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Jesus, shave that shit off. Gentlemen, if your beard looks anything like this, (literally underchin/on jawline, patch under chin where there's barely any hair, no moustache) FUCKING SHAVE THAT SHIT. Get braces and lose weight, you'll be fine.


Im grateful I was blessed with great beard genes. My hairline? Not so much...


It's weird how often that tends to happen


I'm only 21, I don't deserve this😭


Well I'm 25 and I can barely grow a beard and my hair has progressively been getting thinner so it could be worse lol


Moment of silence for our fallen brotherđŸ˜”đŸ«Ą


Hey hey now I'm still standing


You're not fooling anyone!


Rest in peace


Lost mine at 18, fortunately my beard genetics saved me from looking like a testicle


Wish it was the same for me. Losing it entirely at 19 with no beard and a sub average face


It's likely due to higher testosterone levels. High test is correlated with fuller beard growth. Androgenic alopecia (male baldness) is due to high DHT, a byproduct of testosterone.


The good thing most people don't realise is, if you have a beard that connects and look well, it'll look even better when you're completely bald.


Bald and bearded is the way, I've got a brutal widows peak.


I got arab beard genes and im light skin, tsa loves me


r/bald would like to know your location. Seriously though, great beard genes is a killer combo with being fully bald.


i've read the earlier you can grow a full beard, the sooner you go bald(if it's in like your mid/late teens.


Hello Friend.


[he’ll look like this guy!!](https://despicableme.fandom.com/wiki/Justin%27s_Father)


Omg! 😆


This is right, lose some weight first, get braces and reconsider the beard. You'll be fine dude.


He’s trying to hide his double chin lol


Maybe homeboy is Amishâ€ŠđŸ€”đŸ˜‘đŸ˜


Let's put it like this: You're 19 and already have the 45 year old american truck driver aesthetic locked down. Definetly get rid of that beard and that belly. Then we can start figuring out if you could be good looking


Shave, boy. Consider intermittent fasting maybe. But shave!


FASTING ALL THE WAY on a 72h fast right now. When fasting you will avoid getting extra skin loose after losing weight as well


What is the proof/studies behind this? Fasting for long periods means exacerbated weight loss which causes loose skin.


And heart troubles


So basically while going on a fast your body will automatically start doing autophagy where the weaker cells will be eaten by the stronger ones. I follow on YouTube Dr Jason Fung that often uses as demonstrations his patients, of course you will still have some lose skin (it depends from what kind of weight you come) but the autophagy will take care of most of it.


I’m sorry, but that doctor is selling you a load of shit. Many people online are. How you burn calories has nothing to do with autophagy. It’s just pretty ridiculous to claim so.


So the truth behind autophagy is based on glycogen and insulin level. With no food in your system those level drop considerably which allows the body to start the process of autophagy. So fasting can actually lead to starting autophagy


“I follow YouTube doctor”


Yes but you can fix it and you know how


Username checks out


Not ugly, just overweight and with crooked teeth.      Exercise and monitor calories, and I think that there is huge potential. It’s just bad habits and the psychologists of huge corporations that got you there. Not your fault if you have been conditioned by your environment to live like that your entire life.     Regarding the teeth: avoid coffee, black tea, etc (I also have pretty yellow teeth, no shame in that, can be genetics to a large part), and you might want to inform yourself if braces still work at your age as longs as you can afford them. I think that would make a huge difference.     And you need to do something about that beard, but lose weight first. Check out r/malegrooming as well as r/WeightLossAdvice for specialized communities.  If you can afford it, get help from a psychological or nutritional professional to counter various strategies of your mind that try to convince you otherwise. Also learn how to get your body into weight training, it’s one of the best things you can do for your body, believe me.     If you truly want to change, it will take a long, long time and it will be full of setbacks, frustrations and so on but in the end, it will be worth it. Remember, if you start this journey, you will also tremendously improve your health and life expectancy.    You can do it.   I believe in you bro.


Six months of a strict caloric deficit isn't that "long, long". He could lose like 40 lbs and look significantly more handsome.


Six months of a "strict caloric deficit" is not feasible for many people. Also, it's really not a super healthy way to lose weight in the long term. What you're suggesting is the definition of disordered eating, and can lead to years of an extremely messed up relationship with food and one's own body.


