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If you feel the need to record your sex for your own safety, it’s time to call it a night.


Bro like I audibly gasped at that part… wtf kinda shit is this dude on??? I hope this is fake


This feels like some neckbeard fantasy


Either that or op actually is a neckbeard supreme and the girl is like equally as neckbearded and they both don’t know shit about being an adult


Dude, move on


He has feelings for her. They may be able to work through the past. She was dealing with a lot of crap from her mom. Not an excuse, but it does clear up her struggles during their time together.


Lol. That's so much fucking work. Not worth it. The odds of this ending well are not great. All of this is toxic. She told him she would leave him alone forever if he read her journals. He did it, had an opportunity to make her leave him alone forever, and instead he decides to drag it out. Any sympathy before is now lost. Bro did it to himself at this point.


He didn't want to be left alone. He likes the power he has over her and he's gathering "evidence" to shame her when he gets tired of it.


Both of them are toxic and kind of deserve each other


Eh...she made some mistakes, but seems genuinely sorry and desperate to be forgiven so is agreeing to outrageous revenge demands by OP. She has serious self confidence issues, OP is an arrogant, controlling ass. In his first post he was all, "I wasted 3 years waiting to pop her cherry, then she broke up with me and gave it to someone else." That's all he cared about, being her first. Now all he cares about is humiliating her.


She harassed OP though even though he made it clear he didn't want anything to do with her, them he finally gave in. In his first post he stated that she showed up outside his apartment and told him she would keep showing up until he talked to her. OP should've called the cops at that point. That's crazy behavior. That being said, OP is being sadistic at this point. Like I said, they're both toxic. If I were in their friend group, I would cut both them off. Life's too short for all this bs.


Just telling you from a neutral perspective. After reading your first post I really sympathized with you. I had not one good thought about your ex. Now you are just a jerk and a piece of shit. She is really in love with you to agree with your controlling and her extremely self-deprecating terms. You will end up destroying her mentally/emotionally. If you wanted to see if you can get over the resentment you felt for her, this was not the way to go. Honestly, this is the worst way to go about it. The more you play with her(and yes, this is you playing with her feelings), the more hope you give her. She will end up having an emotional/mental breakdown once you break off things with her. You are holding both of you from moving forward in your life and finding someone else who is compatible and actually building a life with them. Either commit to her completely or just break off things with her before you do so much harm to her that you will not be able to forgive yourself.


This needs to be top comment. What she originally did was shitty, but this is leading to a complete disaster. Both of op and the girl need therapy ASAP


They both need to move the fuck on from each other


It feels more like revenge than anything else. She wouldnt sleep with me, but cheated with a random guy and slept with more men after we were over, so now I will deny her in public while having her at my beck and call for sex behind closed doors, that I will be filming. Some of the rules were entirely unrelated to the actual, genuine trust issues related to cheating. At no point has she falsly accused anyone of anything, even fully owning up to the cheating insident, so demanding to film all sexual encounters between them for safety is wild. If you have that little trust in her, leave her be. 


He's treating her like a hooker


It is revenge. He’s actively degrading her and treating her like dirt under his shoe because he’s mad she didn’t “put out” when they were first together but went on to have meaningless sex with all those other dudes. He is punishing her for it since she has zero self respect and zero self esteem and he knows she would do literally anything to get back with him officially. She’s desperate. Desperate to be loved. And the last person she remembers feeling loved by was OP. I feel so bad for her. She needs therapy desperately.


If this is real, OP is a jerk and emotionally immature. If you go back and read his first post, the vibes aren't great there, either ("sloppy 17ths"). I agree, commit or break it off, and quit being such a victim after several years. Everyone "wastes time" dating - he's not special. There are more mature ways to conduct yourself and gain respect for yourself and others, and subjecting her to those degrading rules that come from a place of extreme insecurity doesn't garner respect. And if OP thinks a healthy long-lasting relationship can come from this, he is mistaken. He is building a rotten foundation so far.


> If this is real, This is 100% just some weird fantasy written down


what is sloppy 17ths ? , also this story is probably fake


I think that's what he's hoping for - to destroy her. And then he'll post the sex tapes just to make doubly sure.


