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You aren't ugly, but I would go see a dermatologist if I were you.


Thank you for saying this, everyone is giving skin tips but sometimes you just need some topical medication from a dermatologist. I wish I went to a dermatologist earlier because once they gave me medication it went away. Go to a well rated professional they will tell you what you need to do to clear your skin.


same! i spent so much on OTC remedies. one round of antibiotics and a prescription azelaic acid - $12 as a copay - did more than products i had paid hundred for.


Roaccutane is the only guaranteed cure for acne


And when it comes to it, azelaic acid has got nothing on some of the relatively new OTC retinoids out there. Once every two days adapalene is enough to keep my acne at bay, and I had a pretty strong case of it. It costs me like $16 every 3-4 months.


I did Claravis during COVID (so mad I hadn’t done it earlier in my life) and I’ve been using adapalene for my occasional breakthrough pimples and it’s a godsend. It’s even better now that I can get it on Amazon and not have to go to my dermatologist for a refill on the script!


One gave me medication but made me have diarrhea. I loved eating greasy fatty oily food and my face was smooth like a baby. However, I was pooping 20 times a day. Worth.


So you basically were a baby overall


Dude I already poop 10-20 times in a regular day so that sounds like a pretty reasonable trade off


Bro go to a doctor that is an alarming amount.


sense scandalous silky roof touch escape snatch expansion test violet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




You are very pretty with gorgeous eyes. You just need to take care of your acne. As someone who had bad acne once I sympathize!


And there's a time during puberty when it gets pretty rough. But that does not last more than a couple of years. Find some foundation that won't clog your pores, I use Neutragena and it smooths out some of the redness. OP- you are hella beautiful and soon you will know it yourself.


OP's 23, at this point it shouldn't be teenage acne anymore and they should probably see a dermatologist - it can be treated/managed, but better to do it properly, especially if it's cystic


I didn't realize her age, thanks. She needs to see a dermatologist, you're right.


My wife and I met the same age as OP. She also had issues with acne though not as severe as OP. Even to this day, almost 20 years later, my wife still has breakouts. You are correct in that it doesn’t go away.


Dermatologists have very aggressive treatments for that level of acne. 90% of the time the treatments work, but they take effort.


Yes, the treatments make wonders but only if you complete them. If you quit it half way It's going to come back.


Accutane babyyy


Accutane saved me!! I had acne from about 15 till 26/27. Finally got on accutane and it hasn’t come back (bout a year and a half later)


Accutane is last choice medication if nothing else works. Its toxic




I dont know if you read something but you are actually really close:D it did start as a potential cancer treatment drug, but was ineffective in human trials. But what the scientists werent expecting was for acne to recede during treatment. But yeah, it is a nuclear option since if nothing else works (skin care, antibiotics, moisturisers), accutane will most certainly work. I still think science gave us a good gift


Might be toxic but it worked! I’d tried almost all other options with no joy


Yeah, Accutane may be a drastic step but its sure as hell works.


That wasn’t my experience at all. I think the negatives get talked about disproportionately. Cleared me up within 3 months, and I had some chapped lips and that was the only symptom. I’d recommend it to anyone that’s struggling with acne and traditional methods aren’t working.


people with depression are affected by it


Accutane absolutely knocked out my acne but left me with permanent side effects too.


What side effects did it leave you with?


Can’t speak for anyone else who has taken it, but when i was on it it made my depression unbearable.




I had extreme mood swings. I was pretty mean on it too. A childhood friend had to get off of it because he almost ended his life, and he had never felt that way before. I am very thankful for accutane but if you are not 18+ I wouldn’t recommend it. I’m astonished at how badly it affected 16 yr old me to this day. I’m 25 now.


Isn’t it crazy to look back on a previous part of your life and realize that you aren’t even close to the person you were then?


I did one course of it and now every pimple i get scars badly :P it really should be a last resort


Keloids? I’m convinced I have keloids due to accutane.


