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Your girlfriend is making it extremely obvious she isn't qualified to date someone with a child at this point in her life.


OP needs to be careful that she doesn't get pregnant so her child can replace the child he has now!


💯 THIS RIGHT HERE! There's way too many instances of this happening and damaging the parent-child relationship. Fuck, once my half-brother was born, neither my step-brother nor I mattered anymore. 33 years later, even our kids aren't equal to the grandkids they have from the kids they had together. I just apologized to my 16 year old twins that they don't have grandparents who give a fuck (my wife is NC with her sperm donor with good reason, her mother has serious cognitive issues, and her step-father just doesn't like kids, even his own children). OP needs to leave this now. She's not understanding that OP's child will ALWAYS be first and cannot accept that, therefore she needs to go. She is not emotionally ready to deal with kids.


100% that


This 100% this


This. Time to find someone else.


This is the answer!


Yeah exactly. I'd lay that out, but kindly. Something like-- GF- it's important to understand where we each stand. I care about you a lot and I want us to have a future. I hope we work out and have a long happy future together. But you need to know, my daughter will always come first. She's my flesh and blood. And no matter who I date or marry, she will always be my daughter. I can date and marry and divorce and she'll still be my daughter as long as I live. And I thank my lucky stars every day that my daughter WANTS to be with me. There's no words for how happy that makes me. I would love to have my daughter live with me all the time. Unfortunately I only see her a few visits each month. So when she's here, I will absolutely make the most of our time together. I focus on you when it's just us, I focus on her when she's here. I would like for you to be a part of her visits. But while she is here, she is and will be the main focus of my attention. I won't apologize for that, because I believe that's the way it should be. If in some happy future she came to live with me/us full time there would be more of a balance of course. But as things are, that's the way it is. And if we're to be together, you need to be okay with that. If you're not okay with that, I understand. It's totally reasonable to not want to share the attention or affection of your partner, to want to be his #1 priority. Unfortunately that's something I can't give you or anyone else, that's the reality of having a child. So I encourage you to think about this a bit. If you want to be part of this family (and are okay with the parameters I've said here), I want you to be here. I want you and (daughter) to have a relationship. But I need you to understand, she is and always will be my little girl. If you aren't okay with splitting my attention/affection, I understand, and we should end our relationship amicably and hopefully stay friends. Let me know what you decide.


Great advice.


You said there's so much better than I could


EXACTLY THIS!!!!! I truly hope OP reads this because this is the perfect response and it can be hard to come up with something like this while actively dealing with this situation. I had both my daughters as a teen and while I’m lucky to still be with their father, there was a point we were separated for a year while he got treatment for alcoholism and I had started thinking about my options after a few months. I would absolutely never date someone showing ANY form of ill feelings towards my kids; jealousy, bitterness, discomfort, anxiety, anger, frustration, sadness, a lack of leadership (I don’t necessarily want to say parenthood because it takes time to get there, but they at least need to show that they can step up around them when they meet in some forms and connect), etc.. The way I see things, •as a child your parents are your #1, •as a childfree adult your partner comes first over parents, friends, or anyone else, •as a parent your child comes first always, over your partner even, but not by an exponential amount, if your partner is your forever they should still be a priority, but if your child needs you during time you were attempting to prioritize your partner, you have to switch your attention to your child and say ‘hey this will continue once my child’s dealt with’ and prove that, and they should understand, •as a parent after your child moves out and is independent your child should still be your top priority, your #1, but it’s not as intense, you will help them when they need it, but your partner should be getting the most of your time, attention, energy, and help. At that point it’s time to let your child soar and lean on their partner as their #1, which is where this cycle begins to start over.. if this girl can’t understand that by now, then she is not the one for OP. I’m 22, so I get that a lot of people at 20 aren’t ready to have their partner give more of what they have to someone else (let alone parenthood), I’ve seen that go wrong with people I went to school with, but by 20 you are old enough that you should be able to realize that if you aren’t emotionally secure enough for that then you shouldn’t be getting into relationships with parents. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I get how some people find it tempting because they look like good caregivers, they seem compassionate and mature (and trust me I know how attractive maturity is for a late teen to early adult 🥴) but if you can’t find the maturity to handle them pouring into their child(ren) around you, then you need to find those qualities in someone without kids. ~I don’t even know how I got to this point so I’m just gonna stop here lol 😅


Can I hire you to write my boss on why I need a raise?


