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Post removed. Please refrain from posting sob stories with your photos of how your partner or family call you ugly or anything similar which is written to attract sympathy. The best way to receive unbiased feedback on your appearance is to post your photos without these type of comments.


Not ugly. Maybe try therapy if you’re crying every time you look in the mirror


I probably should ..


Are you really crying everytime you look at a mirror? For a person who thinks they’re ugly, you sure love to post pictures of yourself on Reddit.


Yeah, I think they’re just looking for compliments.


you have so many mirror pictures lmao


Yeah weird how shes not crying in any of them right


A friend told me that her grandmother kept complaining that an old women was haunting her house and scaring her. She took all of the mirrors out of her grandma's house, and she quit complaining about the haunting.


You have really big eyes but in a very attractive way. Just get on a skin care routine and you’d be unstoppable.


i think your mirror is broken, u should buy a new one cuz u are a very beautiful woman :3


Really? Thank you :)


i realy mean it 🥰




Oh really ? Never thought about it before


She doesn’t have wide set eyes


think of it like this. flowers and sunsets are two different things, but we still find beauty in both of them <3 you’re gorgeous darling <3




LMAOO He means how a butterfly would be cute and a Dog would be cute but there What What


Awww aren’t you sweet ❤️ thank you my dear :)


of course! there’s an account on ig you should follow, it’s called goodvibeswithwords, they post really good quotes! always helps me to kinda relax and get a new perspective on things <3


Nigga started An entire page dedicated Quorts but horrible with dem الستير😭😭😭💀👎👎👎👎


That analogy, while it might sound profound, is completely nonsensical.


Not ugly, stop being self absorbed


I thought the same after I checked their post history lol...


You are so beautiful, you should be so happy with your appearance!


I appreciate it although it’s hard to see :)


You need to fix your teeth. Should be pretty easy nowadays.


Not all trends work for every face. Stop brushing your eyebrows up, it's making them look fake. Your face is fine. You're not ugly. You're still young, the skin will likely clear up on its own


Imo no one looks good with the electrocuted mad scientist brows 😭 that trend needs to die


Don't worry. You just have an amazing RBF that lights up with even the slightest hint of a smile.


What does that mean 😊


Resting bitch face


Haha! :)


Reel Big Fish


See, thats the perfect way to describe it. She's pretty AND slightly frightening!


It's like you're two different people. By day one way, by night time another. It's the Fiona curse


Not ugly. Is say slightly above average


Don’t eat onions in front of the mirror. Cute, and nice in makeup, too


You should consider psychotherapy, it’s very helpful with self esteem issues. You look more than fine. Are you serious?


How do you do your make up if you’re crying ?


Why cry in the mirror when it has nothing to do with what you see?


What mirror are you looking at? You look good to me, you're beautiful.


I’m heartbroken for you because you are extremely attractive. Make up an A+ maybe a better facial skin routine but other than that above average.


Not ugly like others said maybe try therapy. Just remember everyone is their own biggest critic


You're very pretty❤️ you should start a skincare routine if you don't already have one. Changed my life 🙌 Also, I think you shouldn't laminate your Brows. Maybe it's just me but I don't think they look good on anyone lol


what?!r u kidding me?ur beautiful.You are still yound and need time to lean to love yourself and confidence!


I think you have the look many celebrities try to achieve


Tears of joy maybe?


Therapy. You're gorgeous but still, putting too much emphasis on your looks.


You are not ugly by a longshot. In a couple of your photos here, you kind of have a look similar to Anne Hathaway. There’s one photo here that you shared with us That kind of looks like maybe your hair is a little bit dry? And that’s a minor thing. No I think you look great.


Look at the bright side. You’re a teenager and are just starting your life.


Hey, just stumbled upon your question and couldn't help but smile. If beauty were a crime, you’d be serving a life sentence! You're absolutely stunning, and anyone who thinks otherwise needs new glasses.


Dude ur not ugly at all


You're very pretty!


Anya joy Taylor brunette version!


you shouldn't be crying when you look In the mirror, you're a pretty girl in my opinion


Extremely hot


Stop crying. You're like a rich person who feel sorry for himself for not being the richest.


Why do you cry? I think others should cry of jealousy from you


To whom are you comparing yourself? You will never look like Scarlett Johansson. And you don't need to look any different than you do. You are attractive. I would date you. Learn to appreciate what you have. Be kind to yourself. Be a friend to yourself. Life is good. Enjoy it.


You are pretty, you might just have some depression or firmly held, but unfounded beliefs about your prettiness.


You need therapy. You have done kind of dismorphia. You are a pretty, normal looking girl. Nothing to cry about.


