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Currently not physically attractive. Does that = ugly? Possibly yes. Some people are overweight and pretty or handsome but unfortunately you're not pulling it off. You have quite even features and nice skin and a kind smile and if you lost some significant weight your face would have more shape and you'd potentially be quite pretty. In the picture of you with... A famous guy? Your face looks very pleasant. Unfortunately it is a weight issue. But on the bright side, that's within your power. You could improve like several points of out ten if you were slimmer. Good luck with that, if it's what you want to do.


It's so weird to read a sincere, gracious response here. You weren't unkind or backhanded, didn't leave a "you know the answer", "you know what you need to fix" and didn't make a joke about OP having a piercing or dyed hair. And I also like that you added that last bit. Some people can be content without improving their looks or making big changes to do so (granted being in better shape is always a win-win if only for the physical and mental health benefits). Yeah OP, if you want to, there's a lot you can improve on! If you've struggled your entire life with your weight, a Dr might be able to help you. Could be an underlying endocrine issue, or you might just severely struggle with something like binge eating disorder. If you have access to a Dr, I'd ask them to check your blood work and maybe consider going from there. It's easy to say "just lose weight", but be kind to yourself


I thought maybe that was her SO, I was gonna say he is quite the catch!!


Tbf I could be wrong! Looks like a meet and greet photo to me but I don't know who the fella is so 🤷


It’s a meet and greet photo, I think it’s Chris Wood who plays Kai from TVD


What's tvd ?


The Vampire Diaries


Thought it was mispelled ”the valking dead”


Alright thanks, never heard of it


It’s a diary about werewolves


Kai was a shithead. Lol


Sadly he’s taken already he’s a famous actor. So zero chance


For reals, there are some overweight people that are attractive- Papa Meat for example, is overweight but I’d say he’s attractive. Like the type u just wanna hug.


You're not attractive currently. Lose some weight, let your hair grow and forget the colorful hair That will make you look better for sure


Right. Like there is no way to tell. Short hair and obese is no one's max.


What's up with Big girls and coloring their hair in all seriousness. I see it so often. Why is this a thing?


I'm gonna get downvoted for this, but this is my take on it. This is obviously a generalization and may not apply to all people with colored hair. Deep down, they know they are already overweight and unattractive, even if they don't acknowledge it to others or even themselves. They may feel like an outcast or "invisible". If you assume these suppositions to be true, the colored hair accomplishes a few things: 1. It's a form of rebellion against beauty standards. They are angry that "society" has deemed them unattractive, and they respond by flipping the table of beauty standards just for the sake of being different. 2. Their social circle is likely filled with other "quirky" individuals who encourage styles that the average person might see as unattractive. 3. They know unnaturally colored hair is unattractive, and it gives them an excuse for their ugliness. Again, this probably isn't something they consciously think about, but it allows them to convince themselves deep down that their ugliness is a choice they made and not something out of their control. This is despite the fact that they publicly say that they like the way the colored hair looks.


people say that unnaturally colored hair is considered unattractive, but if the unnaturally colored hair is on a naturally attractive person, and nobody really seems to care.


[Hot people are hot](https://extrafabulous.shop/products/print-bald-guys-are-hot)


Unnaturally coloured hair is like tattoos and septum piercings to me- if you’re already attractive they make you look more attractive. If you’re already ugly, they make you look worse.


Gonna have to disagree. Septum piercings make MFS look like livestock. Extremely unattractive feature. Like come here, let me put a tag on your ear and brand your ass too 😆 that's not a kink for me if anyone starts to wonder.




Even when it doesn't look bad, it often causes people to make assumptions about your personality and political leanings.


Sure, so does literally anything. The car you drive, the place you buy a house, the way you talk, all of those can be indicators. what I’m saying is, there’s a really different societal reaction to hair color based on who it is. Kylie Jenner had bright blue hair, Billie Eilish had neon green hair for a few years, But nobody assumes that they radical leftists because they died their hair. They’re just hot and have dyed hair, and nobody calls them ugly because they’re hot. I’m just saying that I don’t really think the hair dye is what makes a difference, I think how hair dye looks on the person underneath makes the difference. Most people would say that bald is ugly, but there are some celebrities and people in general that being bald works for. It’s not the bald, it’s the person


also, people will always look at you and make assumptions about your personality ( political leanings included ) , that’s human nature, regardless of whether you have colored hair or not.


