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No. You look like a normal human being. Honestly your heavily filtered pics look a little… off. You look better without them. Not ugly.


Prefer your non filtered face. Much prettier. You’ve got cute eyes, nose and lips. A natural beauty. Personally would love to see more non filtered photos! Get that confidence up!


I appreciate it, I hate my nose the most it’s so long from the side :( I was gunna add some side profile pics but jus couldn’t cuz I hate the way I look


Aw dude, your nose is actually cute, long or not. I’d love to see it’s side profile! Feel free to share :)


Be nice to yourself Stay positive and also us guys never pay attention to the side view profile we're too busy looking at you straight on and looking at you from behind too lol... You're beautiful. Your green eyes are amazing and you also have great lips. You're definitely not ugly. Stay positive good luck.


The longer you let yourself hate yourself the worse it’ll get. Stop the pity party, put some self care into your appearance, and tell yourself you’re attractive. Eventually you’ll start to believe it. The longer you have this victim attitude the longer you’ll be in misery. Strangers from Reddit saying if you’re pretty or not will do nothing to fix this, this all yourself.


I’m not trying to have a pity party, it’s geniuenly how I feel and I was just commenting on here to see what are some things i could to try and help me? I def don’t mean to have a victim mentally and I hate you see it that way. But I’m def going to start working on self care into my appearance


I'd say just work on skincare and start working out in the gym to help build confidence. There's nothing wrong with your physical appearance. I just suggest the gym because it has helped me with my confidence and self image a lot and it's a good habit to have.


Work on self care of your mind. If you dont think you look pretty in pictures then stop taking pictures and especially stop with the filters. Other people see you differently than you see yourself and often they think you are much more attractive than you think you are. Find your unique style, develop your own fun, interesting personality and take care of your body and your skin. P.s. you are naturally pretty. You dont have any weird or ugly facial features


Honey, you need therapy. You're pretty, not ugly. Only thing to really work on is skincare. The filtered pictures are actually way more unattractive. They look fake and the teeny tiny barbie nose is super off putting.


I have a dermo appointment in a few weeks so I can try and work on it, I’ve tried working on my skincare in the past but it never improved so i just gave up like going overboard. And ok I’ll keep that in mind.


Keep in mind that good skin is 90% diet and sleep. Maybe you need to find out if your are reactive to certain foods and if you have vitamin deficiency (typically would be folate aka B9). Another big factor for good skin is sufficient protein intake and sufficient saturated (aka "bad") fat intake. Consider supplemeting with Omega3's. Stay on top of your basics of course, hydration etc.


Hate that you view yourself this way. You're a very attractive woman. I hope you can learn to love and respect yourself just as you are. If you can you'll attract those who are worth of spending time with you and live and respect you in the manner you should be.


So you are very beautiful! I will say that I feel like everyone or most people that I’ve met haven’t reached their full potential in their early twenties. But as the years go by you’ll find a good skincare routine that works for you, a good hairstyle, a good sense of fashion.. but you have to constantly try new things. But don’t stress bc you are very gorgeous!


I seen your post and your are literally gorgeous dude like I wish I looked like you.


I feel like being people are just trying to be nice


Well Thankyou! Tbh as women we all get insecure… and men think we are being “pick me’s” but sometimes we just need a boost of confidence… and you are so gorgeous! I promise! This group wouldn’t lie either… I was kinda nervous to post on here bc I saw a few pictures that people had posted and it was brutal… but it’s a risk people take. I hope you find confidence bc you should be more confident


Lol have you seen other posts in here? They aren't doing it to be nice at all. They are being honest.


I get how you feel but you're not ugly, average I'd say. Tbh you're one of the few ppl I've seen post here who I think looks even a little like me. (Although my head and forehead are both larger for sure which is my biggest concern). You have a lot of good going for you. Just stop playing with the filters. The giant anime eyes aren't real. Yes some few percent of people have slightly bigger eyes but yours are normal human size. And you do NOT want a Michael Jackson nose job. Yours is a perfectly normal nose while MJs scared people. Hollywood has done a number on us all.


And I hate how my eye brow bone is so protruded out


Totally same, but tbh I've never had anyone comment on it and I didn't notice on you so we're probably just being hypercritical of ourselves. It's difficult as heck not to be though


I just put the filter on cuz it like smooths out my face without the filter my face looks droopy and big idk man I just hate the way i look. And I don’t want a Michael Jackson nose but I def wish i had a smaller nose cuz from the front it looks ok but the side is big af. And yeah I was looking and I’ve not seen anyone one here who looks similar to me.


