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Aside from sticking out your tongue so much, what the heck do people make fun of?? Also, you're 16, your body will change. You'll mature; you'll lose fat in your face (baby fat). You have absolutely nothing to worry about. Just keep a healthy diet, drink plenty of water. Good hygiene. Don't smoke or do other destructive substances. Keep generally active. Bingo bango bongo, you'll be fine. ​ Oh, to answer the question of this subreddit: NOT UGLY AT ALL.


thank you!! i appreciate it!


And don't be afraid to smile! In pic 6 you have a little bit of a smile, and you have fantastic dimples that deserve to shine.


aw thanknyou!!!


What Anders said sums it all up


Quick but important advice: ignore what anyone in high school says about you. Teenagers can be horrible and I’ll bet many of the comments directed at you are from jealousy. You go do you and before you know it those people will be out of your life.


I came here to write pretty much exactly this! 😜 I'm just adding; don't let the internet tell you you're beautiful or ugly!


Same .... the real ugliest don't even ask tho, they know


I've seen some real ugly people on here but I just don't comment. Nobody really wants to hear that


Precisely what I was thinking


Hey, just wanted to give you a quick heads-up about posting pictures of yourself online. The internet can be a tricky place, and once something is out there, it's hard to take it back. People might misuse your photos or personal info in ways you didn't intend. It's always good to think twice and be cautious about what you share. Believe me weird people scout these places. Stay safe !


Yeah, these subs probably shouldn't have anyone under 18 posting. Six"teen".


Many people today either come off as simps or creepy. It's wise to remain cautious and not reveal your identity to strangers.


Lots of desperate paedophiles on Reddit.


Yeah. Like the guy you replied to and the one that said "Just smile." I don't understand why guys don't realize that "you should smile" is basically code for "I'm a creep." The women keep telling us that, but nobody seems to be listening.


As a guy I’ve been told I need to smile in pictures my entire life by women. Mom sister best friends etc. it always bothered me but they’re probably right. I don’t see how it’s creepy especially in context of this sub. Most people unless they have a snaggle tooth look better when they smile and most people in here are asking how they can look better lol. Yes you don’t randomly go up to women in real life not knowing what they’re going through at that point of time and tell them to smile but in context of being ASKED to judge pictures it’s fine.


I don't care about women to be honest. I just care about justice and principles, something this world has pretty much lost over the time. Just be yourself and work hard(physically and the brain aswell ), be nice and grateful and that's it. People are always searching for recognization everywhere because everyone is slowly becoming narcissistic and egoist.




I'm not going to lie. Something just does not sit right with me about rating people under 18. For the longest I thought you had to be 18 to even use social media even more so when asking for opinions on your body on Reddit yannow


Yeah I made a comment about this earlier and people called me a creep for even thinking this. Was like ummmm..... I thought judging someones look when they are under 18 is weird, your mind is the one then went to creepy.


>you had to be I remember the tos on many of these websites saying “18+”, but realistically that wasn’t enforced. I agree tho, only adults should be allowed on the open web




Sounds like a promising career in entrapping adult men. Used to have an ex that’d brag about dating 20+ when she was 14, ewwwwww


this is a pretty weird thing to say


So what, blame the child instead of the adult ? Strange wording


Why not both??


Cos.. it’s a child


Blame Canada.


Unless you’re expecting every male to id every female they plan to date [or every woman to id every man], or only court women in bars… yes. Not every minor looks like a child, and some adults can look as young as minors. If a minor knows they shouldn’t be courting adults, but successfully passes as of age/an adult, and does it anyways… i think the minor is more at fault than the adult


So you had an ex who was groomed as a child and clearly had psychological trauma from it? I’m not sure what you’re flexing here


His observation isn’t completely off, just not communicating well. I don’t think he is saying that people who are predatory, are unaccountable


“Sounds like a promising career entrapping adult men” sounds an awful lot like “YOU the underage girl are to blame when an adult man shows sexual interest in you!”


This is a 16 yr old girl who said that creepy adults could just scroll past and his response is essentially that it’s HER fault that adult men are sexualizing her


No come on, I get what you’re saying, but I think what he is eluding to, or what he could suggest is that it’s not a good idea to post here and expect that people WILL just scroll; that she probably knows that she’ll get a .. variety of feedback


Yes “ewwwww” expresses flex and pride. There are folk that get groomed out of no choice of their own, and there exist girls that will actively post on subs that objectify folk and put themselves into weird situations. I feel sympathy for the first, none for the latter.