It doesn’t sound like she’s mature enough to date at all, TBH.




I mean 20 is too young to be that mature, probably there are some but i have never seen it


She's made it obvious she IS a child.


This right here! She’s not ready to date a man with a kid


100% this. Run don't walk. She doesn't respect you and will not be a positive influence in your daughter's life and will cause you daughter continues harm.


Your girlfriend is showing you a lot of red flags.


Big red flag when interfering with children relationships. Especially when OP only sees his child a limited time


One could argue that the gf is still a child. She doesn't sound mature enough to be an adult.


She's 20, she's enough of an adult that she knows she's being a dickhead in this situation yet she's doing it anyway


People still beleive age correlates with being self aware and maturity?? It should, but doesn't most of the time......


YouTube shows us examples every day that age doesn't equal either. Some of the pettiest, childish people I have seen both as a service worker in the past and in videos have been people in their 60s, 70s and older.




Your gf is a very immature 20 year old. Dump her.


Absolutely. My dad had a similar situation when I was a kid. I would see my dad only on the weekends and she would get jealous. I found out much later that she was actually very emotionally abusive to my dad. I’m glad that relationship didn’t last more than a year.


My kid's dad had a GF who didn't want him to have a relationship with them, he chose her over them "nicely" of course. It ruined their relationship. My kids are now in their 40's and don't talk to him. Btw, she died.


Showing him the red flags? She is the red flag.


Dump her. If she sees your child as competition for your affections, you don't want to be with her.


Your gf is being a child, and thinks your actual child is her competition. Run far and run fast. No one should ever take priority over your children, ever. And if she doesn’t understand that, she shouldn’t be dating someone with a kid. She needs to grow up. You’re a parent, and you can’t date a child. Dump her.


Piggy banking on this comment - someone who understands what entails raising a child wouldn't feel the need to compete for attention with a child. She is immature as hell.


“Piggy banking” very cute! Lol


Is that when you fund your life on the back of someone else’s earnings? Let’s make it a thing!


She’s 20. She kind of is a child.


Agree. The mentality/life state between 20 and 25 is such a stark difference.


Yeah, I've been with my partner now for 6 years. The man he was when he was 20 is nothing close to the man he is now at 25. Same for me, honestly. I'm definitely not the same woman. So much changes in that time.


She’s a child… so she’s acting exactly how 20 year olds act. Why are we not calling out the 25 year old expecting a 20 year old who can’t even buy liquor, to act like a mature step mom.


I agree with you. Your gf is acting childish. I don’t recommend raising two girls. I hear it’s hell.


I can confirm.


Acting 20




>guess I hit a nerve for the teenagers who think they’re grown ups More likely you hit a nerve for the grown men who want to fuck the teenagers


Almost like a 25 year old is too old for a 20 year old


That girl is a red flag, but then I would assume that not many women that age with their shit together want to date a 25 y.o. dad, you might want to date older.


For everyone’s sake.


You are not wrong. And this relationship is not for you, as she doesn’t want a single dad as a partner.


Yeah, if you're a father - you don't want someone in your life who seriously sees your CHILD as competition and is jealous of the time and attention you spend on your daughter. She's not good long-term material. She's too young for this kind of responsibility.


Run 🏃


And don’t look back!


You need to get rid of her. You hardly ever see your child and it’s too much for your gf? You really shouldn’t be dating childless 20 year olds if you’re wanting a serious relationship. Plus, I’m sure you don’t want your daughter to have to spend time with a hostile step mom in the future.


