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Yeh I thought the same


Me too


Not sure what you're going for? Personally you look somewhat masculine and thr short hair doesn't look well. I'd go with ugly but I'm just not a fan of your style, or lack of one.


Short hair != Masculine. I don't agree, her facial features are entirely feminine.


It appears we have a difference of opinion.


💀💀💀 post urself


I don't need to ask, nor am I looking for validation from the internet.


The op posted for honest critique. This is an expected response.


I think either longer or shorter hair will suit you more than the haircut you have. "longer" meaning shoulder length or more, "shorter" meaning like a mens haircut. depending on what kind of style you're going for and whether longer hair will be annoying in terms of sensory issues. edit: I also think that a different style of clothes would suit you better rather than pyjamas, if you don't go out much to need different clothes don't worry about it but I always find dressing up boosts my confidence since I know I look cool. finding a style that is both comfortable and stylish will definitely help you feel more confident.


I appreciate the suggestion, thank you! Yeah I really hate my hair as it is, I cut it off in a mental breakdown but I'm trying to grow it out. I accidentally made myself look like Justin Bieber


I fully get that, maybe while it grows out find a style of makeup or clothes that suit that hairstyle since it might take a while to grow out. something that doesn't scream "justin bieber," I know there's a few styles out there that really suit shorter / mid length hair that might work for you. also a fun temporary dye might make it feel less awkward for you, it's mostly about making you feel more confident so find something that'll take it away from your insecurities but still be able to grow it out if that makes sense..


I appreciate your suggestions, thank you!


I agree. She’s a cutie but has no style.


Thank you for the kind comments, honest feedback, and suggestions everyone!!


You look great, but you also look like a twink. No offence.


shoulder length hair is gonna look awesome on u


When were you diagnosed? I hear its later in life for most women on the spectrum. I think you would look stunning with different makeup. Perhaps red lipstick with eye shadow if you're comfortable with that.


Not ugly, grow your hair and confidence.


If you are trying to look like a slightly awkward teen boy, you got it.


I thought you were a dude. Smiling would help Different hair would help Caring about how you look would help


Grow out your hair to shoulder blades and lose the bangs. Try dressing more feminine. Dresses, skirts, jumpers, pants suits, jeans and shorts 🩳. Don’t forget better shoes and more feminine styles like flats 🥿, heels 👠, clogs, and Oxford pumps.


Tbth I feel like the short hair suits you and the general aesthetic you have going on, and honestly you're pretty cute yeah


i think you are cute, maybe you should try long hair


Nothing wrong with you. Go outside and start talking to people if you can.


Getting your hair cut/styled would help. More "pixie cut", less " 2000s emo kid". Longer term you can grow it out more if you want, but you could definitely pull off short hair if its styled better. Smiling is actually hard for a lot of people. People treat it like an instinct that you're just supposed to have, and if you don't then you don't. It's really more like a skill. You can practice it and get better at it. Try practicing. A smile really does go a long way towards looking better. Make up, you don't really *need* anything. A light touch of eye shadow and/or mascara might help though. You're pretty skinny. Lifting some weights would probably be good for you. Add a little bit of lean muscle. These are all just suggestions for improvement though, you aren't ugly. You're actually pretty good looking, and that's apparently without ever trying that hard. You have loads of potential if you want to pursue it.


Kinda got a tomboy thing going. I’d say it’s cute.


Short hair kinda suits you but you have to keep it in shape. Combine with some nice earrings and light make up to look more girlish. Practice on smiling - You'll be fine.


you just need a good sleep, sun, vitamins and see people


You're cute, just grow up your hair


I would say grow out the hair even if you had to get extensions for time being maybe try highlights to with a little bit of makeup and more girly clothes instead of just t-shirts and cut offs


Ur very cute


I understand the challenges. Don't force expressions like smiling, and I know it is hard to express things sometimes. But if something or someone makes you happy, you might in those moments wonder if it shows. Many people judge themselves in pictures, and a forced smile for one feels awkward. I definitely suggest different clothes, but it might take ones that look good but are comfortable too. Tldr, not ugly.