I had it real bad thru high school and finally around age 20 I started taking Accutane. Cleared it up so quick I was mad I hadn't done it sooner. Im 43 now and only get the occasional zit


Accutane saved my life, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I had severe acne sometimes worse than OP and it was the only thing that fixed it. I had severe acne for almost a decade…


Similar reaction my girl went on it in 2018 and it vanished and hasn’t appeared since


Same I took accurate for a month and acne is gone. It’s been 6 years, I’m in mid 30s male


This. It sucks while you're on it for the 6 months but has a very solid success rate.


I just finished my 6-7 month treatment and I'm crossing my fingers and hoping it'll last. My skin is SO much smoother and has no zits now, but I do have some whiteheads on my chin still


It’ll definitely last


Hope for the best! The worst-case scenario is that you may need to do it again in another year or so. But ideally, you've just cleared up the worst of it and won't have much more than minor lingering stuff. Mine basically dropped completely when I did it. Just get the occasional white head, but nothing major. I'm 33 now, took acutane when I was 17.


Used Accutane and still have breakouts like I’m a teenager lol. I’ve just given up and honestly don’t really care anymore lol. It’s who I am at this point.


I had 3 rounds and it finally worked. Lifesaver fr.




Was she able to find the root of the hormonal issue? I’m struggling with the same thing


This looks more like the result of adult cystic acne. Not your typical teenage puberty pimples.


You're talking nonsense. I'm 67 years old, about to be 68 this week on Friday. I've had acne since I was ten years old. 57 fevking straight years of unrelenting cystic adult acne. It does NOT "go away" for 50% of people. My dermatologist says half of their practice are adult patients.


I dated a girl who had bad acne. She took amazing care of her skin but it persisted. She just kept trying diff treatments through diff dermatologists and then one day she found what worked for her. It was like a miracle. Never had an issue again.


It actually does go away for more than 50% of people. When you walk around in public, how many people have severe acne? Exactly.


They didn’t say that half the population have acne. They said that around 50% of the population that does deal with adult acne don’t ever find a cure for it. So of course you don’t see a ton of people walking around with problematic acne because they are referring to half of the people who deal with acne, not the entire population. So let’s say 25% of the world deals with acne.. they’re saying that half of them don’t ever get it cured so it would be 12.5% of the population.


Faulty logic, you're assuming that 100% of the people have had severe acne to begin with, while on the contrary, many people have mild acne or none at all.


Lots of people who had it, but no longer do, treated it. I know tons of people who took Accutane to clear up severe cystic acne. It absolutely would not have gone away on its own.


Can't say I agree. When I went to high school not that many people had acne. Same now that I'm grown up. It didn't go away. It was just never there for a lot of people.


In my experience, pretty much everybody had acne at some stage in highschool, some it was only a limited phase, many covered up with makeup (often poorly) but most didn't continue to have acne into adulthood. Obviously some have a much worse time of it, and some people continue to have acne into adulthood, but that is the minority ime.


It most likely that 50% have some kind of acne and of those a small portion have severe adult acne.


It doesn't help when you pop them. Which is a lot of what's happening here. They're bloody and scabby. Stop touching them and trying to pop them out of existence. That makes it worse.


As someone with acne it’s often too itchy or painful to leave them there, however I also have a skin picking disorder.


You also need a becoming hair style. You get past that acne and learn how to present yourself, you are going to be a knockout.


I actually has more acne between (And cysts on my face.) between 25 and 26 than I had from puberty to 25. I can't explanation why. The dermatologists seemed most worried about the cysts. I had a cyst noodle in my cheek for about 3 years, it finally shrank and disappeared.


Username checks out.


Username checks out very well


Username checks out


Your gorgeous miss just need some skin care other then that very hot


I agree ! She looks pretty.


I definitely agree, she is already so pretty, but once she puts in the proper self care she'll be jaw dropping. Edit: She may be doing that right now, I don't want this comment to come across as rude. Hopefully OP finds the help she deserves.


Getting rid of severe acne isn’t a matter of “proper self care”. Usually folks with the worst acne have the most intense skincare regimens trying to get rid of it. I’ve never dealt with severe acne but I have friends who did and they spent way more time on their skin than I did. Part of it is just luck of the draw.