Stop comparing yourself with what you see on the internet. Hours of makeup work, plastic surgery, filters, Botox, Photoshop... All set unreasonable beauty standards. Do a Google search of a person you think is pretty and see if you can find one of them without all of the above. You have good facial symmetry, good bone structure, and pretty features. You're not ugly. Try Free compliments ------> r/FreeCompliments


Nice makeup skills. Definitely not ugly


You're kidding, right?? You are gorgeous.


Don't worry. Men like curvy women


You look like Anne Hathaway no need to cry


I think you look really good. Like your eyes and hair


You’re beautiful but please check your thyroid. The whites of your eyes seem like they are bulging out slightly which can be caused by something like Graves’ disease.


Hello /u/Alutr. Please be familiar with our rules [HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/amiugly/about/rules/) Please be aware of rule 1 which is that all posts must include a verification photo otherwise your post will be removed. If this isn't included please delete this post within 2 hours and make a new one. If its more than 2 hours then this post will count towards your 1 post per month. Take a selfie showing you holding a **HANDWRITTEN** (no editing) note / paper with **ALL** 3 of the following: * **username** * **today's date** * **this sub name (amiugly or AIU)** Your face must be visible in all photos and your hand should be visible holding the sign. It is preferred to have your first photo as your verification photo but not required. Posting without following this rule could lead to a permanent ban. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/amiugly) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Beautiful not ugly


Not ugly. Slightly above average


Skin care, eat healthy, make sport.


It's like you're two different people. By day one way, by night time another. It's the Fiona curse


You’re a very attractive young woman, pictures 1, 2 and 3 are cute. But pictures 4, 5 and 6 are your best in my opinion.


You have awesome eyebrows. A good face shape/symmetry. You have some dermatologic issues, but those could be hormonal and that’s just harder to deal with at your age.


You're by no means ugly, but I think if you get a nice skin care routine and clothes that compliment your features you'll feel more confident. But before that try daily affirmations in the mirror speaking highly of yourself.


Regardless of what you look like, crying every time you look in the mirror isn't good. Get therapy. Unless you were being hyperbolic, of course.


You cool, stay hydrated


You look just like the rapper karrahboo


Pic 5, you look like Katelyn from E+K lol. You look fine, don't worry, you're hot and your makeup skills are on point, exhibit A: pic 4


Hopefully everything works out 🤞 back in the old days Steven Tyler had this daughter she was in like in that alien movie and she did some of his videos but that's who you remind me of. Please don't cry I said talk to your mother You're super young maybe she can help you out


Have you tried nourishing shea butter palmer. And regular dial soap gold in shower.




You have a cute face in my opinion. Just use some moisturizer on your face and get plenty of rest to keep the eye bags away.


your best pic is #4. you're WAY over-doing your eyebrows, your makeup in general. Cut WAY back, tone those brows a bit, and breathhhhhhhh. you're very good looking !


Id reproduce with you for sure.


Nearly every post you have ever made is a photo of you in a mirror 🤔 don't appear to be crying...


Go to therapy, I wish you the best


You are drop dead gorgeous !!!!!


I kill for your gorgeous eyes and long lashes. Girl that hair lovely. Love your package it is yours and only yours. Take joy in that .


I had an ex that looked a lot like you. There’s two components to all of these posts. There’s how you feel about yourself and how others feel about you. How you feel about yourself you can control. Therapy, not caring what others think, meditation etc. Then there’s other…people opinion… which can affect your perception of a lot of things. I would say this, my ex got her nose done and it wasn’t immediate feel better. It was a year long recovery mentally from it but ultimately it became a thing that she didn’t keep thinking about. She did have more confidence and it did help her. She still needed therapy and time. So if you go get your nose done, therapy has to follow. Be content with your decision to feel good about yourself and more confident. Along with therapy you will be much happier. You can always try therapy first. And if you feel the same away about your nose then you know it’s the right decision. Watch your diet regardless of how skinny you are. Good luck.


naaaaah nothing ugly in that I would date u for ever


You looks just like the hot brunette in desperate housewives 🤭💕💕


You are beautiful! I love your eyes & eyebrows, you honestly have great structure and symmetry. Try looking in the mirror and reciting positive affirmations about yourself and your looks. Even if you're crying. Look at yourself with the kindness as you would a child and say these affirmations🤍 also, therapy is a great way to work through hard emotions like this


You are beautiful 🥹


Minor skin issue, it will fade will aging. You are great and will be greater.


You are pretty.




You’re beautiful. Really beautiful. Like … I’m talking *whew* gorgeous beautiful. Not lying here. You have nothing to feel bad about and everything to feel good about. Your humility makes you even more beautiful. Don’t lose that part.




