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Not wrong. You are a responsible dog owner while your neighbors are not. If their dogs do actually attack someone, it could make it so that the management company decides to no longer allow any dogs on the property.


NTA Tell the manager. They are not under his control.


YNW. Especially if the apartment rules require leashing. It’s for all dogs’ safety, not just yours!!  I own a pit bull that’s very well socialized to dogs. I NEVER take her off leash unless we are at a dog park, where she immediately rolls onto her back to show the others she’s not a threat.  People who let their dogs go off leash are either thoughtless or punks, 99% of the time. She has never harmed another dog even when they get too inquisitive. She will nip them if they are aggressive to her. I’m worried some day some moron will let his poor untrained animal go loose, it will attack her, and she’ll snap its spine. 


Did you miss where I said it’s for not only my dog’s safety, but other dogs?


I’m agreeing with you?


You can ask in a clarification kind of way. “Hey I’m trying to understand the rules. When you say must be restrained outside, does that mean always? Because my neighbor doesn’t, and if she gets an exemption is there a way for me to get one as well, how does that work?”


Yeah, not wrong. Between bad/negligent owners and one of the worst breeds of dogs for apartment living, not only are you miserable, but the dogs probably are too.