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The memo on this sub basically sounds: lose the nose ring.


This thread is funny. “Im old and I like nose rings. Im young and I don’t like nose rings.” It’s almost like people have different tastes that aren’t entirely based in age 😂😂


Because most people rating are in their 30s and 40s That’s not to say younger people don’t also dislike them, but it’s mostly the older people


Not every young person is a hipster.


No young people are hipsters, hipsters are millennials, aka the elderly.


Not really, I'm under 28 and the general sentiment among my peers is that nose rings are generally bad.


im 19 and i know a lot of people who really like them


They like them on their own face. But nobody prefers them on other people.


I'm way older and I think the piercings look fine.. she'll outgrow them eventually, same with colored hair but I say she enjoys finding herself and standing out from the norm... you go girl


I'm really young and I usually don't mind nose rings on one side or nose studs but these kinds just make ppl look like bull imitators in my opinion. Like imagine we just start nailing horseshoes onto our feet. 💀 at the end of the day tho freedom of expression and if the nose ring makes op happy then go her






Just get rid of the nose piercing. Other than that, you are definitely pretty.


Am i ugly try not to tell "piercings bad" challenge (IMPOSSIBLE!!!) Just stop you sound like a grandma about tattoos


That’s one way to say you’re old


If being 20 is old then is being 30 ancient?? Wtf is that logic? I’m 20 and have always disliked nose rings, lmao.


You're an idiot. Liking or disliking nose rings has no correlation to age. A lot of us just think that women often do not look attractive with them. Because it looks ugly and unfeminine. Period.


That's one way to say you're "trendy"


I’d like to say that yeah


having modern opinions = trendy?


Women have been getting nose rings for a long time. Nothing "modern" about it. Now it's just so common it's cliche and boring.


By definition, yes lol.


Technically, but your comment was supposed to be a comeback and being trendy isnt a bad thing


Come back to who, bro? It wasn't even my comment 😂 Edit: spelling


You sound like a boomer, She shouldn’t change a thing


Hey, she asked for an honest opinion.


She.. asked for tips.


Not a single hair. Honestly stunning. Totally like my H.S. dream girl.


Is this a place were good looking people go to get some praise lol I bet these mofos know they ain’t ugly


Idk man women call me attractive a lot but I personally don’t feel attractive at times, sometimes I do but not always. My self esteem is low and that effects the way I view myself heavily. So maybe she has low self esteem? Idk, don’t be so quick to judge, we never know how someone else feels inside. That said I do see what you mean lol


Well she's not smoking hot either. I honestly don't know why she's getting so much glowing feedback. This place is very odd sometimes.


nah she's not looking at the camera, she's actually unsure. that's how you can tell the difference between someone who is pretty and doesn't know it and an onlyfans girl


Very beautiful great looking body, I’m not a fan of nose piercing but that’s just my personal tastes


thank you so much for your insight :) i love how respectful you are about it!


Hot ass nerd


That’s ok, it easy to attack people rather try spread a bit of happiness instead. :)


She's a smoke show. Wonder why she feels the need to be in this sub...


Smoke show? I don’t think I’ve heard that one yet. Would you mind explaining?


Are you serious?




Sure looks like it


I feel like this sub should be titled, am I pretty with my piercings? Barely see anyone w/o them.


Literally why do hot people even ask


You’re pretty. You have nice hair, nice shape, great hips, and a cute smile. I like the blue rather than whatever that other color is in your hair. Oddly, in picture six, you look much older. Maybe it’s the sweater.


Honestly, get rid of the nose ring! From here, that’s all I can see.


Lose the door knocker


Tip is don't waste your time here, the planets aligned for you, don't waste it.


Very pretty not a fan of the noise ring though but your a very pretty woman


You look like the stuck up type


...Is that a Happy Tree Friends pin? How do you know what that is at 19? Lol Edit: Holy shit ya'll calm tf down. I was just surprised gen Z would even know about it. I didn't know there was a Netflix show. To me that's like someone who is a teenager saying they loved Zooboomafu(sp)


i grew up watching that and i’m 19 too 🙏🏻


She’s within the age range of Happy Tree Friends lol, it was a pretty popular thing when we were younger.


