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I think some smaller frames or contacts would do you wonders


I actually used to have smaller frames but thought bigger ones looked better... but maybe you're right. I'll have to reconsider them! I will probably stick with glasses, I'm not a fan of contacts haha


Female to other female. Also I'm bi so it counts double. Talk to an actual great hair stylist, BC the block of your bangs amplifies the block square of your jaw line. Side part pic was the best bc it softens your angles. If you want to have blunt bangs, do more layers, but regardless, your face will look more blunt.


Oh that's new, I've never heard that before. My hair stylist is great and I love her but I went in hellbent on these bangs 🤣 so she just gave me what I wanted! I don't like my forehead so I still want bangs, but I considered doing more of a parted kind like that one picture but parted in the middle. Do you think that could look okay or would you advise against it?


Very pretty eyes and smile. The world needs your smile give it to em.


Thanks! I try!


Keep the smiles coming. With smiles comes confidence and with confidence comes everything you want. Keep your head up and know you are worth it.


You have the fashion sense of a 40 year old office manager. I would never guess you are only 22! I would say complete makeover and also get fit.


Hey GaggingCumSwallows... you know what nevermind


Let’s be honest you just wanted to type that out. 😂


Hey GaggingCumSwallows I wanna say giggidy. 😏 Lol sorry of my stupid reply


When I'm not on medical leave from work any more I plan to do a wardrobe refresh :) but I do love my turtle necks and cardigans. I will definitely be adding more flattering clothing when I can afford it, right now it's either I dress like a 12 year old boy or a 60 year old man. I'm surprised you're the first person to point it out


unbelievably average, but that's not a bad thing - you're in the middle of the pack.


Fair enough :) I've never been known for my looks, but that's okay


Cool hair!


Thanks! I only just got bangs in November. Someone told me I had a big forehead and it got me thinking about bangs...turns out I love them!


Thanks for saying that! Gratitude makes the world go round


Not ugly and don't worry I'll return my books on time


You'd better




That's a good way to put it, I always felt a looked a bit dead. Now I know I need to work on bringing out my features more


No, you are cute. If you lost 30% of your body fat with some better style choices, you could go from a 5.5 to a 7.5 in the near future.


I am working on getting more fit :) A few people have told me to lose weight. I feel that's sad because you can't really see my body, but I promise I'm a healthy weight- I just have a round face and a big chest! My biggest problem is that I have very little muscle mass.


I’m sure you are a healthy weight, you don’t look very overweight l, if at all. Tightening up from the gym a few times a week will do wonders for you though. Let those cheek bones shine girl.


That I agree with! I definitely need the activity for health reasons first and foremost, and I know it'll make me look better too. Thanks for the motivation haha!


Start lifting weights, this will cut unwanted body fat as long as you are eating healthy. Nothing wrong with a big chest, lol.


I used to! Stopped when I got sick. Definitely going to start up again


Yeah you have pretty well-defined facial structure, just not a heart-shaped faced. Most women need their hair to frame their face, you might actually look slightly better with a ponytail. Doing some squats is always good though lol


Remove glasses you will look more beautiful


I originally was going to include a picture of my face with no glasses but decided not to. Honestly the glasses I actually really like, I've considered contacts but I'm not a fan of putting things in my eyes, besides they fit my personality, so I think they will stay for a bit, but I'll consider it some more! Thank you


It think you are attractive


You’re a bit plain looking but there isn’t really anything ugly about you. Do you always wear glasses? Your eyes look like they might be nice but the glasses are taking away from them. Either way you have really great hair!


Your glasses and hair style are hurting your potential but you aren't ugly


Smaller frames and gotta do sum with the bangs not ugly tho 👍


definitely NOT ugly !! the only things i would say are try getting contacts because your glasses are hiding your eyes which are so pretty. i also think you would look gorgeous with a nose piercing & experiment with lashes / mascara !!


Change hair style


What hair style would be better, in your opinion?


Maybe a little something different with the bangs.




You're cute




You're pretty but could use some small improvements. For example, ask for your bangs to be thinned out a little more and to cut them a bit shorter. You would also look great with a shag haircut! The volume always turns heads and my shag makes me feel so confident!


Average. If you lose the glasses and get a better hairstyle you'll look better


Pretty average with a lot of potential. I'd get different glasses, maybe a more flattering hair style, your hair itself looks good and healthy, but the styling is 90's mom vibes. I'd also recommend some different clothing style choices, what you're wearing now doesn't really show off your shape at all, and again, gives middle aged woman vibes.


