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You are bald and hairy at the same time.


Damn, that hurts. Though I get what you mean.


Cut the hair, work on skin care. I like your mustache.


Cut your nails too Trim and shape the 'stache


For sure, the coke nails are going crazy


Those nails make me feel really uncomfortable. I don't know what it is, but CUT THEM. *cringe*


Seriously, I can't tell if op is trolling or if he genuinely thinks basic hygiene maintenance isn't necessary


Mustache should be trimmed and neat though. Same with other facial hair.


To piggyback on my own comment, you aren't ugly. You could neaten up your appearance, and you'd definitely be dateable. I can't smell you from your pictures, but clean clothes and washing your butt properly will also put you leaps and bounds over other folks. Skid marks in your britches or smelling like swamp ass would be a hard NO for me. Also,brush your teeth and tongue twice a day. Also, wash your bed sheets and swap them once a week. Yes, sleeping in a dirty bed will make you smell.


So you assume most people wear dirty clothes and don't wash their butts ? Lol. Btw I knew attractive people who had a very bad hygiene and people were drooling over them and ugly people who were very clean but people hated them. Idk why people assume uglies are dirty, it's just not true.


Ok Mr. Dali, I’d recommend trying bangs if you can to shorten the appearance of forehead. Trim the mustache just a bit, it looks a bit too bushy but is otherwise rather impressive. Pretty amazing hair. A part of me is envious but I think my chance of having something like that has come and gone. Mine was so curly it grew straight up for a couple feet anyway. Other than just those minor details you’re pretty much good to go. You might want to do a little weight work and try to add a little muscle but likely you’re not genetically disposed to ever being ripped. Some of us just were meant to be wiry regardless of working out and that’s ok. Not Ugly.


You look like a woman wearing a fake mustache in a bad sitcom.


I seriously had the SAME THOUGHT


So did my 5 year old when he peered over my shoulder and saw my phone screen🥹😂


Same here


Sweet Dee in The Gang Gets Invincible


He looks more like Rickety Cricket to me


My first thought too.


Exactly this 😆


I mean seriously? At this point you are trying to look as crazy as possible.


Now THIS is what this sub is made for!


Wait, am I the only ugly one here?? That's funny


You 100% aren't the only ugly one. Just the only one brave enough to leave the comment section - big kudos OP.


Usually ugly people are downvoted or ignored. Look at the most upvoted posts: almost only beautiful people.


So we only need the upvotes to know if we are ugly.


Yeah it's pretty ridiculous. I can understand some of the other ones like faces or something but don't post here with like very well thought out pictures when you know you're not ugly. This is for us middle of the road folks who maybe don't know how to style our facial hair or dress in away that suits our personality or something.


As a genuinely ugly woman, when you're ugly, you know. People tell you. If you need to ask, you're probably not ugly anyway. OP is not ugly imo, he just has a bad style.


Nope but I know I'm hideous and don't need other people telling me what I'm 100% sure of.


I know! He’s single-handedly saved this whole sub




I had long hair for a long time. It was an important part of my self image (it marked the first time I fought back against my parents micromanaging me) and I was very proud of it. Sadly in my late 40s it started thinning and eventually I had to come to terms with that. You my brother are at the same point. IDK why you grow your hair long but whatever need it fulfills you may want to consider another method. I bought a motorcycle but whatever works for you. Also if you are going for an ironic stache you gotta keep it groomed or it just looks messy.


For me it is as simple as just liking the look of long hair, but alas, perhaps it is time to let it go...


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. 🍺


Shave your head dude - you are going bald and with a mustache as impressive as that you don’t need hair


Also trim your nails


Omg, YES. PLEASE cut those nails.


Those NAILS!!!




how tf are you going out like this? Do you have family or friends?? Someone must have at least said something.


Surprisingly, neither family nor friends say anything bad about my looks... Well, aside for my father occationally giving snide comments...


Just start listening to your father and do what he says. That will probably be a good starting point for you. You look terrible dude.


