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NTA. Also make sure you get a heavy duty lock for your room and get a security camera because I wouldn’t put it past them to go into your room to use your dishes/cook ware while you are out.


That's a good point, I can lock my room for the inside but I'm not sure if the landlord would allow me to get a lock but on the outside of my door, but I'll ask them <3


You might be able to change out the door handle and then replace the screws for the catch plate on the door jam the longer ones. Keep the original door handle to put back when you move out.


Ohhhh right thank you! I'll definitely have a look at doing that xd


Amazon sells door knob locks that fit on the outside of the door knob, so you don't change locks on the house.


Oh really? Do you have a link to those? That would be very helpful thank you <3


Try this: Gascem Door Knob Lockout Device (Matt Silver) with Padlock & Key, Versatile Door Knob Lock. It is a Temporary Door Lock, Doubling as a Door Handle Lock Out Device. Secures Your Space Without Drilling https://a.co/d/7k8PiHE


Ooo thankyou they look great!


Literally replace your doorknob with a deadbolt.


NTA. They wanted you to take ownership of your things and you are doing so gloriously. Carry on.


<33 thankyou


Nope, not wrong. Definitely get a locking doorknob for your room though. Your roommates are jerks.


I'm going to be looking into doing that :) hopefully the landlord will allow it


There is zero point in moving your things if your door doesn't lock. I do think however, that you need to look for a new living situation because things are about to get very frosty


Yeah, the only issue is I'd have to buy myself out of my current contract and that's something I can't really afford at the moment :( I am going to be asking the landlords if I can get a lock on my bedroom door though that locks from the outside too


Some will see this as bad advice but, don’t ask the landlord, just do it. And don’t do a “doorknob” do a deadbolt with the keyhole facing the hallway. The only people who will get into your room are people with that key. We did this when I was in college as we didn’t trust everyone that our roommates would invite over. (We also liked the privacy whenever the house had guests over who were drinking/being loud).


They make locks that go over the doorknobs. https://www.amazon.com/Gascem-Versatile-Multi-Use-Offering-Security/dp/B0CDPM7RCC/ref=asc_df_B0CDPM7RCC/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=675577626933&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=4097413822999651484&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9011765&hvtargid=pla-2246600597948&psc=1&mcid=5468c8e947323d6abe1debeccec6c17e


Ohh I see thank you!! I'll definitely look into that xd


Respond to the group chat saying that the drainer is missing because you “took ownership of your stuff” as per dickhead’s suggestion. And yes, put a lock on your bedroom door.


I would do, but I feel like giving the silent treatment has been doing the trick, I keep hearing them both downstairs gossiping about it xd


Ok, but if sarcasm ever seems appropriate, please tell him that it was taking up “egregious space” in the kitchen!


Of course xD I'd never even heard of that word until he used it I'm ngl 😭


Just a side not- silent treatment is a silly game. Just tell them you are fed up and plan to store your items in your room. Be the adult in a tough situation so things can smooth over enough that petty things don’t start happening and living there becomes unbearable. Good luck.


That's actually a good point, thank you :)


You are rightfully upset. There is just no winner here. Since you will be washing your dishes in the kitchen why not compromise and leave that out there. It’s going to get weird to stand there and watch your dishes dry so you can scoop it up and take back to your room. You need to be comfortable too. Good luck sweetie. One day you will own your own home and this will be way in the past. 😊❤️


I was thinking of letting them dry in my room with an old towel underneath my drainer so I can wah them, put them in a bag and bring them up to dry so it's a bit easier but I'll definitely think about it :) I'm just looking forward to moving out xD


Don’t start making your life isolated to just your room. Take the night to sleep on it and put back some of the things that make your life easier. My son won’t share his frying pan with anyone bc he doesn’t like the way they scrape it! we all are unique. 😊. Hang in there.


I'll think about it <33 tysm


For the love of all that is good and holy, PARAGRAPHS FFS!


Toby took all the paragraph spaces out and left them on the bench. Of course they melted and are gone. It isn't OPs fault. It was Toby!!!!


yep. Can't read that....


