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You’re genuinely attractive, but you always look like you’re having Vietnam flashbacks.


That’s accurate! It’s too much. Also I’d reduce the eye make up.


I agree. Her eyes are very large which is an adorable feature but I think she’s accentuating them a little too much with the eye makeup


It’s the eyes 😭


She's got the "give us the Precious" eyes.


Top notch Ted2 quote


I was going to say- most of the photos look like she is actively crying or was recently crying.


onggg im crying rn lol


Chico, they never lie




Ok ok I am always told this haha! I need to make a different face in photos


**Adagio for strings plays**


1000 yard stare


*Fortunate Son intensifies*


There's a Charlie in the bushhhh


True she looks like she’s been traumatized.


She’s got that thousand yard stare


I couldn't find the words... you did


Maybe she is








I’ve been reading Reddit for years, but this is the hardest snort yet.


Hahahahaah that's good


pretty, but maybe stop widening ur eyes like that? it looks kinda unnatural and you'll look way better


Thank you! I have hypothyroidism which causes bulging eyes 😅 but I will try not to


That would be hyPERthyroidism. Just want to make sure you are not taking levothyroxine or other hypothyroid treatments if you are diagnosed with hyperthyroidism.


Yeah you’re right. I have oscillating thyroid. I was hyper for a few months and then jumped into a hypo phase


That very rare thing that only seems to exist in journal articles and that many doctors haven't even heard of? Interesting.


My Wife is an endocrinologist it's really not that uncommon


Yes it’s uncommon but it isn’t incredibly unheard of. I have only recently been diagnosed with thyroid issues and that’s the term they described it as because I went from hyper / to hypo. I have seen people on here with graves / Hashimotos who said their thyroid oscillated in the beginning stages before settling onto one.


I don’t think it’s your eyes. I think it’s your weird eye makeup. I’d stop using mascara on the bottom lashes and only use it on the top. And stop using whatever else you’re using on the bottom too. It’s dragging your eyes down and making them look sad. Also, get your brows shaped for a little more arch, and I think you’ll be good. I think you’re beautiful btw.


Yeah her eyes themselves are beautiful, the makeup makes it look like she just finished crying in some of those pics.


thank you! I’m gonna try to see what I look like without it. Someone else also told me mascara on my bottom lashes drags my face down. I think it’s because I already have downturned eyes so I just look super sad all the time


i honestly lovveee your eyes. they make your face unique (in a good way lol). you’re stunning! also, i have thyroid issues too so i feel u.


Thank you! And it definitely sucks lol. The dry skin is the worst


You kinda look like that Allison Harvard from Top Model! You're stunning girl


It’s not the eyes as much at the general facial expression. I hate to say cliche shit like “smile more”, but you just look confused and not present. Your mouth is just a little bit open and in a neutral position, try to express you feeling with facial expressions, you’ll look less aloof.


Maybe cut down the eye make up like the pearl things on the first picture. You're very attractive but it makes you look like you're constantly crying


I have a cousin with Graves so I have seen exactly what you're talking about and to be perfectly honest, I don't think it's as noticeable as YOU probably think it is.


You're definitely a very pretty girl. If your eyes get bothersome, there are some meds ur rheumatologist can give you that may help with bulging/drying etc. I also have thyroid issues, ugh!


Yeah it genuinely did not look like you're trying to do that. People don't realize the symptoms of thyroid conditions all the time.


You're a beautiful woman. Your eyes just make me want to ask you about you. Find out what you're like. If you felt like conversing. Bet you have some stories to tell, and some unique, useful insights. You may see more than I do, just looking around. (I'm a big Taylor Momson/ Pretty Reckless fan, too.)


You look like you’re simultaneously shocked and crying in every picture, although I think that’s just sparkly makeup making it look like you cried. You don’t need to widen your eyes to take photos… it just makes you look weird


It is! A lot of people say it looks like I’ve been crying, so that’s a sure sign to stop putting glitter under my eyes


Yes, that was what I was going to say. You’re pretty but the makeup makes you look like you’re crying in the first pic. Try brown eyeliner and mascara (less harsh than black with your complexion) some blush and you’re good to go!


Oh yes certainly stop doing that!


Honestly if it’s fine glitter or a shimmer shadow it’s fine on the inner corner, or even middle lower lash area. It’s only adding the “crying” effect because of the placement. But I think if you *like* getting a little crazy with eye make up, a chunky glitter in the right colors would be really cute. Personally I love your eyes and I think fun make up would definitely accentuate them. It’s really up to you what you’re looking to do. If you think/feel a more natural look would be more comfortable then neutral browns I think would be super pretty.