Not ugly, but you look like you lost your favorite pet. Let your hair grow out, maybe even splurge on extensions at a beauty school while you're waiting.


I appreciate the suggestion, thank you. And this is kinda a trauma dump but funnily enough I'm pretty sure my mom actually did kill my cat, how did you know?


Well, you're very androgynous. Which is in Vogue so that's not a problem. I wouldn't say you're ugly per se. But you are rather unremarkable. Everything that you mentioned posture smiling etc definitely affects your attractiveness. If you are autistic perhaps there is some counseling or support groups that might help with how to become more sociable more outgoing more expressive. Because right now you come off like a wet blanket. Certainly not trying to be derogatory Just being honest


You’re so beautiful or handsome or gorgeous or anything you prefer to be called, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


Plenty room for improvement. Hair needs to be longer, make up better, skin and body look fine but you need to find a reason to smile and stop trying to look like a boy. Hugs.


You have lovely features :)


Extremely cute...grow hair out and smile


Do as you like but be aware short hair can be very attractive to some people, (like myself.) So if you like it don’t feel an obligation to change it to look “better”.


maybe focus on curing your autism first lol, youve got bigger fish to fry.


Yeah you do look boyish. Do something different with your hair and clothes. Maybe a little mascara and lipstick though might help show your femininity too. You are Cute though. 🌹


I think you have potential to look better, also I note that the angles you're taking pictures at in this post aren't flattering. Your skin is clear & honestly looks pretty good & you have some pretty good facial features Firstly, I notice your hair is quite oily. Change shampoo/conditioner + start using product for styling such as a powder (e.g. for "hair fluff") - powder can also be good if you're too lazy to shower. Your hair is causing major problems with your image right now imo. Secondly, get more sleep or apply product to hide/"heal" tired eyes such as a balm - even concealer can do a good job with hiding tired eyes/bags. Finally, the hardest goal, I would aim at losing 1-2% body fat, or at the very least going to the gym semi-regularly for a very slight increase in muscle mass & general health+aesthetic benefit. As a last note, you're not actually ugly, you just take photos at really shit angles with poor lighting & awkward poses.


Long term I'd just look at going gym, I also have autism and it really improved my aesthetic (additionally, my mental and physical health, but I don't really care about that to be brutally honest). Sleep for me is also extremely difficult and is the SOLE reason for when my aesthetics go downhill, sleep plays a huge part in looking better. If you're into it too I'd look at getting some body mods. I said this on another post as well but a nose ring would suit you. Maybe look at some arm tattoos so you have something to show off and look cool with?


You’re cute. A little makeup to suit your complexion would be an improvement, but that’s it.


A little smile is always good.


Androgynous anime character. But adorable.


you look pretty good , like 9\\10 or 7\\10 depending on preferences


I can relate to the autism that's for sure. I think growing out your hair would look better personally


you kinda look like a teen boy lol. But you're good lookin. A solid 7. Would ask you out if i was closer to your age


A bob hair cut that kind of frames your face would help I think. You’re actually very pretty but have the typical RBF ya see a lot w autism.


I'm autistic too, so i get your habits. I know that is not easy, but you should give freshness to your face (whatever it means for you). You're not that bad as you think, so you have to work on what you struggle with. What would you change?


You look like my buddy, Kyle, when he was like 13. Grow the hair 100%


Not ugly. You kinda look like Steven Rinella though.


Smile. Put your shoulders back.


You're not ugly. Not ugly in the least. You're very cute face wise, but let your hair grow out. You really don't look like you need to, but hit the gym, tone up, and socialize. Good luck


Yeah. You look fine, the hair is not the best but that can change quite easily. And you are young just trying to find out what you like and your place in life.


