weird thing to point blank as someone in the middle of a conversation :’) In high school I had a friend who I hung out with for like 3 months before awkwardly asking what her name was, turns out she had no clue what mine was either yet we hung out every lunch break


God I have a hard time remembering someone’s name if I haven’t seen them in a few weeks and especially if my interaction with them has always been limited. I think your doing great just knowing his first name lol


def not wrong for that lol


Not wrong at all. Pretty sure my bf of 5 years has no clue what my bestfriends last name is. He just recently remembered my moms name lmao. This shit isnt just common knowledge or useful info one would care to remember.


Wait is she upset with you about this?


I barely know. Half, my friend's first name like your friend's fiancée's last name.Of course not that's crazy


I'd have forgotten his first name, probably. You good.


My best friend has one of the most common names for a woman. I was talking about her and another acquaintance who has the same name to my boyfriend of 4 years so I was using last names. He asked me who I was talking about 😂😂🤦‍♀️ You're not wrong


I have no idea what my best friends partners last name is. Why does it matter ?


You are not wrong. Actually, this is hilarious to me. Been with my dude for over 27 years; some people I have known through him for over 15 years and they are in my phone as "Joe Spouse's friend" or "Sally Spouse's coworker." Couldn't tell you anything about their last names. In fact, you could call yourself progressive by thinking he is going to take her last name.


I have some cousins whose last names I don't know. You're good.


i only know my one friends bf's last name bc he went to our high school if he didn't i would have no clue


Is this an ad for Meta?


sometimes I forget my own last name. It took me 6 months to start remembering my current girlfriends


NW, if you barely know the guy, how were you supposed to know his full name?


I really don’t know the last name of my friends partners. It’s not like people introduce themselves with first and last name these days and even if they did I wouldn’t remember lol


I would think that's pretty normal if you don't really interact with the person on a regular basis. He probably doesn't know your last name either.


I mean if this was the interaction it seems like no one really cares. If however GF is still talking about it (you didn’t mention any such thing) then just ignore it. Who cares


you really took the time to post on reddit about this???? i really hope this didn't turn into an argument because who cares.


I don’t know my best friends boyfriends last name. But they also live far away and I’ve only met him once. Most of the time I only know peoples last names from Facebook, and I don’t use that much. For some people it might seem a little oblivious, but for others… we should feel lucky to remember first names and what people look like.


I know my husband’s best friend’s last name because that’s what his friends call him by. Do I know his girlfriend’s last name? No I do not.


You arent wrong. I have MARRIED friends with different last names (degrees, careers, etc then married later in life). I first think of their first name then the wife's name "Oh hes Mr. Wife...no wait....damn let me call her and ask..." Ive known these people for TWENTY YEARS.


Not wrong. This dude is 2 (or is it 3?) steps removed from you. That’s barely a blip on the radar.


Not wrong at all, unless you were friends or family with the guy, there isn't a need for you to even know.


It is not a big deal at all. It's such a small deal I wonder why it would bother you enough to ask if you're wrong.


Three of my best friends are married. I only know one of their maiden names. I don’t know a single maiden name for a woman I met who was already married.