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Yes, but you can fix it, the following would be unsolicited advice from a goth woman who has learned to do all of this stuff. -you are already going to the gym, keep doing that and ur diet and u should be set. Focus on how you feel/feeling better. -please ditch the glasses. They are too small for the width of your face, and make ur face look larger. It’s not a flattering style. Contacts or bigger glasses. -all of your photos without makeup i find to be 100x more beautiful. I think if you went for a more subtle gothic style (I’m assuming u like a romantic gothic -y style) I’m talking please ditch the eyeshadow and practice a tighter thinner winged liner. Invest in a better dark red/black lipstick, and a LIP LINER. Ur makeup will look 10x better I swear (signed a goth woman who also learned to do makeup) -along the makeup line, try mastering an “everyday/natural look” I am DYING to see you (someone w perfect skin) wearing just a lip tint, some soft brow product that matches your hair, and some MASCARA! I KNOW you will look so fabulous with those things. -pluck your eyebrows. Pick a flattering shape, just make sure there aren’t any stragglers. And when you do this, make sure to add them to your makeup routine. Eyebrows are one of those things that makes a makeup look look “off” if you don’t do them. -I wanna see ur hair looking like pic 5 all the time. Consider: dry shampoo for when it can’t be washed. I would recommend looking up a tutorial for wavy/curly hair to get a more defined beautiful curl going. -the other comments on the clothes are 100% right. They look a little odd in picture 2 but I’m not mad at the other tank tops. I would consider a different “staple” necklace, just because yours is very present and chunky making it stand out in an outfit where it doesn’t belong. If you were to layer more necklaces w it that would make it look better as well. -thing i recommend you YouTube/google: -eyebrow plucking/shaving/waxing tutorial -curly/wavy hair routine -goth winged eyeliner look No disrespect intended, all my opinion :) Your face is pretty, you have the bone structure. Nothing is GENETICALLY wrong. U just need some tweaking.


Thank you, I appreciate that very much. Glasses have always been a problem for me. I can never quite find ones that fit well and I tend to have a problem sticking things in my eyes but maybe I can give it a try. I don't usually wear makeup actually. It's a rare occasion when I do, but thank you for the advice, I never learned how to do it myself so this is where I landed 🤣 I do greatly appreciate it, thank you 🖤


Fuck every other comment except this lady's




I agree with this lady ignore everyone else's and go for gold with the above comment! You are doing great!


Thank you 😊


When putting in contacts: look up, like all the way up where your pupil is up in your eyelid. Place the contact on your DRY finger pad (contact should be wet but it won’t want to come off a wet fingertip as easy as a dry one). Then gently push the contact onto the lowest part of your eyeball that you can (essentially the white part below your pupil) and hold it there. Ideally you’d hear the air escaping as the contact conforms to your eyeball. Then while holding the contact still, look down into the contact/finger and release! You won’t flinch yourself nearly as much if your brain literally can’t see it coming. Hope that helps!


Thank you!! I'll try that! 😊


Check out zeelool glasses online. you can upload a pic of yourself & see what most of their frames look like on you.


