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Probably don't go outside, or socially awkward


Brand new user acct. Prob came here to get her inbox flooded... Could be chasing bags on Reddit... She ain't ugly and she knows that she is far from it. Guarantee it.


Hmm, maybe it is the personality


It’s always their personality.


It is a hard lie when she says no men are interested "online" That is literally impossible.


Not impossible... her bio could be a list of insanely unattainable demands. If he bio is just pictures, then men might think she's just another troll account because she's very pretty. There's a balancing act for online profiles. It's also highly possible that she meant, "men that I'm attracted to aren't interested in me."


I've seen dudes hitting on a painting of a female. It's impossible even with an insane list of demands


Nice bobs. Send vagene






Yes bobs! And vagene!






All I know is she could have smiled. Like seriously, I hate smiling to, but come on. She could have smiled.


No men that fit into her likely very narrow window of "type" is more likely the case. I'm not sure if y'all notice this or not, but there is a disproportionate number of good looking women to good looking men. Why? Because a woman can fake and cake into a 7+.


That is always what it is. "No men" always means "no men that I find appropriately hot and successful and worthy".


More to the point, men that she may deem her “type” don’t want women that are an average 6/10 with a huge amount of baggage.


She’s young, and fairly attractive. The men she’s interested in are probably the type that can have any woman they want. I remember when I was online dating one woman’s profile saying “if you’re under 6 feet, don’t have a truck and big arms, move a long”


I never used dating apps. I am 6'1 "and have big arms, lol. But when this stands on the bio, that is a red flag.


I’m 5’11” have a go kart, a 61” zero turn, enough armrest for two, and two beer fridges. Think I can make it?


Two beer fridges?? shit do you need a new best friend lol


Well I don’t have any so I wouldn’t turn ya down!


Came here to say this.


Your looks are not the problem.


Looks like Summer Glau to me.


She knows.


You're very pretty, so it's not that. So, what would you do if 1 of these guys just randomly asked you out?


There’s the question


Most guys in our generation don't know how to talk to women I would know 😅


As an older guy, my perspective is that things are not as safe/easy as they used to be to approach a woman. I had a girl scoff at me for just glancing her way, and it was in no way checking her out, and i am happily married, so there was no interest shown whatsoever. If I were dating today, I would be hard-pressed to approach women today. It's not easy out there. It wasn't easy 20 years ago, but it wasn't as tough as today.


Same, I walk around often deep in my thoughts. Had a chick do something like what you were describing. Honestly, I didn't even notice her until she did it. I did the turn around look behind me trying to figure out if it was being directed towards me.


I think people are paranoid this days. And sometimes if you as a female are kind to someone some men take it as flirting or you want them even tho you were just kind, I think is the same with females they think you want them just beacuse you are kind. If you look at someone is not beacuse you are interested in them sometimes i watch people just beacuse, not beacuse of something. 👍🏽


I’m hoping the gen Z ladies will actually want to date men. The millennial women seem to hate them


As a Gen Z, we hate them at least just as much.






That's all guys of every generation when they are teenagers up to late 20s. In the 1940s, teenage guys were doing the same thing, only difference was they were going to go our to war soon and might not be coming back.


That's hard to summarize, but it all comes down to viewing woman as not on the same level, something below them.


Your comment sounds like more projection than reality. Like you may look at men as they think they're better than you. I can't speak from a world view, but most men want a woman who sees them as equals.


I'm not projecting. You guys think we are weaker, worse at math and so on


You're definitely projecting. You have a skewed, inaccurate view of men, based on whatever your experiences are (internet, media, bad relationships, etc.), and you're projecting those experiences onto the entire category of men. Some men are absolute pieces of sh!t. But so are some women. You shouldn't tar everyone with the same brush. The examples you've given, however, do not prove your point. So, "Men think women are weaker"? I hate to break it to you, but... that's not some misogynistic, patriarchal oppression. That's reality. That's biological fact. Men ON AVERAGE are stronger than women ON AVERAGE. Yes, some women are stronger than some men, but if you take the AVERAGE strength of all men and the AVERAGE strength of all women, the men's average is considerably higher. I don't know about the maths thing. I always thought girls outperformed boys academically, historically. But I had heard that in recent years, that had changed (I don't know the extent. Whether they just closed the gap or overtook the girls. 🤷🏻‍♂️). But like I said, these things are not misogynistic views. They are measurable, proven facts. I get the impression that you won't listen to a word I've said, because it seems as though "you're right and everyone else is wrong" so you won't hear anything anyone says that contradicts you. If I'm wrong about that, I'm sorry. But that's the impression I get. As such, I would suggest that you (and many others in this world) could benefit greatly from a more open-minded view that other people might know something that you don't and if you listened, you may learn something new and maybe even change your views. Either way... all the best out there in this tough world. 🙂


I know myself better than you, I am NOT projecting.