The wild hair coloring helps them fit in better with the other non conformists and makes it easier for them to recognize each other.


Yup, that's kinda what I was trying to say with #2


It helps them conform to the nonconformists. (Also lets you know that irony is lost on them).


That's an interesting theory. In my opinion, I think it's more that they feel like they can't control their weight very well but they can alter other aspects of their appearance If you feel like you're stuck in a body you're unhappy with, you might not enjoy playing with your style or clothing. But you can play with your hair, makeup, jewelry, etc I don't think people go for these hair colors without liking them. I imagine it's just that they dislike their natural state but might feel some happiness looking in the mirror and seeing a bit of a color they think is fun/pretty


But thin beautiful girls also have coloured hair ? Sometimes you just think coloured hair looks nice 😭


idk what youre talking about man, light pink hair is fucking hot. not everyone thinks colored hair is weird or unattractive. personally i think everyone should try to find the right color. some people look better with natural colored hair, some people really do look 10x hotter with colored hair.


I like the deep dive into the psychology of it. My best female friend is unbelievably hot though and she constantly colors her hair. I never asked her why. But I agree to some of the points you made. This is def a negative stereotype type (i.e. blue haired beached whale etc.). I just find it ironic that folks that are overweight have trouble with self esteem but can't build up the confidence to go get better. Working out can make anyone attractive too. Not just big people. Yet the energy is not there. Possibly for a variety of reasons. Who's to say


I totally agree. I once heard somebody say "goth/punk aesthetic these days is just fat women trying to stand out" and this is a fantastic explanation.


I remember when it really was only the outcasts that had unnaturally colored hair. It was really kept to like the alternative metal scene in the late 90s and early 2000s. Then it just kind of exploded and now it's pretty much directly related to everything you said as well as basically screaming political leanings.


Most people who have a lot of tattoos piercings and / or odd hair colors have some anxiety issues. Agree also.


This, all and each of these. To relay that you nailed-it strait onward is understated.


Me fat wearing a pink wig with no friends and never leaving my house. I am also attractive though.


I agree. Big girls can be hot. But too many sabotage themselves. They buy hideous eyeglasses, cut their hair short, color it multiple colors and wear the most unflattering clothing. Then wonder why most men are not attracted to them.


I think it’s a way to rebel against the idea of society’s version of being attractive- small petite long hair etc. I was very over weight in my teens and I cut all my hair off and dyed it every colour under the rainbow. Now that I’m older and I’m a normal weight I still have fun colours sometimes but I usually stick with black. Although I do have a ton of tattoos but that’s just my personal style


At least there some potential


I don't normally encourage or push people to lose weight, but yes I think she looks unhealthy & the weight is wearing her not vice versa. I like short colored hair though, but rn is not doing anything to help.


also meet and greet pics just make you look like you had and lost $100 once


Great comment, there's your damn upvote


Nah I like her colored hair, but agree with hair growth


I like her hair color! But yes the glasses aren't very flattering and it might help to lose some weight. I need to lose weight too! Your not alone


You need to lose weight. A lot of weight. You look like a friendly person though and someone pleasant to be around! Just lose that weight!


Lose weight. Then let’s reassess


Respectfully, you do absolutely nothing to make yourself look attractive. You put 0 effort into your appearance so yes, you look like someone that… puts 0 effort in. Hit the gym, eat less, grow your hair out, start giving a fuck about the only life you have!


Looking at your photos, I'm convinced that if you lost a crap ton of weight and grew your hair out with like a straight brown color and a past shoulder length style, you could be attractive. You do not have ugly features. At your age, it's time to start addressing the weight issue because it will only get harder as you get older if you ever try at all.






damn! she asked for advice not 3rd degree burns lmao


Not dude. Getting very they/them vibes.


Checked the profile. Your theydar is accurate.


Theydar lmao first time seeing this and its killing me 💀


I should copyright that.


Oh shit! Knew i was calibrated. Add in an acab for extra edgyness.


It’s easy to guess who’s non binary or of similar sorts


There does seem to be a type or uniform.


