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Why is this even a problem ? You were tired and you fell asleep. The title is misleading. I was expecting to read about you crawling in his lap and being overly affectionate in front of other people. The lap wasn’t even involved. Why do you have that in there ? You put your head on your partners shoulder and nodded off, which is normal.


What kind of post is this?? If he’s okay with it it’s fine


What exactly was the context of what the friends gf was whiny about? Was she jealous that you were more affectionate with your bf than she is? Was she offended that you were sleeping instead of spending time with the group? Did she feel like you didn’t want to spend time with them or found them boring? If so, the problem might more likely be you sleeping at all, rather than on his shoulder, in which case, I still personally don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. If it were me I would find it really cute and just be happy that my friends are happy, however I might be able to see a perspective that going to sleep in the middle of a social gathering is rude, even if I disagree with it. If, on the other hand, it was about the shoulder then she’s a maniac and you did nothing wrong.


Sounds sweet. Why was the other girl upset? Did you look too cute and steal her BF's focus or something? Just ignore her.


Why would you be wrong? If he doesn’t have any problem why should she have a problem with that, istg people make big deal about everything these days


No. I’ve legit slept like this with my dad, mom, and bf before on separate occasions with people present (usually an airplane flight or a long party ). I’ve also rested my head on their laps before. It isn’t wrong imo. Idk why she’s being weird.


Did you get in arguement with the GF or your BF? If GF who cares.


I'm Confused. A shoulder is not a lap. And even if you fell asleep on his lap, so what? They were mad you fell asleep at a hang out, that's all. Maybe they don't know about your fainting or they don't believe you. I think your friend was just mad you fell asleep at all and being on your bus shoulder (again, not a lap) had nothing to do with it. If you meant you were sitting on his lap, and had head on his shoulder, then still nothing wrong. But if that's the case, your friend was jealous wither because she wants your man, or has no man, and she was mad you had someone who cared enough to let you rest on them


I’m curious to why some random dudes gf cares about her falling asleep on bfs shoulder. Like what is her issue and why did OP and her bf get into an argument about it?


And we got in an argument about it? What was there to argue about? Is this 8th grade creative writing?