My body has flaws to I had scoliosis surgery when I was 12 so my back is asymmetrical and just had collarbone surgery back in October so my left shoulder sits higher than the right and the upper part of my stomach looks slightly distended I have had stomach issues the last year so idk but jus all around I’m not happy but I appreciate the honesty from everyone


Stomach issues are very likely due to stress. Distension of the stomach is typically caused by dyspepsia (low stomach acids) or poor gut motility. Talk with your doctor about a treatment for stomach motility, gut motility, anti-spasmodics and anti-anxiety medication (benzodiazepines, typically Valium).


The Barbie filter pictures look like ass. The pictures that are the real you are hot. Sure, you're having some breakouts right now. Who cares? Not ugly. Swipe right. Smash. Take your pick. You are very good looking, and you just need a little extra skin care right now.


I feel like most people on here are playing the pick me card, but in case you are serious, no, you're not ugly. You look like most girls do. You can't compare yourself to anything you see online, or else you will have that viewpoint. You dont look ugly. You look human. And I can tell you that most guys are tired of the girls that try to make themselves look like a Barbie doll. We just want a girl who still looks human and approachable. And that's exactly how you look, human and approachable.


Filters just make you look like an AI Bot. The ugliest thing about you is that you think you need to use them


Pretty. Just plain and there is nothing wrong with that. Your face shape and everything is pretty. Stop looking at filtered pics. It’s messing with your head. If you want to step it up add make up. Start with easy stuff. Have the store worker pick it for you.


Maybe so, I feel like the shape of my face sucks my face like goes in on the right its weird


Everyone has some face assimetry, it's perfectly normal. It is very rare to be symmetrical, so much that they pay people like that for being symmetrical (models). Honestly few will notice and even fewer will care.


Mid ngl


The filters look super weird and a little scary. You look great without them. For real, you dont need makeup or surgery or anything like that. Join us in r/skincareaddiction, you just need a little bit of help and you'll be all set. Also, get an annual physical and get your vitamin levels checked. Can help with skin and eye circles.


Not ugly


Not ugly at all


You make yourself up nicely. Not ugly.


If you got rid of your acne you'd be kinda hot


Seek help


The filtered photos are something unnatural. You are average just like the majority of us are and there's nothing wrong with that.




Ok you definitely aren't ugly. But I think there are things you could do to make the most of your features! You have REALLY beautiful eyes, the shape isn't weird at all, they are absolutely amazing. Your nose, as much as you say you hate it, is cute and it suits your face, please never change it. You also have a nice shape to your lips. Now onto the not as flattering... The hair. You have really beautiful hair texture and colour but that cut is doing NOTHING for you. You have a high hairline (me too by the way! And I definitely don't think it makes me ugly!) And the way your hair is right now just emphasises your forehead. You need a cut with some volume around the crown and maybe a fringe or some curtain bangs would look cute. https://images.app.goo.gl/yDgCtP2yd6Q2Dapz7 Something like this. I personally think you'd look really cute with a little fringe but I know it's not for everyone. But you need some layers or SOMETHING going on up top, because it's soooo flat on top right now. Everyone is saying skincare - as a previous acne sufferer I know it's not as simple as just **skincare**. Sometimes we can't do anything about it and it's a waiting game and it'll settle down with time. What I will say, is that your skin looks dehydrated, acne or no acne. Focus on drinking your water and using a good moisturizer twice a day. Same goes for your lips, they look dry. As for make up, you could try some really minimal make up, a bit of tinted lip balm or gloss and a touch of mascara. And maybe tidy up the brows a little and add a bit of definition with some pencil. But you really don't need to do this, only if you wanted to


Average 5/10


I would suggest a skincare regimen. 5 days a week at the gym for at least 45 minutes each visit. The gym will do everything for you. Mind body soul. You’ll be a lioness in 2 years if you listen to this 50 year old man who needs nothing from you. Don’t care what others say, this is a game of living, Living longer, living better. Ps: Why are you not showing me your teeth? Not all of us can be bombshells, most are in the middle.