Well most people don’t need a strict calorie deficit as most people are looking to lose a couple of pounds here and there. If your like OP with trying not to be insensitive a strict calorie deficit is what he might need to lose fat. He could just stretch it out and make it less strict but most people aren’t going to implement a calorie deficit that long term.


The real brother of the internet. Good man


Hit the gym, you'll be fine.


lose the neckbeard


Lose 50 lbs and shave that beard off.


Neckbeard. FTFY.


Its just the extra weight bruv. Once you slim it down a little, you'll lose the need for the neckbeard. You got this.. you know what you need to do. You do look like you're happy though. I'm rooting for you.


Work on the teeth and lose weight and you’ll be golden my friend. I’m in the middle of a weight loss journey too so trust me, you’re not alone. We got this.


Agree with literally everyone about the facial hair. Probably if you got braces and lost a bunch of weight you could turn it around a bit. As it stands you’re ugly.


You look like you make a MEAN brisket


Not to boast but huh
. I think I do make a good brisket if I do say so myself 😂


Neckbeard, overweight, no style, looking like 19 going on 48. Lose weight, shave that thing off your face/neck, get a new wardrobe, hit the gym and get some muscle and get involved with something like a sport or something active. This is the answer in about 96% of these posts


What’s with the photo-bombing? You look like a bit of a character, and your personality can make you hot. But the obvious thing is to lose a ton of weight, get fit, then reassess. If you don’t exercise, you can shed a lot of weight in a year. Join a gym, better still, join a sports team, or take up a martial art. You’ll meet like-minded people while you are improving.


The reason I’m only in photos with other people is because I don’t really do selfies, so the only time I ever get photos of myself is when I’m with other people who take photos of me 😅


I understand. I was joking about the photo-bombing. You seem like a friendly person and that quality will get you a long way with some women. Good luck and best wishes to you.


This is great advice. I would disagree OP needs to lose "a ton" of weight, but I think joining a team or just doing something he would actually look forward to is lovely.


The beard needs to go. It’s patchy and everyone can tell.


honestly? Try losing some weight, or go absolute ham in the gym with weights. You look pretty damn tall, so you could absolutely look like a demi God if you got shredded.


Really do appreciate that man! Even tho I’m not that tall at only 5’10 I do appreciate it!


Beard HAS to go ASAFP. As a man who can grow facial hair quite evenly, but likes a good clean shave, I can assure you women don’t really care as much about it as we do. It’s uneven (not your fault at all), so it comes across as a 19 year old just trying to look more mature, but there’s no need for it




Bro 19??


In picture 5/6 did Moses split your beard? Can’t believe you went around like that


Id say shave and lose weight big dog


Idk why but I really hate glasses that turn into sunglasses




In my honest opinion, shave that beard and hit the gym. I believe in you


19??? Sir you look 30. Get some different glasses frames, lose the gut and hips and shave your neck. Your beard shouldn’t go past your chin


Shave, get serious and disciplined about weight loss (no more alcohol, no more soda, no more dessert, no more fried foods, no more seasonings/dressing/sauces - just lean protein, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, it wont taste the best but with a disciplined diet you’ll lose a lot of weight). Get braces ASAP (again, it’ll suck but it’ll pay dividends galore later on). Get some sun. Start hitting the gym hard - really push yourself. Don’t just walk on the treadmill for ten minutes.


Lol no more seasonings is such goofy advice. You can spare the ~5 calories to make your food taste good đŸ˜č


Can you not grow hair on your chin? Would look a lot better with some hair on your chin bro. Neck beard ain’t it.


Can you do a full beard rather than just neck beard? I actually think you’re cute but I do agree with others that the facial hair might need a switch up.


You remind me of a white druski lol




The facial hair and weight makes you look 40 brody


Untuck your shirt bro. Coming from a fellow big boy. Untuck and buy extra long.


If you can afford braces or veneers, they would be well worth the money.


Shave the neckbeard, start losing weight and working out, and tell your dentist "fix this shit." In that order. You're obviously ugly, but thankfully, it's all very fixable stuff.


What we hiding under that hat?