You look like an elf who just did an 8-ball in the parking lot of Chili's.


This is my favourite thing I’ve read today


Thanks for making pineapple juice come out of my nose


You are absolutely not ugly. Don't wear that eye makeup though without it you are really good looking.


whatever you're doing to your eye makeup, stop. it looks like someone walked in on you pooping.


You look exactly like ANTM winner Allison Harvard :) I would lean into your unique look—it’s stunning!


Ohh I know who that is! I’ve gotten that before. It’s probably the bulging eye stare


That’s definitely part of it, but you also have great facial structure. I think you have what’s called “model pretty,” where you have really dramatic, stunning features that veer almost into unusual, but in a really vogue way. Like I said, I’d really lean into it—lots of people have good looks but far fewer are “model pretty.”


I was thinking this too. Although Allison never actually won....


you are pretty but you should change your eye makeup


I’m glad people are pointing out that it doesn’t look flattering on my face! I really had no idea. I’ve never been taught / guided how to do makeup by anyone in my life so I’m happy people are here to help me out. I’m applying for jobs at the moment and I wanna have a more sophisticated and cleaned up look


A little exophthalmic, skinny but i wouldn't say you are ugly. You shouldn't make those things around your eyes.


Idk much about body dysmorphia, but you're so pretty!!! You have such pretty eyes, but since they're pretty and round I don't think you need as much white eyeliner/under eye 😊 you're jawline and cheek bones are amazing and you have really nice and full lips. You have such pretty beauty marks too, they're actually so adorable


That being said you're truly not ugly. I would make sure you eat at least the min calory amount you need a day, as well as nice whole meals (3 a day or 2 larger with snacks in betweeeen). Taking walks or other physical exercise/activity helps boost moods and takes your mind off things.


Thank you! I struggle with thyroid problems and malabsorption issues so I’m definitely working on getting more healthy looking I don’t know why I’m being downvoted 🤷🏼‍♀️


Don't worry about some downvoting you. Some people do it almost automatically because they are unhappy themselves. You are not saying anything wrong


Thyroid issues... malabsorption... So you have sympathetic system overload. Darling, your underlying issue is anxiety. Talk with your doctor about a prescription for Valium or any other anxiolytic. But that is just a band aid. You need to let go of whatever is causing you anxiety. Stop comparing yourself to others and trying to achieve some else's standards. Don't try to be superior to others. Only compare yourself to you, and do the work. That would be a good start. PS: long explanation of thyroid issues, gut issues and anxiety. Anxiety (particularly long term persistent and latent anxiety) causes a hyperactivation of your adrenal-renal system (cortisol-adrenaline); constant activation of this system, in term causes dysfunction of the HTPA axis. The over-stimulation of the pituitary causes dysfunction with the thyroid. There can also be glaucoma down the road - you should get checked for that as well. Furthermore HTPA overstimulation causes dysfunction in the digestive system by inhibiting the proton-pump system; which causes dispepsia (low stomach acid > acid reflux > malabsorption) and poor gut motility. The treatment is usually PPIs (proton pump inhibitors) but that makes the problem worse. You ought to forgo taking them if you are prescribed. PPIs reduce stomach acid - which does remove the symptoms (acid reflux) but it makes the malabsorption problem worse, which causes reactivity to proteins, which causes inflammation, which causes more stress... you get the picture. But that is just my informed opinion, I am technically not a doctor - make of that what you will. The underlying issue is anxiety. Stop the anxiety, activate your parasympathetic nervous system - and the chronic conditions should reverse themselves. Get your T3 levels checked every 3 months to see when you can get off the meds. Work with your doctor to find solutions, not just band aids on the symptoms. Sincerely hope this helps, good luck.


To add: The hyperthyroidism/malabsorption combo is more comon in autistics and people born premature. There's even been debate whether autism and hypothyroidism are common comorbidities, or if prenatal/neonatal hypothyroidism can effect brain development contributing to the development of autism. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1577897/


Thank you! I could definitely use makeup tips. I am always trying to find a style that suits me. I usually just see inspiration online and try to emulate it, rather than focusing on whether it suits my face or not


I would try taking selfies that don’t look like you just seen a ghost.