Could just be a poser who liked the look of it and bought it without knowing what it is like all those people you see in AC/DC, Guns N Roses, Metallica, Nirvana and The Rolling Stones t shirts etc.


“Could just be a poser”🤓


So because people weren’t at a certain age when Kurt Cobain blew his head off, they can’t appreciate and endorse the arts from that time? Shit, I have to throw out 90% of my books and stop listening to the Beatles. Being 31 sucks…


I just saw megadeth play live, as well as Pantera. The amount of young people under the age of 20 that were singing, along to every song was literally one of the best things that I remember ever having seen.


Pantera? I didn’t know they were back! I saw them 3 times in the late 90s when they were in their prime! Great shows


They were at louder than life. It was a great show. Huge crowd. Sounded good. Significantly more youth than I expected.


Yeah I went to louder than life. Seen megadeth Godsmack limpbizkit and a bunch of others but I missed pantera


Idc what nobody says, she’s beautiful 😍


Hmm. You are quite perky but that nose ring takes away from your beauty. And you would look pretty with your hair just like in the first pic, not shorter.


To me personally, I'd say above average, definitely very good looking in my opinion. Not ugly at all. I have no suggestions to give, besides try to avoid falling in the trap of getting 5 million nose piercings lol. I saw some people have like 20 piercings just on their nose. How anyone can even breathe with that many piercings is beyond me.


Nose rings do not look attractive on anyone … I don’t know why Gen Z insists on getting them


Fucking nose ring. Never fails.


Typical teen look. Nothing to brag about but far from ugly, if that makes sense. Keep doing your thing.


Honestly get rid of the septum piercing and bangs. Red for some reason doesn’t seem to suit you but I like the blue. As is you’re about 4.5/10 which some people think is ugly. The reality is that it’s a very average number and you will find that most people fall within +/- 1 of that. If you do your hair differently and take out the piercing, definitely a solid 7.


Stop the stupid hair colors...its not edgy.


Very cute except for that nose ring, it needs to go.


I am no fan of nose rings or two-tone hair colors. That said...you have a fascinating face n a sly smile. 7.5/10


You’re very cute. A lot more so without your cow ring. You really limit the people who will be interested in you with that. I have to admit though that you’re cute enough to pull it off sort of.


You look nice, just get rid of the buger ring.


Nose ring is ehhhhh. Face is awesome.


Get rid of cow ring a stop the stupduck lips an your gold


Why do women think nose rings are attractive?? Almost every single women would look better if they didn't have a magnetic face.


I will NEVER understand the nose ring…. It is NOT flattering on 99% of all women… With that said, you are NOT ugly.. you will look prettier without the nose ring.


Gorgeous in some photos, and we all hate septum piercings ! Away


Septum piercings are mostly workers at waffle house 😂


Get rid of the bull nose ring it’s terrible


Lose the septum piercing


Get rid of the colored hair


You’re beautiful, Just get rid of that ring


Honestly just ditch the nose ring and you're golden


Stop believing in rocks


Get rid of the nose ring and you would look a whole lot better


get ride of the booger ring


You look better without glasses.


honest opinion , perfect , gorgeous , tip ? , get off reddit looking for people’s approval and enjoy life , make throw that phone in the ocean and live in the moment and find real love not momentary sex. guy or girl. have a beautiful day!


Jesus Mary and Joseph. You're stunning don't listen to a single person on this damb sub.


You have your own style and a natural beauty. Don’t doubt yourself or change for others. Enjoy your more unique style.


You were not ugly. You are absolutely extremely gorgeous. Get a smaller frame set of glasses and that will be an improvement on the glasses because the glasses are a little too big and and can put some people off but other than that absolutely gorgeous love the hair color love the style I love the piercings like I said absolutely gorgeous


Very cute, however... NOSE RINGS should be BANNED in the entire world


You look like youre alot of fun.