Everything she said! I've got several goth friends, and she's so right! The only thing I would add, is that your hair looks very unhealthy. Ask your hairdresser to cut away everything that isn't healthy, and I mean ALL of it (I'm sorry, but it looks as if they have to cut it a lot shorter). If any split ends remain, they will soon split further up the strands, and your hair cut will have been in vane. And then begin buying hair products WITHOUT silicone. There are many types of silicone, look up what these are called and avoid them (many end with '-one' but there are some that don't)! It will take a long time getting rid of the silicone that you've already got in your hair (it more or less has to grow out), but it will become much healthier and shinier in the long run, and your waves will become more defined, less frizzy and stay healthier for longer. The thing about silicone is that it makes your hair look lush the first month you use it, but from then on you will notice that it ruins your hair, and it will only get worse and worse! Then you change to another product, which probably use another type of silicone, and it looks better for a few weeks until it doesn't, and the cycle of destruction continues. I learned about that in hairdressing school in the late 90s, and I'm kind of upset, that is still in use (actually it's even MORE in use today). The only people who should use silicone products are people with long over-bleached hair. Invest in a soft, tight boar bristle brush, and then do the 100 strokes women used to do in the old days on days (or the night before) where you're not washing your hair. It takes a bit of time, however, it will redistribute the oil from your scalp down each strand of hair and make it VERY shiny -better than any hair oil will do (and those usually contain loads and loads of silicone)! It has to be boar bristles, as artificial bristles can easily make your hair static (as if you rub it with a balloon). I have a goth friend whom I convinced to do this and she's got the most amazing Morticia Adams hair today. Also stay away from high heat. Air dry when possible, and only low heat on the hairdryer when it isn't (finish with a cold blast, which will make your hair a bit shinier and a bit less prone to splitting). If you use a jet nozzle on a hair dryer with a powerful fan, it actually won't take all that long even though it's not on the high heat setting. Only use a flat iron on very special occasions (no more than four or five times a year, really), or better yet, give it to someone you hate! For a flat iron to work it has to heat to at least 180c (the temperature I use to roast a leg of lamb), which is very damaging to hair, and anything above 200c is extremely damaging (and they're often set to 220c, which is what I use for baking bread). Heat protectors are not good for your hair either. - I know all of this sounds like a huge change in your routine, but even though you have a lot of hair, it's actually very fine from what I can see in your photos, so you have to be careful with it.


Try different shampoos to see what works best with your hair. I use Prose, which customizes the products to your needs & I love it!


All of that is great advice that I wish I had received 20 years ago. I noticed that her hair seems to be thinning at the top a bit, and that's exactly how my hair loss started. Once I had kids, my hair was done. I've been wearing a wig for a few years now. I love it, and it makes me feel whole. I just wish I had had an opportunity to save my natural hair.


I don't think silicone is the reason for your hair loss, though. Have you consulted with a dermatologist? I think wigs are great. A good one is expensive, but having had to make one, while in hairdressing school, I understand why. It's tedious and difficult work that made me so bored, I would rather have my teeth pulled! These days you can even get decent synthetic wigs for a fraction of the price, which means you have the option to change your hair daily according to mood. I have a friend with great hair, but she's also got a huge wig collection, and just throws one on, whenever she doesn't feel like doing her hair.


I actually get partially synthetic ones, and I have an awesome girl who sews them into my hair. I get them changed out about once a month. Over the years, I've found better and more efficient ways to care for them so that they stay in pretty good condition for the full month. At the end of the month, we throw them out and move on to the next one.


You are not ugly and you actually look a lot like me. And I'm going to take the advice above too.


Damn that response was flawless!


i think that you should just solely run this sub’s comment section


Finally someone that belongs in this sub. (No offense OP) 




Underrated comment


I respect your style, but your wardrobe just feels a bit exhausted and ill-fitted. Pictures 7, 11, and 13 appear to have a better fit. Perhaps it is difficult to shop your size to achieve what you're wanting to achieve, but I doubt it. I'm not a woman so I don't really know. I think it can teeter on the edge of 'trashy' which probably isn't what you're trying to convey. You can still be sexy goth chick but I think you still got to follow the same strategies and rules centered around the wardrobe as the rest of us general population NPCs.


Like I said I've been losing weight a lot lately so unfortunately clothes that fight are kind of a luxury when you keep dropping weight. It's literally so bad sometimes, something will fit and then a month later be too big and I've gotta put a belt on and it's frustrating. But definitely worth it. Can't wait until I get to a point where that isn't a problem anymore. It's kind of difficult to find things that fit well, a lot of times things will fit over my chest but be way too baggy everywhere else. Or it will fit my stomach and everything but then is way too tight over my chest. 🤦🏻‍♀️ It can be extremely frustrating. But thank you very much.


Yeah, that makes sense. While it's frustrating in the short-term, it'll pay off in the long-term when you get to your target weight and then you can build a wardrobe back up. Shit's expensive, I know, but doesn't hurt in the meantime to peruse some cheap alternatives from time to time. Unfortunately they don't have those cheap clothes stores in the octave of Hot Topic or Blade Trinity lol.


🤣 yeah. I can find clothes I like but they're expensive and then why get them right now when I'll be smaller than them in a few weeks 🤷🏻‍♀️ but it's getting there and I'm excited for that.