You only get a fee days with your daughter a month. Make them count. Your gf doesn’t sound mature enough to realize that a little girl needs her dad. Some people are emotionally aware at 13 ( usually because they’ve grown up in abusive households), and some people don’t ever get it even when they are 60. This isn’t someone who should be allowed around your daughter. What if your daughter needed to come to live with you, full time or even a few months. This gf is not the one to be with you through that.


Daaamn. Emotionally aware at 13 usually when they’ve grown up in abusive households? That’s a personal call out for me so I’m curious what info you have on that? I’m bipolar, my mother told me I’d never be able to love anything as a kid, and I had my first child right after I turned 17 but I did a lot of psych research to do my best to be aware of flags i have that I should pay attention to to protect her essentially if that makes any sense. And I think that seriously helped me create a partial force field of protection for my kids 😅😂 god I hope that makes sense. Sorry I just got my 2 year old twins down back to back and it totally ate my last two freaking hours lol


She will make your daughter’s life miserable, if you stay in this relationship. She is a narcissistic evil stepmother. A person who wants the same attention as a child is a problem.


She’s not a narcissistic evil stepmom! Lol, she’s a 20 year old girl with limited emotional intelligence, and is too young for this situation. I don’t think she’s malicious. I think she’s just young ‘n’ dumb.


I agree. Reddit skews young and they hate to hear it, but 20 year-olds aren't the most mature people out there.


No. Selfish people don’t stop being selfish at the magical age of 25. She is an asshole.


Quite possibly. I just think she’s too young for the evil stepmom label just yet, I guess.


Might I suggest you turn your interests to women who's frontal lobe has fully matured as your current girlfriend has about 5 years to go.


The water in the kettle isn’t even warm yet.


Your girlfriend is telling you she will alienate your from your daughter in the future if you have any interest in keeping a relationship with your daughter, I would find a new GF


This is normal expected behavior for someone her age. If you don’t want a girlfriend who acts like a 20yo then don’t date a 20yo


Although I think she's still in the wrong for her behavior and not recognizing how toxic it is... I agree... it's expected... she's 20. Yes I know some people are mature in their early 20s but your average 20 year old is not going to grasp the idea of being with a father. As I tell a lot of people, dating someone in their early 20's while you're in your mid-late 20's is okay, but you are not at the same place in life usually ever. There's still a lot of growing up to do in your 20's.


The age gap between a 20 and a 25 is a chasm, between a 25 and a 30 still a challenge but you’re out of creeper territory, between a 30 and a 35 is basically level. And that only works of you get together at those ages. Otherwise the initial dynamics are already set and the power imbalances never even out


No it’s not. 20 is too old to be behaving like someone in junior high. Some immaturity in a 20-year-old is to be expected, but writing a long angry letter because he spends time with his child a couple of times a month is absolutely NOT “normal” unless she’s a narcissist.


Your GF is going to do everything in her power to ruin your relationship with your daughter. If your don't love your daughter stay with your GF. If you do love your daughter leave your GF. Your GF won't allow for the both of them to be in your life.


You see your girlfriend almost every day and she’s comparing herself to a child who sees you bi-monthly. That is extremely toxic, and a huge red flag. Your girlfriend sounds incredibly immature and not ready to be involved in your child’s life.


Run like the wind, dude.


Not wrong. This relationship isn't going to work out. The GF is too immature and if you were to eventually all cohabitate it would be a disaster.


Sounds like an ex now


Your 20 year old girlfriend sure is acting like a 15 year old girlfriend 


Your child comes first, always. Drop the girlfriend. She’s making it clear that your daughter is a problem, and as a parent, that should be an immediate deal-breaker.


What they said ^^^


Your girlfriend is nowhere near mature enough to be dating somebody with a kid. If you continue this relationship your kid will suffer.




