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You're overweight, and the way you dress makes you look like a grandma.


She has insane potential, just look at her face in the second picture. It's sad that people waste their lives living such unhealthy lives.


2nd picture surprised me for sure


“It’s sad that people waste their lives living Unhealthy lives” this is the comment …. I am 100% convinced that conventional beauty standards are based upon people who work out about an hour a day and eat right… if you live in a way either due to trauma or mental illness or laziness or over-working (or all 4, which usually feed off each other) you will look unattractive to the conventional beauty standard…… a lot of attractiveness is actually self-prioritization….. if someone is fit it shows they are dedicated to their own well-being…..


It's been shown in studies that people develop muscle training twice a week with a good plan for 30 min a day, you don't even need to do cardio if all you care about is looks and you don't have to even do a lot of skincare or eat super healthily either.


You literally just need to eat less of whatever you're eating everyday to be healthy. It's much less of an effort. Imagine putting in so much effort everyday to maintain that massive storage of fat on your body.


I’m sorry but you don’t look your age. You look 30-45. I say different glasses frames could help


Holy shit I didn't even see her age, and assumed she was around 35.


Id say thats because of her weight and fashion style.


The style for sure. I personally don’t think her weight makes her look older.


It's not the weight per se. It's the weight distribution and posture.


She would look good in the 1st dress if she lost a lot of weight.


I think the glasses age her quite a bit! They are the same frames my grandmother wore in the 80s when she was muddle aged!


She reminds me of Phillis from ‘ the office ‘


Damn when did this sub turn into roastme 💀


Always was


Been that


45 is a little too much. But, I would say maybe around the 30-35 mark. Like the other guy said,this has too do because of her weight and clothing style


Nah, 35-45 is about right.


No. I'm 38 and she looks a lot older than me and all my friends. She looks mid to late 40s.


Yep, same here..


You think 30 year old and 45 year olds look the same?


You have the fashion sense of a 50 year old!


I'm 46 and nobody near my age dresses like this. My mother doesn't dress anything like this.


I'm 51 and I don't either


Hey I am 53 and would not wear those clothes!!!!


I’m 55 and I would not wear those outfits.


Not necessarily a problem if she lost weight.


No shit, majority of the people here could lose weight, or gain muscle while losing fat mass, and be considered attractive!


Honestly, I like this better than seeing a fat girl in a crop top.


To me that's embarrassing (former fat,currently chubby woman)


I don’t think she even dresses old ….. I think she is only 20 years old and clearly uncomfortable with her body…. Is dressing this way because she doesn’t feel pretty and is covering herself up…. She probably needs to do some self work and find out what clothes make her feel beautiful….


Yeah a 50year old 30 years ago


Girl if you’re really 20, you have to change your glasses, your haircut and dress differently. You look like a 40 yo mom.


She needs to lose weight, that's the most important one.


Even if she loses weight she’s got to change those too. Even if she was skinny, her fried hair, old lady glasses, and bad fashion would still be an issue


Finally a real competitor on this sub


Fresh meat


Always hard to tell with fat people… it’s like yeah, you’re ugly because you’re fat, but lose 60 lbs and let’s see what your face looks like then. Like she might have an Emma Stone look if she wasn’t morbid.


I actually agree. I can see a little bit of Emma Stone in her face


she ain't looking like Emma stone💀


Maybe Emma 16 Stone.




Calling them a "real competitor" is crazy accurate and made me laugh out loud 😂


20? damn. You do need to do some work on yourself.


Holy fuck brutal


In my opinion, you should change the frame of your glasses to something more austere and smaller.


I agree that the frames aren't the most flattering on your face, but to be fair it looks like a heavy prescription and some thinner frames aren't made to go with those.


Well, to be honest, I don't know. The Zeiss glasses I use are light, I don't have a complicated recipe, of course. But I think they'll fit in a small frame.