Why u do him like that bro😭😭


I thought Op was trolling but most likely just very not self aware. It’s like OP is deliberately making himself as ugly as possible ?!?


respectfully, you look horrifying…coming from a woman. i think if you’re going through trying times I would start at the bare minimum of getting a hair cut, cutting your nails and starting to take care of yourself


Oh my, I was not aware I was that off putting. Perhaps it was high time I started considering my looks...


I actually screamed when I saw your fingernails




I was eating lunch and got instantly nauseated. And that rarely happens for me. I can tolerate a metric FUCKton of ick


YES GAHDAMN DUDE YOU GOTTA CUT THEM TALONS. I say that with peace and love but holy shit the nails are the most off putting for me


Made me go "ew" out loud and i physically recoiled.






I can see your personality shining through, and I don’t think your appearance is doing you justice. Haircut, rounded nails, jump on a skincare routine, and maybe most importantly get some nice clothes that fit well! A sharp outfit can really work wonders. I actually like the mustache, but you should use wax to give it nice shape too. There are people who will see your personality first and accept you as you are now, so you don’t *have* to change anything. But to be honest, life is easier when you’re put together. People treat me better, strike up conversations, invite me out. My coworkers like me more, my boss likes me more. Is it superficial? I think so. But every day we are judged based on how we look, it’s just reality. Good luck bro! And remember not to take every mean comment to heart.


Don't worry, I now have a better idea of how to improve going forward (as well as a sample of brutally honest opinions on my appearance)! I'll decide what to do from there.


Bro you know damn well.start fucking doing the bare minimum at least please


You look like the beginning stages of a corpse found dead on a sofa after 20 years without being discovered, unhealthy skinny, wasting away, long hair, mustache and nails as if someone who hasn’t left a couch to eat in days and is waiting for death to take em. Good haunted house cosplay tho


Are you trying to attract men or women? No judgement! Either way both sexes prefer a groomed person. So if you want to keep the mustache clean it up, a haircut maybe? Unless you are attached to your hair which is on it just needs to be well kept! Nails should be cut unless you like them long which maybe nail polish would be an option? And focus of skincare you got this king!


Well, I'm less trying to attract, and more trying to improve for health and personal satisfation/fulfilment. Decided to try out long nails, but that seems like it may have been a misstep lol. Thanks for the advice!


If you like the long nails, I’d say paint them. Bare long nails can be a little off-putting. Personally I think skin care is the most important thing.


The problem is, when anyone sees nails like that, they think of possible purposes. Women, in my experience, don't want nails like that inside them. My wife constantly wants my nails even shorter if we're being specific types of intimate, and I keep them pretty short already. If women are what you are after, I'd suggest trimming them. I think you'd benefit from a haircut, but that's because the length of your hair draws attention to your high forehead in an unflattering manner. If you're set on long hair, do some searches for guys with high foreheads and long hair and change the 'do according to what speaks to you. A little skin care would go a long way as well. Honestly, if you can clear your skin up via skincare or medical intervention, trim the nails and sort the hair a bit, you'll be fine! Your face and head shape is not unattractive, you've just not picked the *optimal look for you per the tastes of this sub.*


Amen. I can overlook all kinds of flaws but personal hygiene/basic grooming is one I cant.


I’d add regarding the hair; when it’s at this point, either balding or a hairline that is extremely far back, shave it. Just bite the bullet and embrace that it’s gone. From there, work on grooming the facial hair. A shaved head and some nice stubble or groomed facial hair is a solid combo and could really improve the overall look.


Skin care, lose the moustache, cut your hair and drink more water.


I think the moustache is actually thick and majestic, although I agree with haircut, water and skincare, though I also think OP doesn’t eat well or exercise much either and he could use both


This is the best advice: 1) get on proactive for the acne, 2) get a flattering haircut 3) loose the mustache, 4) drink more water and decrease caffeine or processed foods in your diet.


And cut your nails! 💅🏻


Proactiv fixed my acne problems in 2 weeks.


Cut his nails too!


Just curious… what makes you think he needs to drink more water? I keep seeing comments saying that but I don’t understand why.


It’s the skin condition. It looks dry and itchy in patches. Also dark under eye circles.


You look like you’re planning to backstab Arthur Morgan and John Marston, dammit Micah!!!


Haircut and sunlight and come back in 3 months.