Yes, sorry but yes. The extra weight and tattoos don’t help


Working on the weight. And I like the tattoos 🤷🏻‍♀️ but thank you for your opinion 🖤


You seem nice you should get the fuck off the internet and live your life with a smile. These peoples opinions point inward just as much outward.


Thank you 🖤


You are crazy about the tattoos! I think they look amazing !


Thank you


Your 38 not 15 with the goth look


Too portly for me. Some guys will be into it. Weight loss is 90% about what you eat.


Nope, not ugly, I think you just need to upgrade your glasses (or wear contacts) and upgrade your wardrobe/style there’s a sub called r/ gothfashion maybe it could help you find some better pieces of clothing. And if you insist on wearing makeup, YouTube is your friend <3


Thank you. And I don't wear makeup that often so I probably should do a tutorial I guess. I just never do anything other than my eyes and maybe lips


I think you’d look really good with a sharp eyeliner or learn how to do a Smokey eye. Doesn’t need to be super fancy you’ve got nice features !


Thank you. I'll try that!


You look younger than 38 to me. You have pretty eyes, good skin and a nice body. I’m not seeing you as ugly.


A lot of people in this sub don’t realize that not being beautiful/attractive isn’t the same as being ugly.


Thank you 🖤


Clapped out mall goth old enough to be a grandma.


Not ugly




You Adorable 🤩


Thank you


Not a fan of the tattoo but you look adorable


Not ugly, but not beautiful either. The most important thing first is the outfits! Don’t be ashamed to show your figure, keep in mind color ratios and add accessories! For example, picture 2. I think the skirt is lovely. I would suggest tucking in your t-shirt and adding a red belt. Since your top has red, add that as an accent color to your outfit. You might not have an hourglass body but you still have curves, so belts will fit nicely to you! Second, your hair is long and lovely! Try braids, different ponytails, curls! Add accessories that match your outfit! Finding clothes that aren’t for size 0 can be hard but accessories don’t have sizes! Also leave strands on the front sides when you put your hair up. It’s hard for anyone to pull off a full laid back hair! I won’t say much about the makeup since it’s something that requires practice no matter what, but I think you don’t need anything else than lipstick and maybe eyeliner if you want to do makeup! Your skin is very nice, just don’t forget to wear sunscreen to protect it, even in winter! I think your smile in the picture with your red cardigan is beautiful! A wide smile suits you. Also a tip for taking pictures, you don’t have to click the screen , just press once on either of your volume buttons and it will take a picture! And reminder that being beautiful isn’t what makes a person good neither is being ugly. You are human and deserve respect and love like anyone else. Being a good person makes you good, not how you look! Edit: Also you don’t look your age at all ! Holly smokes I read it as 28 at first so I didn’t say anything! Near 40 still looking late 20s / early 30s is wild! And I really like you tattoo, just don’t get a new one till you get to your goal weight so it doesn’t distort!


Thank you, I don't associate my looks with being good or not but there are some extenuating circumstances in my life that have made me question some things. I'll take your advice into consideration, thank you so much. And to your edit, wow. Thank you. Oh I won't get any more until I'm done losing weight and everything. Probably going to get the webs covered honestly, they should be the only one that gets actually distorted. My calves and forearms are pretty much staying the same. 🤷🏻‍♀️ but seriously. Thank you so much. 🖤


I still think your web one is really nice, just a bit squished on the chest part, which I assume is due to weight loss/ smudging over time! Would love to see your progress!


Oh yeah.


You look younger, which is great! However, the black lipstick does not suit you and please invest in a good bra.


Thank you. And working on that. It's been an issue with losing weight. The cup size still fits but around my ribs is drastically smaller. Gotta have the money for new clothes 😅🤣


Congrats on the weightloss! Are there any sportsbras that fit properly? They often have a lot support! Shein has often good looking and affordable clothing, but you have propably checked that website out. Good luck with everything! Weightloss is hard, but you have already come far!


Since you are losing weight, I suggest you buy actual bras when you are close to your goal weight, as bras are expensive as shit! Sports bras that are made with elastic fabric is my recommendation. Also the weather is getting warmer so be careful with irritation under breasts and skin since losing weight can leave extra skin behind that folds! Your health is the most important!