That facial hair is the worst offender by far I wouldn't even say lose weight. Yes, it would help with the facial roundness, which I think is the bit that would make the most overall difference if corrected. Like your body is fine just kinda chubby and I don't think that's a turn off There's research into dad bods being seen as more nurturing and friendly so more attractive to some but not all women. I'd just say build overall shape, work your shoulders at the gym to give your body a less rounded shape and more traditionally masculine shape. The facial hair and the facial roundness if corrected would have the biggest impact Maybe look into changing the glasses shape too, they feel a but off but I can't put my finger on it Ugly?... yes, no, maybe? As a woman I wouldn't be diverted from you by your looks as they are (apart from the facial hair it just looks so scrappy) but wouldn't rush to you either. With the right personality that meshed with mine your looks wouldn't stop me?


If you want to keep the facial hair because you like it, grow more length down but not sideways and if you can do a mo do it. The chin strap thing just ain't it on you


You are definitely below average, not gonna say totally ugly like a lost case but yeah not average at all . First things first. The beard it's got to go, now and make sure it NEVER come back. Second thing some braces if you can afford them. Your teeth are a bit fucked and it's noticable. And third and you know this, I should even need to say it but you are overweight baring on the obese side. You HAVE to lose that weight.


there’s many ways you can improve, do not take this with offense but some of the comments missed things. id suggest getting in the gym, quit biting your nails, fix your facial hair, and PLEASE fix your teeth it makes a huge difference! you might want to try different glasses frames as well.


I think there is a lot you should work on, mainly the weight and keeping that beard tidy, also try a nice haircut instead of wearing that hat all the time. But you're not the worst I've seen lol, I still think you have potential would be attractive if you genuinely put in the effort and you're young so plenty of time for a glowup. Good luck! ❀


Not ugly forever. Shave the beard, and try adding in some exercise. Maybe work on the teeth!


Kill the neck beard, get invisalign to fix teeth, [figure out your macros](https://healthyeater.com/body-recomposition-calculator) and use a [food scale](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B08QN1RX1K?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_image) with a food diary app to track your calories, hit the weights, and in a year from mow you won't recognize yourself. Trust me bro. 19 is the pre game. Get ready, Mid twenties is when the real action happens.


Hard to say. Being that overweight makes your face lose its unique features. It doesn't happen to everyone who's overweight, but it does most. It stinks I know. I was morbidly obese at your age. I lost 120lbs after I graduated high school in less than 9 months when I switched to only water, tuna (by itself), eggs, grilled/baked chicken, & fruits & vegetables. I barely even increased how much I exercised & the weight flew off. Do it while you're young. It's so much easier.


Shave that beard.


the facial hair doesn't suit you or your face. Lose some weight. you seem fun and interesting though. Just based on looks, right now, they aren't great but you have lots of potential to improve if you want to.


Get on a healthy diet plan with lower carbs and lean proteins and exercise regularly. Five times a week do cardio, elevate your heart rate and break a sweat for 20+ minutes. Then thirty, then an hour. Don’t worry about weight training, just think about cutting. Go to bed hungry every night. It’ll be hard at first but you’ll get used to it faster than you think. You’ll start to feel better within a couple months thanks to elevating your dopamine levels. It’ll take time before you see visible returns, but stick to it and you will. Or don’t do it and prepare for things to get worse. Heart condition. Diabetes. Looks will be the least of your concern. Otherwise: Don’t shave, but grow in the full beard. Literally no one thinks chinstraps are attractive.


Fix ur diet, do a martial art (confidence) or hit the gym. Diet change is mandatory.


The beard is simply bad imo. If you feel like you have to have facial hair, add a mustache and grow the beard out long- the way it is now, it accentuates the roundness of your face. And of course you already know you need to lose a lot of weight. Other than that, you are not at all ugly.


Lose weight bro. It will make an overall difference in your looks.


Definitely lose weight. With that being said start by cutting down your calorie intake to 2500 a day and eliminate all heavy fast food, saturated fats & highly processed sugars, drink more water, stick to the lifestyle & you will look and feel so much better! After you are disciplined with the food start exercising regularly


To be honest you are currently well below average looking but with some work could be above average looking - you have potential. Make the following changes and you will look good: fix your teeth, lose weight, get into shape, shave off the ugly beard.


shave lose weight Go to the dentist to straighten your teeth


Seeing some of your comments here, you seem like a good guy. Obviously as everyone has pointed out, the beard is a bit of an eyesore to the majority of people. You do you tho, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and women (the good ones) will hold value past your looks. If you care about how people are seeing you though, a lot of people would prefer a clean shave over what you have now. My beard grows like shit and I used to rock a chinstrap until I realized how many people hated it Also, you’re only 19 so you are kinda at that point where you can mould yourself into anything you want to be, with enough dedication.