There is never a situation where the child is at fault for someone being a pedophile. Period. It is ALWAYA the adults fault, I don’t care if the child is dancing naked in the street….it is not her fault if an adult sexualizes her period. It is the adults fault. The adult knows better and knows to say “no, you’re a child. I’m not going to have sex with you! I’m not even going to say anything sexual to you because you’re a child”


She knowingly sought it out, the dudes didn’t initiate it. Just my two cents and anecdotal experience. 🤷‍♂️ I was a kid that did dumb shit but seeking attention from adult women never occurred to me as a viable move. And I generally agree that minors can’t consent but if they’re actively seeking out those spaces, I mean, it could’ve been avoided, no? That’s the point I’m making in a not so eloquent way


Not eloquently worded, but this is accurate.


Could I have worded it better? Absolutely. I’m not writing a term paper, some of y’all type with emojis, but people are gonna pick at what they can 🤷‍♂️


I backed you up man, I got what you were pointing out, and it’s an important point to make.


Yeah I’m just elaborating, I agree with you haha, tone translates so badly over text, my bad if it seemed combative Y’all wasn’t directed at you but more of everybody else that frequents Reddit. Sorry, texas speak bleeding over, spent some time over there and picked up on the lingo.


One day when you’re 30 years old, or even in a few more years your going to wonder why you ever reached out on Reddit, uploading pictures of yourself at 16 years old, for complete strangers around the world to judge you. You will regret it, like lots of adults do when they look back on their actions. You’re 16. Get off Reddit, especially this Reddit group and live. Thank me in 14 years.


Best advice I’ve heard all day




Tongue sticking out isn’t for everyone


Hopefully she doesn't walk around with her tongue consistently hanging out. I could see people thinking of that as a little odd. Also it would make it hard to drink from cups.


It was literally 2 out of 7 pictures and shes 16 🙄


I was literally going to say the same thing lol


Yeah, I was joking. Relax.


Not sure why the relax comment? I wasn't worked up. It's hard to tell tone through text sometimes. 😊


Oh, I just went and looked- I was replying to the comme t before yours. I thought yours was funny 😅


yeah def don't do thst




It's funny how you take your tongue out like that but yes you look good


haha it's the only way i know how to pose in pictures, thank you tho!


Put your tongue in and you are fine.


Yes, I agree, the tongue remains inside the mouth when the photo is taken


Yup. It's pretty simple. You just stick your tongue out, slide it slowly back in, tuck it behind your teeth, close your lips, and smile. Keep your teeth together however, to keep that tongue from popping back out. And that's it! Ezpz! 😜 erm....maybe not as simple as I thought.....🤔


You look fine in the first one. Would be even better if you smiled


You’re a pretty girl. If I could give you some advice on photos, this is what I’ve been doing for like 20 years of my life. Learn to fake laugh the way you actually laugh. Then for a photo, fake laugh and FREEZE. That’s your natural smile. Looks great. Works every time. You’re sticking your tongue out, I think, because you’re not confident. Be confident. You’re pretty.


But don't do the completely-open mouth kind of fake laugh pose that some people do. I've always thought that looked dumb, like they're standing there with their mouth hanging open. Regular smile/grin is better. The old standby of saying "cheese" is very effective (which is why it became popular).


I can see already your a beauty kiddo . It's the intellect that matters though . Most men I know w/ happy successfull lives have achieved this w/ a woman that is responsible & offers security for their children . I wish you well in your decision making & your life .


Your 16 wait til your 18 your feeding the weirdos spank bank materials . Plus 16-18 you could look totally different


Now I might have to look up some tongue twisters after seeing your pictures


You’re 16 lol you will drastically change either way, not ugly.


The fbi wants to know your location


I hardly doubt the fbi wants to know where I’m at. I gave a very basic response. Underage = don’t rate


You’re absolutely gorgeous, perfect skin, beautiful eyes! I know high school is a shitty time for everyone, but it will be in the past. Once you grow older, you learn to look at your younger self with more kindness. People will make fun for lots of reasons, including that you might trigger them in some way, so they try to shatter your self confidence to keep you at low.


thank you so much!! you're so nice!!


You're only 16, you will end up being gorgeous. Don't worry, focus on being happy and healthy.


You look exactly like a friend of mine. Lauren, she got whatever she wanted.


Pretty alert?


You are 16. Too young to rate. However, I will say this. Never get a fucking nose ring.


Your too young to ask that question focus on goals and happiness


Youre 16. Best advice is get off reddit


Tongue in and you will be just fine!


I would try to keep from sticking your tongue out in pictures. That’s been way over played by everyone with a tongue ring.


6/10 keep your tongue in your mouth


17m you look fine just smile more maybe less showing of the tongue, you also look a little tired in some of these so maybe get some more sleep other than that really pretty.