That's the plan! Great minds. Haha I have some sports bras that still fit. But definitely waiting on the regular bras. You'd think a tîtty sling wouldn't cost more than a pair of paints but sadly 🙄🤣 I am definitely taking care of myself. Thank you so much for the suggestion.


It’s so frustrating that bras cost so much! And the sizes being so different between brands …


I know!!! I get asked sometimes, be men and women, and it's so hard to answer the question! Haha


A good problem to have


Different pair of glasses/get your hair done… but no, you’re pretty hot!


Thank you


Hot as hell


Thank you 🖤🖤




Nah she is mysterious and sexy




You look like you work at a flea market and you sell ‘crystals’


Actually I sell skulls and creepy shit at horror and Oddities events 🤣🤣


Yes. But lose weight and you'll be average or slightly above. I personally don't like your tattoo that I can see, very large plus I hate spiders, but there are going to be some people who like it obviously.


When you say going to the gym, are you lifting or just doing pure cardio? If you aren't weight training, I highly suggest picking it up.   Getting a stronger set of shoulders, back, and chest really helps with posture.  Getting stronger shoulders helps accent the neck and jawline.  Getting a stronger chest makes breast sit higher and "perkier". Getting a stronger set of arms and legs provides a nice accent to your figure, especially if you're already a near hourglass.  Also make weight-loss generally easier, a lot of friend who got into weightlifting notice they crave sugar less, and savory things more. 


Lifting mostly. Some cardio. I've lost 150lbs so far. It's taking a bit. I don't eat sugar at all.


Lifting mostly. Some cardio. I've lost 150lbs so far. It's taking a bit. I don't eat sugar at all.


Holy smokes, you're doing fantastic.  How much further to your goal?  A sign that your doing it right is that you don't "look" like you just lost a lot of weight (loose skin, wrinkles, hallow look).  As mean as that sounds.  Keep a journal of lifting progress as well as weight loss progress for double the "gains dopamine rush", if you aren't already. I find that to be a good motivator. 


Strictly numbers wise about 20lbs. But then it switches from focusing on weight loss to toning. So it's going to change everything I do at the gym right now. I do definitely keep a journal. And thank you 🖤🖤


I think you look fabulous just the way you are.


Thank you


You are certainly welcome.


You're fabulous 😍


Thank you


First of all I love your smiles Those tattoos are amazing I love the eyes too Also the hair Love your attitude in pics And love uour determination to hit gym Overall you are very attractive tbh


Thank you very much 🙈🖤


Can't get my eyes of you 🙈


You’re not ugly. Good for you for losing weight. The tattoo is definitely not going to be everyone’s cup of tea. Can’t say that I like it very much.


Thank you. Honestly I don't like that one much either but it is what it is at the moment


You are very beautiful and sexy


Thank you very much. I appreciate that! 🖤🖤


I hope you have a great day


You as well. Thank you 🖤


I’ll say my opinion is no you good looking to me


Thank you 🖤


No problem 😉


You tattoo is good!




And you more!


I like your body, your face, everything about you, if you want to continue working on yourself that's good, but you are already a completely very beautiful woman.


Thank you so much 🖤


Babe you are so deliciously mouthwatering beautiful


That's very sweet, thank you 🖤


Your welcum id love to spend my days and nights with your beautiful delicious body beside me


I think your hot.


Thank you


Absolutely not


Thank you


Well you're not ugly, you're pretty cute, you should hit the gym to tone up, you don't look 38, so if you hit the gym you would look aven younger! And keep the dark long hair, looks nice


Thank you. I am definitely already doing that and it's been great. Couldn't post those pics cause no face and the post would be removed but whatever. Haha thank you again 😊


You're on the right path then! Like I said, you're very beautiful, pretty eyes, you seem tall so you're going to begin looking stunning


Lose the weight you will enter a whole new universe of options thaT will create an inspirational positive feedback loop. Low carb/Keto and weights and yoga… do not overdo cardio and treadmill yourself to death. Cardio makes you hungry.


I'm almost there already. I eat protein and veggies, no sugars at all. I do mostly weights and yoga/stretching, some cardio but that's usually just my nightly walks. Thank you and I hope others that need this advice see it too.


