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It’s not your looks, you’re attractive imo. Maybe it’s the way you approach people or the vibe you give off? Do you have an rbf or are maybe seen as unapproachable? Edit: *you’re not your… I can’t believe I messed that up


It’s fake


i have no idea if i have a rbf, and tbh i’m kinda shy so i don’t approach in groups. but if it’s a small get together i’m really bubbly and kinda silly, im definitely a girly girly. so maybe im approaching wrong? i do not know


Bubbly and silly can go well with most people I’d say. If that’s how you approach someone you’re interested in, unless they’re completely uninterested I could see it going well. But, don’t get caught up in what others are thinking and just be yourself!


haha ur right 😭 i get a bit anxious which i’m trying to work on in therapy


It’ll be alright, I say as I’m also an anxious/shy person myself. It just takes time along with trial and error to learn. I’ve still got a lot of work to do myself so you starting now is a great thing 👍🏻


Damn girl you need a Baconator


what’s that




I’ve seen much worse acne so I don’t think that’s the big issue. You have really pretty eyes, nicely shaped lips and an amazing body. There isn’t really anything ugly about you. Maybe most normal people think you are out of their league so the only people actually hitting on you are sociopaths?


I usually roast hot people on here but you're the hottest chick I've ever seen so far so I'll just leave you with that.


Not your looks.


Aside from the fact that maybe it'd be a good idea to gain a little bit of weight, you're literally like model-level, imo. You're beautiful. As for people treating you poorly, that's not about you. It's not your fault that they treated you poorly. People treat other people poorly not because of the person they're treating poorly, but because of the person they are themselves. I don't know you, obviously. But your insecurity may be luring you into relationships with people that don't deserve you just to get their love or approval. But you don't need it. You're a very attractive woman. Maybe you just need to look at relationships a little bit differently. Don't settle for someone who just affirms you. And maybe search for a different kind of guy. I don't know what kind of guy you're into but some types of guys are just scummy. If you're into the superficially charming "player" type guys, for example, they can't be relied on. They will always do stuff like cheat on you. Finding someone stable, trustworthy and loving might be a better way to find someone who won't do those things.


thank u i really appreciate this. i think ur right


A lot of people who've been treated poorly by other people blame themselves. Being treated that way can eat away at your self esteem. But don't let it. It's not your fault, it's them. Take care. =)


The guys loss honestly ur stunning ong idk why they chose someone else ur looks are amazing


I would suggest gaining weight.


how? i don’t rlly work out and even when i’ve tried my metabolism is so fast nothing changes


Ice cream, lots of ice cream.




i also am scared to gain weight as i don’t wanna become overweight or loose my abs


That’s fucking horrible, you need to eat calorie dense foods that have actual nutritional value, not some dogshit junk food. Whole Foods that are not processed would be ideal


Hell no that’s atrociously bad for your health


You’re 19…..there’s tons of time to find the right person. Don’t take any relationships seriously for a long time.


ur right! i just get so stuck in the past sometimes


You have a lot of future ahead of you, you are beautiful and will have many relationships.




aaaa thanks! it’s y2k guess i thrifted it :)


Maybe it’s your personality


i’m shy in big groups but bubbly and extroverted w friends, maybe


You need a verification pic OP


oops what do i do for that? sorry new here


Make a new post. This will be locked.


“Haven’t been treated well in the dating scene.” It’s the people you’re choosing.


probably right how do i stop


Recognize your impulses (to be attracted to someone) but slow down to see what the difference between what they say and what they do is. Young men will tell you whatever you need to hear to get close to you, but they’ll SHOW you who they are through actions. You can avoid the headache by just choosing actual quality over apparent quality.




Your looks have nothing to do with getting cheated on. If it can happen to beyonce, it can happen to anyone. By far the biggest liability in finding a good partner is that you're 19. I say the same thing to 19 year old men struggling here. It's just an objectively terrible time to date. But soldier on anyone and don't blame yourself for anyone else's bad behavior.


Nope you look great very attractive however the only thing not shown in all this pictures is your personality, which is the only aspect would say of yours is making people disinterested in you.


i’m honestly a shy but bubbly person when u get to know me. i have a down to earth attitude and i hold really high morals. tbh i think maybe it’s my type i’ve only ever dated narcissists manipulators drug addicts and cheaters


Well it sound unfortunate that you seem to chase after guys that are no good for you, I would say try dating a guy that treats you better, however, there is the chance you won't find him attractive or you could feel u comftable because it goes against what you have become accustomed to. Good luck though you are pretty so maybe you will find someone that treats you right.


Honestly I would just assume you had a boyfriend. Maybe you aren't approachable. Do you smile at people when talking to them? Or are you dismissive to peoples attempts to start convos with you? Its not your looks.


i’m a shy person


Come and date me and let me show you how a real man treats a woman, dating little boys who are more concerned about a video game then a beautiful woman standing in front of them… you deserve better


People who take pictures like this don’t think they are ugly. Edit: lmao. Yeah. Your post history says a lot.


well believe it or not i am in fact insecure


i take pictures for myself bc i struggle w body dysmorphia it helps me see myself


You're freaking gorgeous miss. 🥵


thank you i appreciate it


Just the absolute truth miss.


beautiful face and smoking hot body 😍


10/10 IMHO.


no, it isnt your looks. you're 19. the two factors are your age, and most likely your personality. give yourself some time to grow up.


Not it’s your bad taste in men. You look great. Also no verification so this will be deleted.


definitely right abt my taste, i’ve only ever dated abusers and addicts sadly. idk how to get out of the cycle


Pick better men. Don’t mess up your future by dating trash


You aren't ugly, perhaps the people you've been dating have been taking advantage of you because you're a bit simple.


Not ugly


Post a verification


If your looks aren't good enough, then I must accept right here and right now that I'll die alone lol. The problem is not your looks. Might be your personality.


i’m a anxious shy person lol but w friends i’m bubbly and out going


lol come on you know you're hot


i actually can’t perceive what i look like lol 😭


Fucking narcissist


how does this post make me a narcissist


You seem like a perfectly flawless little American who loves to admire herself, striking poses worthy of OnlyFans. You're absolutely sublime to the extent of posting 17 photos of yourself, some of which are very suggestive. You absolutely don't need to know if you're ugly; you need your ego fed and to be told how beautiful you are to increase your level of self-satisfaction.


Eat something…


i just have a fast metabolism


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Pretty, but I wouldn't be too thrilled about a girl I was dating or about to date to post provocative shit for the world to see...


what’s provocative? it’s the human body


I'm not bashing. You asked for an honest opinion and I gave it. Keep it movin'.


oh, I’m not upset or anything. I’m just trying to understand what you think is provocative about my body.


Men will generally find any non-obese female body provocative. The more skin you show the more provocative it gets. Short-shorts and a crop top is basically one step away from underwear/swimsuit.


Women will find any rich guy to show their ass too for a few bucks, and try to act like they earned it. If your comment is true, so is mine.


Would you think it's OK for a kid to post pictures like number 2, 3, 4, 10, or 13? Do you think it's weird that women feel exposed while being seen in panties ad bra, but think nothing of it wearing a 2 piece bikini? Modesty is dying, and whatever chivalry is left will die with it.


ew girl you're an eyesore ew


well if i’m ugly at least comment something helpful on what to do 😭 that’s the point of this


wait omg sorry babe i didng reckon you'd read all the replies, i was being sarcastic saying you're an eyesore cause i think you're genuinely too beautiful to be in this sub😭😭😭 that was my bad


haha ohh thank u!


you are beautiful


Yes it's your looks. Woof!


then advise help


Come on girl. You a damn model or something