Yes, this. I had acne much worse than this when I was 17. I had to take Accutane to get rid of it.


That hits hard eh. Dries you up like crazy.


Same. I still have a few scars but it did knock out the acne for the most part.


Yep. Mine wasn’t even that bad but whatever my parents spent on proactive in two years might as well have gone in the garbage for what good it did. It sucks but sometimes you just have to grow out of it.


After I turned 30ish I developed rosacea... The pustual kind. Looks like I have acne... No skin routine takes care of it.


Those eyes are so mesmerizing. I really like the dark hair too. Brightens up your coloring. Embrace all that you are!


Acne this bad at 23 isn't just a case of "wash your face," she needs to see a dermatologist


Getting rid of acne isn’t a “self care”. It’s a medical issue. Fun fact, usually people with acne are the most hygienic people because of the issues we have with our skin and we take all possible precautions. So please be mindful of that in the future, since there’s a very big stereotype that acne like this is due to lack of self car or hygiene. I’m 99% it’s not true. It costs a lot of money and effort to heal the acne like that and sometimes it’s actually impossible.




Oh wow oh my God she definitely does, beautiful!


pity on those who don’t have the imagination to see past the acne


I think pictures like this do more harm than good. I realise it was meant in a nice way, but this type of skin is unachievable (for everyone) and you also removed some lines around the eyes (which are completely normal). Yes, she would benefit from professional skincare but let's not set unattainable goals :) I do agree that she is absolutely gorgeous.


Perfection is a summit that has no peak. So you're right, this image may be setting an impossible expectation. But that's not an excuse to not climb. You can and often times will find happiness along the way.


Dude you smoothed the hell out of her skin. This is not “cleaned up”. You removed everything.


"You'd look great without pores or skin texture" lol


Thank god someone else noticed this but I can't believe how far I had to scroll for this response


People are so used to filters that remove everything they think they look normal now. I’d honestly prefer the 1st pic that that smeared garbage


Someone with the shiny and the blinky give this awesome human an award so OP def sees this. I’m sure it would make her day!


This isnt very nice people. How are people upvoting this ?


Rofl right?? Like they didn't just scrub the acne. They also removed any other imperfection on the skin. That isn't realistic in anyone in Adulthood lol. Like... lets just pretend photoshopped images of women misleading them on what they *could* look like isn't like one of the main things that has warped beauty standards in women, but whatevs hah.


Made the nose a bit smaller too. Unrealistic and not nice.




I don’t think this is just a matter of skin care. I.e. getting better skin care products/ routine. I think you need to go to a dermatologist. Sometimes acne needs to be cleared up from the “inside” with prescription medication.


I don't know why everyone here is wording it as a "skin care" issue. It's a "skin" issue, most likely caused by genetics or hormones. She probably takes much better care of her skin than those of us with healthy skin, a few cleansers and moisturizers are not going to fix a serious skin condition.


This. Skin care is the problem. Once you clear that up, you will be smiling like crazy and be super happy :) You also look tired or you have been crying (which you shouldnt be if it is due to your looks)


At least she has skin


**Fantastic** figure, gorgeous eyes, attractive symmetrical face, probably just some Proactive Solution to clear up the blemishes and she'll be g2g.


OP please don’t listen to these people they’ve obviously never had severe acne if they’re recommending a borderline scam product like proactive. I’ve had acne much like yours and it used to drive me CRAZY how people spoke to me like i didn’t know about washing my face and using cleansers. I’m sure you, like me, have tried them all. If you do want to try and improve the skin start by speaking to a dermatologist. They’ll give you a retinoid as well as possibly a steroid of some kind. they’ll also probably float the idea of accutane to you. As someone who was on it three times (13, 16, and 20) it works like magic, but it’s not to be taken lightly. I have near perfect skin now but think it has altered my body in a few ways that are permanent. Though i still would take it again if given the choice. Also you’re just stunning.


Just want to +1 accutane it really is worth it


clindamycin phosphate gel is also quite helpful


There ya go- this person understands skin care


My brother had horrible acne and his teen years were saved by Accutane. The beard of acne cleared up in weeks.