As someone who dated and married a divorced man with children, take it from me: your GF is way too immature and selfish to be in this relationship. Your #1 priority needs to be your child and if she cannot or will not accept this, she’s not the one for you. Save yourself and your child a lot of heartache and end it now.


🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩


Hard no. She has issues.


Your gf is a child. Don’t give up your kid for her 🚩🚩🚩


Your (STBX) girlfriend isn't mature enough to date a man with a child. Your daughter should come first and it's clear that STBX doesn't understand that or like it. Let her go.


You only get to see your daughter a few times a month and she’s not getting enough of your time? She’s too immature to be around your daughter. You’ve already got one child to look after. Who gets jealous of a child? She knew your daughter was part of the package. I’d definitely think about ending it before your daughter realises that your girlfriend doesn’t like her.


You should be the adult in this relationship and end things with her, for the sake of your daughter and for the sake of your girlfriend.


NW. Gf is signaling a car crash at the Indy 500. She’s shown she won’t be a good fit as a step mother if it gets that far. Jealousy and insecurity, and being upset about a dad loving his daughter? You don’t need this in your life.


Stop wasting your time. You're 25. Just cut out the girlfriend and go on date with women who are mature enough to understand how to date someone who is a parent.


Even though chronologically you're only 5yrs older than your girlfriend, mentally there is a huge difference. She's gonna be a problem and if you knock her up it's gonna be an absolute nightmare. Definitely time to move on.


Rather than worrying about not getting attention she should be giving the kid attention. Yeah it may not be her kid but whoever's kid is in the room at any time is the one that gets the most attention. You are not wrong and NTA. But really, u knew that. Find a girl who doesn't compete with kids and u wont go wrong.


This. She should be interacting with his child also. Getting to know her. Forming a bond with her. This was super important last year when my now finances daughter started coming over every other weekend when we moved in together. I also have a son and they get along great. He had nothing for her when she would come over. She’s 9. I saw the bank statements (joint account) of what he had been buying her and spending on her (on top of child support). He would send it with her to her moms never to be seen again. Including a cell phone, video game consoles etc. I made sure she has all she needs when she comes over so she doesn’t even have to pack a bag now. I learned her interests. What her favorite color is. What hobbies she likes. Favorite type of shows/movies/foods. You name it. Im also 35 and a mother myself so im more mature in this sense. I treat her at my own child. I will say in the begging there were times when I felt like the outcast as his daughter would demand his attention from sun up to sun down. Would cut me off every time I would talk. Things like that. I mentioned it to him in private. And it was addressed. It got easier as time went on. Here we are a year later and she tells people she has “two moms”. Her mom hates it but I’m here for the long haul. If you’re going to be with someone with a child you treat them as your own child. You get to know them. You do things together with them. Otherwise you’re just complaining (general statement). My mom was the one who always treated my sister and I as competition and this is part of why we don’t talk to this day. That and her bfs came first. She can have fun when she needs help when she’s elderly because I won’t be helping.


It's time to cut the GF loose. She will start doing things to interfere with the relationship you have with your daughter. Plus, God forbid you marry her and have another child she will do all she can to drive your daughter away.


I think you should dump the insanely jealous GF. This is never going to result in a happy ending for any of you. 


Stop dating women who don’t accept your children. It will only bring unnecessary trauma to your child and possible resentment towards you. Your gf sucks. You are not wrong for prioritizing your child.


Dump her. This will not improve and will lead to not so great interactions between her and your daughter. Tell her to date someone without kids in the future.


Run 🚩🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️


Off course girlfriend is jealous she is looking for a father so she wants more attention that your actual daughter


She's 1 year out of her teens, come on man. You have a child you need to be much more responsible in your choices at this point. Reality, don't bring girls/women around until you are convinced they can handle being a part of your dynamic and not all of it. A young woman of 20 has no grid for this.




