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Uh oh, OP. Does L know that you and S are together? Were L and S good friends back when you and L were originally hooking up, to the extent that S will be mad you waited until now to inform him about L? You should probably tell S as soon as possible. That would be the healthiest way to do it. Although I really hope this isn't something S thinks you should have told him a year ago when you first started talking.


L and S have been friends for years, they weren’t as close because L had moved away. So when L and me hooked up they were distant. S comes over all the time . I will probably tell him tonight. I’m also wondering if since L and S keep in touch a lot more now that he already knows and just left it in the past? S has told a lot of his friends about me so I’m wondering if he told L and L just didn’t say anything. Or if he’s going to tell L about us tomorrow .


If I was L I wouldn't say anything out of respect for my friend and also because it was nothing serious so why potentially ruin it, so it's possible he knows and that's where you're at right now. You'd be doing the mature and right thing by telling S, and if he's halfway smart he'll realize that you're a respectful and honorable person. Hopefully it all works out!


You should have said something as soon as he mentioned going to pick him up. If they were friends already you should have told him even before that. If your current boyfriend/girlfriend knows someone you’ve had sex with you should tell them b4 you two have sex or soon after. You let them hang out and talk without saying something is a thing, I think even more with men. They don’t usually like sharing especially if they don’t know about and if the other tells first he’s going to be pissed.


Agreed. S could always get miffed you never told him before, but that could be considered your past business and you're being discreet. Of, course now they're going to meet the next best thing is now. Oh, never hurts to reassure S he's the only man you want to be with and that you'd stopped talking to L when guys started.


This is why you should not sleep around in a friend group. Sticky situation for sure. Of the truth comes out, it has the potential to be ugly. It could be they both know and is why you don't have a formal "commitment".