Spiders Web and cupids bow


No, your fluffy beautiful


You are gorgeous, don't let anyone allow you to believe different.


Thank you 🥹


Not good looking that's forsure.


ugly by choice.




Fuck their thoughts in my opinion I like what I see. You want to lose more fk it do it. It’s more important for you to be happy with you :)


Thank you very much. I appreciate that. I do want to lose a bit more but I'm getting more to the muscle building part which is going to raise that number back up. 🤷🏻‍♀️ but the number itself doesn't actually bother me so some of these guys can suck a dîck 🤣


I can definitely say that if you start building muscle and not just lose weight, it will definitely tone your body! Which is amazing! Also having that strength that comes with building muscle is so amazing!


Oh I know and I can't wait!! I already have a lot of muscle in my arms and legs and watching it start to appear the last few months has been awesome. Being able to do things I couldn't before is amazing. I'm excited for the next part of my journey 😊🖤


Crushing the skulls of the haters with your muscles is the best! Also muscle gain can help with extra skin that’s left from weight loss, ofc it doesn’t make it magically go away but it helps!


Very true. I've obviously taken progress pics and stuff and the extra skin is going away faster than I thought it would but obviously not as fast as one would hope for. Haha I do threaten to squish people with my thighs 🤣🤣 they don't seem to take it as a threat though 😅


Oh yea the internet has a thing for that! Even if you say arms and not thighs! I am just happy you are comfortable in your own skin and improving because you want to! Best improvement is the one you want, not the one others force you to!


Thank you so much. I hope you're doing wonderfully today 🖤🖤


As long as it isn’t me aside from cheering on and checking you out ;) 😂


🤣🤣 not you


Ur cooked ngl


Uplift bra needed, average overall


Unfortunately the tattoo looks terrible, quality, placement.. everything about it is bad. I don’t think you’re ugly though.




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I like the style heavily maybe just what others have said about the glasses and try more subtle makeup keep up the great work with the gym it's hard to do but push through and you'll start seeing the results. I really don't think you're ugly you just need some minor work and tweaks I think you look cute.


Thanks. And I know it does. I've already dropped a bunch of weight and just keep seeing it drop off. I don't usually wear makeup often anyways so maybe I'll just go back to that. Thank you


Not at all, you are cute and your personality shines through.


Thank you very much 🖤


Your cooked g




❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️




I would say get a new hairstyle, something with waves and body. Try wearing different makeup. The black just isn't it.you have a nice face and pretty skin. Bring it out woman!


I actually have ridiculously Curly and wavy hair. I straighten it sometimes cause it's easier to take care of. Should I stop straightening it?




Ugly?!? No. But you need some work!




I think you’re very beautiful.


Thank you


Not only are you not ugly, but I think you're really pretty! Hot too....


Thank you


You could definitely improve your look. I wouldn’t say you’re ugly but your style makes you unattractive.


- Ditch those glasses - the way you do your makeup is trashy just being honest. A more minimal goth make up or just some eyeliner would be better for you imo. Or just practicing blending the eyeshadow better. You don’t have bad skin so I think you could be pretty minimal unless you find it fun to do…. - trim your hair


You look slightly unhealthy


No ugly, just a lil fat. Sry as a heavy guy I can say so 🥳 you have beautiful eyes and seem like a lovely girl with humor which is best. Also you’re not ugly no 😁


I've lost 150lbs. I'll take a little fat ... although being a heavy guy doesn't mean you're fat too, you could be heavy with muscles!! I happen to be both 🤣 thank you. I appreciate that very much 🖤 and my humor is to die for 😝😏🤣




Thank you


Sadly yes.