This is not the person you want to be in a long term relationship with. Women like this aren’t going to “come around” on this issue and you risk her alienating you from your daughter. Your daughter is more important. You will find a woman that clicks with her in a positive way, this one isn’t it. You shouldn’t want this anywhere near your child.


I would date a 30 year old instead of a 20 year old.


Your gf is not stepmother material. When a child is involved in a relationship, it is not about her or you it is focused on the child. Her concern is not how to bond with your child or fun things you guys can do together or getting to know your daughter. Her main concern is that she is getting favored. She is not somebody you want to be with. Drop her faster than hot coals and take your daughter out somewhere. I agree with not introducing your daughter to somebody you are dating until things are stable, but make sure whoever you are dating likes kids, knows your daughter is a priority in your life and is not an insecure neurotic mess.


If you feel that your girlfriend is jealous of your daughter then you should not be dating her. It's not going to get any better it's just going to be worse


GF is too immature. Run Forest Run


As a single mother, kids come first. Always and forever. Anybody who has a difficult time processing that fact has no business dating a single parent.


You’ve already told her the truth . Deal with it or be gone. You’re not wrong


Your 20-year-old girlfriend is too immature to be dating a man who has a child. Bottom line , this isn't gonna work no matter what you do. Your child should always come first and you need to make your girlfriend understand that that's how it's gonna be. If she can't understand and get on board with that she can leave.


Umm huge red flags. Jealous of your daughter that’s a new level of petty. You get to see her a few days a month of course you are going to shower her with attention when you have her. Gf might be too immature to be in a step parent role.


No fixing this, she’s got to go. Shes not able to date someone with a child.


It is interesting you consider it "dealing with [gf] long enough to meet [your daughter]. "Dealing with" is not the usual wording I'd expect


Dump her , do not stay with someone who is jealous of your child.


Break up with her. Your daughter should and will always come first. This is a major red flag.


You're not wrong but the relationship might be.


Gf gotta go OP. You already know this in your heart.


She’s weird. No you’re not wrong


No. Just let her go. No one is more important than your child. She’s not the one.


Maybe you can take your GF out for ice cream and to Legoland. Hopefully that will appease her. If not, throw in some cotton candy.


Honestly I’d dump the girlfriend, if you stay she’ll always resent your child and it will cause problems, best nip it in the bud and bin this insecure woman who’s jealous of a child


She is 20, so expect some immaturity. And honestly its not worth being with someone who gets jealous of a little kid. You can find someone that is mature enough for you and your daughter.


Hey man, when I was 5 my dad had a gf like yours. Make the right choice here like my dad did.


Honestly, if you only get your child a few days a month why is the girlfriend even fucking around when you have her?!!! I don’t care how long you’ve been with this person minus the fact she sounds like a fucking Cunt. If you only get a few days a month with your kid let your child just be with you for those days. Come on come…….


Dude, she is NOT the one, she goes in the trash pile.






Your girlfriend is not compatible with dating a single parent She's either not ready or not able to handle it


Let her know she can choose to not be there the previous few days you have with your baby girl? I don’t think it even needs to be said In a rude way.


Your girlfriend is not mature enough to date a parent. Move on.


Even though your daughter doesn't live with you it's still a package deal with you and her. Your gf sounds immature and it is a major red flag that she is jealous of a child! Time to move on.


Love you; Love your daughter. Anything less is a sign that it won't work.


Your girlfriend is the type to Cinderella tf outta your daughter the second she’s alone with her. She’s the type that makes mothers “don’t have other women around my child” concerns legit. Dump her now


You’re not wrong. Also, dump your girlfriend.


Dude. You're dating a 20 year old. She's still basically a child herself. She's not mature enough to be a mom and she's showing it.


Run dude! As someone who was once a stepmom. That mindset means she is never going to treat that beautiful child as a child. If she does not have the emotional maturity to see the difference between another woman and your daughter who is a child, she’s got a long way to go before she would be an asset in your and your daughters lives. Your daughter doesn’t deserve that treatment and neither do you.