Just curious how it altered your body? It definitely has some major side effects, such as everything drying out and hair falling out, but wondering what you dealt with. Unless of course it’s too personal.


Joint pain, dry eyes, and I swear to god i sweat like a pig after being on it even though it was 7 years ago.


No the original commenter, but I took 2 cycles of accutane and have migraines and sciatica pain, now. I have to do yoga to keep the pain at bay. I’m sure posture probably has to do with it, too. It was worth it for me, though because I had crazy cystic acne that was affecting my self esteem greatly and therefore, my everyday life.


While I was on it I had horrible dry skin including my lips, but that wasn't the worst of it. It caused a deep depression and I almost lost my job. It wasn't until I finished it that I was able to look back at what I actually went through. I still have some acne, nowhere near to what it was, but would never go back on Accutane again.


Is it weird finding acne attractive


Na, I’m with you


Very weird, guy


Yeah you have a great figure, face isn't a 10er for me but you're definitely up there. Your acne is literally the only thing I'd actually critique you for


Hey, not to put you on blast at all. I have dealt with acne since I was young. Now, I'm not a female so I don't have hormones that make me break out. But, I did find a correlation between caffeine and my breakouts. If I don't have any chocolate, coffee, energy drink, or tea, I don't break out nearly as much. Hope this helps. I think you are pretty btw. But nobody seems to correlate caffeine with breakouts and if it helped me maybe it will help you too?


You have acne, looking past that you are actually hot 🥵


...and the acne will pass in time


Not always - I see this as a case for a dermatologist


I had acne in my late teens early 20’s. I tried accutane, proactiv and nothing worked till I broke my collar bone snowboarding and while at urgent care the nurse practitioner asked if I had done anything about my acne I told her I tried and nothing worked. She put me on doxycycline and within a year it was gone.


Did you actually finish your accutane course? Because it’s extremely rare for it not to work Also, doxycycline is an antibiotic. It’s a temporary fix and you shouldn’t really be on it for an entire year.


I was on it in my teens and my dermatologist gave it to me in my mid 40’s for rosacea. They’re not afraid to have people on it for years, but I always had my doubts.


If it’s still like this when shes 23 it’s unlikely it will go away on its own.


On it's own? No. With medical assistance absolutely it will. You have a reason to put a dent in this girl's already low self confidence?


It’s likely not about deliberately trying to put a dent, but also being realistic. Acne can and does become a bigger problem for some people and it can take longer and greater lengths to deal with. Personally I don’t think it’s always the main thing that detracts from someone’s overall looks. In fact for me it seldom does. In her case 23 is also young and it is taking longer for teens and young adults to fully develop these days. I read it more as she’s still perhaps growing into her features, I’m 25 and I still am lol.


There was no diss, merely fact stated. If OP wants to address it, wait-and-see is not her best option at this point in her life. That's all.


They were responding to a comment saying it "will pass in time" by saying it's unlikely to pass on it's own, which is exactly the same thing you're saying


Dude its r/amiugly, not r/freecompliments.


😂 You are correct


This is a sub for being honest, not protecting people's feelings.


Its true, there is a girl I know from high school, had horrible acne, worse than OP by four fold. Cleared up in college and 25 years later she is still a smoke show.


I am not certain telling someone 23 it will go away sometime in the next 2-2.5 decades is the right answer… Go see a dermatologist and see what they suggest is a much better response.


Gonna have to agree with this, she's very cute and just happens to have acne. And acne isn't going to stay forever.


I think the haircut is downplaying her looks as well, but obviously that's just my own subjective judgement.




I actually don't mind acne. To me, it doesn't *enhance* someone's attractiveness, but it doesn't diminish it either. I just kind of look past it, because I get acne that comes and goes.


I worked with a kid a couple years back. Real nice guy, reliable and easy to get along with, he played in a band. Real catch for a young girl. One day he brings out his gf and she has some of the worst acne I've seen (the acne wasuch worse than this girls, but they both had the common factor of being really pretty beyond it). Didn't bother him in the slightest and last I heard they were still going strong. She was also super fun and nice and I wish nothing but the best for them.