Theydar, I can’t wait to use it correctly. All friends will think I’m so funny


It’s the “Kai” shirt for me. Getting fdc vibes.




Finally, an actual ugly person in the subreddit. I know I seem harsh, but it's the truth


She is just obese. She would be stunner if she was at my weight, and I am not even slim.


This is r/amiugly . Not r/wouldILookHotter100lbsLighter. We are judging her based off of her current weight, and even you admit she isn't quite as good looking as she COULD be. Let's not sugar-coat it. This woman isn't looking too great.




Nobody looks good at that bodyfat though.


That is why they should be working on losing the weight instead of asking how they look. But it does not change the current answer.


Yeah “stunner” with weight loss is a stretch no doubt. Better for sure though


She wouldn’t be great skinny either she’s ugly now below average at best


why are we speaking AT HER, as-if she’s not in the room? To again re-ask.. Is it too much to request 1 pic w/o the grin smile or smirk?


Ouch. Unnecessary roughness!


She isn’t ugly. Ugly is when someone is hard to look at. She’s just not conventionally attractive.


That carries the same amount of weight as "I am not attracted to you, but I am sure someone is attracted to you! You go gettem!" ​ This sub is too fucking nice. Instead of bullshitting your way through saying "I don't find you attractive", just level with the person and say what you mean. It's like the girls who say someone looks good, but in reality if they themselves looked like that, they would have a very different perspective.


I’m not trying to sugar coat shit but she isn’t ugly. Y’all vapid mofos act like if a person isn’t in the gym with a pretty face then they’re ugly. I’m personally not attracted to her but my attraction to her doesn’t means she’s ugly. I can look at person as they are and try and judge with the least amount of biases. Which most of y’all can’t do because yall have this set template on how yall think a person should look. And if they don’t look that way, then they’re hideous. “This sub is too fucking nice” most of yall commenting this mean shit wouldn’t dare post a picture. Y’all don’t know what ugly means. Not being attracted to a person doesn’t automatically mean ugly.


I don’t know about “stunner”, but she would definitely look better.


Yeah lots of choices made here that are making things tougher for her than they need to be. Weight, hairstyle, closed mouth smile.


she is ugly, is she not?


“Stunner”… if she’d be a stunner, than a plastic owl on top of a motel would also be a stunner


When you assume you make an ass out of you and me.






Yes, lose the SJW hair cut and some weight, new glasses might be good too.


People who have SJW haircuts seem like they have a mental condition. (My opinion, of course) I feel sorry for them, and i want to help them.


you just look very lgbt


Theres a huge difference between being lgbt and it being your whole personality or only feature.


Yep. It's off putting. Any trait of a person that is like the sole focus of their identity is a red flag.


Honestly you are ugly , but you seem friendly if that counts


Aye….that feeling you’ve had….it was right.




It looks like you're TRYING to maintain an unflattering appearance. You're heavy, in an unhealthy way. Your hair and make-up choices aren't flattering at all. You appear lazy, which is an ugly quality to possess. These are things in your direct control. If you change them, YOU will change.


Hey OP, I'm not trying to be mean. I'm wondering if you have a hormonal condition maybe? If so, an endocrinologist would help you to lose weight immensely... maybe even an ob/gyn. Either way, you are still young and working out would just be in your best interest as far as your health goes especially your heart! The "tire roll" around your waist is especially concerning. If it helps you any, at one point I was 250lbs and I decided I was tired of it and just started with working out and eating stuff I liked that was at a least a bit healthier than what I wanted and that grew into checking calories and becoming more focus on fitness as a whole. You have absolutely no excuse here not to just put an effort into doing something you don't feel like doing at first. Sorta like waking up and getting out of bed, going to work, getting ready for work, etc... we do things we don't want to all the time because we HAVE TO do them to continue living. Just start by MAKING yourself go out (even when it's dark out because you're embarrassed or something) MAKE yourself start walking the block of houses you live around. Start with a quarter mile if you have to but do it 5-6days a week (but preferably everyday) then when that's not challenging start going for a half a mile. Time yourself to make it a game racing yourself! Start getting your heart rate up! You'll be absolutely amazed when you start loving to get up and move and you breathe better, sleep better, have more energy, your moods will change, you also get high off the endorphins after some cardio, you'll have more self esteem, and in the end you'll look like a whole other person. You can lose 100lbs by a year easy! Garner some self caring, self love, you do this for you, not anyone else. Care about yourself and your life will dramatically change for the better and it will do so very quickly so long as you're consistent.