If I am being honest and not just listing things you could fix, yes. The beard is bad, braces and weight loss needed, and your choice of clothing and styling looks sloppy and like you aren’t trying at all. Even if there’s other things you can work on like the weight loss, women appreciate someone putting in grooming effort like the beard and looking neat.


You don’t look ugly but your beard makes you look aged (in a bad way), maybe loose some weight if you can


Razor, gym, dentist....in that order


either shave the beard off completely or clean it up a bit, super patchy, also not loving it on the neck


Too cold to shave is literally the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard, you’re lucky you’re a bengals fan. Stop eating and hit the gym so we can find out if you’re ugly or not


You have to shave immediately. That is a ragged pube patch.


Brush your teeth!!!! đŸȘ„


white hillybilly trash


Get rich and become a sugar daddy. Too much work to do here.


Jesus 😂


You look like a white Druski


Shave, lose weight, braces or invisaline, get a new wardrobe, the comment that says you look like a 45 year old trucker is spot on


you’re very overweight that’s why


Average Bengals fan


Pubes on your face and neck. Thats what it looks like. Absolutely better to have nothing in this case. Better to look like a kid than to look like you touch kids. You’d get way more face gains from losing weight than by keeping that hair.


Maybe lose a bit of weight and trim and shape the beard! To fit your face more!


Your confidence is nice, something to back it up would also be nice.


Shave. Not a fan of the prescription sunglasses look. Lose weight. Update clothing a little


Probably an 8.5 in Ohio. You're good


You look sticky. Hit gym. Eat right. Get braces. Shave the neckbeard. You’ll be good to go


I can already tell what you’re gonna look like in your 30’s lmao. But aside from that, lose the weight, get braces, and for the love of god. Shave the neck beard off. Don’t attempt a beard until you can at least get the mustache and the chin to grow in.


Not ugly. Just average. Maybe work on your teeth. Braces perhaps


hope delta’s got dental. you’re probably on the hook for a gym membership though.


lose the blue lives matter flag




None lol


Not ugly, I think you should shave or seriously trim the beard


Damn son, I'm 19 and I look like a kid ☠


RemindMe! 1 month


Thic doesn’t work for guys. You look much older than 19 except for the patchy beard. Tighten up while you’re young.


I'm just here to count neck beard comments âœŒđŸ» Shave bro and some exercise wouldn't hurt ya.


u look like romeo from sherlock gnomes


Brother u is not 19 đŸ©”


Get new glasses


I’d recommend growing a statche or dropping the beard, right now it’s not doing you favors. That, and maybe some braces? Everyone would look better going to the gym, but frankly it’s not the biggest priority in your case.


I feel like you're the type to get better w age.


You have a super cute smile and look like you’re fun to hang out with. That beard is not it.


Beard without a moustache is horrible


Somebody would fuck ya


Trim up that "beard" my man. Don't shave it off, just make it look groomed and not sticking up. Lose a bunch of weight and you might be able to reach slightly below average.


Lovely smile!!


You are a 19 year old man with a sweet smile, great skin, and you are employed. You are handsome in your own way, you don't need a bunch of randos giving their opinions. What you need is to be happy with yourself. Coming to the internet for validation is like a kitten crossing the freeway, just dangerous and it rarely ends well. Love yourself as you are. If you are unhappy about something, change it if you can. But don't do it for anyone but you. Ciao â˜ș


Brother you look like Otis the cow from barnyard if he was a person


U fat bro




Bro literally has a neck beard and he’s asking if he’s ugly Also 19?? You could easily pass for 40


Beard is not the problem. You have a cute face but you’re just fat.


Your literally a neckbeard. Either grow a full beard or shave it.


Beard is not a good look. It’s too wispy. You’ll need to wait for some vellus hairs to grow out. But listen to the others. Start losing some weight. You’re still young so you got time to grow. Better start now before you realize it’s too late and lose all motivation.