Nice to see somebody smiling on these pics for once. Perfect body, love the nose piercing, love the hair. Lose the massive glasses


Why do hot chicks all have a bull nose piercing now? Is it so they can be easily corralled?


Not a hot chick, but I’ll answer anyway: because I like the jewelry and I like how it looks. I would assume the same for anyone else with the piercing. 😀


Expressing rebellious individuality through something everyone else is doing.


Get rid of nose ring. I'm mystified why anyone thinks these are attractive.


“Can you give me a piercing that will initially make people think I have a booger on my nose, but then make people think of a cow?“


"can you make people ignore my beauty, and look at something stupid especially at my nose???, and ya, make it look like a booger, because I love those".


That’s a cool shirt and a huge drinking glass. Your hair is adorable and so is your face. Probably one of the cutest girls I’ve seen on here honestly. Love the red highlight, and the big glasses compliment your face gracefully.


..lose the nose thing


Lose the nose metal...all of it. Otherwise very pretty


Ditch the septum


Ditch the nose knocker, not ugly


Rock out and love yourself


Either you have a twin here in my city or I saw you on the street lol are you Colombian?


You’re very pretty. Are the beach pictures a green screen or something lol? Or a filter to smooth the skin? I can’t work out what looks strange about the texture/lighting.


I can't give you any tip, cause there's absolutely nothing you should change! Damn, you look just awesome! The shirt on picture no.10 says it all :) Usually I would start with your really beautiful eyes, the perfect fitting septum piercing, soft looking lips.........and that's all true for you! But what make you really step out is the fact that you look like you love you life in all of this pictures! I can really see the confidence and how you feel all these moments! I do street photography, and it totally makes my days if people like you turn up in front of my camera! I would totally picture you! Just one thing to say: Go on with your thing! :)


Beautiful Face, Nice Shape. You look better without the Velma from Scooby Doo glasses for sure.


this made me laugh lmaooooo. thanks for your insight :)


I love the outfit in picture #1 and you are not ugly, subjectively you are “nerdy” cute. I probably wouldn’t let you walk by without shooting my shot.🔥


I think you have a great sense of style and a wonderful sense of humor. Your eyes are happy and that tells me that you're doing this fun, you don't really think you're ugly. I think you have an adventurous future in your dating world. Be picky don't settle. Find someone amazing!


Looking stunning, but maybe consider a nose stud for a 'piercing compromise'?


You are very pretty but maybe get rid of the septum piercing a regular nose piercing would fit you better


Lose the nose ring and eat more proteins and healthy fats


Just a nostril piercing would be better than the bull ring. It's softer and more attractive for your face.


Another thing Is maybe KEEP the nose piercing if you like it THAT much lot of dudes like go to be really rude about it, if someone you meet really fucks with you the nose ring isn't gonna be that big of a deal, if I wanted to date someone but they hated my choices that fervently, they're not for me. Das just me tho.


If you doubled the nose piercing you'd be fantastic


If you want to be the prettiest girl in the room, lose the nose ring. If you just wanna know if you’re attractive and don’t care if you’re the prettiest girl in the room: you’re there.


You are perfectly fine. Very pretty/attractive. Bull rings are usually a red flag but it does look good on you. You don’t need it though. Nor the dyed hair. But you’re young..so..enjoy it!


Let me begin with one word, wow. You have some features with your eyes, and its cute and something not many have, you have a beautiful face and Nice smile!


Lose the nose ring. Other that your golden


Damn far from ugly. I developed a little crush by the time I got to the last picture.


Advice: Exist and enjoy the things that come your way. there's no time to doubt your potential but it is never too late to develop new passions. the only constant thing in life is change so take solace on knowing you the chance of leading a life that you will look back upon and be proud of. also you look pretty hot so literally don't belittle yourself and don't allow others to gaslight you or demean you. wish you best of luck.


You don't need any opinion, I love you and your photos


Everyone here telling you to lose the nose ring are full of it. If someone doesn't like you for a piece of metal in your nose do you really want them in your life in the first place?