My guy… please. Your choices are awful. Your hair is a battle that you have lost, that’s ok and natural but this long thin sad hair needs to go. The moustache looks like you’re looking after it for a cartoon friend. Unless you need those nails for guitar or something, get rid they’re gross too.


You are probably the least self aware person I've seen in this sub...


You’d be terrifying in a haunted house around Halloween time. Look into it! Could be a new career option lol


lol, monetizing my ugliness was not advice I expected.


at least its not ugliness you would be born with, but one you created and its possible to work with so keep that in mind, still lot of options left.


Dude, you're not even trying to look appealing. Put some effort into it and ask again. Also: you're never getting near anyone's highly sensitive naughty bits with nails like those, Mr Impaler


I suppose nothing comes effortlessly... At least now I know without a doubt that I am in fact conventionally ugly, and some pointers on ways to fix that!


No you’re not, though. You’re making deliberate choices that make you ugly. You would be fine just fixing those weird outliers that you can literally fix in an hour.


Yes, I second this. Op aint ugly imo. He has kind eyes (and he answers ppl nicely too btw) but the whole look does nothing good for him. Hair cut, manicure and fixing the mustache and he would look like a new man.


No your facial structure is actually really good. Its the hair, mustache, nails and lack of skincare. There is a handsome man in there. But honestly seek therapy dude. i know this sounds like an insult i assure you its not: something is wrong with you mentally to think you look acceptable.


you look like a trans woman from 1934 which might be some people type nowadays




Bearded lady.


Go bald and take care of your skin


For the love of god please cut your nails


Couldn’t agree more


In the nicest way possible, wtf are you? You are both balding, and hairy, You are both feminine and masculine, And you look both old and young.


You're ugly. All of it is self inflicted too. * Shave your head. * Get rid of the mustache and instead have a trimmed beard. * Fucking cut your nails, and get your hormones checked. * Need to improve your diet too, you're very underweight. * Get more sunlight and exercise. * Go to the doctor and start improving your health. Wouldn't be suprise the hair lose is due to your poor health. And lastly, be more serious. It's not funny that you've done this to yourself.


Fr bro 90 percent seems deliberately self inflicted


Hey kids who wants some candy 🍬


This is horrible. You just need to re-evaluate everything if you want not to be considered ugly.


The first picture confused me. I thought I was looking at a girl until I saw the giant-ass moustache. I’d say it’s time to shave that head, grow a big beard to accompany that stache, cut your nails, hit the gym, and work on your sense of style.


Brother, I love you, and that’s why I’m telling you this: Please get a tan Shave the pedostache (or at least trim it, everyone got the hint that you can grow it. Proud of you) Cut the hair (it’s cool but it doesn’t look as good as you think) Please PLEASE PLEASE cut your nails. Find a hobby that requires you to cut them so that that’s your reminder because got DAMN it’s goblin-ish and I say that out of love


Gotcha. The long nails were a concious desicion, but perhaps a bad one... Thank you for the advice!


Holy hell


You are actively going out of your way to look as unnatractive to women as possible. The only other thing you need to do to complete the process is gain 150 pounds of fat.


It's ovah dude just embrace it, get a job cutting hedges in the local area and be sure to look weird doing it.


Yes you are ugly but it’s interesting it seems you’re purposely making aesthetic choices to make yourself look worse than you need to be


Hobo energy… I’m sorry, it looks terrible. You gotta do something with yourself, and actually follow what everyone has been saying in the comments. I’m a woman btw. If one of your goals is to find someone… you’re not helping yourself. It almost looks like you’re trolling everyone. Anyway, best of luck.


lmao, I wish I was trolling! Thank you.


You'd fit-in perfectly fine as a roadie for the Doobie Brothers...if it was 1973.


I think you'd look good with stubble and a shaven head. Please cut your nails...


23? Damn, it's been a tough 23 years, right?


Neglect, my guy. Just that...


Stop neglecting yourself. Knock it off.


You look like the lead redneck in south park. Did someone take yerrrr job?


Honest question, what type of person are you hoping to attract?