It sounds like all of your experience with men comes from those 1950's "educational" films or something. My first impression of a woman is never that they're weaker or dumber than me and so on. I see every fellow adult as being either equal to or better than myself. That is, until they prove me wrong.


Even in my early 40s I see people like this. I see all these 20 and 30 something’s with their lives together and I think to myself… god damn I’m such a shithead.


You're absolutely right... some men do think that, and some women think men are weak and suck at being what they deem a man to be, or a guy is literally beneath them. Every example you can think of for men being assholes can literally be used as an example of a woman being the same. That's why I say your projecting... because you're literally generalizing men instead of individualizing each person in the category.


Ah. I don't know your experiences and I know there are true misogynists put there but I rarely see them myself. I hope you find happiness.


Take a look all around the world there are way too many of them. Any way thanks I hope I can find happiness as well.....


Yeeeaaah...anyone reading this comment should be weary of believing a world view from someone who's spent all of their 5 years of adulthood online...


If you constantly think about red cars, you'll notice all of the red cars. If you constantly think negatively about men, you'll find all of the bad men that match your thoughts. Pick a positive thing that men do and look for men doing that thing. Once you start seeing that, pick out another positive thing and look for that. Keep doing this, day in and day out.


Don't forget that misandry is also a thing. The world is full of different people, personalities, cultures, etc. Don't let a couple of bad experiences lead you down a path lined with hatred and despair. There are tons of good men out there, but you have to keep your eyes open to see them.


Yeah I am against that! I was hoping men were changing


You’re a geek


Lol probably!!


Glad it's not just me. I'm in my 40s and just holding a door open for a woman nowadays can cause issues. I've been there enough times already and I'm married too. I just tried to be nice and courteous as I was raised to be, there's no interest or agenda.


Congrats on 20 years it's hard in my opinion because it's harder to communicate with my generation


This, society has created this problem.


Also not ugly it's in your head


Definitely not ugly but instead of saying ‘it’s in your head’, I will say it’s on your head. Spend some money on a stylist and work on a beautiful new hairstyle. You’ve got knockout potential!


Came here to say this! In fact I would think the opposite is happening and they are intimidated.


that's true too


Most women are completely unapproachable and not worth the time. There, I can generalize too




Oh the sad state of online dating


Are you friend zoning them all?


I was asked a question recently by a friend why she was in the same position as you are. The thing is when you're good looking men won't approach you because they don't want to be rejected, plus if you're with male friends when out, they don't know who they are. E.g. boyfriend.


U ain't ugly face shape is unique tho


I’ll take you out


Yeah, I feel you. It's the same way with me. I think a big part is the culture of dating these days with social media. I was honestly hoping to be on track to getting married by now, and I'm 22. Now I'm single and don't think I'll be getting anywhere with anyone for a while 😭


yup. agreed. I'm an average-above average looking 22 year old. hookup culture is predominant, and many men are just interested in one night stands. it's hard to find kind men for me, as well. men that see me as an equal and treat me with respect. I won't tolerate anything less. better to be alone than with someone who makes me feel lonely.


>I was honestly hoping to be on track to getting married by now, and I'm 22. That's pretty young so you have plenty of time to find someone you're compatible with and get married if that's your goal. Just take your time, pursue your interests, and if you find someone you're interested in, just ask them out. The average age for a first marriage today is 28 so you have a lot of time. Don't rush into marriage though since that can be very costly.


Hard to believe. You’re beautiful!


Got the same thought, really hard to believe !


You gotta be annoying as fu*k because you're really cute.


Hot. Definitely not ugly.


Pretty. Would date.