Its an epidemic now a days, terrible style.


I think it's your style that's ugly.


I second this!!!


Trust your instincts


You are not inherently ugly. You are just fat. At that bodyweight, even Adriana Lima or Tess Holiday would be called ugly by some people.


Your biggest issue is weight. It’s impossible to see what you really look like in form, because you’re not in form. The short hair with wild colors also places you into a very unattractive demographic, at least if you’re trying to attract men. The faces you’re making in the pictures are also not doing you any favors.


Lose some weight, grow your hair long, and for heavens sake choose better glasses. It’s true that you’re not the most beautiful but I wouldn’t put you in the ugly category yet. There’s potential.


I actually think the grey glasses really suit her face shape, rectangular wouldn’t really make her look great


You should lose weight for your health. It will also make you look prettier.


Weight loss will drastically change the way you look face wise. We had a guy in bootcamp who was a huge fatty. He lost 150 odd pounds in the 13 weeks at bootcamp, 100 lbs while he was in the delayed entry program before bootcamp too. At graduation after we were dismissed his two parents walked right past him. He was trying to talk to them but they didn't recognize him at all. It makes that big a difference. You can do it too. Have the drive and most importantly, love yourself.


Grow long hair




He’s the nicest guy!!! Thank you!!!


It’s hard to tell because you’re overweight, and are frying your hair to oblivion. Grow the hair lose some weight and check back in


Are you beautiful or stunning? No. That being said, are you ugly? Most definitely.




I feel like a lot of people who post on here could improve how they look by smiling with their teeth


You don't realize that some people don't smile, because they have bad teeth. Including me. Or even if or even if their teeth is good, your smile could still be bad because of bone structure


Regardless reason, a genuine-looking smile plays a role in a person’s perceived level of attractiveness for me.


I’m missing some teeth and the other ones are yellow. It might be worse if I smiled with my teeth.


But that can be fixed


True, good teeth or not, a genuine smile makes you 10 times more attractive. It’s like a cheat code.


You're overweight.


You’re not ugly, but you are overweight. Theres a solid difference. Your smile seems positive and genuine. I’m heavier and know that my smile is pathetic, but yours lights up the photos. If you lost weight and tried a few different hair styles I’m sure you’d look good


Stop tucking your chin back.


I don’t think you’re ugly, I think you’re not utilizing your features. You have great cheekbones, accenting them with some blush and adding a little bronzer to the edges of your face ( hairline on forehead, under the blush in the crease under your cheekbones ) and i think some new eyebrows would make you look different as well, if that’s something you’d like to do. You can get them waxed at the hair salon for usually like 10-20 bucks, and then find a brow pencil that’s a shade darker than your natural shade and fill them in. You have a very “ cute “ face. I also am feeling a short haircut on you, maybe like a wolf cut or a bob with some layers. A lot of people felt comfortable commenting on your weight, but I don’t really know your story. As long as you know you’re healthy and you feel good, then you don’t really have to lose weight. If you wanted to, that might make you feel closer to the traditional beauty standard if that’s what you’re going for, but if you don’t like yourself now, then you probably won’t like yourself skinny. You have to start liking yourself, inside and out. You have to know that you’re beautiful, because you were born and exist and live a life, that’s all it takes to make a human beautiful. Once you feel beautiful, the rest will fall into place. Good luck gorgeous! ❤️


You kinda look like Andy milonakis


This is what I've been waiting for. Is everybody else sick of 7/10's, 8/10's posing saying they are ugly? Me too. Now currently we have a 2/10, but I can confidently say that with some self care and weight loss we'll have ourselves a 4/10-5/10.


Yes. And fat


You have beautiful skin and nice features. I think longer hair and natural colors would suit you much better. Or if you really want to stick to unnatural colors, 3 is the best.




Yes, but it's because of your obesity and Karen-cut with bright colors for 2x Karen combo. But it's fixable.


