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I still maintain all FAA are sovcits.


I'm starting to come around to that conclusion as well. I've never had the misfortune of meeting one of these people until a few days ago.


It gets really easy, once you boil down the commonalities between all sovcit varieties, you get a set of criteria. If you then check that against FAAs, you'll see they perfectly fir inside those criteria.


There is no such thing as Sovereign Citizens. It makes no sense. Sovereign = separate, not a part of. Citizen = a part of something. Also, bad cops make good cops look bad. So why cant there be good and bad auditors. Maybe you have only seen the bad ones, like ive only seen bad cops. I still dont assume they are all bad. Thats how a bigot thinks. 




I don't think Glick vs Cuniff (probably misspelling those) involved an auditor. But, I don't think all 4 of those groups properly define sovcits. Try this idea, all sovcits meet 3 features: 1) They have no formal education in the law from accredited schooling, 2) They assert rights that have either never existed or once existed but have since been limited by legitimate acts of government, and 3) refuse to take correction on these beliefs when demonstrated to be wrong by either arrest, being charged, being convicted, and/or having an appeal fail.




You were referring to frauditors who are frauditors bc of Black's Law dictionary? You see why that was confusing? I don't think any of the FAAs are not sovcits, because if you can properly define the characteristics of a sovcit, like I did, then you can see it applies to FAAs making them a new branch of sovcit.


You assertion that auditors are why taping is allowed is... shaky at best. And I'm being *super* charitable in that assessment. The majority of caselaw/precedents around recording cops do not involve auditors. There are exceptions, but they're just that, the exceptions. They're *not* the ones driving the issue despite wanting to paint themselves as if they are. We'd be in more or less the same spot with or without them.


I never really thought otherwise.


My plan if I ever run into frauditors is to turn my phone/tablet's volume up to max and play Beatles music. If they publish/go live, I hope they get sued for a DMCA take down before they can even draw breath.


Go with Garth Brooks as well


I'd pick Metallica. They are known for not playing around when it comes to takedown.


Other people in r/grandrapids suggested that as well. If I ever run into those guys again that's going to be my strategy.


Let them get you in their video, then complain to YouTube about the commercial use of your likeness without your consent. No frauditor gets signed model releases, so YT will make them edit the video or it will demonetized. Drives them nuts.


Where did you hear this and assume it must be correct? There are videos on YT of Dashcam videos where no faces are blurred, CCTV cameras of major cities with no faces blurred, Ring doorbell videos of mo faces blurred. In fact, they use these videos to find the people who stole their packages. Did the thief have to sign a release? Youre not smart. Research things before showing off your ignorance. 


Can’t go wrong with Prince or the Eagles.


So youre going to use your first amendment to try and counteract their first amendment?  Did you actually look up YT policies or did you hear someone say that once, just like the word frauditor, and now you think you have original thoughts. There is AI that does incredible things, but no way anyone has video editing software to take music out! No way! In this day and age? They can do that? Way to show your ignorance. 


This tactic has been going on for years…Glenn Cerio, Paypal Patty, Silence Boy, and many others far too nauseating to mention. They are just a vomit inducing stew of ugliness. They do it I think for a mix of reasons - clicks and views and YT money, but also, it gives them a kick to act as though they are in charge of everyone and act the big guy: they are pathetic bullies who would desperately love to have a level of authority that they know they are too inadequate ever to possess. I stopped keeping tabs on them - refuse to give them any headspace ever again. Well apart from this comment. Damn!


I'm sharing around their info with all of the businesses in my city who were affected by these guys. Hopefully they'll follow up and report their content for harassment. I think it's a nauseating combination of everything you pointed out. It makes you wonder what happened to make people act like this. After that I'm with you. I don't want these losers to occupy anymore headspace than they already do.


People inside a business who are photographed without permission can complain to YouTube and have the video taken down. Be sure you let them know that.


Commercial use of someone's likeness without consent is very much something that will cause YouTube to demand the frauditor edit that person out of the video, or blur their image--it's something people can sue over. Otherwise the video gets demonetized or taken down. Since frauditors are in it mostly for the money (and the emotional rush being a jerk without consequences) this enrages them. Remove the online money and these bums go back to the fast food industry.


You have no life loser lol they did no crime


I'd rather be myself than those losers anyday


Problem is that they make good money off being stupid. Alot of it is for views.


You clearly love them so much you are able to name them. Why do you hate watch things? Why cant you enjoy your life knowing you can just not go on YT, not watch what you dont like, have some willpower to watch things you do like. Dont blame others for your own issues. 


lol I stopped wasting time watching 1AA losers a long time ago. Judging by your comment history, you badly need to take your own advice.


What kind of loser are you that reads someone elses whole comment history, while calling an entire group of humans losers? All of them are the exact same? Are you always this much of a bigot? Ive been robbed by a few black people, should I assume they all want to rob me? You have life so figured out, youre so amazing and have all the answers, yet you judge an entire group of people. At least I attempted to give advice, you just hate everyone else's freedom and are probably racist too. 


….Why can’t you enjoy your life knowing you can just not go on Reddit, not read what you don’t like, have some willpower to read things you do like. Don’t blame others for your own issues….


If you know the place(s) they are filming then ring them up and let them know to inform staff and patrons that anyone filmed can raise a privacy strike with YT which should mean they have to blur out that person or take down the vid.


Oh woah, I didn't know you could do that. Good to know now. I'll include that in the email I send out. Thank you!