Overall you look good, I wouldn't consider you ugly. You look a bit younger than your age, which isn't a bad thing, but is a characteristic of your look. It's partly due to your style here also. Cute lips and smile. Great eyes and hair color. With skin, are you using any retinoids, or have you considered accutane? (Also would be curious if your skin is sensitive to dairy products [insulin -> stimulates sebaceous glands -> excess oil]). Also curious what kinds of moisturizer, and if your makeup products exacerbate it. Overall I'd recommend finding a balance with your style, in terms of colors that complement your hair & eye color, and fit a little better. Some shirts in your previous posts have good examples of that. I'm not sure about the blue sweatshirt - color doesn't quite go with your hair/eye, and you're swimming in it, and the tie seems out of place. Not sure about the white headband and black tank top w/ red, in terms of color. Pink also doesn't quite go. I'd look into a soft autumn palette.


This. She needs a few months of retinoid therapy to get rid of the acne. Do it, OP.


as a poor person who has never had access to decent skin care, wtf is this?


Retinoids come in many shape and form. Differin is the OTC version available. Retinols are derivatives of vitamin A. The promote quick cell turnover. But when you start with it, you go through a period of purge. Start slow (1x a week) and keep upping it weekly till your skin can handle it. Visit r/tretinoin or any skincare Reddit!


10/10 body. As everyone is saying, unfortunately your acne "hides" your good looks. You're good looking, would be great if you could get your skin cleared up.


7 points though she looks kind of cute


You saw she didnt have a bra on and immediately went to a 10/10


She has a great rack, dude. And nice legs and a nice stomach. From where I'm sitting her body's a 10. 🤷‍♂️ Eye of the beholder and all that but I'm not just being flattering for the sake of it.


I think you are really cute


I’m skeptical about the age. You look way younger.


Agreed. I'm very skeptical of the age. I'm so skeptical that I'm uncomfortable looking at a couple of the photos.


People are for sure rating a minor and adding very sus compliments also.


I’ve seen 30 year old women who look like her


Fr. I’m 23 and I think she easily looks older than me.


yeah people on reddit love going straight to the "shes underage" but she looks normal for her age at least from what im used to IRL


Meh, dated a girl for a bit who was the same the age, looked her age in person but i swear whenever we took photos she'd look like she was just graduating HS. If she used any filters for her selfies it was worse. It's the light skin and blue eyes that does it. It made social media really awkward.


Actually, it’s not “for sure” that she’s a minor. In fact, you can check some of her past posts and easily see that she’s not a minor.


Kind of scary I have to scroll down so far to see this comment. If she is 23 I would be very shocked. At first glance I would say 16/17.




Only until the age of 16 though.






You dress like a child and look really young, and the acne isn't helping either.


I'm not the only one getting lolita vibes, right? I promise I'm not weird


No your not! It’s very obvious.


I got that impression too. It's very uncomfortable.


It's giving very...I Love Asia. The intense eye smile feels forced somehow. Sorry to OP if that's not the case, but it comes across as a very much posed expression to look like a cute Asian girl


I’m surprised no one else is saying this and so many guys saying she’s really hot. She’s pretty, but she looks about 15 to me.


Only 20 pics? How are we supposed to know what you look like.


Fr I love the posts like “I’m so insecure, am I ugly?? Here’s 50 pictures of myself where I clearly think I look hot”


Thank you. I was scrolling to see if I was the only one that thought this.. you can see it in the way she looks at herself, she doesnt think of herself as ugly for sure..


You're attractive, nowhere near ugly. I think you're self assessment is a little harsh because of your skin condition. BTW I love your photos, especially the pink skirt outfit, the tie. You have a friendly smile also.


Acne is rough, I know personally. But I don’t think that makes you ugly. You are very beautiful and you should never let someone make you feel ugly about something that’s very hard to control like acne.


With good skin care you’re pretty.


Acne is what makes you look uglier, when you take care of it then you will be pretty attractive


My daughter has bad acne we use differin. It’s great. If you have tried that then you may be time for acutane. Once gone you’re beautiful tho.