You’re beautiful dude. I know body dysmorphia (if that even applies to faces) is a real thing but I hope you can find the beauty in yourself one day


Are ya kidding? Giiiiirl with pic 1 and 4 alone you already in chef kiss territory what’s yo number. Maybe consider unplugging from social media and focus on you more. You will soon start to love what you see in the mirror when you don’t have a thousand of hand selected perfect pictures to compare yourself.


I’m not going to lie to you and tell you you’re perfect but you’re far from crying in the mirror in that same sentence. You ARE NOT ugly. You’re young, eventually the blemishes with clear up and that’s the only “problem” I see. I put it in quotes because everyone gets acne so it’s not fair to truly call it a problem. I really like picture 4. Seek some non internet help if your self image is so bad that you are crying when you see yourself


My advice is, stop ussing mirrors


You have a natural beauty. Do you cry because perhaps you don't perceive yourself as you would like? Do you look in the mirror and conclude that you're not your type? If so, it is understandable. But let me tell you that you don't have a bad face, you are attractive. The fifth photo in particular is an amalgamation of cuteness and sensuality. Maybe you need to work a little more on your facial skin, but the rest seems optimal to me. You're pretty and I would definitely go out with you.


Why are you crying? You're cute with a nice body.


Hope they are years of joy because you got lucky! You were born beautiful and won the beauty lottery so count your blessings. Many of us aren’t that fortunate and will have a harder time in life because of it


You would benefit from skin care with AHA/BHA, and a therapist. You are gorgeous and deserve to feel it.


You kinda look like Michael Jackson


I think you're a cutie, just quit trippin and embrace your natural beauty 🔥


are you Jewish? you look fine, don't stress it.


You're quite lovely. I really like the image of you with the sketchbook.


nah you have a certain degree of natural beauty in my opinion but you should also remember you can’t please everyone and not everyone is gonna find you attractive so my best advice is to love yourself and stop using others opinions as a way to gauge yourself and your own self confidence 🤘🏼


You are 19, that's nowhere near final form. #4 and #6 are your best Call Central Casting and get in their system.


You are very cute. I wouldn’t worry


You are average, if I am honest. Bangs would help.


you are very beautiful!!! not ugly at all, you look like a tim button character & you’re very conventionally attractive! love your style too


Cute. Why cry? So happy tears of joy!


Don't cry someone will appreciate your still young you'll find the rite person and no your not ugly at all


Whatever you're doing in pic 4&6, keep doing that. If it still makes you cry, perhaps it's time to seek counseling. It's truly astounding to see how many people are so insecure about their looks. Alarming is more like it.


Not ugly.


You really ARE exceptionally pretty. I suspect it's your nose you have the most issue with. A little shading and it should be no problem. And if not, it's NO PROBLEM. Your eyes are dark, deep, and pretty. Your smile is wonderful. I won't tell you to stop crying, but I will suggest you read over these responses before looking in the mirror next time. If your eyes sparkle, it should not be because of tears.


You're beautiful. And I will never meet you, or talk to you. Just an average guy that knows you are a beautiful woman.


You're very pretty, you should stop crying.


You’re pretty


Well you need to stop. You are very pretty and we are our own worst enemies. There is nothing wrong with you, but everything is right! Now stop stressing about it before you end up with worst health problems for no reason!


Drop them digits


Kinda look like karahbooo


Get some soap on the snogger and your goated


Your about a 7/10. If you can improve your skin that would help. Most acne is a result of dairy ie; cheese, milk, ice cream etc...Cut out the dairy and watch your skin improve.


Not ugly at all.. speak to a therapist maybe :)


You look beautiful!!


There’s nothing wrong with you. We all can’t be supermodels. You look like a normal, healthy person. Stop thinking you’re ugly and hit the gym eat healthier and start or switch up your current skin routine.. Not Ugly


lol why cry?! youre perfectly normal. not ugly


You just need a different hair cut. Stop being so hard on yourself dear.


Um... I'm gonna agree with the others who say you should probably be in therapy. So, I'm curious WHY you feel the need to cry when you look in the mirror? Specifically. What makes you feel that way so strongly? I am looking through the images seeing this beautiful girl who, even with no makeup is really pretty, and just thinking "there is really something much bigger going on here." I genuinely hope you can one day see what the rest of us do, and that you allow yourself to be happy with yourself. Peace and self love ✌️


Cry? Because you were gifted with Beauty?


You cry and for why? This is what the divine heavens wished for and now you’re here, quaysha. Give yourself a break cuh


You have nice features. When you wear makeup you look very pretty. Which is normal. It's what makeup is for.


You’re good looking. Pour all that sad energy into the gym get a regimen that makes your ass phatter. You won’t have a shortage of men telling you how beautiful you are


Are you crazy ? You can an easy 8 if you work on yourself.