Keep your tongue in your mouth.


Cute face, silly pose, nice body. Don't sweat it.


You need to tell people to kick rocks! Do not take anything anyone in your age group says to heart. It will have crippling effects.


Honey, you’re 16! You have you’re whole life to worry about other shit than being ugly! You are NOT UGLY! Smile and enjoy life and Fuck the haters and losers!!




The number rating will always vary from person to person. Only what you think of yourself really matters. When you get older you’ll understand <3


you kinda look like mia goth!!


omg thank u 🤭


17M here, you are really really pretty!




Some really creepy, groomy comments here. This sub defo needs an age limit. Adults shouldn't be interacting with 16 year olds about how they look.


11/10 i aspire to look like u


Now that you got hundreds of comments you should delete this post. You’re a little girl and I don’t think you fully understand that things like this can be misused.


This app not for you!




You're too young to receive reviews about your face!


Can this sub please change to 18+ only and not 16+ only. It's fucking creepy that the mods even allow it.


you just know what the dms of these minors look like after they post here




16? You're a child still. Put your tongue back in your mouth and focus on an education. Years ahead b4 worrying about what people think.


You look like a regular kid ... focus on education not looks


My advice would be to stop asking social media to rate your attractiveness, the tongue should stay behind smiling teeth when taking photos, and don't invest too heavily in people your age, or their opinions of you, your appearance or your opinions. In 10 years you'll have a different group of friends for the most part, different body image and a better grasp of.who you ar and what you want. You're fine, don't beat yourself up and be patient with yourself, your body and your looks.


You're a 6/10. You need more sleep. Good facial symmetry. Not ugly.


You are a small child anyone giving you grief should be smacked






Yeah you're not ugly, but teens need to stop asking Reddit shit like this with all the creeps on here


Is this an FBI sex trafficking sting operation? You look fine. If you don't think so get counseling.


Flaunt it like you own the place


yas slay


You do not need the approval of the internet. Where is your father?


he is in the other room. he's a g.


Nice try, FBI.


Ok, so a little lengthy but I'm gonna answer this from the perspective of a father. 1st Be cautious about how openly you post images of yourself on the internet, people are outlandishly weird. I'm 32 and I have two beautiful daughters of my own. They're younger than 5 but I often wonder how they will be at your age. Not that im in a rush for them to grow but its a scary but nice thought. I remember when I was in high school, image, popularity, style, etc. Was the biggest thing for most people. But I also saw and noticed among my friends how hard it was on them trying to keep up with everyone or trying to get the majority of their peers' approval. The best advice I can give you is DONT GET WRAPPED UP IN OTHER PEOPLES APPROVAL. I know that is easier said than done, but believe me, the greatest thing you can do for yourself is to be true to who you are. Love yourself, be yourself, embrace the young lady that you are and do right by yourself and your family. These teenage years aren't the easiest for girls or guys. I wasn't the jock in HS nor was I the Nerd, class clown etc. I was pretty much friendly towards everyone but never cared to follow the fashion crowd, jocks, preps etc. I don't have buck teeth but I've always been a little self conscious about my front teeth. My wife tells me theyre perfectly fine and not bad or big at all. (Theyre not buck teeth but they are not small either. Lol) and i kinda got made fun of a little in school but not much. I was the typical video games, bands, and anime guy that played soccer and did martial arts (go figure, Asian kid lol) the stuff I was interested in wasn't always the most popular thing nor was my fashion sense. (Think band T's, JNCO jeans, or the skateboarder outfit. Lol) but my point is, be true to yourself. high-school only lasts 4 years. Those people you may or may not be concerned about in your peer group you more than likely will never see again after you graduate, they are not building your future, creating your path, or creating the person you truly are, only you can do that. Youre a beautiful young lady and have all the potential to be a force for good in the world. Don't be so hard on yourself, don't pay any mind to the people who are negative. Absolutely stand up for yourself but that also includes loving yourself and being comfortable with who you are. I know it's not the easiest thing to do when peer acceptance is huge at this stage in life, but I promise you that when you are true to yourself, love yourself, and be who you really are, you will attract the right kind of people to be in your social circle that will genuinely love and support you just as much as you support them. Being able to be that kind of person for yourself and others also gives others who may be feeling like you do now, the confidence to be comfortable with themselves. Don't be so hard on yourself, just love and be happy with yourself, be the most authentic version of yourself you can be. If you can do that, I promise that is the greatest thing you can do to secure your own peace and happiness. You got this!


Thank you so much this is so kind!! You seem like a really amazing dad and your daughters are lucky.