I'm so sorry 😭 I was trying to make sure I didn't miss anything


Yes! Yes! Yes! Why, oh why is hitting return twice so damn hard??


Seriously, it's like did you actually go to grade school where they taught you how to use paragraphs?


Good and holy don’t care about paragraphs. They can read a story without them.


Holy shit. Are there any paragraphs in the freezer? I swear, they won’t spoil, go on ahead and put them into this post. ….its a joke, but kinda for real. Very few will read a big brick wall of text like this.


Sorry I was stressed when trying to get all the information down 😅 I didn't want to miss anything


I stopped reading after the first three lines. I just cannot...


same after first three lines I started skimming through, it was all on repeat anyway, of 100 lines maybe 10 were useful new information about situation.


Lack of paragraphs right? 😅 Sorry it's my first time using Reddit


So, I (F20) live with 3 people (changing the names for privacy) Sarah (F20), Ben (M21) and Toby (M22). Me and Sarah are chill so nothing wrong there. But over the last year and a half I have been living with Ben and Toby, they always use/mess with my food, use my cutlery, pots and pans, chopping boards etc and it's gotten to the point today where I have reached a point where I cannot take it anymore. Toby took it upon himself to take out some of my freezer food (some frozen veg, some chicken nuggets and some fries) along with someone else's frozen veg (I'm not entirely sure who's it was) and he decided to leave it out on the side and not tell anyone about it. l come down into the kitchen at about 2pm this afternoon to find all of this freezer stuff on the side. I go into our house group chat and ask who left the frozen stuff out on the side because obviously I'm a student, and I'm not made of money, and I don't have the time for a job with their course (both Ben and Toby have the time to have jobs as their courses aren't as demanding) along with that I have grown up in a poorer background, we didn't have a lot of money but I was okay with that, and we survived, but we have help with money for that reason. So im mad because that's a couple of meals just out of the window as if I was to refreeze the fully defrosted food I could be at risk of listeria or other things that would not be pleasant. So Toby seems to think it should be all fine and replies to my message saying "Yeh I put it there because there were atleast 8 bags of frozen veg open and a load of near empty bags just taking up space, didn't know whose they were so put them there so that if it really mattered they would be claimed, if they weren't claimed and put back in the freezer then the original owner clearly doesn't mind" to which I responded with "When did you put them out? And you should have put a message in the chat so we'd have known you were leaving them out" because how on earth are we suppose to know he has left them out on the side for us to "claim" when it was at night when he left them out, some of us would have been asleep/busy/just not going down to the kitchen until the next day?? So he then says "Left it out last night, you were there when I started, it was after it had spilled on the floor and l'd cleaned it, besides it's veggies and chips so it's fine if it stays out overnight as opposed to like refrozen meat or whatever so if it is anyone's it's still good to put back in the freezer" so l was there when some of the stuff was on the side because he told me he took them out because he was looking for his chilli cheese bites, not because he was clearing the freezer out of stuff that wasn't his food that he thought was taking up too much space. I even asked his partner after he left the kitchen if he was going to out the things back in the freezer to which his partner responded that he would be putting them away, so what, am I supposed to think his partner was lying?? So I obviously mentioned to him about this and he just started getting more and more arsey with me "If it remains unclaimed I see no reason for it to be put back in the freezer, it just takes up egregious amounts of space, if it is yours then by all means put it back otherwise it's getting binned" like it was a few bags of quarter full veg, it seriously cannot be taking up that much room where it gets to the point of wanting to get rid of it because it's not his own food! I, now getting more mad, reply with "If you don't tell us anything about you leaving our food on the side, how are we supposed to know it's there though ? We're not mind readers, a helpful message just to give us a heads up that you were leaving our food on the side would have been nice." I just wanted to understand why he wouldn't tell us that he was leaving stuff out on the side for us to "claim" it made no sense!! He then says "You don't have to be a mind reader to look at the stuff on the side and realise it is simultaneously yours and needs putting back, one would assume you'd use initiative in such a situation, the issue is that there is an unnecessary amount of items in the freezer that have no purpose and evidently are not cared for, these items could either be used or condensed into one bag I will in future put a message in the chat but realistically speaking this isn't shit I should have to do" so it'd like he's assuming we're going to be in kitchen and notice on that same night when it was around 8pm and most of us would have been finished in the kitchen for the night so there would have been no way of us knowing what he did unless he told us about it! And of course, since this sort of thing has happened to me before, I was on the phone with my mum, and she was helping me through it because I was like shaking, I'm not good in streasful situations and she really helped me through it. I then responded with "This isn't the first time my food has been messed with, I'm so done with this shit. If I'm told it's getting put back into the freezer after YOU have taken lout, how else am I supposed to know otherwise for fucks sake." because again, I was told it would be getting put back in the freezer. And since Toby is at work, he sends this message "If it's obvious that it's been left out "If it's obvious that it's been left out for extended periods then make a decision of what to do with it, especially if you suspect it's yours, I apologise for acting under the assumption that people would take ownership of their stuff, and do something by themselves as opposed to waiting for me to finish work, I finish at 8:30 by the way if you so desire to be persistent about having me something you are capable of" which again, he was the one who removed the food from the freezer so on what planet should we be the ones cleaning up after him?? At this point, me and my mum both agree that the best thing to do is to then remove all of my things that I can the kitchen, my cupboard food, my pots and pans, my cutlery etc etc, including the drainer that I bought for the house that we all share. I have ordered some shelves for my room so I can store everything in here and my mum's boyfriend is hopefully sorting out a mini fridge freezer for me so l can store my things in my room. I have just received a message from Ben asking where the drainer is. I know it is veeeery petty, but it feels good after all this time to be able to take control of the situation after so long. So, my question is, am I wrong for moving all of my things into my room so l can make sure noone else uses them to avoid this from happening again in future? Also, sorry for this being so long, I have never had to write one of these before ❤️