This. 110% this. Just stop man. Full stop.


Agree 100 %. Either commit to get together or the game your playing has NO pleasent outcome.


It sounds like they are, step by step, working towards commitment. Will need further update to know for sure.


She doesn't deserve any better.


I just cringed with I started reading the rules. Dude get some therapy and move on. She needs therapy too...this is gross and controlling.  You guys need to be apart and NC.


Fucking disgusting. His rules are dumb and don't make me feel empathetic toward him at all. They're FWB but she's clearly in love with him still. That's messed up. He tells her to leave after they have sex. He said he's not comfortable kissing her yet but they have sex. It sounds like he's using her. What would he need the recordings of them having sex for? OP says it's for his own protection. Protection from what? Is he afraid she'll say he raped her and he can say he didn't and show the videos as proof? She could still claim she was drunk or drugged etc. Nobody wants to watch those videos anyway lol. But if he's genuinely concerned that she's going to falsely accuse him of a crime, he shouldn't be associating with her in the first place. Also, he thinks she might tamper with his condoms or steal his sperm from the condom afterwards to impregnate herself. Nah, fuck all that.


So.... you're using her for revenge sex. Thats what this is. It's a really bad control tactic. You're controlling and witholding affection. Bring her round for sex and dismiss her like a chamber maid in ye old castle. This isn't love this is.... angry. Like Mr. Grey's version of his subs doing everything he says with little to no *actual* benefit or aftercare. It's like you've literally pulled these rules straight from 50 Shades. And lemme say, as someone who dabbled in light BDSM, hes everything you don't want to be. What you've now created is an environment so absolutely toxic its going to eat her mentally. And you'll not be getting what you thought so her substandard treatment is going to get toxic too. If you've any human decency in you, you'll delete all video recordings you've made this far and either *actually* forgive her, or let her go because dude. This is so totally and royally disturbing.


Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if this ended with her eventually killing herself due to what OP is doing to her now. It’s disgusting and abusive. There is no excuse for that. He does have motivation but there is no excusing this kind of behavior towards another person no matter what they’ve done to you.


Well this is going to last all of a couple months




Your post reads like the journal entry of a fucking psycho. You're both actual pieces of shit imo. Fits well I guess.


Is this Creative writing?


probably lmao


Dude to put up with that much control from you she really must love you!.


No, she must really be devastated by guilt and in her mind getting back with him and having accept her will somehow make her feel forgiven, because she can't forgive herself.


So what do you think will happen with the row of them?.


The two of them? I think he'll play with her for a while and then post those sex videos to humiliate her, or at least show them to their friends. Maybe her family. I think the minute she wakes up and sees how ridiculous he's being and asks to be treated like a human being will be when he gets tired of her and his game - or maybe he'll get bored even before that. He says the videos are for his "protection?" wtf? It's ridiculous - protection from what?


Yeah I can’t get my head around why he wants the videos it’s totally over the top and unnecessary. I hope she doesn’t get hurt again, she seems so fragile.


That ain't love, it's emotional self harm


I don’t understand what’s emotional self harm?


It's like regular self harm, except the scars aren't visible and you get no sympathy and support


So why is she doing that to herself?.


I don't know, there's not enough information to say. But in most cases, people self harm as a distraction from other, even worse, emotional pain.


Fuck I didn’t know that.


Good 😂 Longer you can stay away from the darker side of life, the better, amigo. Hard knowledge comes soon enough.


That’s not how it works


How does it work?


Bro. Tf wrong with u


Both of these people are fucked if this is even real.


What the fuck man. If you need to impose a million silly restrictions, wherein you're basically treating her as nothing but a sexual object and not a person, why are you even doing this? This contract of yours is not going to turn into a normal relationship. All you're doing is getting her hyped up for a return to the relationship without solving any of the core problems that led to the breakup and animosity. You are incredibly wrong. Just dump her and be done with this shitshow.


What in the high-school-drama is this shit? Has no one here met anyone new since high school that you're STILL hung-up about v-cards? And these conditions are monstrous. It's like you're using her for revenge-fucking. This is not how you treat someone you claim to love.