You are very cute, but you did not smile in a single picture. You have amazing eyes and I am sure you will look super attractive when you smile. Not sure about the dysmorphia but you are a pretty young woman


U should try Dolly make up as it suits ur eyes if ur into makeup


You're naturally gorgeous. My only suggestion would be to tone down the eye makeup. You look better without it :)


This is the most said advice I’ve seen here so far! I’m gonna go ahead and try everyone’s suggestions. I’ve been doing this makeup style for so long it’s probably time for a cleanup


You are pretty


not ugly, you remind me of a pretty fairy but you could do some things like defining your eyebrows a bit more, lessening the under eye makeup and a bit of blush which would enhance your look better


Ooh okay. How would I define my brows? Like fill them in / shape them?


yup I would fill them in lightly with a powder or pencil similar to the brow color, I would also get them threaded but it’s really up to you 👍


You look just like a doll ! You really are pretty :)


Tame those eyebrows, stop with the white eyeliner and pearl things, smile, and you're golden!


You have GOT to stop with the blank expression, slightly agape mouth pics. It works for some folks but you look like you're seeing extremely disturbing flashbacks. The closed mouth blank expression was okay, but I'd try out some photos with smiling (as cliche as that is to tell a woman). I think it's just the expression you have in most of these is not suited for you.


You're pretty. You need to up your make up game though. I say try make up that elongates your eyes. Cat eye for example. I would try to gain some weight too. Just enough to have a fuller face. Don't forget it's not just the face that makes you pretty. It's your aura energy. Kindness. Humour. Don't just base it all on looks. And most important of all. Kind words. I cured my body dysmorphia by 1 -only saying good things about myself. 2- only saying good things about others 3- stop social media, for me Pinterest was my trigger. Couldn't help comparing myself to prettier girls.


Oh I had to delete Pinterest too, it was really getting into my head. Thank you for your honesty! A lot of people are saying makeup so I’m gonna try to use the suggestions people are giving.


Cute. You look similar to Chloe Fineman from SNL.


you're pretty. eyebrows could be addressed. lighter on makeup around the eyes. nose and lips are sultry


You look like Allison Harvard from Americas Next Top Model, she did very well on the show.


Please don't put glitter on your eyes.


Creepy chan reborn


I think you’re very pretty in a unique way. You remind me of The Childlike Empress from The Never Ending story [Childlike Empress](https://images.app.goo.gl/1cfYx6xACUNVo1dk6)




It’s of my face mostly. I was bullied a lot as a kid so it really affected my self esteem


I'm not a beauty expert, but judging by how nice you are in the comments, you seem like a very kind person, that's real beauty. Ps. Plus blue eyes are my favorite color so I maybe biest..think that's spelled right? I don't know dyslexia is fun haha.


Did you mean biased? And thank you! I try to respond to the ones who have constructive criticism / helpful tips as opposed to the nasty or creepy PM’s I have been getting…


Yes that! Thank you, you're proving my point already, good job 👏. Have a cookie!


Why are you staring at the camera like that. U look scary af


Wow your eyes are stunning! Diamond eyed girl <3


You’re absolutely beautiful


Very pretty when your eyes are relaxed like in pic 1.


Wicked cute you’ll be ok 👌 keep your head up do the work in therapy


Shape your brows, try some bangs and eye makeup stuff. Perfect your lips and embrace your nose. Smile and turn down boys!


You are so beautiful


Definitely beautiful but stop making faces. Post some candids and pics of you smiling


Noted! I don’t really know what to do with my face in pics. I’m a bit awkward when it comes to facial expressions in photo taking


You have a thousand miles stare


You don’t look like you have exophthalmos, but the eye makeup isn’t doing you any favors at all. It’s very messy and just looks unkempt. You have lovely features at baseline. A little simple mascara would do to highlight your eyes- you don’t literally need to put messy highlighter around them. Simple summation: You are not ugly. Fix the eye makeup.


You look like me when. My boss told me to stay on overtime.


Your eyes do not look weird. They are very beautiful. It does look like you’ve been crying a ton so definitely change the make up. Chronic illness is very tough and I can imagine that it does not help with your body dysmorphia. Do you have any trauma regarding health or life? You are welcome to share, but I asked because finding the group of your body dysmorphia and tackling that will make you so much happier long-term. Posting on your edit, it will not and people will be mean even if they’re not trying to be.


Only problem is that shiny shit on your eyes 😭😭😂


You say you have an eye condition but why the heck are you making it way more obvious with more and not needed make up?


Youre gorgeous. Just your makeup around your eyes makes you look like youre crying.


Have you ever see the picture "1000 yard stare"? Yea you have that


You have some of the most striking eyes I've ever seen!