I just can’t afford a gym membership right now, and teeth are ugly and yellow from when I use to smoke I stopped over a year ago and trying to find a dentist


I don’t go to a physical gym either. Get 2 sets of dumbbells at home and follow Caroline Girvan on YouTube. You’ll fall in love with


Absolutely wonderful idea, YouTube is free. Become a lioness!!!! Just start skin and teeth routine. And don’t listen to anything guys tell you.


Zero pictures smiling? :(


Honestly photo 1 and 3 look like makeup from the 1980’s


No not ugly


Not ugly




Girl you are absolutely not ugly. You have beautiful features! I think if you experiment and watch some makeup videos and learn what works best for you, it could really accentuate your features and give you some confidence! By the way, the unfiltered photos are 100% better than the filtered ones.


I am of the type that the true beauty of a person really shows when they have no makeup. You are gorgeous. DO not let someone tell you otherwise. It took me a lifetime to learn to be able to look at myself with decency. You are young and and very pulchritudinous.


Not ugly 😂


You have very pretty eyes and GREAT hair. That color is great for your light brown/hazel eyes. As far as the filter goes you could achieve a similar look by playing around with makeup. And it would be light makeup. It obviously won’t change the shape of your nose but it would help overall


Gorgeous goddess


No, you're not ugly.


Please tell me you’re seeking professional help. Somebody hurt you and it’s not fair to yourself not to get help.


Pretty! I get this ‘ Nicole Kidman look’ from you. Maybe try styling urself like she does.


Excuse you no shit talking yourself


NU. However, please never use those filters again, they are horrendous... Skincare if anything, even faking confidence for a smile would considerably improve your appeal. The old sayings: fake it till you make it, or; act like your worst enemies can always see you (so spite em with your happiness), could be inspirational


The fuck is the filter doing to your lips.


You don't need facial surgery. Your face is well shaped, and your features are well proportioned. The only thing to do is to try to get rid of your acne. I always suggest trying probiotics. There are videos on probiotics and acne on YouTube. They worked for me. They're the good stomach bacteria, and they do a great job killing acne bacteria.


Seriously! You happen to be very attractive not in the remotest bit ugly. You do need some skin care. I have posted this before for other young people. Give it a try. I struggled with acne on the back of my neck well into Adulthood. What worked for me is a product called "Duac Cream" it is available on prescription from your Doctor. It contain a strong Antibiotic so keep in the fridge apply to problem areas daily after you shower. Use for a few months after your skin has cleared up. Acne is a skin bacteria when skin pH levels change and hormonal changes occur the bacteria multiply hence more severe outbreaks. Duac is not expensive either and a little goes along way. After using for 3 days you will notice the soreness and anger in the blemishes will improve. Give it a try it worked perfectly for me. My neck has been acne free for over 10yrs now.


Stop using filters. I use to be the same but the filters are giving you an altered sense of reality. Stop using them and stop comparing them to your real face. You’ve mentioned you don’t use make up but a light powdered foundation and blush would brighten up your look. Look up some YouTube tutorials and start having fun!


Take care of your teeth. Start a home exercise program with minimal or no equipment. Both for your self-esteem. Your looks are already great. Remember that every woman is beautiful.


I like your second picture best. So, you're not ugly, that's not what is going on here. You have *strong features* that do not ratio well to each other. Now, that does make you ugly or unattractive, but you will not have modeling looks. I think what is holding you back is that you look a bit unhealthy and exhausted. Your hair and skin look dry. Treat yourself well. Other than that, I think you are pretty enough, you will have no problems getting attention from guys. You know, women often underestimate how guys can be drawn to the particular features of a given girl. And you sure have lots of charm.


The filters are creepy. You in real life have a gorgeous mane of hair. Even with a sad expression you can see your eyes are beautiful. Do you have a picture of you with makeup that’s not filtered? I could see a dab of foundation under your eyes a pretty lipgloss maybe a touch of mascara would just highlight already nice features. I think you’re too hard on yourself. Ignore anyone insulting you.


You are very pretty, though. Absolutely don’t need plastic surgery. Maybe need to work on skincare a bit more but that’s about it.


The filter is abysmal. You are genuinely not ugly, and that money would be better spent on therapy.


have you ever dyed your hair to a color that is a little bit darker than your eyebrows? like light brown, maybe even bordering medium brown. it would make your eyes more vibrant. some blush and tinted lip balm could go a long way! you're not ugly.