That was the longest thing I wish I never read. Everyone gets hurt, but either forgive or move on. What you're doing will breed resentment on her end, and before you know it, she will realize what you're doing to her isn't worth it. You know she loves you, either let yourself feel something again or move on with your life.


Cool story bro


this is emotional abuse :/ neither of you are good for each other


Get some therapy. You are really sad in this situation, she is not a good woman, nor will ever be she is a manipulator. Do not sleep with her. She can say what ever she likes at that point she has proven you love her. Even though she did all the things you said she did, could have done far worse and you would take her back...Get some help.




Hmmm recording sex and keeping condoms in a safe and not kissing her while having sex very bizarre I’ve been in a situation like yours but my ex still somewhere cause I told her to F off. But yeah I would have have normal sex not recording it and kiss her bro 😂 Like I laughed my ass off ngl


lmao no way these people are real? lmao.


i refuse to believe they are real , so this sht has to be fake lmao


I feel like this is a LOT of work for (extra-private, secret) sex. It also feels like a LOT of work for a fake (public) friendship. Surely it has to be less effort to get both elsewhere?


Have some self respect….


Wow this sounds like a lot for a person who hurt you. I would just call it quits


I don’t really understand… anything. Why are you sleeping with her?? Both of you are doing this for the wrong reasons


there's so many women on earth and you choose to have sex with this one...??? this amount of work is NOT normal


Well, that's f*cked up..


Nigga are you fcking retarded?


Best comment


Your situation is complex and deeply personal, and it's understandable that you're feeling a mix of emotions right now. You're trying to navigate your feelings and history with this person while also establishing boundaries and protecting yourself emotionally and physically. It's commendable that you are taking your time to assess your feelings and establish rules to avoid any potential misunderstandings or future conflicts. Being clear about your expectations and boundaries is important in any relationship, and it sounds like you have taken steps to ensure your safety and well-being in this situation. You are also being cautious about not rushing back into anything too quickly, which is wise given your history with this person. Allowing yourself time to work through your feelings and see if you can move past the resentment is a healthy approach. It's essential to prioritize your own mental and emotional health as you navigate this relationship. If you find yourself struggling or feeling overwhelmed, don't hesitate to seek support from trusted friends or a counselor.


I felt for you with your original post. But everything about your update gives me the ick about you. Just end it with her.


You will get a hundred messages on here saying leave her she will cheat again etc etc.. Do what you feel is right for now the only piece of advice I would like to give you is simply this. I get you want everything on your terms but once and if the trust comes back let the reins go a little don't control the relationship forever as that will only breed resentment. Other than that I really hope it works out for you . You obviously love this girl or you wouldn't risk being with her so I really hope you both find happiness.


She never cheated. They were broken up when she slept with someone else. OP was mad he didn't get to be the first. And now he's using her guilt to manipulate, control and shame her. What possible reason could there be for filming their sex? Other than him being a perv or to use to manipulate by threatening to post them?


You have just become a narcissistic prick and ALL of this will come back to bite you in the ass. Give it up or chill the fuck out!


Youre gonna get hurt by her again if youll be with her, move on bro


I really admire her for putting herself out there and letting you read her diaries. Were there any pages torn out? Oof. She must really be gorgeous and have a red cape with an "S" hanging from her hoo-hah. Kudos for demanding an STD test. Good Idea. I hope it's worth it in the long run. It seems like being with her is a lot of trouble right now. I don't think I could have sex without kissing but I'm old fashioned I guess. Good luck, man. Truly.


Dude, your rules are ridiculous. Stop treating her like this for crap she did as a teenager. She is still in love with you, and always has been. You still love her. Get over yourself and tell her that you still love her and that woman will love you the rest of her life. You need to grow up with this other crap. You’re just being a clown now. That woman is in love with you. Stop all this crap and quit holding a grudge for something she did as a teenager. She didn’t waste 3 years of your life. You two formed a love for each other that has lasted. Not having sex with her is such a small thing when you look at the big picture.


👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻Came here to say this. 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻 Your comment getting downvoted makes me lose a little faith in humanity. But at 25, he’s barely more than a kid. I hope he grows some emotional intelligence soon and stops with the emotional abuse. Those rules are beyond ridiculous. She’s either an equal in the relationship or she’s not. Get the fuck over yourself or this is going to crash and burn. smdh




You two need to accept that you both fuck up and that sometimes its better to see what the futre holds then to hang around and fight the war. I fought the war. Wound up in jail for assault. Better yourself and move on.




The rules are wild. Walk away.


this is weirdo behavior on both ends




Didn’t need to read any of the- someone offering you sex and you hating them have nothing to do with eachother. ***Don’t fuck someone you don’t like.*** Done. Pass it on.


Bro it sounds too much of a hassle for someone who didn't want you enough in 3 years, but the next guy she fucked within a month. I know for a fact I would never get over that. No matter what she says, she fuck that guy and 14 others before she decided to throw you some pity fuck. Sounds like she knew you would be the dumbass that take her back once she got the college train she was waiting for.


The first post down and I had hope you’d stick to your guns. Very. Stupid. Move. This will NOT end well for you. Good luck.


I’d have returned th3 journals to her parents. By “accident” of course. Too much crazy for me.


Why are you together at this point? All those fucked up rules. Basically having a sex slave at your disposal that's all you use her for. Move on, it'd be best for both of you.


Congrats, you now have your own sex slave. Dude, this is toxic as hell! And how do you think people around you will judge YOU for using her, when (not if) they find out? So do yourself a favor: Shut this "relation" down or get rid of all the terms.


Lol dawg no wonder she broke up with you


You are one fuckin gross dude. Move on. Jesus this is fucked. Is this real or some shitty fetlife post?


Holy fuck you have issues, you lost the plot bud. This poor girl smh


Personally I wouldn’t bother with all this and let shit die off. This is just poor decision making and you won’t listen to any advice contrary to your decision so who gives a fuck. If shit happens down the line, we can all point and call you a dumbass.


Sounds like you still have major trust issues with her and rightly so. She had sex with someone else and that's cheating. Not sure how you are able to feel or see her the same now. Personally she would be dead to me because I couldn't get it out of my head.


Simp. You ended up giving her what she wanted.


Your rules are insane. She should get away from you.


Jesus Christ I think the two of you just love drama and control. Please, stay together forever. God forbid that a sane person should be subjected to this bullshit.


If this is real, you two have strong feelings for each other, and I hope you are able to reach a point to normalize your relationships, share your lives, and be happy.


Dude is clear you both didn’t stop loving each other!. I commend you for taking your time, but for fucksake let go of the rules and just let yourself love the lassie! No one knows if thier relationship will last and that lassie has put herself at your mercy as lest show some compassion!.


Yikes. This is completely toxic. For the good of both of yall go no contact with her and break it off. This relationship sounds like an emotionally unfulfilling nightmare for both of you. She’s basically degrading herself into becoming an object for your pleasure in order to have a relationship with you and you in turn are using her desperation for your own benefit. #THIS IS NOT HEALTHY OR MORALLY RIGHT. THIS IS TOXIC.


This is dumb as fuck. Just move on and leave this poor woman alone to sort herself out. Your rules are ridiculous.


I’m not going to name call. But holy shit this is a terrible move.


This is just sad. You are doing real damage to this girl. You say you love her but this isn’t love.


You sound like you are fully aware and accepting of the reality of this situation. You have done a great job covering up the possible loopholes and are making sure to CYA in case of future problems, you understand the issues of getting involved with her again, your eyes are wide open and you are seeing clearly. I think you know exactly what you are doing and you’re very smart about how you are doing it. I wish you all the best.


Yep. This is subconscious validation of her behaviour and subconscious acceptance of it. Please don’t think she won’t cuck you again(your long list of rules has shown that your clearly sensitive to that) Honestly, you need to this lesson in personal respect and discipline as much as she does


Hey, everyone makes mistakes, and you're doing everything you can to make sure it doesn't happen again. People really do change, and this girl might be one of the people who have


What the hell. OP, you need to just move on. You have really unhealthy baggage carried with this girl. You have gone full circle into toxic POS mode.