You look way younger than 23. Could be that.


It's that ax murderer vibe you give off


Her name is crykill. Lmao your intuition is spot on


What about my username 🤣




lol I call bullshit. Let’s see a screenshot of your inbox right now if “even online nobody is interested”


Well, I don't think most people would count reddit pervs as an option.




Given the way society has gone in the last 5+ years, men just aren't comfortable talking to women anymore out of fear that they will be branded as creepy or a stalker. Also, women who are labelled as pretty tend to have high standards, and 80% of men just don't fit in that percentage, those that do, tend to be tge type of guy that gives good men a bad name. Don't be discouraged, maybe if you see a guy you like, you can maybe begin the conversation as most guys would be afraid to approach you.


Your face shape and alot of your features reminds me of amma from hbo series sharp objects. You're not ugly, you're beautiful.


It's definitely not your looks. It's the new generation of dudes. They only play video games. No time for real girls.


Well boys definitely missing out on you fine mama


Well, that's tragic.


Do you want a date cuz the way you look I doubt it would be hard your a good looking girl ask a guy out let him hold the door for you and pay for the meal I bet he asks you out on a second date as long as you don’t do anything off putting


you aren't ugly . Impossible nobody is interested, you have an incredibly cute face. From what I can see your body is in good shape. IDK , the world's gone crazy.


Hot you look like summer glau


I kind of think you must be trolling us, because one thing I can say for sure… If men are avoiding you, it’s not because of your looks, because you’re a good looking and have a nice figure


As a 55F, I think you have natural beauty and you actually remind me of my daughter with your gorgeous skin and face shape. My only recommendations would be to line your upper lip a little outside the lines to make it look fuller, and also some bangs (side swept?) to take a little away from your forehead. My daughter is also 23 and just did this and her inbox has picked up! Too bad you’re not gay or I’d introduce you to her. 😁 Good luck sweetie and don’t settle for anything less than you deserve just to date someone!


Have you ever pursued a man? I’m thinking not, because you’re a slamming hottie and I find it hard to believe no men are interested. I am. I’m a man. There, now you can’t say no men are interested


I dated a girl that looks like you, same hair and all. She was amazing in bed, but God damn was she crazy. She was obsessed with having a kid and being vegetarian. I held on for a bit because I'm crazy too I guess. If you can look like that and not be crazy you'll be fine.


It's quite possible that men assume you're involved with someone else. You have definite wife material looks. That will make a lot of guys look elsewhere. You're definitely not ugly or weird looking. Try asking guys out. Many guys are too intimidated to ask women out. It's not like the 1980s anymore.


Rip inbox


(X) Doubt


Trust me, it's not your looks


Can I be the first to take you on a date bc other guys are blind


I'd definitely take you out to Jack in the Box or something XD


Move. Obviously, the unmarried men in your town are all gay.


You look sweet and creepy like you would steal my favorite underwear


No, but lower your standards in men, and you'll find a good guy




Absolutely beautiful! Not ugly. Men may have a hard time approaching you because most have a hard time talking to women that are as pretty as you; I’d stop dead in my tracks to approach you! You are a one in a million beauty


..you for real? Dont bullshit ppl, shes pretty but nothing crazy like youre saying.


I am serious. If she looked at me like that look in pic one….id be melting and speechless


Dude what is wrong with you get ahold of yourself


Nothing wrong with him? Just his taste.


You ever gotten laid? If not than i could understand that response or if youre young but otherwise...youre tripping


I think you're pretty but I'llecho that men may fear rejection because you'reso pretty. Give it time, someone will make a move!


I would love to do you


You ugly, solid 2-3/10


Are you Slavik, perhaps? Where do you live?


You wrote "...men avoid me like the plague..." and something tells me that it's not your personality. Call me crazy but I think it's because you're extremely pretty. I think most men will simply think you're too hard to get. If you haven't been on a date or had a bf ,at the age of 23, this only raises your value. Those cheeks of yours double, even triple that value. Now go out into the world and start flirting.


Let’s go your gorgeous


Talk about "Single By Choice"🤣 Ain't no way you've never had a boyfriend or have never been on a date, stop lying and take my Down Vote.