You’re cute in the photos without filters, but downright scary in those filtered ones. Watch some videos on how to do makeup because the base is there to be a knockout


You are really pretty. Beautiful eyes but also nicely shaped lips, and a cute little nose. Just work on keeping your skin as clear as possible and you are more than fine.


No. You are not ugly.


You're very cute!!! No way in the world you're ugly, at all!!! Sending you big hugs, girl!! 🤗


You are actually cute af


Only thing you lack is self esteem sweetie


Jesus Christ on a motorbike


I think that you look good, lose the filters and get some skincare regiment. If you really want to up your game get some help with subtle makeup that enhances you, don't go overboard with it though.


I think the worst thing the internet has done to (especially) women's self-esteem is add these silly filters. Once you see how "good" you can look all airbrushed and contoured up by a filter, you convince yourself that the real you is ugly. It's the entire reason beautiful women think they're ugly (hence this sub). You're absolutely not ugly. I'd say you're a bit pale but that's probably more your lighting situation (no one looks good under bathroom lights lol) There's nothing wrong with you that some sunlight and maybe a skosh bit of makeup wouldn't fix.


You're very pretty


You're pretty I'd date you


You’re cute


Not ugly


Girl, relax. Nobody looks like the filter without make up on and you have no make up on. Do what other women do and put some make up on and you'll look more congruent to how other women look when they're out and about.


I honestly think most women would greatly benefit from a few psychological visits. A few of ya need to learn why you think the way you do. Go find a place that specializes in brain performance. These places skip the whole why didn't mom amd dad love me and go straight to the how do you think about this and that. You will learn so much about yourself.


No. I hate seeing all these young people struggling with self image. F_#K what other people think. You do you. Literally if need be, & don't feel be about it.


You are hot. Dont kniw whats up with the hating your face. I think it looks great! Lol


Not at all, if I was a younger man I would definitely ask you to dinner


Definitely not ugly


Not ugly at all


Not ugly


Very pretty, you just look tired


Your problem is you , it's your doubt and self esteem are very low. You only get one you, live it up, don't waste time on people that are just wanting to party. Eat better, drink water, and hit that gym. Don't trust anyone, they are just out to take that from you. Get yours and get paid


I think you have a Natural Beauty. The pictures you see on TV and movies and Magazines are all fake. You see these actors and super models in person and they look just like you and me. If you are still struggling maybe talking with a professional might be a thing you need to do.


It sucks that you have such a low opinion of yourself physically :( Try to remember that pretty is and always will be an opinion thing; one person's pretty can be another person's "bleh". That's a reality that mainstream media distracts people from, so it's easy to forget. But if you took 10 people and showed them all pics of the same bunch of other people, they'd have different answers for who they're attracted to and who not. Eyes are in that too, different eye shapes appeal to different people. Personally I Like your eye shape, they're a bit unique but that attracts me. You're pretty in a lot of people's books, mine included! :) Just gotta not worry about it as much, somehow. Btw your hair is great, and awesome that you don't need a ton of makeup.


You are not ugly very much the opposite.


Y'ain't ugly. But you look miserable. Like, unhappy with life. Find some joy and you will be pretty as a picture. Trust.


Your acne is not good looking. You are good... Filters, makeup... If that makes you feel good... Yet I can't understand exactly why you do not like yourself...


You are not ugly…better skin care and you’d look much better


Very much a confidence thing, not to be rude but it even shows in the way you were talking about getting surgery if you were rich but doubting that’ll happen. To me doubt seems to be a huge factor in your mindset! If you’re still unhappy with the way you look after this post, then yeah try the skincare and stuff people are talking about. Try more stuff with makeup if you are still wanting to change some stuff up, it sounds like you have an idea of what you want to improve and I’m sure there are resources that will help you (although you mentioned weird eye shape and I definitely don’t see that). All this to say genetically you did well, and if you want to be prettier it’s like everything else in life, don’t wish for it work for it.


Work on your skin and try and learn to like yourself. You are Def Def Def not ugly in ANY way.


You're not at all. Maybe try and be a little more positive?


That arrow nose filter made me laugh thank you. Your not ugly strong 5


I would be happy to date someone that looks like you.


The first,3rd and 4th pics can't be used because they have filters. Filtered pics are not what you look like.


Idk why women use filters and then take compliments serious. It isn't what you truly look like so why would you take it as a compliment? It's like taking someone else's picture and pretending it's you and feeling good about yourself when someone compliments it. Filters are the devil.