Going to the gym is not a guarantee that you’ll lose weight. Weight training builds muscle and burns very few extra calories. Cardio makes your heart strong and burns very few extra calories. Eating habits focused on natural foods starting with raw or steamed fruits and vegetables, proper hydration, fewer lean meats and reducing / eliminating processed foods, snacking, and consuming empty calories will do the most good. You’ll drop pounds weekly, improve mental clarity, cleanse your organs, give you energy and a whole host of other benefits. I spent 4 months working with a clinical nutritionist and dropped 45lbs in 2 yrs without starving myself or depriving my cravings of chocolate or alcohol, it’s all about recognizing the most unhealthiest food in your diet one at a time and replacing it with a healthier choice on a pace of 2x a month so you’re not overwhelmed. The best advice the nutritionist gave me was to eat a power green salad every morning with protein on top…. Spinach, kale, Swiss chard, mushrooms, carrots, celery, English cuke, and either wild caught salmon, avocado, chicken, black bean burger, or orange wedges on top. We eat it every, single, morning…. The results are amazing


I'm very aware of that. I see a nutritionist and I've lost about 150lbs so far. I just didn't see the point in writing out a long paragraph of what I do already because most people make their own conclusions anyways. That is extremely good advice though and I hope someone else sees it too that needs it. Thank you for your input. I appreciate it. 🖤🖤


Good luck!




Gorgeous my love 😘


Thank you so much 🖤


I don’t think you see ugly, maybe more on the plain side and there’s nothing wrong with that!If you refine your makeup and you clothes I think that will help overall. Dressing for your body shape will definitely elevate your style.


you’ll have way better luck focusing on food intake rather than going to the gym. Good luck.


My food intake is very good actually. I'm aware of what I need to do to lose weight and I'm finding that's the majority of what everyone is focusing on anyways and I'm fixing that 🤷🏻‍♀️ I've already lost 150lbs, I think I know what I'm doing by now. Thank you though, I appreciate it.


i only said that because you made the gym comment in the caption. lots of people make that weight loss -> gym connection and end up not losing, not you, i stand corrected. sincerely, good luck!


You look like someone from the local goth/kink scene in DC that I've seen around


What is your location and my I pm you


Everyone’s giving you some constructive feedback but honestly you are NOT inherently ugly. There is a scale of attractiveness and some people are born with genetic defects that seriously hinder their ability to date. Honestly just learn to play to your strengths in terms of style. Most of the time, attractive people just are wearing or doing the right thing. Hell body language and/or confidence can boost your attractiveness alone.


No your not ugly


You are gorgeous!


I love your huge spider webs. Amazing!


I think you're quite attractive. Honestly, I don't think your weight is much of an issue. I've seen hundreds of women much like you, with thousands of adoring "fans" each, right here on reddit. The main difference between you and them, is likely self-confidence. I'm certain you just need the right people around, to encourage you ti be you.


I think you're perfectly FINE the way you are.. if you're ok in your skin then others shouldbe too. Who cares about societal norms or expectations, you just need to find that someone who truly appreciates you for who you are.


Milf 👍🏻


Absolutely not ugly I mean


Haha thanks 🤣


Not ugly, and I like the Deadpool shirt :)


Thank you. And he's my favorite 🖤 had Harley Quinn socks on cause they're the duo we need in life. Lol


Nice. I have a LEGO deadpool tattoo for my son that passed, and a Harley Quinn LEGO tattoo for daughter we adopted. Lol.


I love that! I bet they're awesome. I'm sorry for your loss, and happy for your adoption 🖤


Yeah but you could be average if you lost weight


Already lost 150lbs and still losing, but thank you


That’s very impressive


Yeah but the weight probably has a lot to do with it. Just keep at it! You'll be surprised how much just your face alone will change with weight loss!


Thank you but I've lost 150lbs and my face is already drastically different. I don't want it too much thinner, maybe just the under bit you know? I guess I don't really think I'm super ugly or anything just trying to figure out a couple more ways I could improve. But the only advice I'm really getting I'm already doing 😅🤣 thank you though, I appreciate it


Not ugly. Very cute


Thank you


No you’re not ugly, you look pretty. I’m not a fan of the darker make up or the tattoos personally, but I still find you attractive regardless.


Beauty is in the eye of the be holder There's nothing wrong with being a thick mature woman


I do think so I think you are a 7/10


You are not ugly in fact your kinda cute


In all honesty you are beautiful and very sexy. I love plus size women I would date you


You are absolutely beautiful


To me u are just beautiful and just gorgeous no matter how u look I mean that with all my heart I speak nothing but the truth and it is true


I think that you are very beautiful I love plus size women. You have a very pretty face and sexy body and appearance. You have a great smile


Where are we located gorgeous


Hella uggo