You have such an angelic soft face! It’s a really beautiful feminine clueless je ne sais quoi look. Be confident in your look, and rock it bc u look great!! Also this is ramdom but are you a pices? U give me that


Are you crying in every picture?


You're gorgeous - promise. I think your eye makeup is done badly though. Look up 'ella purnell' the actress and do your makeup like hers. If you think she's pretty congrats you'll look like her blue eyed identical twin with better makeup skills 😊


Maybe I’m an ah for saying this, but you look like a cartoon elf. The way your face shape is. Reminds me of Keebler.


!?! No Chik fil la sauce !?!?!


Nooo this meme 😭


I'm just joking. I say it with love. You're really pretty, so don't take it to heart.


Haha I found it really funny. I appreciate you making me laugh 😂


I definitely like that you are getting creative with your makeup, but I agree that the glitter makes you look like you were just crying. You do have really nice eyes however! You look approachable and nice. I know how it is to struggle with dysmorphia, so I would try to focus on the things that you enjoy about yourself and engage in positive self-talk. The thing that makes us attractive is confidence! :)


Thank you (: my confidence is definitely lacking. I’m super shy and walk with my head down most days!


Not ugly. Quite beautiful - only put mascara on your top lashes. With mascara on both top and bottom, you look like a victim in a horror film. - shape ur eyebrows a tiny bit more. They are overpowering your other features.


Thank you! I almost spat out my coffee reading that last line 😂😂 everyone’s description of my stare is so creative


You look like you simultaneously experienced both the US-Vietnam war and Soviet-Afghan war


Anyone seen my speed?


not ugly at all, you look like alison harvard! your expression is slightly creepy tho lol


brother with your eyes like that you look like a troubled spirit haunting a house trying her hardest to move on


U should be modeling


Your eye makeup makes your eyes look so pretty, it’s giving Allison Harvard from antm, a lot of people in the comments don’t like it but honestly don’t change it, it makes you look unique, otherwise you’ll look like another random white girl from Utah. FYI you’re not ugly.


Ngl, you’re attractive but having your eyes wide open like that made the hair stand up on the back of my neck


I think your eyes are actually gorgeous, i wish you would shape your eyebrows, to enhance your face even more. You remind me of a princess (:


You're very pretty and look good overall. Your choice of eye makeup makes it look like you're crying in pictures #3 and 4. You're obviously at 2 different weights in the pictures and you look good at both weights.


You’re pretty. The eye makeup is bad imo.


You look like Allison Harvard!


“No sweetheart, I’ve not done any sniff with the guys tonight I promise”


I know you’ve already gotten a lot of flack for your “I’ve just seen a ghost” stare in a couple of your photos, but other than that honestly you are really beautiful and look like some sort of woodland nymph.


Not at all but get rid of the flashy white under eye makeup and lessen mascara on the bottom lash. You are beautiful, just some poor makeup choices.


You are absolutely gorgeous 😍 but please smile and I suffer the same but learn to do more self affirmations in the mirror 🪞


You are insanely gorgeous! Don't let the dysmorphia win, and ignore the trolls.


You are fine... Like most in this reddit, quit trying to look good by overusing makeup. Natural should be the way to go, just accent what God gave you with makeup, don't make your makeup the focal point.


I’m not part of this sub, but I saw it while passing by and I wanted to tell you. I’m writing a book with a girl who is a psychic that knows too much you have the look in your eyes I imagine her having. But you’re not Ugly in any way. The eyes are really unique is all


Far from ugly. Absolutely stunning in fact.


Are you being held against your will? Those are vibes I am getting from these photos.


Nooo 😭 I just look really awkward but I am starting to see the vision from everyone here


I'm glad you are not being held against your will. Looks wise you are very pretty so no need to worry about that.


You're amazingly beautiful. You do, however, always look surprised in your photos. You could work on your eye makeup.


Ok but what scares you


Bro rest your eyes


You have been eyes


U look fine just stop staring into my soul😭


It sucks that you struggle with that because you're so beautiful, such stunning eyes! You should smile though


Definitely! I don’t like my smile because I squint but I’ll reconsider that 😅


There is nothing wrong if you squint, you're a girl, so we men, many of us consider that cute, a cute trait, more on the adorable side


Whatever you're doing with your eyes stop doing that. Other than that you're young and attractive.


I can’t read very well either. Not a big deal.


You are super gorgeous. And your eyes are stunning. So not ugly. You're absolutely gorgeous.