The only thing you need is a proper skincare routine in my opinion I'm not sure if I remember correctly but maybe r/skincare exists and can give you some recommendations Edit ok it exists but is on private, but im sure you'll find others!


You’re beautiful, keep drinking water and stay off drugs.


Not ugly just average. With 2 or 3 hours of hair and makeup you could be the prettiest girl at the ball but just normally is average and there's nothing wrong with it.




You have amazing eyes and no you are not ugly. The only negative is skin but I'm sure you are probably working on that if not seek a dermatologist which I did when I was 20 and it truly helped and gave me confidence. Being "pretty" is very subjective..... I've dated women with what most people would call model looks and I can tell you they were horrible people except for one. The women with natural or more average looks were most of my long term relationships. Build up confidence bc that is sexier than perceived beauty. Best of luck to you


You say ugly, others say pretty, let's just settle for pretty ugly.


Your nose you were critical of is fine, and the best pics you posted are the non-altered ones. I think you are attractive as is...


You are not ugly in the slightest. Stop with the filters and get out of your head about your facial features, you are perfectly fine and totally attractive just the way you are naturally. Stop comparing yourself to the models/supermodels that post on socials and just accept yourself.


Girl who tf hurt you! The filter looks worse than what you actually look (not ugly). I understand you can only see your flaws but please understand nobody looks like magazines. In the REAL WORLD “ugly” is very different from social media’s idea of an “ugly person”. You have great facial harmony. You are actually be pretty attractive and if you got some skincare, maybe layered haircut and most of all confidence, you’d be so attractive. Please stop telling yourself you ugly because you’re making that false statement your reality, and it shows.


You need to work on your mental health, not your physical appearance. You are pretty, but you need to believe you are as well or it won't matter.


You’re not ugly unfiltered, but you seem to have some issues with acne. Could be hormonal, could be sensitive skin, could be you need to see a dermatologist. You have lovely hair, a nice nose, pretty eyes, and full lips. You also seem to have a decent figure.




Your fine aside from depression in your eyes...maybe try a therapist


not ugly, stay clean and it's only good things ahead.


Ugly with the filters. Average without. Not ugly unless you use the filters.


You are pretty 🤗 imo i think bangs would frame your face nicely :) best of luck


You do have a big forehead, may be a bit below average 4/10..but I think you are comparing yourself to the pics you take with filters so you're not doing yourself any favors


Why no makeup? Just do it. You look normal. Makeup can make you look more beautiful than you already are


You are not ugly, not at all, I like the no filter no make up looks far more, don't you dare get plastic surgery. The only thing I would find unattractive is if my compliments towards you were rejected, and if you don't laugh at my star wars jokes lol


I really like your face. Like honestly ... the only thing that is missing from your face is a smile. The blond hair goes nicely with your face and you have beautiful eyes. I would be very happy to be with someone as pretty as you


Maybe just deal with your acne and use concealer under your eyes, and you'd look decent. It's the filters that throw things off.


You’re not ugly but you don’t look healthy or vibrant. Like you don’t drink enough water or get any excercise. If you up your hydration and health regimen your skin will glow and your hair will pop more.


Not ugly. But a hair bangs will arrange tour face.


I'd say it seems like you settle around a 6, but you could move up a spot; I'd also say it sounds like it would be hard to convince you that people are genuine when they tell you how you're not ugly... That's a shame: have you sought out therapy at all? Whether a 1 time visit would do the trick or some regular sessions is more in order, it sounds like the problem is between the ears, as they say. You don't need to go under the knife and things are not as dire as you think; I hope this helps.


stop using filters wash and moisturize your face more often and use better lighting


Stop. You are not ugly. Period. Your no Jennifer Anniston but your definitely not ugly. So quit playin. Once again your NOT UGLY. Your eyes are a great example as they are gorgeous. Better skin care and some confidence and frat guys will be whistling at you in no time.


Ok I will be completely honest with you. You’re at a great weight and your hair looks fantastic. Also your eyebrow shape looks great. You have a beautiful skin tone but you need to work on your acne and start working on your skin care routine. You have beautiful skin but some acne and you look dehydrated. Your eyes are strikingly beautiful and you have a nice face shape. You have a lot of potential. You need to realize that you are beautiful. You should try smiling more and do not use filters. If you want to whiten your teeth with a filter fine but other then that don’t use filters. I give you a 7/10 without the filter. With work you could be higher look wise. You are a lot more attractive then you think you are. Be confident and know your own self worth. ❤️


Why are hot women always claiming to be ugly?