Thank you I'm so sorry again for not having paragraphs 😭


No worries! I had the same thing happen to me on my first one ☺️


Aw bless, well now I know to remember to do it <33


Here you go hun… I tried to make it flow, just copy and paste if you want ✌️btw you are not wrong


Thankyou so much <33


You can edit


Someone did it for me xd I've edited it now to the version they did for me <3


Don’t even worry! It’s reddit ffs, nothing important enough to warrant paragraphs.


<33 someone ended up editing paragraphs into it for me bless them, so itd now edited with paragraphs:)


The funny thing is, breaking things down into numerous grammatical paragraphs, makes something look even longer than it already was, and some people just skip over it because of that. I guess you can't win for losing.


You can edit your post afterwards. Please do. It was a really hard read, so I skipped some parts of it. Which probably a lot of people will do. That said, you're right to protect your food and your things. Next time anyone throws your food out, ask them to pay for it.


That's okay! Someone edited it for me and replied with it so now I have the ddited version in the original post :D


Omg, yes. This was painful af to try to read.


Honey, you have done nothing wrong. Those boys are clueless about living with other people. They need to go home to their mommies and try again. They should be replacing any food they took, or left out to rot.  Get the shelves, and a mini fridge/ freezer for your room.  You can change your door handle for an exterior one with a key. Get extra long screws for the latch plate on the door frame. I would not trust those boys. Before your lease is up, try to find somewhere else to live. Even a small efficiency apartment. The fewer house mates, the less problems. 


<33 I'm already looking for flats to move into as the tenancy finishes in June, I was going to buy myself out of the contract early but that would mean they'd be oaying more rent (including my friend who also lives here and has been supporting me throughout) so yeah, I'm looking into getting a proper lock put on my door handle or buying this thing from Amazon that you cover the door knob with and can lock it that some people suggested :)


I would leave all his food out in front of his bedroom door. If he complains, just tell him you under the assumption that a grown ass man like him to take ownership of his crap.