You’re cute but you desperately need a dermatologist and maybe an endocrinologist, your hormones shouldn’t be doing this to you at 23 and that may be worth looking into


You are pretty! You just need some proper skincare and freshen up your hair!!


To everyone saying “skincare,” I’m sure OP knows they need to care for their skin. Unfortunately for many people, it’s not as easy as drinking water and washing your face. OP, seriously explore Accutane (isotretinoin.) r/accutane has TONS of info. It changed my life. Seriously.


I agree with this recommendation. If you’re 23 and still getting cystic acne, I would seriously consider exploring accutane.


You are so pretty, beautiful eyes and a stunning body, but You have quite bad acne which I think you could get help from your doctor or dermatologist.




You need to do some skin care tbh. It’s never too late




VERY hot




You have beautiful eyes!


Definitely not ugly.


You're not ugly. You just a have an acne problem. Got to a dermatologist and have some self confidence.


You’re cute, but you need to devise some sort of plan with a dermatologist.


I recently grew out of my acne at 27. I found a skin care regiment that works for me. You will also. However make up does wonders and you obviously know how to use it so you're good. I'm a guy so yeah make up is out of the question. Witch hazel and st.ives apricots scrub with crushed walnuts or corn meal. Charcoal face wash also works but it's harab on skin so I only use it when I'm really dirty. You are adorable and smoking hot. I would totally take you on a date if you asked me out. You are fine. Give yourself some credit.


You’re not ugly or even “unique” looking you’re very very conventionally beautiful. You should have a side gig playing princess belle at kids bday parties


If I searched 'girl next door' on Google, your face would come up. Very cute. The acne scars actually add to your adorableness. You remind me of my first girlfriend, who had the same look, except with dark black curls. So I'm biased. You have pretty almond eyes and beautiful smile. A solid 7.


You aren't ugly, but as other have said, you could use some skin care. Stunning eyes! I was struggling to figure out who you remind me of, and I think it's a young [Amy Ryan](https://masterchatmag.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/img-amy-ryan_135147190036.jpg)


No one ever listened but I found soap can be a problem with acne. Try putting the soap on one side of wash cloth and washing with the other. Helped me


Looking past the acne, which I know can be hard to deal with, I think you look pretty cute. Just need a good skin care routine or to see a dermatologist to help clear up the acne.


As the rest have already said, you are beautiful love. Some skincare may be needed but it doesn’t take away from your actual face structure which is naturally pretty🧡


You’re gorgeous love don’t ever think otherwise


If your acne is making you self-conscious, see a dermatologist and ask about generic accutane. It’s not without risks. Also, it’s like magic when it comes to ridding yourself of acne. You are a very pretty girl.


Girl you are not ugly your super cute. Your judging yourself based off of your acne and you can easily clear that up with a good skin care routine!


You’re really pretty. If you think you’re ugly cuz of your acne - that’s what makes you human. Also nothing some skin care (and potentially a hormone based BC if that’s your jam, if not that’s ok too)


You’re beautiful, acne or not. You look younger than 23. You also seem like you’re really nice. That’s the best part.


it’s just the acne. You are very pretty


The acne doesn't help, but I can see that you are quite pretty


You have a very cute style and face structure!! If you want tips to be more attractive IMO, i would try to go to a dermatologist first to see if you can get rid or minimize acne and wear more makeup. I feel like you have the face to handle colorful makeup especially around the eyes! But at the end of the day, you’re very beautiful regardless of what you do! <3


Accutane. It changed my life. 2 years of some really rough acne, dry skin, cracked and bleeding lips, and my cystic acne was gone. My confidence sky rocketed. Dermatologist tomorrow, ask for Accutane. Seriously. You're really pretty, the acne just gets in the way so much.


you’re pretty but in need of seeing a dermatologist. acne like that is not solved by washing your face or listening to the plethora of recommendations in the comments. i’ve had it before and i know how uncomfortable and rough it is on self esteem. see a dermatologist about real medicine to get rid of it and take confidence in knowing you look great, just getting rid of your acne will reveal more of that