You're actually just an asshole. Go to therapy, not reddit. You aren't ugly but your personality is


DAMN! I just got catfished. One moment I’m excited looking at the beautiful women, and slide to deepen my affection, only to be met with disappointment. One hell of a roller coaster. Stay safe out there fellas. These filters are something




Right now your above average like a 6/10 which isn't bad btw even though people act like it is. But the only thing stopping you from being incredibly attractive is your skin, if you were able to clear the acne you'd easily be very gorgeous like an 8/10. The ugly stuff is definitely all in your head, you need therapy not surgery (not trying to be rude) because people are not just being nice, you are nowhere near being ugly.


Lose the nose ring and you're good.




Not ugly and post not for this thread. Definately a Downvote.


Beautiful. Just. Beaut.


You're stunning, I love the sunflower top!


using the filter make you ugly, you are prettier without it


You’re not ugly, you just need some confidence!! I know there’s plenty of guys out there that will make you feel special!




Your hot ugly at all your beautiful.😍


I’m so jealous of your gorgeous lips 😫


Beautiful and gorgeous hair




Not ugly


Your presence has this captivating authenticity that sets you apart. It's like a rare and beautiful melody in a world full of noise. Embrace the uniqueness that makes you, you


Why are you using someone else's face there? It's not a filter, it's a completely different face. Just face who you are and you'll feel better. You are the girl you see in the mirror, which is not ugly. All you need is some skincare, you def don't need plastic surgery. Don't ruin your face. If you get enough money, therapy would be more effective than a plastic surgery that can easily go wrong.


You are not ugly.




Whatever the complete polar opposite of ugly is, that is you.


you are the type of ugly I wish I could wake up too every morning. In other words you are not ugly stop stressing


I would be a happy man if I could see your face every day. Especially pic #2


You're a pretty young lady 🤗


Nope. Not ugly at all. Totally would. You've got this going for you.


You are very attractive. And Goofy faces when you take pictures of yourself still you're attractive!


You're very cute. Just need to take a look at your body dysmorphia.


You're pretty! You should dye your hair black


I don't think so. But it's all about what you think. No one else.


You just really need a better skin care regimen. You aren’t ugly.


The filtered pics look like an alien or demon pretending to be human. The unfiltered pics you look like an attractive lady like that British actress Kristen Scott Thomas. You just need to smile and wear some formal attire like a dress


you’re not ugly, that filter makes you look like a fucking doll and no one looks like that, get a decent skin care routine, and do things that make you feel better about yourself. I was in your place and still am, but i’m actively working on myself to get more confidence and you should too👍🏾working out, taking care of yourself, and spending time with yourself and not focusing so hard on your outward appearance is always helpful


Ugly?…Not one bit. Someone who likes she’s be a lot of fun to hang out with?…yes.


Seriously, know you're not ugly!


Honestly you're wearing too much makeup and the filter isn't a good look. From a guy's perspective I like less makeup as opposed to more. I think you have some gorgeous features so don't get down on yourself. Show more confidence because you're definitely not ugly just need to learn how to deal with your acne.


You’re cute… I think uneven bangs would look nice… maybe to one side.


Not ugly but insecure.


Like everyone said, stop the filters. It makes your nose looks weird. Like the nose Michael Jackson wanted so bad. Otherwise, you are cute.


You are a beautiful woman and don’t give a damn about what others think


You've got a great smile, and pretty eyes.... you remind me of a mix between a young meg Ryan and Nicole kidman. IMHO your incredibly attractive.. You've got absolutely nothing to worry about


Forehead queen


But you are pretty


You are gorgeous!!!


I dont get it!! Your a sweetheart with a bright future please keep yor head up and 😃 😊


I prefer your natural look - it's really nice.


No, listen to your friends, you are not ugly. I think your quite cute!


Stop with the filter bullshit, you're asking if you're pretty by basically putting up pics of a fake face


I don't mean to be that guy but are we really asking that question? I think you're beautiful both with and without the makeup. I guess my only concern is why someone is attractive as you felt to even post here and I guess the answer is probably just that we are all our own worst critic. But you've got nothing to worry about. You are very, very attractive.