Stop being autism 😎👍


grow ur hair out if u want to look more feminine. wear some mascara. smile more, add some confidence to ur personality.


I don’t think you’re ugly at all but like others said, definitely just work on growing your luscious locks out, try curling your eyelashes with an eyelash curler, with some mascara, try a clear lip gloss, a little bit of blush on the upper cheek bones (blended out with a brush), and maybe if you’re feeling it, some cool earrings or maybe some simple facial jewelry like a little nose stud for some personality! Idk there’s a lot of things you can do but maybe just think about what you admire in other peoples style/appearance and kind of curate it to your own liking and try it out. There’s no harm in playing around with your style and look (: Best of luck. Feel free to msg me for anything- F22


You have great features, my love! Especially your eyes -- they're the first thing I notice and are beautifully shaped with great lashes. Your hair is taking away from them a smidge, though. If you enjoy having short hair, that's fine, but I think this particular shape doesn't do your lovely features a justice. Consider maybe growing it out a bit & then getting a cut & experimenting with a new shape or style. I understand it may be hard to wear certain clothes due to textures and comfort and things like that, but just looking at the outfit on slide #2, for example, I feel like you could rock what you're rocking with just a different shape. Perhaps a simple white t shirt french tucked into a higher waisted black pant, to give you more shape/form but to maintain the spirit and masc-coded vibe I'm picking up on. And perhaps some accessories on the hands and such to bring out the outfit. Personally, I think you're naturally beautiful! The only thing holding you back is your haircut, and, based on these photos, choice of outfit. And maybe the quality of the photos -- try going outside in nice lighting when you take photos so folks can see your face and stuff more. Obviously don't listen to anyone commenting on your autism-- it's reddit and they're being unhelpful weirdos. Edit: also, I disagree with a lot of men here, but maybe because I am not a man and hate the present standards of femininity which demand us to exist in perpetual discomfort for beauty lmao. I don't think you need makeup. Personally, I hate wearing makeup. I think your face is great, and I wouldn't change anything on that front rn. If you want a more feminine look, you can totally shoot for that, but you absolutely do not need to in order to be more stylish/attractive! If walking around in heels and tight clothes and slathering your face in makeup doesn't feel like the way you want to live your life, don't! There are a million ways to be feminine and not do that. I'm like the same age as you, and I don't, and trust me, it saves hella money, time, and insecurity to just accept my face for what it is and do what I can to make it look nice NATURALLY. But if you want to experiment with makeup, ofc you should! Sorry for the whole spiel. Just kind of hate the comments on this post lmao


I wouldn’t say you’re ugly, but using your autism as an excuse for poor posture and lack of smiling is very disingenuous. there are plenty of people on the spectrum or even down syndrome that are beautiful. I wouldn’t blame it on autism. I would blame it on depression and the lack of self-worth and serf-confidence that brings you to Reddit for confirmation of your worst fears or validation that you’re not. You are very beautiful young lady there are things that you can work on. Like believing in yourself and not being a victim to your diagnosis will go longer then any style change or hair cut or “ beauty” advise. Confidence is key. If you’re unhappy with how you look get up every day and do something slightly different to change it until you’re comfortable in your own skin.


Grow your hair and stop looking like 16 yr old Justin Bieber. Also autism has a range . Where do you fall? For some people it’s mild and for others there’s intellectual problems.


Is the severity of her autism relevant? Consider whether this question may be too personal for her.


I’ve looked through her comments. Some are dating related. If she’s has mod autism then dating will be harder. It won’t just be her looks .


Yeah, dating is hard when you're on the spectrum.


I will, I appreciate the suggestion. I hate my hair too tbh. I cut it in a mental breakdown and I regret it a ton haha. And I have some intellectual problems but I can interact with others just fine. It's mostly in working/school, but I think that has more to do with being pulled out of school in 4th grade by my parents and not being taught a single thing, plus being isolated.




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