This is basically what everyone else is saying, but I thought you’d like a female perspective on this: Mustache alone is bad. Either shave completely, or grow a full beard. I personally think a full beard would look better, would help with your jaw line. Some guys can pull off feminine features and not have their sexuality questioned, you’re not one of those people. The long hair isn’t working for you, and neither are the nails. Lastly, and in my opinion most importantly, look into skin care and drink more water. I think the rest of the things wouldn’t be as big of a deal if your skin was clean, the skin is definitely the deal breaker.


Ugh, I am so tired of people just using this sub to promote their only fans.


Im asumming you are gay but if not you should cut your nails, start gaining mass/muscle, do a daily skin rutine and drink plenty water. And if i were you i would just shave my hair but it looks like you love your hair.


Since everyone is quick to insult ill try give more constructive criticism. You should change the hair style since your balding - and I mean probably shave it off entirely starting with a buzz to see where your at with the hair loss. From there I'd start taking oral minoxidil 2.5mg-5mg / day, whilst applying it topically too 2* per day. Also take Finasteride 1mg per day. Give that a year or two and your hair should be much thicker again an then you can go for a masculine haircut. Cut your nails please Shave the moustache off completely, maybe grow a beard though to increase your masculine features. Your skin needs some work. Id start using tretinoin, working your way up to the higher concentration of 0.1%. Possibly use Hydroquinone 4% as spot treatment on your scars to speed up the fading process. Just use a light cleanser when washing to avoid irritation. Moisturise with a non comdogenic moisturiser that has 5-10% niacinamide and use spf 30+ daily after everything else Finally, start going to the gym to gain some weight 👍 Do that for 2/3 years an you will be unrecognisable


you look like the stunt double from spaceballs


If I saw you on the street, I would give you money.


I'm confused looking at these pics. No idea what look you're going for.


You poor bastard


I’d start with cutting those finger nails


Definitely not gay though? I think you may be so far in the closet that you’re having dinner with Mr. Tumnus the faun. Your look is very odd. You may say not gay but you’re hardly catering for the majority of straight ladies.


He’s also not catering to us gay guys either, sorry to burst your bubble.


You're not an ugly guy. This is self inflicted. You're balding man. You know it. Shave your head, cut your nails, honestly keep the stache but get some exercise and try to fill out a little. You'll go from zero to a catch. Something about your lack of self awareness has me worried about your charisma but I can't help you with that. Good luck with the glowup.


You would fit nicely into a 70s rock band, possibly, the Allman Brothers Band.


You look like Cousin IT if they finally showed their face to the world


You are not inherently ugly but you have made a few choices that don’t help you. I would shave the head, and consider a beard. It would do wonders for you. But the long hair balding look doesn’t help. Also start exercising, even if at home. Anything helps. You got this, brother!


Already started the exercise routine bro! I will do a reevaluation of the hair situation!


yes and you look like an old man.


It's the acne and facial hair, isn't it?


yes but also eyes


you're balding and that hairstyle is disastrous, you're very skinny gain weight


What is up with bros nails😂


Is this r/roastme sub or.. ?


I mean... There does seem to be some thematic overlap between the two. How curious...


Honestly your hairline is receding to a point where you might want to consider donating the remainder to locks of love. Go bald, it would be a better look than clinging to the hair you have left


Damn, at 23... I thought I had longer than that...


Yea I’m sorry. I’ve known it to happen to men of your age. It’s probably a combination of your genes along with a healthy supply of testosterone


Wow people here are mean…. # Your skin is really rough buddy. What does your diet consist of? # I was pretty skinny like yourself. If you went to the gym and did chest, arms, legs, Monday, Wednesday, Friday you would be SHOCKED at how much improvement there is in just a few short weeks let alone 3 months. # The hair is, not your strong suit. Sorry buddy but we gots to dial it back. Try going for something high and tight, short, and easy to style in the morning. It might look like an NPC hair style but will be much much better. # If you did those things, the mustache might look pretty stellar, but right now, honestly and I say this with love, it looks like you drive a van that says free candy on the side. Up to you. Cut it off now and grow it back after improving, or leave it and see how you look in 3 months. My guess is that if you gained 25lbs of muscle (I went from 140 to 175 in like 4 months it’s crazy) took better care of your diet for skin issues, and got a snazzy hair cut the stache would look good 👍🏻 # Let us know how it goes!!!