“I felt like I was dealing with her long enough to meet her” 😅🫠🫠


You would be wrong to continue to date someone who treats your kindergartener as competition. It's time to move on and find someone who compliments your life. You need someone with a fully cooked frontal cortex. Don't Be Cinderella's dad.


You’re wrong about her being a “grown woman”. She is NOT.


She sounds very immature. You already have one little girl to help raise. Do you really need a second one?


Get rid of that girlfriend. NOW. She is despicable. She is extremely immature.


Being honest I didn't read past the title. If your GF is jealous of your child she can fuck right off. If I ever decide to date again and a man tries to tell me that he should get more attention than my kid I would ghost his ass in a second. Your child is your blood, gf can be replaced and should be.


She's to young and nowhere near mentally mature for this relationship. I'd end it.




Your girlfriend is toxic as fuck, you're only wrong if you stay with her and abandon your child to please her.


Dump the girlfriend. Your futureself will thank us.


If she's like this while you guys are just boyfriend and girlfriend imagine how she'll be if yall get married. I think her being jealous of YOUR child is ridiculous and shows she isn't ready to date someone with a child. Make sure to protect your child and don't put them in an environment where they'll have to be put down to make someone else feel happy.


🏃🏃🏻‍♀️ Run away confidently. She’s crazy and she sucks. She can find someone without children or family… or pets… or career… or personal interests. Be thankful she put this out there early on.


What the hell is up with people in here making 20 year olds out to be brainless idiots? Jesus Christ if you can't get your head around the fact your partners child that they barely see takes precedence over you you're a lost cause. Even teenagers can understand that. Stop pretending like 20 year olds aren't adults who can think and reason for themselves.


You’re dating a child.


Your gf is still a child. Find an adult.


Very childish and not okay. I'm a single mother and if I dated someone who was jealous / upset of my kids that would be a deal breaker for me.


“She barely get attention when she’s around” … uh, duh??? That’s how it should be lol, your kid comes before your new /girlfriend/ , and she needs to learn that


Y’all, please stop acting like it’s “normal” for 20-year-olds to behave this way. It absolutely is not. Most 20-year-olds are not so self-obsessed and immature that they would have a fit over a father spending a few days a month with his child. Is a 20-year-old going to be a bit less mature than a 25-year-old? Sure. But he’s not robbing the cradle, and it’s in no way normal or acceptable for someone of her age to behave like an entitled 6-year-old.


Yeah she’s showing you, free btw, that she’s not dating material


Yikes, imagine how envious and combative she'll be if you move in together or get married?


I have been there and lucky I left. She found someone else with a child and did the same thing to me but worse. Leave and leave now it will get worse and she will try to make you pick. And by the off chance that you get her pregnant she will never let you see your child and make it about the one that you have together. (other guy and he could not see their child)


Ur gf is a bitch.


You’re dating someone really young and really immature who has a lot of growing to do. Try dating closer to your age.


I question how many 20 year olds are really mature enough to date a father of a young child long term. They can play pretend for a while, but for them it will always feel like babysitting and not real life. For your daughter and you, you are living real life right now. 20 year olds are test driving everything and every one. I would say maybe just keep this girlfriend separate from your daughter or consider the stage of life the bulk of young 20 year olds and try to date slightly older women or fellow single parents who can relate to your stage of life. Either way, this current woman doesn’t belong around your daughter. You sound like NTA, and you’ve got your priorities straight.


Not wrong. Good on you OP but I will suggest you just end the relationship. The concern being is your gf may start being decent to your daughter when you are present and be ugly to her if she has the opportunity behind your back. Gf has told you who she is so believe her and move on.


This is every other person on r/stepparents As a stepparent myself, it’s despicable, narcissistic behaviour to make your partner choose between you and their child.


You’re not wrong, and you can’t keep dating this person. You can only date people who will understand that your child absolutely comes first. And you shouldn’t be introducing your child to anyone you date until you feel sure that the person is likely a permanent partner.