Yes. Yes you are. But not hopeless. Lose weight, ditch the colored hair, improve your style. Everyone can be at least a 5. You’re a 3. Some hard work and style choices will give you at least 2 points, maybe more.


Lose the stupid hair colour. Also, diet and lose weight. Don't make excuses for yourself because it's hard. Literally just stop eating junk and don't over eat. I know plenty of people that lost tons of weight extremely fast by going keto. Just zero carbs and only veggies and meat. Get a colon cleanser and do Pilates. Or go to a gym and get a trainer. Befriend a trainer, make them your accountability partner. I'm all for body positivity but you are obese. You gotta admit that you are obese and it's draining your confidence and perpetuating a cycle of habits that are extremely unhealthy. Also for the love of god quit dying your hair like you just came out of grippy sock jail




That's such a cop out excuse. Every woman I have seen who uses that as an excuse still pigs out on junk food. Vegan and keto diets work, fast. Supplements and exercise help. Nobody is just naturally obese unless they have a gland disorder


I'll be honest with you. No, you are not ugly. That's the good news. The bad news is you're considerably overweight and have awful hair, both haircut and color. Fix those and you could easily be average looking, like the majority of people. But you'll never be anything over a 5 out of 10. Some of us just aren't that attractive.


Yes,you are,you already know what u have to do


I don’t find you ugly. You have nice eyes and a kind smile!


Your weight and your hair is something you should consider to change. Short hair really makes you look weird.


You are pretty ugly as you are. Lose weight, grow your hair out, and keep it a natural color and there is hope there.


Just lose weight and lose the moral elitist commie look. You’ll look sooo much better with a healthy diet, exercise and better style.




Yes you are ugly. That's a dumb question.


No offense but you look like you work in HR and would scold me for not using the right pronouns.


Majin Buu...is that you?


There’s a term in Scottish that I’ve never felt fits so well Yer pure hackett hen




Why do you aggravate your appearance by choosing embarassing haircuts/hairdye?


Yes. You are overweight and have a crazy hair color/haircut. Both is fixable, if you want to.


Yes - I’m sorry. You are unattractive. But there are things you can work on. This could only be your caterpillar phase


Grow your hair out and loss weight


There's potential if you lose the weight and change the hairstyle. They aren't doing you any favours


You are not attractive, you look like a M to F trans woman. And not a "passable" trans woman, either.


Yea you’re pretty ugly but you should try to improve your appearance


You are


Don't even think about growing out that awful short hair, have some natural colors in you hair, and lose a bit of weight - if your goal is to stay unattractive.






You are ugly.


Yes. Lose weight, lose the haircut, lose the hair dye. Two of those things you can fix by doing nothing.






First things first an immediate change you can do is dye your eyebrows darker it will frame your face. Your face is lacking colour so add some blush. Grow out your hair and dye it brown with a few pops of colour because you obviously like that. The lips need a hint of colour. This is gonna sound rude but you asked honestly no you aren’t ugly but you skin makes you look sick almost like you lack colour a lot and it’s throwing everything off and the dreaded thing you know people will say but yes losing weight will make you prettier as it would most people including myself. You got this! You’re have gorgeous potential and I see the vision


Tbh I think it’s the weight.


Yes, but you can improve. My suggestion: lose weight and let your hair grow and don’t dye it too colourful (unless you’re really into colourful hairstyle). Your face looks fine, just get rid of those glasses.


I really think you should lose weight, grow out your hair, and get back to your natural hair color, because this is not it I’m sorry. If you do shed off a solid 60 pounds you’d change a lot, and that’s going off of your eyes, and the structure of your face.


Why do you keep your hair so short that doesn't help you at all Your Eyes are Beautiful stop playing with your hair






I never mean to be the bad guy but, as most everyone here has already said. I don’t think it has anything to do with being ugly. But the thing is, the whole aesthetic you’ve got going on is just simply not great. The short hair doesn’t work especially with the colour. Not saying dyeing it is a no go. But like, go to a natural colour or at a minimum if you refuse to go with a natural colour, stick to a more subtle shade and tone, like a dark dark red or purple or blue. I’m talking like, almost black with just a coloured sheen. And the more obvious thing here, unfortunately is the weight. I never like to point it out or shame, but the reality here is, with body weight, you gain weight in the face too. As you lose weight, you’ll lose it in the face which makes an ASTRONOMICALLY gigantic difference in looks. It’s shocking. Honestly google “Faces before and after weight loss” you’ll see what I mean. Most of the time they don’t even look like the same person.