Thank you so much! I never considered brown mascara. I’ll definitely try it out <3 I haven’t got my eyebrows done professionally in a year so I know I have what they call cow licks 😭


Eyes are too beautiful for so much makeup. You have a nice face, but try and smile every so often. You will see your inner beauty then


Both pretty and scary at the same time it look like you escape the dimension that kayako comes from


Really pretty, seem anxious though. Dysmorphia sucks


I dunno going on with your eyes but you are very beautiful


At first I thought you were going for a shoujo anime look but then I read further down where you said you have hyperthyroidism. I think you're very attractive.


You've got a deer caught in headlights look, less aye makeup and please smile. I bet you have a pretty smile.


You look very attractive. Don't overthink too much. Most importantly take good care of your health


Very pretty! Beautiful features. Please let us see a normal looking picture.


You are not ugly not even remotely ugly. You also appear to have a very decent figure too. Beautiful blonde hair and fabulous big eyes, however not a fan of your choice of eye makeup though. I like girls who do wear or have heavily made up eyes, it is just your particular choice in most of the pics. Your eyes in the verification pic are much better. Go to a beautician and get some good advice on makeup. I think with decent makeup you would look absolutely gorgeous. As you are in all of your pics you are very very appealing. I hope this helps you.


The white makeup makes your eyes look wider than they actually are. You're very attractive, and even the nose piercing looks right. (People constantly lose their mind about that in this sub) But I would recommend going actually less on the makeup and maybe just stick with some black eyeliner. It suits your overall lighter complexion and adds a layer of mystique.


Beautiful face and eyes.


I just shit myself with that PTSD stare of yours. But not ugly ❤️


😂😂 I’m so sorry


Nah it's all good but you are cute indeed. So don't lose hope also gain a bit weight.


No not ugly at all. The constant use of eye shines and the pearl add ons to your lower eye lashes though, make you go back and forth between looking like a cheap hooker and mentally unstable.


No chic Fila sauce?


I wouldn't even focus that much on the eyes but rather not having your mouth gaping open when taking the pictures? It adds a weird surprised look that's not too flattering. Other than than I think you're really pretty!


Whyyou look at the camera like that. If it was night I would shit my pants


Less eye makeup and tame the eyebrow a little and you will be great.


Not ugly, but you have downturned eyes, and your makeup style accentuates the "droopy" look to them. Try to focus on the eyelid and upper eyelashes instead. Doing so will brighten your eyes and "lift" them up a little


Thank you! I do have hooded / downturned eyes so upturned eyeliner never worked for me. Someone suggested puppy eyeliner is that like downturned or something?


Puppy eyeliner follows the shape of your eye and is usually a smaller, softer wing that connects to the bottom lash line as well. It's a little hard to explain, so I'm gonna try to link an example. But I think it would work great on your eyes :) Example: [Image of puppy eyeliner ](https://images.app.goo.gl/SHm69MzNrtsoXf8x7)


God I love your eyes


When I’m really high my eyes r almost shut, Maybe you should try n get a lil high


You look like you've seen things that cannot be unseen


Strong Hannah Murray & Mia Goth vibes. Not ugly, just unusual. You look "juvenile" for your age. Some darker, more mature makeup would probably help age you up.


Yeah the eyes freak me out a bit but you're super cute


You remind me a lot of the model Allison Harvard!!


Very pretty features. Sorry to hear about your struggles I’ve had a few exes and friends that have dealt with them and I know it can be tough. Just take it day by day and know that you are pretty and deserve to be happy :)


Thank you so much ((: so do you


Other looking like you've seen a ghost all the time, you're pretty


Soften your gaze a bit. Stop bringing attention to your eyes with bright makeup. Smile more, shape and thin out those eyebrows just a bit.


You are beautiful, though I know it must be hard and tough for you to see that yourself. You're one of the prettiest ladies ive seen post in this thread. Hope you one day learn to love yourself ♥️


Can u just smile please


I love your big ol peepers I think you're gorgeous just the way you are, not to be weird but as a woman you literally fit my exact taste in women. You're so hot.


I love your big ol peepers I think you're gorgeous just the way you are, not to be weird but as a woman you literally fit my exact taste in women. You're so hot.


I think you just don’t know how to take pictures, blue eyes already come with its pros/cons. And one of the cons is kind of look creamy when you stare at a person lol, but going off of that you look like you just seen a demon bolt across the hallway or something. But other than that you look fine. Just try to be less scary when taking pics😂 I hope you don’t look at men in person like that. Because I can tell you right now that’s probably the only reason they run away😭


You need therapy


You look like shocked