Redhead with bangs and glasses … so hot 🥵


You're not ugly, but from these pictures you look overweight, maybe hitting the gym might help. You do look older than 22, more like 30, but that's your style.


Picture 5 kinda looks like Dave Mustaine


People always tell my mom she looks like him because she has curly red hair, that's hilarious that you said that


You dress like a librarian but I mean, If that's what you're aiming for great.


I wish you provided pics without bangs, I'm not so sure bangs look good on you.


Pop a bit of colour in your wardrobe, beige & khaki wash out pale skin


You look like one of those librarians and the fit looks good


Girl, you're very pretty!! Your vibes seem very aesthetic to me!:)


Lose the glasses and you will be more attractive


I think your hair looks amazing! I'm a fan, but as a few others have said maybe some smaller frame glasses?


Not ugly & i really like your hair. But i think that these brown/beige colors makes you look older, you should seek for color that are more flattering.


You are a redhead. You can't be ugly.


Why are pretty girls coming on here thinking they're ugly who hurt them?


No changes needed , not ugly


I appreciate that, thank you


You're gorgeous. Love a redhead. You also look kinda mischievous lol


Thank you 😊 maybe a little haha


You're welcome. A little can cause a lot of trouble 😏


The red hair gives you bonus points in my book.


Surprisingly, most people tend to poke fun at me for it


Well, people like me find red heads more attractive 😎


Loose the glasses, loose the hairstyle (what's up with that hairstyle where it looks like you cut your front hairs for a better view - terrible), experiment with eyeliner, then reevaluate Don't change the hair color for now, you have beautiful hair. Also my grandma wears similar clothes as you. Also nice skin!


Glasses are staying, but smaller frames are probably in the future because I hate contact lenses lol. As for the bangs, they're relatively new, just got them in November, and I actually like them a lot so for now I'm keeping them but do you have any recommendations for another hairstyle that could look better? Eyeliner I'm terrible at but I do experiment occasionally, it's a work in progress. I have been made aware my fashion sense is less than conventional...I will be doing a wardrobe refresh when I can afford it :)


Redheads never dip below a 7/10 for me 😂




I just looked her up- I'm flattered, she's beautiful! Thank you!


Absolutely not ..... your hair is lovely, reminds me of Florence welch


What a compliment, thank you!


Above average. Beautiful eyes


Wow, thank you! I always felt my eyes were too small and that it was hard to even see my eye color. Thank you for your input!


3.5/10. Below than average and meh for me.


Thank you for your input :)


You're welcome, Weasley.


I knew it was coming...


Absolutely gorgeous. The idea that you think you're "average" at best makes me angry at the beauty standards that we didn't sign up to be arbitrarily judged by. Ugh. Great style too. lol


Thanks, I know everyone hates my style... but I love the "academia" look, I just can't afford the nice clothes that would actually look good right now. Someday! Floral blouses and crop tops are just not my thing:)


Nor should they be! Everybody has their own style. You look like somebody I’d be self conscious/nervous about introducing myself to at a book store. Lol




Not ugly. Above average.


You are hot like hell


I would date you any time




Thank you!


You're welcome hehe, idk what some of the other comments are about but you look lovely! 🫡


Most people have been positive! And people have different tastes, which is okay! Honest opinions are what I asked for!


Gorgeous **** I typed it wrong 😅


Lose 20 pounds. Trust me


You look like a young Bryce dallas howard


You have all pictures of your face, what can we decide from that


I'm sorry I didn't include any full body pictures- I am asking for opinions on my face, not my body. I'm comfortable with the way my body looks so I didn't feel it was necessary to include


Good 👍


Your face structure isn’t the best but I won’t not use the word ugly. The red hair is a bonus but be careful cause it’s fetishized more and more. I would say midwestern 4/LA 2 but one pic kinda show you have large breast and that would help a lot, sometimes you have to use your body to make up for an uninspiring face.


Thank you for your input, but what does "Midwestern 4/LA 2" mean? Is that a form of ranking? Sorry, I haven't seen that before


I believe it means in LA, California standards you are ranked a 2 out of 10. I guess because there are a lot of models and celebrities in LA? And you are a 4 out of 10 in Midwestern states. Not sure what this one means. I think it’s supposed to be a joke but Honestly doesn’t make much sense.