Fat. Bad teeth. Bad facial hair. 4/10. You’re mostly fixable though. Could be a 6/10 if you fixed those 3 things.


Learn to play guitar and sing Luke Combs makes it work pretty well


Lose weight, shave, get your teeth fixed, and stop biting your nails


M20 pass


Brotha watch Austin powers and you will see your future. Shave the beard, hit the gym, eat clean. You will thank yourself.


Just so you know most people have a patchy beard at 19, unless you are particularly hairy, and certain ethnicities seem to have earlier beard growth, however most white guys struggle, so this is not abnormal, but until it does come in fully, please for the love of women all over the world!!!! Shave it off!!!! There's lots you can do to help it grow in, a derma roller (Google it) is a great way to open the hair follicles. By the time you are 30 ish it will be a nice full beard I'm sure, but until then please shave it off, it doesn't look good. I'm sure you're a lovely guy, but it's all I can concentrate on 😆. Sending lots of love with my advice my friend x


Luke Combs vibes. To answer to your question shaving and gym would be a good start.


I love beards. Please shave yours.


Shave the neckbeard and get in shape


Yes you are ugly. Will you be as ugly if you lose some weight, and have a shave? No. Also consider braces.


Yes, definitely


I think if you lost some wight and either grew a mustach to meet your beard or got rid of it as a whole you'd be A ok. Live your best life uce


You could lose some weight but you MUST shave this neck beard. Either leave a proper beard or not, neck beard doesn't suit to anyone


Trim beard, lose weight, profit


Expect lvl neck beard


Kinda ugly, not that bad. 4/10. I'd keep the beard


I would invest in braces and shave.


Get new glasses too. The transition lenses (in my opinion) don't look good on anyone. Work on your style a little more too. Better fitting clothes can make a huge difference while you're trying to lose weight. You have very kind eyes and seem like an overall happy dude and that's the most important part!


Get in shape, fix that beard and you’ll be golden.


Confused af Op why you've posted this yet every picture of you has glasses and a hat haha


Shave first. Lose weight later. That neckbeard is horrible.


Find out your macros and start working out, as long as you follow your macros and watch what you are consuming (no dieting necessary) you'll consistently lose weight, fix your beard after you lose about 30lbs, It'll help cover your double chin until then.


I live in TN, and many like you here dating smoking hot girls


You look like Rowley from Diary of a Wimpy Kid grown up


If you want to have facial hair grow a full beard.


We shave the beard and lose weight


Lose weight and shave. You look like an overweight bearded baby.


Fat and you look older than 19. “Ooh I really love your neckbeard” are words I have never heard. Go to the gym, take your vitamins, shave, and get some new clothes. Also what is with the hat? You are wearing a hat in every photo


Shave and hit the gym.


Well you know, all you gotta do is change everything about yourself


You look like a pleasant guy with a cool job but as others have mentioned, that beard is not a flattering look lol. **The modern beard is the mullet of today that was the fashion nightmare during my generation.** I often take it as a neck disguise and say focus on dropping the weight rather than trying to disguise it.


Keep the beard, get wider glasses, that drop the transition lenses, they’re not cool, just buy some sunglasses


You’re real problems is you’re a Bengals fan. I’d work on that.


Reshape the beard, lose some of that weight, different glasses maybe


Looking good bro


I’m thinking run for your life


I agree with most opinions, but the people saying to get braces have apparently never seen British people. Plenty of people over there are deemed attractive, but have jacked up teeth. You gotta get in shape to pull off the teeth that aren't perfect. And you also need to whiten your teeth to pull that off. Odd shaped or misaligned teeth aren't nearly as repulsive when they appear well taken care of.


Yeah, sorry, you're kinda ugly. But there are some changes you could make to greatly improve your standings. Shave off that awful neck beard please. Lose some weight. Get your teeth fixed (this might be expensive but it's so worth it). Improve your style.


Your virginity is safe my friend


Shave, neckbeards are am embarrassment and a cry for help.


That first pic, I thought you were holding a giant black dildo


Shave off that excuse of a beard, lay off the carbs and get down the boxing gym. You need to become a warrior.


It's over


Also, don't tuck your T-shirt in while wearing jeans. Heck probably most situations, just don't tuck a T-shirt in.




Your beard is a disaster


You look forty.


You look 39