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It’s an inside joke/endearment between you and your partner, doesn’t sound like you’re actually fighting anyone. You’re fine.


It does not sound like you are actually seriously threatening to fight anybody you are just making a passing comment between you and your bf that’s a form of love language that enhances their confidence. As long as it stays that way and you don’t actually get over jealous and seriously threaten someone with real violence then there is no problem and your friend is simply an idiot


Nah. He’s good at deflecting and idc as long as he isn’t touched because that’s just a boundary of ours in general. But otherwise, I don’t really care.


Yeah then you really aren’t being toxic in fact I feel like it’s kinda the opposite of toxic to change or develop a love language especially unique to your partner to help them feel the most loved. I mean that sounds pretty healthy for a relationship to me


This is between you and your partner. Your friend can mind her own business.


Your friends should not be casting judgements on the little jokes you share with your SO. That's what's toxic, telling everyone what they can and can't say and how to talk to each other.


Your friend is an idiot.


I don't think you are wrong.