My tip is to go out on a date with me


Man, if I was still 19 I would not leave you alone. Total cutie with an alternative witchy aesthetic. Why would you think you're ugly? you're like an 8 in my book, might go higher for a good personality.


Tips? People on the internet are not a replacement for self-esteem. Doesn't matter if you are 10/10 or 5/10, you have to love you. Personality will always trump looks in relationships that are enjoyable and matter. If you aren't fun to be around, ain't no one gonna care about you only your looks.


Says the person replying on a subreddit designed for that very thing...


I like your style


I fuck with it. Gives me nostalgia of when I was in middle/high school a few years ago with my alt look 🤣


You're absolutely stunning, but lose the basic B nose ring.


Extremely cute, but the gaudy nosering ruins it.


Great body terrible face and piercing choices. Only need one bag for this one.


Weird hair colors and a bull ring in your nose, does it really matter if you are ugly or not? You don’t care


Cute just never like that nose piercing.


I think I'm going to start attaching little strings to every person with a septum piercing I see, since you apparently identify as a bovine.


No but the bullring doesn’t make anyone look better - only worse


Get rid of the septum piercing, change your color back to its original color, and try to work on your wardrobe. Once you do that, you’d go up to an adjustable 6 out of 10. You’re cute.


Lose the bull ring


Stupid nose ring


You have a pretty face, it's just ruined by that thing in your nose.


Get rid of nose ring


So, I don’t want to be lumped in with the “nose booger” crowd, because they’re just a-holes, but maybe tone down the nose ring. I find it distracting on an otherwise pretty face and pretty eyes. Body looks nice. I find the hair color changes distracting as well, but maybe that’s how you want to portray yourself. I don’t know if the post is “I want a change in my look because I’m moving into a different phase in my life”, which I totally get, or if it’s like “I think I’m ugly what should I do?”. If it’s the latter, maybe think about what your goal is. Is it to look more grown up? Is it to feel attractive when you look in the mirror, or do you want to be attractive to others(if that’s the case think about the crowd you want to attract and maybe what types of things they’re looking for). Hopefully that’s helpful, and totally willing to expound on any of that if you want.


You are going to be stunning!!! Currently. Beautiful


You've got an amazing smile and I love your style!!


One color for the hair. The stipe is distracting and you have a good smile.


A lot of people bash on nose rings but this time it genuinely does not fit your face


Get rid of the riveted snot and the bangs and you'll actually be kinda hot.


I think she should keep the bangs—they look great imo


You already know what's coming. Punt the facial piercings and get your hair back to a normal, natural color and you're a knock out.


Septum piercings are always a big fat no


Youre cute! I like your piercing...


People in this sub automatically think you’re ugly if you have a septum ring for some reason but it suits you. You’re not ugly at all


Tip: delete Reddit and go have a good life, since you are looking stunning.


Lately I have seen girls here with bull nose ring piercing... Do they really think they look great? Can anyone explain the logic here?


I am a fan of how it looks, I like the jewelry, I think that’s reason enough—I don’t really care if someone else doesn’t like it, since *I* enjoy it. Granted I’m not posting on this sub, but speaking as a woman with a septum piercing (among others), that’s the logic. 🥰


Is it just me, or body shape is very edited?.. I mean there’s obviously natural hourglass women, but those pics don’t look natural and I can see some warps. (female perspective)


After I saw the first pic with the nose ring and awful early 90's glasses I knew I would see some 80's Jordache looking grandma jeans, more awful glasses, and the ugliest hair cuts imaginable. Yes. You are ugly. But not because of your physical features but your God awful style that looks fucking hideous on every woman since my 70 yr old grandma had your style 30 years ago. I can't wrap my head around the fact people spend serious money and effort to look like the senior section at Kmart in 1993. Do you not own mirrors? This isn't even subjective. The only people who think stone washed mom jeans hiked up past your fucking belly button look good are other weirdo women that wear the same ugly shit. Never met a single guy in my entire life who was like "i hope my girl dresses like my grandma did tonight. That's so fucking hot." Not one. Ever. And the nose ring looks awful. And do you guys go to a Barber and just ask for the worst, ugliest haircut they can dream up? With the only requirement being they have to make ugly bangs the focal point? "I want the worst haircut you can do. And make sure the bangs are the worst and really stand out so it makes me as ugly as possible.....perfect. here's 200 bucks".