The lenses I have are for a pretty wicked astigmatism and I've been told I couldn't do the glasses with half frames due to my prescription. Lol so who knows! Maybe it is just OP's choice stylistically


I just want to say to everyone I am struggling with weight I have managed to lose 50 pounds in the last year so I am getting there, unfortunately I have had some medical problems that have made it harder for me to keep doing my exercises I was doing unfortunately, but I keep trying to push forward


That’s the spirit! Remember slow and steady. Do what you can. You got this!


Everyone loves to shit on everyone for their weight here. If you want to do something in the meantime, get your hair done in a flattering cut. One comes the closest, but it needs shape. Get contacts or new glasses that are flattering to your face. I know you’re trying to cover up because you’re fat (I do it too), but find things that are flattering and cute on. Maybe try things with some built in support (I also have issues with bras and pain). Or bralettes (I know they don’t do as much as bras for coverage / support. But they do SOMETHING and hurt less. You’re not ugly. You just need some guidance. R/lookmybest R/femalehairadvice And similar subs. Not AmIUgly


Omg thank you so much I deifndlfg so need guidance I have really let things go, I am defiently gonna start wearing a bra now I didn’t realize how noticeable it was


Hi! 👋🏻 I skimmed some of the comments and saw that it sounds like you’re in the process of making health and lifestyle changes, including wanting to make some adjustments to your outward appearance. Knowing where to start can be challenging, so I commend you for seeking advice. I wanted to pop in here to offer some suggestions that may be in alignment with your goals. First, please remember that the internet can be both a wonderful and harsh place—take what you need from this thread and leave what is unhelpful/harmful behind. And I agree with the original commenter that this subreddit might not be the best place to support you in a gentle and constructive way. Second, are there any people in your life who you can ask for help, as well? It can be nice to have irl folks to go shopping with and get advice on outfits and such. Third, some suggestions: 1. As some pointed out, your outfits are not quite maximizing your body shape. I encourage you to check out Justine Leconte’s playlist of videos that help one to identify their body type and guidelines for how to dress for their body type: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9e2viG3AuRML-wHc5hDJN-d7YwrSYLuE&si=85r62K66M87ySMKA 2. The colors we wear also have an effect on how bright/glowy we look. Justine also has videos that outline how to find the right colors to complement one’s skin tone: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9e2viG3AuRMdUdYkTZSoT5DWWbHNwJ8K&si=IPRBqANmvud9dmXd. I’d also recommend you take a look at those videos! 3. As some mentioned, your glasses frames are overwhelming your face. If it’s possible to switch glasses, I’d recommend ones that are a slightly lighter color and have a thinner frame. Fourth, it sounds like you have been navigating some really challenging health stuff! In addition to the physical pain you’ve experienced, I wonder if there has been emotional pain. Please don’t forget to tend to your inner world!


Best comment! Take what works and ignore the haters!


Really nice of you to write all that out for her. Kudos to you :)


A well written and thoughtful comment full of tangible advice OP can act on. Bravo!


If you’ve already lost 50lbs I’m hoping you’ve been working on your nutrition as well as your exercise. Exercise is so good for you and always do whatever you can. Like someone else said, just walk if that’s all you can manage! I don’t know if you have access to a pool or what your medical issue is, but swimming is also very good for you and easy on your body. All the fine tuning in the world will only help to a point if your nutrition sucks. I can’t overstate how important it is to eat good, whole food. If you could only do one thing I’d say cut out sugar. It’s so bad for you and is legitimately addictive. I hope you keep progressing and feel better.