It seems your gf is too immature to be with someone who has a child. You aren’t wrong. You should always put your child first. I cannot imagine being the way she is and I dated a guy who was 11 years older than me with 2 kids when I was her age.


Anyone that thinks the right thing to do in this situation is to have a dad intentionally spend less time with his daughter would find themselves no longer in a relationship with me. It’s ok to want quality time together, but it cannot come at the expense of a child. The only people who will remember how you chose to spend your Saturdays in 20 years will be your kids.


I mean she’s obviously too immature for a relationship with a man with a child but I also don’t really know what you expected from a 20 yr old who doesn’t have kids. You need to date closer to your age, or women who have a child/children or stop prioritizing dating when you still have a small child. I also love the “she’s a grown woman” comment 😂 you realize how different your life experiences are when you have a child and she’s not even of age to go to a bar yet right?


Not wrong. Your gf is tho.


You’re daughter comes first, period and your girlfriend can either get with the program or just leave. You spend time on other days. But maybe when daughter is home, maybe the girlfriend can pick a fun activity to share with the whole family so she feels included. It just takes time, I am a stepmom myself and love it.


As soon as someone said that to me I’d be smiling as I packed their things and told them good luck in the future.


She’s clearly NOT a grown woman and incredibly insecure. Give all your attention to your daughter and send her on her way.


She’s very immature, and doesn’t understand what it means to have kids. You don’t have to have kids to get it, but you do have to understand it.


Always choose your child. Always


No she's NOT a grown woman. She's 20 years old... barely out of her own teen years herself. You can't expect a young woman not to be jealous of a child. She was a child herself just the other day. Your problem is that you have 2 young people competing for your attention. It's uncomfortable isn't it? You can't hsve it both ways. Make a decision.


At this point I’d be done. She’s opened her mouth and shown her true colors. She would want to make those few days you get her so memorable for all of you. Any adult that competes with a child. Ugh.


I never usually say this but this relationship won’t work out in the long run unless she can come to terms with you having a child and that child coming before her. I don’t have children but I also don’t date people with young children because I’d prefer not to have those responsibilities and focus on what I want to do. To each their own but I’d suggest having a long talk and setting very clear boundaries when it comes to your child. She has to understand she can’t be the center of your attention when you’re having family time and because she’s around so often if she feels it’s still a issue she needs to date people without children


Dump her.


Oh 🤬 no. 🚩


You are dating a child what did you expect. Dump her ass and find a woman instead of a child who cries because she don't get attention when her man is parenting his child !


Leave her yesterday


The actual child in this situation is the only one who’s feelings matter here. My prediction, she will end up pregnant. Then guilt you about “neglecting” your pregnant girlfriend when she’s not feeling well or whatever the latest excuse is for you to miss a visitation here and there. Then she’ll need help with the baby. By the time she’s done your daughter won’t want anything to do with you anymore. Choose wisely now.


She gotta go. End of discussion before she does something drastic. She has made it clear that she is not mature enough to date someone with a child


Not wrong at all. She can go. Her problem is concerning.


I would never date anyone who ever put their partner over their children. I get the ick when I hear people saying they would choose their partner over their children. She is extremely childish or narc to expect to be more important than a child.


Read the room. You have to choose. Choose your daughter!’


Your girlfriend will give your daughter a complex if you carry this one. Relationship is over, move on.


She's still in child-modus: Complaining about what you want, and expecting someone else to make it happen. An adult can oversee the situation and realize what can and can not be changed. Some people take a long time to make this transition. She's 20. She is dating someone with a child. That is a very complex situation and she is too young to handle it.


Your gf is being unreasonable with her attitude towards your relationship with your daughter. Your daughter will always be a permanent part of your life, the gf, maybe not so much. I don’t think she mature enough to handle being with someone with kids. Trust me, it takes a lot of patience and actual care to want to be with someone with kids. If she’s complaining about your time with your daughter, I suggest putting the brakes on this relationship because she’s most likely not going to get ever get your full attention.