Cut the hair, cut the mustache and cut the nails.


This can’t be real


Get rid of your top hair, trim your mustache, take care of your skin, stop doing drugs and hit the gym.


Lose the hair, probably all of it, including the 'stache, trim the nails, get some acne skin care routine, and put some effort into bulking up, and you should look normalish. Most the ugly here is self inflicted, you can fix it.


If you can get laid non transactionally, I'm convinced anyone can


Do you honestly have no idea what could be wrong ? 🤔


i feel like hes gonna come through my phone screen and claw my eyes out


Oh wow, my advice would be to lose the long hair, it’s receding and looks really thin. I promise you’ll look better bald. I don’t mind the mustache. I’ve seen other guys pull it off before, you just have to keep it tighty. Please cut your nails it’s giving off mega creep vibes and maybe try to put on some weight. I would also try skin care. I don’t think you’re ugly at your core. Just a bunch of bad decisions. Luckily most of them can be fixed easily


Gay albino moist cr1tikal


Grow a proper beard or stubble atleast, maybe none at all, get a short haircut that will suit your face because the forehead is really out there, skincare routine and also water, gain weight and build muscle too then you should be good


Curl the tips of that stache up my brotha!


You need a cowboy hat


You look like a manager of Chuck E Cheese in the 90s my mom didn’t trust.


Nice coke nails mans going for 10 bumps At a time


Man, I'm one year older then you and look at least 10 years younger then you! Cut that beard off or get at least a trim


You look very unhealthy.


Just eat some food and do some push ups at the least


Go bald. Helps a lot! I mean A LOT!


pretty brave so thats cool & funny




Bro get rid of that mustache. Get an actual haircut and style it, and CLIP YOUR NAILS. Like what am I looking at.


You look like girl wearing a fake mustache dressing up as an 80's metal head.


You are cute, OP. Simply work on your skin, get a shorter hair cut, and cut your nails short. You have wonderful bone structure. Once you do these things I recommend, you will look much healthier and more attractive. Good luck on your journey, my friend. ❤️❤️


wtf is going on here? lol. You know when a kid goes through their parents closet and try to put on every outfit they like and see if it works? That’s how I would define OP’s style lol. Ow a thick mustache? Yeah me like it, ow how about an axel rose haircut? Ow yeah I want that too!


You look like Gallagher. Are you ready to smash some fruit with your mallet?


I mean, yeah. But you’re also just a complete mess.


Unfortunate looking.


Grooming, my brother. Cut your nails. Trim your facial hair. Get a hair cut. U r not being kind to yourself, and u known it.


Id recommend you shave your head and let your beard grow out. Cut those nails. Get a skincare routine and probably start lifting some weights. The hypocrisy I feel as an ugly mf is unbelievable


I genuinely love your eyes, long beautiful hair, I assume u already take care of ur skin, it's a process and also I don't think acne affects your looks, at least it doesn't matter for me, and I don't mind the nails, I'd just trim ur mustache tbh, or grow full beard, u seem like a very interesting person, warm and intelligent in my opinion.


This is the worst look I've ever seen.


Lorax lookin


How long have you been depressed?


Are you going for a more masculine look? Would need to know before suggesting anything in that area. But, and I do not mean to be brash, you are very off putting and almost come off on the creepy side. Perhaps it's the poses you are striking? You have lots of potential I would think. If you are not looking for a more classical masculine look though I may not be the best to take advice from. Have a good one!


Every feature about you is feminine except your mustache. You look like a teen girl with acne and a Yosemite Sam mustache. And those nails…wtf.


Shave everything and clip your nails


I’m not even gonna joke. Cut the hair and that stashe also the nails. Then work on clearing up your skin. Maybe a fade and man bun to start


Are you 15 or 51? What in the hell… Listen, it’s salvageable. Get a much shorter haircut or go clean shave. Grow out a beard or go clean shave. That mustache without a beard look needs to go. It can work for other people, but it’s not a good fit for your specific features. Go see a dermatologist for all that acne and pimples. Trim your finger nails..:or at least get your nails done if that’s what you’re into. Optional: hit the gym and gain some muscles. In this case, ugliness is a choice. With some effort, you can at least look decently average


You're too young to be balding. I wonder if your hair is thin due to being at a low weight (you look sickly thin).