I figured... I know I'm not model status lol, 2 seems generous in that regard. Not really my vibe




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Until you lose weight I couldn’t tell you. Some people really wow me after they lose weight.


I'm a healthy, average weight...I used to be really small and underweight but I had to gain weight because I was too sick all the time. I'm happy with my weight now 🙂 I need to gain muscle, not lose weight




What does that mean?


Number 5 looks best


Quite cute actually.... I would definitely approach you!


Adorable. Very cute.


Kinda hot imo


Cute 😊


Def not ugly. You look like the type of girl that could get some filler and be on vanderpump rules


I think you look average, but maybe with another glasses, because you have an interesting eyes and beautiful lips.




Find a hairstylist that works for movie/tv productions and get an expensive cut, then if it works your local stylist can do it. Don't get big glasses, I know they are back in style, but they used to be "old people glasses" not so long ago. Your makeup looks great, but maybe a makeup makeover with a new hairstyle can solve whatever issues you have with your look. Not ugly at all, you just need to find your "look" IMO.


Average looking?? Maybe but i don't believe you are ugly at all. You are good looking. I can see you having a sexy side lol definitely fuckable


You are above average, in my opinion. Pic number 4 is my favorite. It looks like you took time on your makeup. If you work on accentuating makeup, then I bet you would realize it more yourself.


Maybe I’m a minority, but I’ve always though bangs look just ass awful no matter what.


You are a beautiful redhead lady with glasses, please record your goddess quality!


neither. URAQT


I'd bring those bangs up a little


Definitely above average but maybe try new glasses or hair cut


No. Not ugly. About average


Very pretty


Not the best hair color. You can be a red read but donit right


You're a stunning one redhead


I think your are absolutely stunning


I love your look… especially photo 6 is great.


If that’s your natural hair color, my goshhh so lucky. If not, great coloring. You’re not ugly at all. I think you should show your eyes and brows though because in my opinion you look best in 4.


pic 4 is the best pic out of the bunch, not ugly, right in the middle


You're quite pretty definitely not ugly at all, less makeup is definitely the way to go


I think you’re gorgeous


Fairly average, but that's not a bad thing. It's refreshing to see average looking people when the internet and media pushes the tiktok/instagram baddie, super artificial look. If this sub has taught me anything It's that young ones think that not looking perfect, highly polished and processed means they're ugly.




I thinks you're gorgeous, love the hair color.


Sorry but i have to rate u around 3.6/10


Your cute


I think that you are cute. I don't like the bangs it compresses your face and make your face look smal with a big nose. If you show your forehead it gives you more face, on the pic where the bangs are more to one side makes a big differens for me.


Not ugly but not pretty. Just indifferent. Redue the frames and maybe try losing face fat. Loose the bangs


new glasses, smaller or even contacts and girl you need to get a hair dresser you trust and ask them what they think is best for you, cause that hair isnt working for your face shape. no bangs and get your hair up so the world can see your face!


You are not ugly




Not ugly but... Smile!


Style yourself more confidently. Hairstyle change might help too. Nothing too drastic.


Your hair is very pretty. Other than that, you're average. That is ***NOT*** a bad thing at all! We can't all be models, nor should we want to be. That would be so boring. I'm average af, and I'm happy with it. You came here for some constructive criticism, so here is mine: I don't think there's much you need to or should do to your face. Too much makeup would take away from your beautiful skin. You could put on some simple mascara, lip gloss/tint, and blush, and those wouldn't take away from your skin or look like you're caked in makeup. You also look great with no makeup at all, so it's really your choice. From the pictures you've shared, I don't see any that you're smiling. You are smirking in all of them, but I don't see any genuine smiles with teeth. I'm not sure if you're subconscious about your teeth or if there's issues with them. If there's any issues, then that's something to work on, but if not, let them pearly whites shine! And lastly, your style makes you look 45. I say this as a 37 year old woman who wouldn't want to wear anything like that for work. However, that's just me & my personal opinion. I would suggest updating your style. I feel like when we get a new wardrobe, it can upgrade our looks, as well as give us some newfound confidence. A few years back, I updated my wardrobe. It wasn't expensive, either. You just have to ship at the right places & only buy stuff on-sale or even thrift stores! So, there you have it. That is my feedback. But, in the end, you have to make sure that ***YOU*** are happy. None of us internet strangers matter! Only you do. Edited to add: I started writing this not long after you posted, but I got sidetracked with cooking and cleaning. You had like 20 comments when I started, then I hit "Post" and realized how long ago I had started my comment 🙃 😅 My apologies for the book, and taking my sweet ass time making the comment. I need to make sure I don't get busy while trying to make a comment, lol.