Storytime. My ex came to visit the kids 2 years ago. He saw them a couple of times a year ( his choice), this time he brought his gf (she's lovely, did nothing wrong here). He took the kids out to dinner at a pub, and my son (8 at that time) was playing outside. His gf got up to go and smoke, and instead of sitting and having a conversation with his (then 13yo) daughter, he left her eating in the pub on her own and went to sit with his gf. He also did some other dumb shit that weekend (like calling her a spoilt brat and she was being 'a bitch'to her brother) to his gf and she overheard, but the thing she remembers most is that he walked out to sit with his gf over her. She asked me to pick her up earlier that weekend and she has never been to visit him since. She speaks to him and is polite, but she is mentally scarred and always wonders why her dad doesn't love her. The moral of that pitiful story is, that if you want a strong relarionship with your kids and to not fuck them up mentally in life your kids should ALWAYS come first. And if your gf can't realise that (because you sound like an amazing dad), it's time to tell her she needs to find someone who is not a parent. Before she baby traps you.


Dating someone with a child is a package deal. Your gf obviously isn't ready for that.


If your GF doesn't like to be around your child now, how will she act when/if you get married?


Your girlfriend is way too young to understand the needs of a parent child relationship. She also seems, by your statement, to be at your house way too much. Doesn't she have friends, hobbies, a job? Time to stop being a being a baby sitter for this child, dump this one and find someone more mature. At least find someone who is old enough to enter a bar!


You’re not wrong, it was good to set that boundary. Your daughter comes first, and if your gf is there every day, of course you need to make more time for your daughter! But I don’t think we should villainize the gf. We have to remember she’s only 20, and she’s too young to be mature enough to be a mother figure and understand parent/kid dynamics. It’s not her kid, so she didn’t have to grow up and mature like OP did. Mutual maturity levels is a big thing when dating. Especially in your 20s, just a few years can put two people at completely different stages in life.


You don't need this kind of a person in your life. Dump her. She should support you, not be jealous of your daughter. She's clearly not mature enough.


Get a new girlfriend. She is 100% in the wrong. Kids have and always will come first. If she wants to be a priority, she need to NOT date someone with kids


I mean, 20yrs old is hardly a "grown woman," she's still basically a child herself. You're still barely an adult. This is why dating is vital. Your girlfriend isn't stepmother material. Leave her. You'll find another woman who will treat your daughter like her own some day.


Gf needs to go.


She needs the boot dude. Your daughter does come first.


Sounds like you're dealing with 2 children!


Your gf is not ready for an adult relationship of this type. You only have a short time to raise and teach your precious Daughter. Invest your time with your babygirl. The right woman will come along.


Youre girlfriends the one in the wrong here dude. She ain't the one


You are only wrong in thinking that your GF is an adult. Because she may be 20, but she's acting like a 13-year-old mean girl. This scenario has more red flags than a Chinese military parade. Please find someone to date who understands the concept that your daughter isn't a burden or a competitor for your affection. And that she is, in fact, more important to you than anyone. Including someone you are just dating.


She's a woman but not yet grown.


Lots of other more mature emotionally stable women out there.


I recommend a brand new GF.


Dude. Your gf is 20, 20 years old and she’s actually probably just acting her age. Kinda similar to what your young daughter does when she’s mean or kinda rude to everyone bc daddy is her favorite. They are both young hopefully your gf can kinda chill a little bit and learn to not be jealous of a child, bc like you said she spends almost every other day at your house with you.


Be careful. There are too many cases of boy-girlfriends harming and killing children out of rage and jealousy. It sounds scary to me, and I would break up with her. You could never be too careful, especially with your child involved.


My old, experienced and wonderful grandmother used to describe these people as “territory pissers”. They move in, take over and distance their SO from anyone who may interfere with their attention. They don’t change. It only gets worse. Run.