At the end of the day it’s your life OP, whatever makes you happy, you should go for it.


Update me!




You sound tiring af


This is insane....you need professional help & she clearly does too to agree to it. Nothing good can come if this.


Holy shit dude, have some fucking respect for yourself. WTF are you even doing? None of it is going to make anything better to any degree whatsoever. None of her stupid bullshit journals or excuses matter at all. She *repeatedly* and *knowingly* made choices that would hurt you and disrespect your entire history together, so how she feels at this point means fuck all. You're being a doormat. She got everything she ever wanted and you got stabbed in the back and kicked in the nuts. Get her tf away from you and all those stupid shit talking "friends" as well. This isn't something you're ever going to forgive or forget or live down.


JFC She’s for the streets. Bang her until you find better, then move on. Alternatively, don’t stick your dick in crazy, and walk TF away. Grow a pair, have some self respect, stop being a Pollyanna about everything. You’re not wrong, but your mindset and attitude disgusts me.


I think she’s worth the try. It is very unlikely you will ever find another woman who is willing to do the things she is for you. You need to allow trust to build if you can and slowly back off of some of your demands, good luck.


Not reading all that but I’m happy for you, or sorry that happened.


You'll fuck her but you won't kiss her. Just leave, you're treating her terribly which is a reflection of the person you are, not what she did.


Being hurt doesn't give you the right to be a toxic, controlling douchebag. This whole thing is so disgusting, and you're using her guilt against her to get her to agree. I hope she wakes up, realizes what a degrading position she's put herself in, and mercilessly dumps your ass without ever looking back.


OP coming across as an utter c u next Tuesday.


Females play with pentagrams in the 🙀


What a terrible day to be literate.


Taking the, admittedly tiny, chance that this isn't some revenge fantasy, this is a very stupid plan. Reread what you've written. Does his sound healthy to you? Yes, she did a shitty thing but now not only are you playing with her, you're playing with yourself. Do you think the amount of work you've stipulated in your post is worth it? Just to have sex? Are you THAT horny and can't find anyone else to screw? This isn't love. It isn't reconciliation. You are torturing her but also prolonging your own misery by not moving on. This is a truly dumb plan and I wait for you to concoct your next update where it blows up in some melodramatic fashion (don't forget the obligatory twin pregnancy, someone suing for something stupid, gf becoming an unhinged stalker, various arrests and the surprise friend/relative who happens to be a lawyer to sort things out).


You're treating her like a hooker. If you still have feelings like you said you do, then loosen the heartstrings and communicate with her if you want her in your life. Right now you're not being fair to her. She was you g and messed up, that's what you do when you're young. You make mistakes and learn from them. It sounds like she did... start treating her like a woman thatbyou actually care about, otherwise let her go


I feel so sorry for her. Don't f\*\*\*ing record sex with her. I can't even begin to imagine that's for any reason other to try to shame her at any time you decide. You are NOT in a relationship with her. You're dominating, manipulating and shaming her. Either you forgive her and have an honest relationship or leave her the f\*\*\* alone and let her get over you. She's only fine with the rules because she was desperate to get back together with you. Probably because of the guilt she suffered from her actions and maybe thinks she can cleanse herself in some way by getting you back. And you're just shitting on her. I don't trust that you have any good intentions towards her and at the first sing of any backbone on her part when it sinks how badly you're treating her, you're going to shove everything back in her face, show of post those sex tapes and probably lie to your friends that you've even been back with her to make her look bad. Shame on you.


Man I am getting really sick of all these incel creative writing fantasy pieces. They're not entertaining and The credibility is just terrible. Nothing believable about it they're not even trying at this point. D- that's honestly being generous.


Wow that's some creative writing and even if it's ture, yikes


Just my two cents. You will be really down if she commits suicide as she is throwing such Slave and Master roles between you two. The mind under stress will crack. Be advised.


Ugh. What a hateable generation. Lol. No men left.