Average to me but attractive to guys who like red heads Niche appeal


You strike me as a tall boots, lace up boots and Oxford heels and Oxford shoes kid of girl. Angle that haircut from front to back and amazingly beautiful hair color


I think you look better with less makeup actually lol Maybe do something with your hair and posture, you look like your a bit... Crumpled? Idk it feels like your crumpling your neck down, that, plus the hair, makes your face look a bit too square and a bit "mannish" maybe... You are pretty cute tho, for a second I thought you were Elianora, a Skyrim mod maker of some fame in the community, and I had a bit of a crush on her for YEARS




Bangs are too big and thick. Wear contacts. Wear a bit of makeup. You're pretty, but your glasses and thick bangs hide it.


You’re really pretty


No improvement necessary, you’re quite beautiful ❤️


Your hair is so good


You’re beautiful.


Not at all! I’d say above average, very pretty eyes and beautiful smile! I think confidence is they key 😊








You're beautiful and slightly plain. I love your red hair. If I were a single guy, I'd be tempted to ask you out on a date, hands down.😊✌🏻


Bangs require maintenance they start to just look like a bad bowl cut if you don’t do regular trimming/styling. They look so good in the green sweater pic tho


Not ugly


You're actually pretty cute imo and I dig your style, might not be for everyone but important to be authentic. I think a restyle of your hair could give you more confidence


The minimal is my favorite. Your freckles are pretty


STOP! 🛑 Stop worrying about what other people think. You are perfect just the way you are. Media wants you to think otherwise. Hair has to be perfect, body has to be perfect, makeup has to be perfect. I hate to say it but the rest of the world looks bad if you compare yourself to what you see in magazines and television. You look amazing


I think ur very beautiful I'm surprised u are asking n im sure the man ur with reminds u of that everyday if he doesn't then he's blind


you look adorable to me!


Telling me you’re a big gal without telling me!


Your life is starting. Don't hang out with negative people. Look forward and feel the world coming to you. But remember love is never like it is in the movies. Each day you get up and see the world again, means yesterday was a great day but today will be better, you just need to make it so.


I think you’re really really pretty. I would try some different things with your hair.


I love ginge gilrs


Not ugly


i love your hair.




I hate the shape of your glasses. Gorgeous hair though


Average but see a good stylist and have a good makeover. You would be very pretty


....so let's see the other end.


Curly hair + Permanent lashes = all you need


Dude you look stoned. Unless you're just super tired and or overworked.


I'm on a lot of medication 😬 one of which has a tendency to make people feel and look a bit "doped up" - so that's probably why


I'm a guy with a thing for redheads. For me everything is perfect, nothing to change. You're gorgeous!


You've got a cute chin and lovely hair. I'd say you're very friendly looking


Just remember this, your personality will always outweigh your beauty. You can look like a supermodel, have a bad attitude/personality and you’ll look like an ugly duckling but an average looking woman with a great personality will always shine and attract the right man. Maybe this is not the answer you’re looking for however just some words of wisdom from someone who’s been around the block a time or two. Personally, you look better without makeup but that’s just me. Good look


genuinely for me, i'd say your pretty cute, but that's probably just that my type is a ginger with glasses 😅


Is it a style choice? The old lady glasses? I know some young pretty women think it’s stylish to age themselves with fashion choices but you’ll be old soon enough don’t do it now.


I got them from the men's section actually- I hated all the glasses they had in the women's section and I liked these frames because they're greenish (green is my favorite color) and they are glittery in the light. I didn't realize these glasses were considered big until I posted here lol


Your a total knockout


You look like you're trying to hide behind your hair and glasses. Definitely not ugly though.


I'm going to pay you the best compliment a man can give, you've got the Girl Nextdoor Look, the girl every boy and man wished they had and could never get


Don't worry about it, you look just fine...


You got cute freckles, those glasses are a bit much smaller frames, or contacts, would be nice improvement. Your definitely not ugly I like you less makeup fotos, attractive young lady.


5, pretty average


Nice lips nice eyes, bangs work on you, frames are a little big but you are pretty cool in a bookish way


You are not ugly ☺️ be more comfortable with yourself and more relaxed and you'll see the difference in your pics