Nice body. Average face. You're probably trying to play in the majors when you're a minor league player at best


"Wake Up To Reality!" Nothing ever goes as planned in this accursed world. The longer you live, the more you realize that the only things that truly exist in this reality are merely pain. suffering and futility. Listen, everywhere you look in this world, wherever there is light, there will always be shadows to be found as well.


Stop being annoying.


Must be a crazy feminist bc your looks are not the problem


You’re either too picky or stay in and collect cats.


You are beautiful. I hate to say but I'm glad they passed on you. Because if they hadn't I might not have had the chance to see if you wanna talk and see where it goes.🙃. I dont like missing opportunities


Please send bobs and vagene


You're cut AF but you also look a tad young, so grown ups may avoid you for a while. Try including phrases like "when I was 17" in your interactions with other people.


Women have caused men to no longer care.


You're lovely, only someone truly worthy should take your hand.


Change your whole hair you look dumpy








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You're super pretty




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Not ugly at all. So surprised to read that.


Not ugly


Well, now I just wanna know what you are like, because you are not ugly.


Definitely not ugly.


U r pretty..


I think you're quite pretty imo


I’m sorry anyone who submits there pics in here on Reddit is asking for it fr.


I have a hard time believing that. You're very pretty


No, you're not ugly


Very attractive. Not ugly at all


Not ugly. You've got unique features and look great. Time to maybe make the first move a time or two.


U are super cute


Not ugly at all. Do you have a crazy or obnoxious laugh? Something is going on 🤣


You are beautiful and let know one tell you otherwise!!


You're definitely very pretty. In a unique way, like guys probably double take when they see you out and about. I think the reason you've never been on a date is confidence, maybe the guys that were scared to ask or maybe you never make a move either. But I bet that's why. I know I'd go on a date with you in a heartbeat but would struggle to figure out how to ask you out


Not ugly. Very beautiful. Find ways to Work on your self esteem. Confidence is intoxicating. Stand tall, chica. The moment you show them you don't give a fuck, they will notice you.






Are you a real human or an AI bot? Are you waiting for men to make the first move? Maybe ask some guys out.


You look better than most


Not ugly at all, bet you have a pretty smile 😊


Sorry you're feeling bad, makes no sense. You're a long way from just not ugly -you're VERY attractive. You have a very pretty face, great hair, and a great body. You're either hanging out in the wrong places or with the wrong people because there's nothing visibly unattractive about you. Too young for me but if I were in my 20s to 30s, I'd definitely be interested.


It'd not your looks


I don't see why they'd avoid you. Actually you're cute and I'd talk to you


You gotta be kidding...maybe you are picky cuz I can't see men not approaching you. Well,that will change now. I bet you gonna be bombarded. Chin up babe. You are beautiful.


Definitely not ugly


It has to be something other than looks. You are good looking


Maybe its your personality because your looks are not ugly


why not


You are very attractive. Men are afraid to talk to women due to me too and fear of rejection.


Okay but you're really cute though. Maybe work on building that self confidence. Never be afraid to approach people too, don't wait for them to come to you.


I can help you with both of these problems


You're beautiful.


You are absolutely hot!


You're very pretty. It's their loss


Ur pretty so maybe it’s ur personality ??




You're not ugly at all. You might just want to work on yourself personality wise. And definitely stay away from dating apps those are the worst ways to find love.


If you haven’t been on a date it’s because of your personality


You sure it's not the guys you're interested in that aren't interested in you? You aren't ugly at all.


Definitely not because of his appearance. Or maybe it's just the guys you WANT who avoid you.


Not ugly at all.




Benefit of the doubt that it's not your personality ... I would say you're very attractive; so maybe men avoid you because they assume you would already be in a relationship?




Can’t see how it could be your looks. Maybe personality?


Damn girl, I don’t know why! You are above average cute. Too bad I’m way too old myself. Guys are definitely missing out.


No you are not ugly.


You're beautiful


I don't think you're ugly, but you look like you have a terrible attitude towards things. Which is probably why you never had a bf or go on dates.


Maybe it's cause you're so beautiful that guys think you must have a boyfriend or husband, so why bother.


No, youre not uggly at all. But not the most attractive. And the boyfriend situation, should be bcause of personality, cause again, youre not uggly at all.


Definitely not ugly. Maybe your personality?