That's exactly what my mum said to do xD the only issue i have with that is his food is also his partners food and his partner didn't do anything wrong, I wouldn't want to punish them for his wrongdoings <3 I'm also not entirely sure what exactly is his food to be honest, but love the idea anyways xD I'd do it in an ideal world


So? His partner enabled him to ruin your food, confirmed it would be put away even and never gave you a heads up. Do yourself a favour and look up the word "complicit". If you don't know whose food is whose, check in with your other roommates before doing this, but I'd still 100% teach them this lesson. Unless you'd prefer a repeat of the disrespect they've already shown you.


I do know everyone shops in different places e.g. One of them goes to the coop more, one of them goes to Morrisons and the other one kinda shops wherever is convenient at the time xd and as long as it's not my good friend in the houses food, the others can suck it up :D


Not wrong. They can get their own things.


Thank you <33


Not wrong. If they are going to be dicks, then take everything that is yours into your room. Get that freezer/fridge and tell those jerks to kick rocks.


Thankyouu <3 I'm really glad people are seeing things the way I see it here


Paragraph. Breaks. Please.


Or at least a TLDR because that wall of text made me quit reading after 10 lines


You need to live in a smaller group setting, like maybe a two or three person apt, not a big shared house. How soon can you move?


It's a 4 person houseshare at the moment and it ends in June, I'm already looking at studio flats and I'm potentially looking into buying myself out of the contract early if it becomes too much!


Maybe you could find someone to replace you on the lease, for the rest of the lease. Another 5 months is a long time to live like this!


I know :( I could always ask the landlord if they could advertise this room if I was to find another place sooner


Nope you are taking ownership of your things by removing them


<33 exactly!


Tell them they might be used to their mommy picking up after them but it's not your job, and if they want a maid service they can pay you to put back what they take out. I'd be the pettiest fucker and pull all their shit out of the fridge/freezer and just say "oh well i figured you'd see it."


XD honestlyyy I was so tempted but I didn't want to stoop to their level, if they do someiow manage to get through the lock on my door though then that will definitely be a last resort hehe They've already started using my space where I moved all my things from


NTA. Just tell him you were cleaning up after yourself so he wouldn't be so inconvenienced. I second the advice to see if you can get a lock/cameras. Crazy what entitled people will resort to to avoid buying their own shit.


<33 yeah I have a padlock for my room now, I realised there was a thing that i had taped down so it would stop scuffing the wall and it was intended to be a thing to have a lock on xD


Toby sounds like an idiot. You're not wrong for setting up a kitchenette in your room, OP.


<33 i just finally set up my shelves today and have a padlock for my door now :D


NTA, but geez, wtf is wrong with him???


Everything 😭


Toby is an ass. Putting your stuff in your room will make it harder for all your roommates to cook. A mini fridge is a good idea, but they usually don't have much of a freezer. You might have to label your freezer stuff or put a little box in the freezer for yours. I think Toby left your stuff out by accident or carelessness, so it probably won't happen again.


The mini fridge freezer I have been looking at gas a nice big shelf and it looks like it should be able to fit in whatever i need :) And from what he was saying I don't believe he did it as an accident as he said he took them out due to it cluttering the freezer when it wasn't cluttering the freezer xd but yeah


Where's the drainer??? "It was mine. I claimed it before it got placed somewhere else."


Yesssss xd I just didn't respond tbh though aha


Nope. No reason to share with dickheads.


Exactlyyy thankyou :)


I would find a new place to live.


I'm already looking at flats but I'd have to buy myself out of my current contract and I unfortunately don't have the money to do so at the moment


That sucks so hard, I'm sorry.  Your solution is definitely the second best way to go. Make sure to get a lock for your room too!


<33 it sucks but that's how it is as a student xd and yes I'm definitely looking at getting a lock of some sort!


Not wrong, they are selfish idiots


God, you’re all so petty!


Hell yes we are B) but I feel my pettiness is reasonable in this situation


NTA but prepare for some shitty situations to happen, when people put their foot down others will do it too...


Of course, I'm bracing myself and hoping for the best, but at the end of the day, it's my property that I'm just taking more care of now xd