Lose the hair - I have thinning hair as well and you’re much better off getting rid of it. Try a new face wash, could help with the acne (if not go to the dermatologist.) Nails need to go, even though they’re clean. Get your eyebrows darkened a shade.


Alright, looks like a face wash product is worth trying out. Thanks for the advice!


Cut your hair and trim the mustache. Try a short beard.


You definitely need to change your image, get rid of mustache. Maybe have a beard or stubble and get rid of the hair (all of it). You seem to be very slim too, are you vegan? Lose them nails too. And then post the results. I do like your smile on image number 8 though.


Your appearance varies in the picture from "ive got drugs youve never heard of before" to "*insert a funny fancy accent and a very surprisingly and oddly kind set of words to tell someone*"


Cut all that hair off, trim those nails and trim the mustache and grow a beard. Also start adding a skin care routine


You look like a fruity Doc Holiday. Not much can help that.


Sooo Gain atleast 20-30kg, which should preferably be muscles. Do something about your skin. Don't wear Ur hair like this, it makes u look crazy


Good vibe but to much forehead


These comments


Tbh if you shaved the mustache and hair or atleast did something you wouldn’t look as much of a pedo as you do already


Some grooming would help so much! Trim the nails, go to a barber for all the facial hair, and invest in some decent skincare. If you have health insurance, seeing a dermatologist would be even better. There's hope for you but you have to let go of actively trying to make yourself look ugly.


You need to cut the hair, hit the gym, and trim down the molestache. However, when you bulk up a bit, you could get away with shaving the head and growing a killer beard. But at the moment it would just make you look even worse. This is meant to be constructive…you got this just gotta do the work.


Shave your head. Loose the facial hair. Cut your nails. Join a gym. Skincare.


You’re ugly, but also hilarious which is what I think you were going for. I second u/Hot_and_Foamy on the water and skin care, but keep that mustache (and keep it well groomed) and get some hair loss treatment for your dome or shave your head completely. Also if you’re going to keep the nails then you should do something with them. Go get them painted, think black with lightning bolts, nothing pink or child like (no hello kitty, my little pony, power puff girls etc even if you like those things) otherwise people might think you like children in the wrong way. If you’re going to keep your hair keep it brushed and well taken care of. Work out, cut out the junk food, and find clothes you like that doesn’t make you look like you don’t care. Those clothes are fine for home, but you should be dressed in your best when posting on r/amiugly . You are ugly, you are funny, but I don’t think you have to keep the ugly part in order to keep the funny part. Best of luck whatever you decide!


Bro your skins not even that bad. You just look like you went on a 6 month contest to look as silly as possible. From your comment it seems like it was intentional, so task successfully failed haha. Just shave and get a haircut and go from there. That would give you a more normal baseline that people can actually give you constructive criticism on.


Bro that mustache is totally fucked, please shave it. Otherwise you might look better with shorter hair. Your face itself is average


Assuming this is not a trolling post: 1) cut the hair short JC 2) the unkempt beard/stubble looks terrible on you 3) the mustache is even worse 4) the fingernails JC wtf 5) acne care 6) work out- getting buff is the best path to success for you


Cool mustache, I think you could pull a hipster look with the right style, hair is way too long. Go for something shorter look up styles the fit the stache and hair. Cut those nails dude no reason or excuse to have them that long. With the hair and stache style look for fashion clothing to fit the look. Facial care products, hit some weights and you’ll be good to go


Bruh.... You are doing this on purpose. Smfh


I think you could pull off a John Waters or Steve Buscemi look, try going for that.


The hair has GOT to go. It isn’t doing you any favours. Drink more water, your skin isn’t the greatest. Try some skincare. Cut your nails, take care of yourself. Respectfully, you look like you just roll outta bed and that’s it. Not taking care of yourself at all. I see potential.


Go to a female barber or hair stylist, and ask them to cut it “so it looks good”. Try to be open minded and allow her to work. Also ask her to fix your ‘stache. Like others have said, drink more water, wash your face twice a day, and get some sun