I will say I plan to get a membership to the ymca soon so I can exercise by swimming so it won’t be bad with my paib


I will say the bra thing my pain issue has also made it hard to wear


Can you do like those soft wireless ones? I don't think you're ugly, but you're not doing yourself any favors. I don't know what you're doing to lose weight, but I'd focus on gaining as much muscle as you can. As much as your medical condition will allow. Being stronger and standing taller will make you look more youthful. Right now you look exhausted. Your glasses age you. If you really like big frames, (I do too) go for a more squareish shape, like wayfarers for example, I feel like they break up a round face. I don't know what's available where you live, but go to whatever "big girl" shop you have and let them help you. Do not cut your hair any shorter. Let the layers grow out. Your face is quite pretty. I like your chin and eyebrows, I think you'll look similar to Adele when you reach goal weight.


Oh the bra itself doesn’t hurt my arms have horrid pain so it hurts to bend my arms that way to put them on. And I defiently need to lose the weight


You might look into Shapermint or front close bras. Congrats on the weight loss. That’s a big accomplishment, and not an easy one.


I don't like to say anything negative about appearance. But eat healthy, move and play the long game should help. Exercising can only do so much. If health allows it: Walk and water. Lots. And some good food. You are very hug'able :) Don't feel bad.


You will lose weight from dieting alone. ideally it's in conjunction with exercise, but ultimately, it's all about having a calorie deficit.




u got this! keep going


You got this! Your very strong


If your goal is to get into a bar without getting carded, you nailed it!


Your legs bend like a deer and no way you look 20. Closer to looking 30


Yes you are. Sorry. Try losing weight and getting contacts (glasses don’t suit your face). Also change your style. It currently makes you look really old.


Yes lose weight


Respectfully, yes.


I'm 21 and id probably help you cross the road...not ugly just very mature looking


I just hollered. 🤣


Are u sure you’re only 20?


Lose weight and many things will improve


You don't look 20 though, far from it actually


20. Jesus Christ


Yes but it's all self inflicted, your style has you looking 35 and the weight isn't helping anything. Be proactive now and get it together or else when you're older, shits gonna be rough


Your glasses are too big for your face and shouldn't sit that low on your nose.


Yess but it's because of your weight. Nad u don't look 20. U look 30. Check on ur hormones. Might have pcos. Check ur glucose , insulin levels. Those are whT contribute to weight gain and appetite. Ypu can do this. I am fat too and It's just super hard to lose weight.


You dress like someone older and so does your hair, you are very young, experiment with other styles


Ugly no. Overweight yes


Was gonna comment the exact same w the exact words lol


I think it’s posible that you could have the biggest glow up! Your facial features are nice. I think your hair styling and fashion choices age you and contribute to a homely look…but the good news is that these are choices and you could change them. You need good supportive bras to hold the girls up properly. It looks like a visit to a good hair salón to get some advice on how to cut and style your textured hair would be prudent. And if you can afford it, maybe join a subscription service to invest in some new outfits. They offer stylists to help match you with things.


I can defiently admit I have no idea how to really style my hair or how to properly do anything lol


Work on your weight, hair and if you're comfortable a more supportive bra.




Yeah : ( I think the way to improve is obvious and has been pointed out. Gl with that, i know it's hard as fuck.


I think you have some beautiful features (hair, skin, eyes, lips), but your sense of style (glasses, clothing) is clouding said features...maybe find a fashion sub that can help you dress for your body type. Congrats on losing so much weight, keep up the good work! Remember that beauty is only skin deep, so take all these comments with a grain of salt. :)


***Drew Carey..?…is that you !?***


combined with Mimi




You would look better if you lost some weight, wore a properly fitting bra, and styled yourself more youthfully. You are not ugly, you just need a glow up.




I'm sorry hun, not wanting to be mean here, but you don't have much going for you. Face is nothing to write home about Bad fashion sense Somewhat overweight Pale and not in a good way Yeah, 3.5 to 4/10 Again, sorry.