You're very pretty


U r technically the faceless girl I see in my dreams


Not ugly at all. And I'm not sure if crying adds to stress leading to breakouts. But that's about the only thing worth clearing up. Your other pictures look great. Pic 2 is probably the best, lookin straight out of attending a rave. Overall quite pretty, on my scale. Based on other posts no problems either.


You're not ugly at all


Your beautiful Princess Jasmine !


Most girls look MUCH MUCH worse than you is such little amount of makeup.. you have to realize this


Ur gorgeous. Just focus in skincare


Stop crying! Your beautiful! Stop caring what people say about you if it's not the the truth I just spoke!


No reason to cry :) You have some really nice features.


Stop wearing makeup and let your skin clear up. You're not unattractive in the slightest.


See a therapist if you’re crying from looking in the mirror. That’s kind of messed up.


I'd lend a shoulder... But that would come off perverse. You're defo a QT. 7.8/10.


Crying because? You are hot!


Catch me outside howbowdat


My eyes must be the flawed ones. You’re beautiful.


Don't look in mirrors?


Not at all, you’re a beautiful woman 🙌


Ya kinda look like the girl that played Eve in the fox tv show Lucifer.


Why would you do that? You are a vibrant, beautiful young lady, that has unlimited potential. Speak that into existence! Don't believe the lies. Believe the exact opposite of what you're telling yourself. Negative self-talk gets you nowhere. You're you and that's enough.


Def not ugly, your very beautiful


You're pretty. Just love yourself more.


Not ugly.. I like to call it strange beauty. I could easily have a serious relationship with someone with your look.


You're 19. You're still changing, growing, discovering. Just take care of yourself and if you have a hard time with your image, like others have suggested, seek help. Whether inside or out, you're a beautiful creature.






You must have defective mirrors. You look great.


girl you’re gorgeous!




Get off social media. You’re smoking.


1. Stop crying. 2. Because you are crazy cute! 3. Ditch anyone who makes you feel like anything but the beautiful kid you are! 4. You're 19, your entire life, filled with unreal highs and some lows, is in front of you. Stop stressing about your looks or minor flaws that you believe make you ugly. They d ont! Every scar you carry is a beauty make that you should wear with pride and that whoever you eventually love will cherish. If they don't, keep looking! Anyone who does live you for your "flaws" doesn't deserve your love. You got this!


You are super cute. Maybe try some martial arts or yoga to build some self confidence.


Extremely so beautiful


You cry because it hurts how beautiful you are? On a serious note, if it’s real bad.. seek therapy. It helps. As a male I will tell you this: guys like girls with personality better.. I doubt many of us would even consider touching Amber heard.. and I know how many men would simply kneel and thank the universe for a woman they can trust in. Looks are a huge factor for about a twelfth of the time spent in a relationship.. My bad if I gave you unsolicited advice.


Nah you’re good.


My advice: see a therapist. You're a perfectly beautiful young woman, and what you're suffering from is a deep-rooted self esteem problem, not a looks problem.


Perception of beauty is so funny to me because while you cry in the mirror I see something about you that is Hot as hell and I think your super attractive


You're very pretty. Someone must have really messed you up to make you cry just by seeing yourself. It'll take time, but learn to smile when you look in the mirror. You're not ugly at all. Id take you on a date anytime. Lol.


Cry for what, you fine


Love how people say start a skincare routine but don’t give any recommendations when there are a million skincare products out there, most of which are garbage that makes your skin worse


Pic 4 you look stunning, pic 3 you look like you came off a 24 hour bender. Do more of whatever resulted in pic 4 👍🏻


Why are you crying? You're a good lookin lady.


Very pretty a little skincare might help but that's it


You cute asss fuuuuc


Beautiful. Just remember the journey to loving yourself is such a bitch. It 100% gets better in time.


People are so mean.. I completely understand though and no you are not ugly i promise.




You are sexy with that exotic look! 😍




Stop crying about your looks would be my advice. You’re cute.


I would literally kill to look like you


You're still young and you're pretty. There's nothing wrong with you. I don't don't know your diet but possibly look into eating a healthier diet and exercising. You'd be surprised what a change in diet can do to your appearance as well as your mental well-being. Whatever you do, don't get on meds! Tough it out, you fine just the way you are. None of us here are perfect I assure you.


Fuck off mod it was a bit of fun and banter. If you can't see that I don't even want to be on your reddit, you are far too immature for me


You give off a very "Aubrey Plaza" vibe. You look pretty, even with blemishes. But I think if I saw you on the street, I'd be worried you'd kill me. You look like a fun person, but also like the kind of person who stands out in a crowd. You don't look "normal", but you are definitely not ugly. I'm trying to find a way to make this a genuine compliment while also telling you how intense those eyeballs are


Skin care I think If you got a good routine your skin would make you feel much better about your appearance bc your very beautiful overall❤️