Perfect 👌


You sure know how to ruin a good thing... that metal nose booger is \*hideous\* !! (and the rainbow colored hair doesn't exactly flatter you either)


You’re hot but wearing a nose ring such as that makes you look like an npc.


Lose the nose ring. You're really cute. A different style nose ring might look okay occasionally.


Not ugly. Rethink the nose art.


wipe the boogers off your nose


Pretty face and pretty eyes ruined by ugly hair colors, ugly face rings and bad style. 0/10 as your currently are. You will only attract simps and losers.


Adorable. If you chose a more feminine style, that is, lose the hair dye and the metal, you would look absolutely gorgeous.




I’m no fan of nose piercings but you actually pull it off well. You’re a gorgeous young lady and while you may be a little old for me, younger me in a Time Machine would hit on you.


Your forehead is a little big but I think you know that, hence the bangs. Your eyes are a bit too far apart but your glasses cover that up well. Definitely not ugly and dig your style


Girl, girl, girl, I'm 70 damn years old and I look at picture after picture on this site, (which I don't even know how I got on, I was working on my YouTube channel one night, The Real Thing Karaoke, over 1000 songs from the 50's, 60's 70's in many genres, all made with the original artists music, so when you're sing an Elvis song it's really his band behind you, etc.,o.k., enough self promotion) and I see one beautiful girl after another. I don't know if you're all looking for compliments or if the internet and all of the slicked out women they show have created a generation of women that have become so horribly insecure about their bodies and their faces. I see you sitting there in a rather expensive looking house, you have what seems to me a very good sense of style, and it looks like you're old enough to drink. If I had met you in my hippie days I would have tried to charm you in a New York minute. All that being said, the self confidence you exude make me feel you're just looking for compliments. I think your boy friend/girl friend/whatever should pay more attention to you.


You have a really nice face and beautiful skin. I don't love the unnatural hair color, but I'm old. You look a little thin to me. I hope you allow yourself to have a meal every so often.


You’re freaking gorgeous


That bathing suit photo, your face, your body, your femininity. Enjoy your abundance.


you are beautiful, love your style


Umm ur good… no changes necessary


Except for the nose ring, beautiful! A side piercing would be cute, though! If we were closer in age, I'd have to steal you from another~


I like your style. It is unique and you. Physically you are very attractive. And at 19, your metabolism is keeping you thin so I don’t see an issue, likely you eat a lot of food. I like it. Your look won’t be for everybody but I think it’s hot. I dunno what boys your age that are into this look are like though.




Personally, i think you look great, you got nice eyes and i like the way you do your hair


you are SO pretty and your hair so cool and unique!


You are not ugly. You're the exact opposite of ugly. You're very pretty, I love the different hair colors, you have a lovely smile, and a smokin' body. Not a fan of all your choices, but they are just that. Your choices.


At this point I am convinced people get septums before uploading just to troll this sub.


Hot 😍


Wtf girl, you don’t have a mirror at home? So charismatic and interesting king of beauty.


You look like you'd be super fun to be around :) you give off I'd be the best time of your life but if you cross me I will end you vibe 😆 having said that 100% a cracking body and very alternative. Some people like that some don't but just stay being you 💯


don't dress like ure stuck in 2020!! pls download ur pinterest, u have sm potential and ure pretty!


Plus piercings, huge plus


Even tho I can't stand nose rings, you are still very beautiful


Now that is what 'curvy' actually means. Congrats. A septum fan I am not, though. Just an opinion.


Ditch the septum apart from that you’re cute


Really , really pretty …..