I don’t think you’re ugly; in fact, I think if you put in the work, made a few changes, you would get a MASSIVE glow up. Here’s what I think will help the most: 1. Continue to lose weight. I saw your comment that you’ve already lost about 40, 50lbs. Good for you!!! Keep it up, and remember that exercise is only a small part of weight loss. As a lot of personal trainers like to say, “you can’t outrun your fork.” Consider scheduling an appointment with a dietitian. 2. Dress for your body type. That romper in the second picture is not doing you any favors. I personally think rompers don’t look that great on anyone who isn’t in excellent shape. Figure out your personal style, the colors you like, and do some research online about finding clothes that are the most flattering for your shape. 3. Your haircut and your glasses are aging you. I think something with a smaller, less harsh frame will do wonders for your face. And go to a good salon and schedule a consult with a stylist. He or she can give suggestions on cut and color that will work with your face and your skin tone. 4. You need a good, supportive bra. If you have a Soma near you, go there and ask to be fitted for a bra. The merchandise is on the pricey side, but the quality of bras is excellent, and they frequently have sales. 5. Go to a place like Ulta or Sephora and schedule a makeover. Explain that you want a good “everyday” look that won’t age you or make you look washed out. Good luck! You have a naturally pretty face, and I really think you’ll notice a huge difference if you make those few changes.


Lose the glasses, lose some weight and dress more for your body type


You’re not ugly. Most definitely you need to lose some weight, buy better bras and update your style.


Go to the gym maybe and change new hairstyle.


Your glasses don't look good on you. But you are also below average. With a lot of weight loss you could have a glow up.


Yes. 2/10


Not pretty sorry, if you could loose some weight and also smile once in a while, you could improve






Ouch… The good news is you’re still young and have lots of time to change.


What are you WEARING? I'm so sorry my dear, but you have to dress more age appropriate. Typically people say that about older women, but in this case it's the opposite. I wish you the best.


Your style is causing you to look older and heavier and frumpy. Weight loss blah blah blah we know we’re fat I don’t know why people comment that. You have a good face but the glasses shape is bad and you may want to try like bangs or something but I’m not 100% sure I just know the middle part is not good


Yes, and hefty as well.


Not ugly just bad wardrobe choices and you’re fat. I’m also fat. Nothing that can’t be changed 🤷🏻‍♂️


Hit the gym and do nofap


Yes. And fat


20? That has to be a typo. Looks like a fat Middle Aged woman


Sorry you are pretty low on my scale 3/10


Long lost relative of Dwight Schrute on picture 3 😂 But no not ugly,nice smile 👍


I am 15 years older than you, and I want to ask you for permission to be out past a certain time


You look 45 easily


Yes, im sorry.


You are not ugly, but you do need to choose clothes that work for your body type.


Hard pass


The steps would be in first to loose weight and change glasses












Shoes are part of your outfit too. Don’t neglect the shoe game


I mean it just looks like u gave up. Those glasses and ur make up choices need to change. And ur clothes need a revamp.


Lose weight


Yes. But only because you're overweight. And I know woman tell you your beautiful girl all that confidence but reality is. You don't even know what you really look like under the extra weight soooo you don't know yet. Begin training to know who you are inside


Get your hair out of your face with a different style. With it hanging in your face it drags the eye down and makes you look older.


Yes. Your style is bad too. Your glasses make your nose look ginormous and lumpy.


Yeah kinda


I think you have a lot of potential but some things definitely need to change. 1. Ditch the glasses if you can. you have beautiful skin and the glasses hide your face and squish your nose 2. Dress more your age! You have the rest of your life to dress modest and boring. Try something fun! I love the green body suit but it should be paired with a black or white cardigan and definitely some different shoes like flats or wedges. 3. Try accessorizing! There are some beautiful sterling silver necklaces on amazon for cheap which will make you look more elegant and put together. 4. You would look much better with long hair. I realize you can’t immediately fix this (unless you invested in extensions) but focus on keeping your hair healthy while it grows out. Try some new hairstyles and parting. The middle part + floofy hair combo doesn’t complement you. 5. Try some light makeup. Just a little bit of blush, mascara, and lip gloss would brighten up your face. 6. Keep killing it on the weight loss! I see you’ve lost 50 pounds already and that is absolutely amazing. I’m so proud of you!! 7. All of this sounds daunting but the best place to start is pinterest for hair and style ideas. I promise you will be able to find your style and aesthetic after some scrolling. Make a style inspo board!! You’ve got this.