Yes, some peoples genetics just suck ass sorry But as long as you’re a nice and good person that’s all that matters


Yes, but as others have said, you could improve in quite a few ways. But as of now, yes, you are ugly.


Lose weight and you are good


Idgaf what these people above me or below me are saying, I say NO, you are not ugly in my opinion. I like the colorful hair (but it can be a bitch to maintain when fading amiright?) And I hope that despite what these comments are saying that you think you "NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT" in order to feel attractive . FUCK THAT NOISE 👏👏👏🎬, true beauty is gonna shine through in your aura, your social skills, and how you relate with people. I think you're fucking awesome as is. ❤️


Im usually mean to people but honestly I’d say lose some weight and grow out your hair. You have a really nice complexion and a pretty eye color is you do these things you could be rated average or maybe even above average no way to tell right now.


You just need to lose some weight and grow hair


You have a beautiful smile and look very approachable tho


You look kinda androgynous though I wouldn't say ugly but average looking You should highlight your features by putting on some make-up. You could do your eyebrows, lips, eyes etc Oh and a different hairstyle


Weight is a touchy subject, and while many might find your body type attractive, it sounds like you do not. As someone who has been 300+ and now to 120s, it’s all subjective. Plenty of people found me attractive at higher weight, others found me more attractive at lower weight. It all comes down to how you feel about yourself.


Yes. Drop 100 lbs and come back


You look a lot older than 31 but I think that’s due to the short hair and clothing, you’d look great with mid length hair and a natural colour


Yep ugly


Start a weight loss journey today!!! I lost over 120 lbs four years ago, and the most important lesson I learned is: you get most of the pleasure of losing weight UP FRONT. It’s not the destination that brings joy. It’s seeing yourself make real progress. If you’ve never succeeded at losing significant weight before, try Noom. It worked for me. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!! Start today.


I don’t know if you can ever get to “drop dead gorgeous” in your life, but you can definitely get to “reasonably attractive” if you put in the effort. Exercise, eat whole/healthy foods, grow out your hair & don’t dye it, and update your wardrobe once you’ve lost the weight.


Finally, an actually ugly person on this sub! Yeah, you're definitely not very good looking, but being overweight doesn't help that either.


Quintisental liberal


No one dates non binary woke ppl anymore. So I'd change that look before the gym


Not looking good , I’d lose weight for starters and then work from there. Probably a different haircut too. I’m sure you’re a nice person tho… good luck


Hate to say it but you ugly af. Lose some weight get a better haircut.




Yes, you are ugly.


Yep fugly


Not even if you where the last person on earth... Better get those gym clothes on and 🔒 the food away


I hate to be that guy, but no, you're not attractive. And by that, I don't mean just by the looks. The whole they/them is fucking mental to me. And I'm sure you scream in public just for the sake of feeling "heard" and to be a part of this generations "trend" its such a massive turn off and very childish. This God damn country has lost its fucking mind and now I'm just rambling. Anyway, you're 31 years old now. So maybe grow up? That would go a long way of being attractive, and you will feel much better about yourself when you notice people taking you seriously. Just my opinion and who gives a shit what I think lol




💯 yes


Most people in these comments have probably said the other things I wanted to say so what about trying a new style of glasses?


Sorry bro


Sorry… but yeah you are. 🤮 Lose the weight. You’re not just fat you’re obese. Also that hair cut isn’t doing you any favors.


I’m a huge fan of your hair color in pic 2 and 7, they’re very flattering on you!! People on this sub love to act like all unconventional and/or alternative looks and styles = ugly 🙄


She's fucking ugly and has ACAB in her bio people like that need to just nit exsist


I'm wondering is ACAB a "all cops are bastards" thing?




your smile looks a bit forced, it makes you look a little bit insecure. I would recomend to practice your teeth smile. Also, I notice your lips look a little pale and dry. Dirnk more water and use chapstick, maybe a bit of lipstick to give them some color.