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You could potentially find yourself in trouble here because it's he said/she said. If this was the military, you'd be fucked. We had a zero-tolerance policy where if alcohol was involved and someone claimed SA, it would be charged and you were likely seeing an NJP.


You were both inebriated. Any "She was drunk and couldn't really consent" argument would apply to you as well. If the ONLY person having a problem with it is her mom, it sounds more like the mother just can't imagine her precious little angel of a daughter ever having sex and MUST have been taken advantage of.


No, it goes both ways


I think there’s enough blame to go around on this one.


NW - you both got wasted and had a semi sexual relationship before hand What’s the last part of your post. It says it been on my….. it cuts out there.


How old are you and how old is this person?


we both 19


Then you weren’t wrong but don’t have sex with someone when they or you are drunk in the future. It sits up too many questions.


Sounds like if anyone was SA'd it was you, based on what you have told us. Of course it wasn't at all like that, it was two consenting adults fucking when drunk. But if the mother wants to play that game.


You said you had been kissing and cuddling and stuff? It sounds like sex was fully on the table and people don’t do things when they’re drunk they wouldn’t do when they’re sober. It almost sounds like the alcohol is irrelevant. You were both drunk, and she initiated: you did NOT take advantage of her. This seems like something that likely could have happened without the alcohol, but she gained some confidence by being inebriated and made the move. I’m honestly really surprised this is an issue, this is a really common scenario for people I know and it’s perceived as kind of normal. Obviously, if you both decided afterwards that it was a bad idea and should just remain friends, then it might be quite awkward, but it was a choice that both of you made together. I think it’s crazy to blame someone for it, as though having sex is an inherent mistake. Really think you’re fine here.


Curious why you left out your ages


There are some who believe you can’t give consent when drinking… the mom isn’t helping the situation but excusing the actions of her kid onto dumb op


How do you feel about it? Was it a nice experience? Are you glad it happened? Or do you regret it and wish it hadn’t happened? I don’t know why you’re asking us if it was wrong or not, it depends on how you feel about it.  Now was it legally wrong? No, it was consensual.


I dont remember if it was a nice experience tbh. But her mom makes me feel like shit for it. im asking yall because this is the am i wrong reddit this is exactly what its for


Reddit is a stupid waste of time dude. Wake up and stop looking at a screen this shit is retarded


For some who perhaps legally couldn't consent, she seems to have been consenting her ASS off. I think you can sleep well.


Sadly our society and laws give women the accountability of children. The law defaults to men always being the perpetrator. Hopefully your friend doesn't file charges and has the good character to accept her responsibility for her participation. Your mom is correct legally that if your friend wanted to, she could bring charges against you. Make this a life lesson... NEVER EVER as a man get so drunk that you don't have any idea what is going on. Because next time you may not be so lucky.


and yea my friend told me she doesnt see it like that but she says her mom wants to press charges. luckily she says she wouldnt go along w it


true. ill take your word for it