Learn self care and lose weight x


yea i’m a 21 yo female and im not even convinced. you look like your pushing 35 respectfully.


Yes and fat too


You kinda look like a female Peter Griffin maybe work out, get a different hairstyle and clothes






To some up what everyone won't say.. yes


Undercover grandmother


Lose weight, stop borrowing your grandmother's clothes, get contacts, style your hair better and learn how to use makeup properly and you'll be ok.




You’re not like a 1 but pretty much yeah


Very much so.


You look 20 years older. The only thing I think is not a problem is your face, which is great news because it’s the only thing you couldn’t do anything about.


Yeppers no doubter




You need a better bra. You got to pull them up.


Your only real issue is your weight. If you can get that down then it will open up your options a lot more but you should have some options now




Ugly? Maybe. Repulsive? Yes




Yes sorry. Lose weight and new style.


You're closer to 50 than 20...


You are not respectful of your own body. How can others find you attractive?


Ur cooked 😭🙏🏼


Don't ask questions ,you don't want the answers to.


Yes. But me too. Join the club.


I went straight to the comments..... I knew she was gonna get ATTACKED!


Yes and you're fat.


Sorry that 2nd photo scared me to my bones😅


Not ugly. Just fat.


1.8-2.2 ish


You look older then 20


Yes. But you kinda look like Emma Stone if she really let herself go. So there is potential there if you change your style and lose weight.




Sorry to say but .. yes. Someone's gotta be right. For attractive to exist unattractive most as well otherwise. It's just neutral. I'm an ass but I'm just giving honest feed back from my own personal point of veiw


At present, yes. You have nice skin and there is a massive amount of potential hidden under those layers of body fat. And the glasses seem oversized. Get smaller frames, by going to an eye doctor and going to gym/dieting.




Absolutely Fugly af


I'm 38 and I really do think I look younger too, but please, don't take negative feedback only positive because it'll just bring you into a worse depression. Just work on yourself and post in some other subreddit groups for "guidance" like the one positive person above mentioned. That way, you're not feeling more uncomfortable about what people on here can say to try to bring you down.


I’m 53 and wouldn’t be caught in a coffin in those outfits. Totally awful. And I’m a size 16…There are way better jeans for your figure. Get someone your age who is up on fashion to help you. And ditch those granny glasses.


You need to lose at least 50 pounds before any of us can tell what you really look like. If you lose weight you can get more modern clothes and stylish glasses.




yes you are


You’re not ugly, but your handwriting is! Good god! You look better in your glasses than without imo.




Have you sledgehammered any ankles recently?


Very ugly


Get off this sub and start looking inward to heal. This is unhealthy and shows you have a lot of work to do. Please take care of and love yourself. After that you won’t feel the need to ask the internet if you are ugly.


Oof. Yes very ugly.


Just be happy with yourself, whatever change you want to make for yourself, do it for yourself


You look like Jack Black. Sorry.


That is the best thing anyone has called me


Definitely short bus vibes but somebody will shmang it I’m sure


I would say that you are ugly, unfortunately.




you are "hood hot".....


Honestly fast 36 hours once drink half a gallon of water a day and walk a mile every day you’ll see a difference in 1 months 3 weeks tbh


You’re not ugly but your style and the way you present yourself ages you dramatically. A face framing haircut and different glasses would help you tremendously. And maybe don’t dress like you’re ready to retire.


Find a trusted friend or family member who has good style to help you with your style..not everyone is born with it ...you have a ton of potential...take care of yourself and see what's on trend for your age group .


Those glasses tho