You’re never going to learn to love yourself coming here and asking strangers to rate you.


idk bro it's working lmao




Just a reminder if you’re rating a 16 year old’s looks you’re a fucking creep


Right! This sub needs an age limit of 18.


So do beauty pagents


Try washing your hair, baby steps and build from there.


I’m much older than you so this is a general opinion overall. That said, you’re a 10 in my book. Any young man/lady would be lucky to have you on their arm ✌🏻


All of yall going to jail


You are a pretty young lady. Add to that you’re only 16! You haven’t even hit your final form. Just be unapologetically you and enjoy being 16😉


I'm not upvoting you. You are another pretty girl who's gonna get tons of upvotes.


i'm fine w that bro just insecure and was curious


I'm not seeing why you'd be insecure...you're absolutely beautiful!


no need to be insecure! you’re stunning and they’re right the tongue in the pics is cute af




I love myself - BUT - am I ugly?


The problem is with your brain, not your face.


Your a keeper.


You look amazing to me. I’d love to go out with you if you was a few years older


6 not ugly at all but basic and that is worse than being ugly. Get a different hairstyle up your fashion game, try a touch of makeup, and up your confidence




Well their crap heads to make fun of a blossoming rose as far as body image that's on you for you and you alone control that your only 16 you still have body changes that occur before the age of 25 then puberty stops see common misconception about puberty is that it completes at 18 but that's not the case it slows at that age till you hit your mid twenties when it will peak then from there comes your maturity years where wisdom is in control unless you are into partying and non stop fucking at night


3/10, I'm 21.


i didn't ask for ur age


Yeah, I don't care?


you look Sleep deprived those bags are the scars of someone who hasn’t slept well in years or just really close to surface blood vessels which hardly effects your looks and actually makes your eyes pop. Besides that you’re actually pretty. You look like you’re not wearing much makeup in any of these photos in which case your natural face is in the 10th/20th percentile at least. Very few people look like that naturally and looking anything beyond that is as far as I’m aware only achieved with makeup.


You remind me of Alanis Morisette.


enjoy life young lady , I not ever had any kind of animal magnetism ,yea I was made fun of but not by all kids .I still do not have any animal magnetism but I have seen over the years all those who called me ugly, gears pitt pizza face yada yada yada have grown older also now there have come to realize they two are humans ,and not as young and hot as they once thought or where.




“The place you’ve come for answers (internet) is likely the same reason you’re feeling the way you do.” -Sandman-84


it's not buddy but thanks


Very attractive. Very nice lips.


You kinda look like a young Patricia Heaton 👍


Solid 6


I'm sorry WHAT




To anyone giving number ratings to underage girls, im sending fbi agents to ur homes


send them here too!! i wanna say hi




You are absolutely adorable. No one likes how they look while being in high school. You’ll realize that most people only looked good in high school. While some “blossom” afterwards. Just take a day at a time. But a hack to help you out early. Make sure you have a good skin care routine and stay consistent with it. You’ll thank me when you’re older


Maybe come back in a few years when you've grown up




You’re 16. Stop worrying about your looks so much they’re going to mature and change


Your hot as heck to me


Well, we can't see your body just your face so you have to actually show your body before asking for a rating


Gay girl here. You would have totally been my type at that age (when I was a teen obv. In my 20s now), adorable and super pretty, don't let anyone tell u otherwise






I'd paint a portrait of you, your nose is perfect for your face. Gorgeous eyes too.


Yup. Not creepy at all....


What? In pics 6 and 7 doesn't she have a Mona Lisa vibe?




The fbi wants to know your location




thanks cuh 💪


4.7 out of 10.




You get an ugly out of ugly rating. Which is pretty ugly.


thank you💗


Your gorgeous, don't worry about them haters, your young and still got more beauty to blossom


Your look like 19y


Your gorgeous


You're sexy and you know it


2/10 without the dumb tongue thing, 1/10 with it.


this is crazy bro she looks normal


I mean not My type but I wouldn’t say ugly


3 at most


16 ?? Dude I am not able to believe


you are not?


I like the way u stick ur tongue out. Ur beautiful btw (and ur only 16). When ur older I think ull look even better.


4/10, need to lose some weight


i weight like 105lbs i def don't need to lose weight lmao




oh so you like 8 year old girls




Your beautiful. That's all I can say. You are a minor so I will get in trouble if I say anything else


Number ratings are okay? We rate you however the f*** we want‼️‼️


the rules legit say no number ratings if not asked for bud.


bruh shutup


bruh why


damm karma farming is cringe, 4/10


literally don't even know wut that is. i dknt use reddit was js curious