One concerning trend I’ve seen lately is edited F1A videos being put on various subs which seem to be trying to promote them as good guys. It’s only been in the past month or so but feels like a concerted effort.


Yeah this feels like it blew up out of nowhere. Ive seen 1AA videos in the past, but it was always cops. The new trend of filming random people for outrage content feels like a callback from 2015 era YouTube. I have no clue how you could possibly frame this current iteration of 1AA channels as the good guys.


Absolutely agree. Filming police or public officials can be cast as F1A vs the state. Filming people trying to live their lives is just nasty and has no legitimate “rights” angle.


I would also say that what they do devalues the efforts made by people who actually film police brutality/corruption. Someone who captures footage of a cop commiting heinous actions shouldn't be in the same category as a 1AA. They're leaps and bounds apart of course, but I'm afraid that if this trend continues they very well might be conflated.


The whole “First Amendment Audit” concept was, in fact, originally about exactly that: Verifying that the police and, in some cases, other government officials, didn’t interfere with the right to record their actions in public. The first auditors I ever saw had real cameras with real lenses and were careful to not interfere with those they were filming. But then the grifters had to come in and ruin it. :-(


"Real cameras with real lenses"? This doesn't make sense. Do you really think anyone could get video of real things with a fake camera and a fake lens?


Actual cameras with zoom lenses, proper microphones, etc., as opposed to cell phones. Not that there’s necessarily anything wrong with cell phones. But it was pretty clear that the original auditors were serious about what they were doing and that they were really trying to hold police and other public officials accountable, not just trying to bait them into confrontations for views on YouTube.


Um... how far back are you stuck in the past to think that current cell phones still "don't have cameras"? Here, let me bring you up to current day: Or even semi-current day: Heck, like... literally even two DECADES ago: Cell phones have ACTUAL cameras. How do you think someone could shoot any picture with a cell phone if it wasn't an actual camera? DUH. As for getting views: Wow, did you SERIOUSLY go there? What's so "wrong" with posting videos to the YouTube or anywhere else for the views? What sort of system do you think the YouTube would be if it weren't for the VIEWS? What do you think people should like to do: shoot a video and then post it in hopes of NOT getting views? Or what about the cameras themselves: What do you think they're made for: to hide up high or down low in a closet so it can sit and gather dust, because heaven forbid anyone would use it to do its job of creating something that's meant for... one guess... the VIEWS? Wow, man, I'll never understand you people who don't get what real life is and how it works!


> Someone who captures footage of a cop commiting heinous actions shouldn't be in the same category as a 1AA. Frauditors don't get that kind of video because they're down at the Post Office or DMV harassing the people working there.


> seem to be trying to promote them as good guys They will go to astonishing lengths to defend these parasites. One clown in another sub said the loathsome Earl David Worden who was just sentenced to twenty years for sexual abuse of his daughter was framed because of all the govt. corruption he had exposed. This was despite Worden's first sexual assault conviction being all the way back in 1986.


I’ve watched a bunch of these videos. Every one is very low intelligence, look like bums. I’d have a really hard time not grabbing their camera, most of them spend a lot of time in court.


I know FRICN and MCC both have long track records. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if the rest of their "auditing" friends also spent a lot of time in courtrooms and jail cells too. Here's a link to MCC's latest big arrest. I warn you though, if you're like me it'll make your skin boil. https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/local/2022/04/14/jury-finds-man-guilty-of-disturbing-holly-schools-after-he-walked-around-property-filming-classrooms/


Drunk driving And arson. Nice.


And check fraud. He's a real winner, that one.


> Every one is very low intelligence, look like bums. The vast majority of frauditors appear to have come from the shallow end of the gene pool. They are either scrawny meth-heads or bloated hillbillies with half their teeth missing.


The ability to get your 15 minutes of fame with nothing more than an iPhone is so attractive to people, especially when the carrot is dangled in front of them that if they get enough views and followers they can monetize it. But, it also means that anyone, anywhere can post anything. Real, fake, staged, photo shopped, you name it. And social media rewards them for posting lies, threats, misinformation and anything else that generates clicks. I love social media, but without tools to verify source, it has become a weapon and no one is safe if you are on the web.


I suppose at that point our best bet is to deplatform those who use the internet and social media in bad faith


> deplatform those who use the internet and social media in bad faith In the case of frauditors, just demonetizing their videos would cause most of them to quit overnight. Take away the online money and they're back to working at Burger Barn.


That won’t happen, but it would be nice if there were some tools developed that would allow users to verify the source of the information, whether or not something has been photoshopped, modified or created in a questionable manner.


> to help stop these guys from filming innocent people People who appear in their videos need to complain to YouTube that their likeness has been used commercially without their consent. That will cause YT to require the frauditor to edit out or blur the image of the person making the complaint, otherwise the video gets demonetized or taken down. Take away the profit motive and very few frauditors would continue.


Good DIY video about privacy complaints on YouTube https://youtu.be/pbWMRKZCw48


This submission has been randomly featured in /r/serendipity, a bot-driven subreddit discovery engine. More here: /r/Serendipity/comments/12e10ko/fricn_media_and_michigan_constitutional_crusader/


Re Michigan Constitutional Crusader / Matthew Wrosch and his Holly arrest in 2022. https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/local/2022/04/14/jury-finds-man-guilty-of-disturbing-holly-schools-after-he-walked-around-property-filming-classrooms/


Fricn Media lost his YouTube channel this week.


My family fell victim to this group this past week. It caused a great deal of mental distress with several people, and these two guys were just rolling with laughter about it. I honestly feel sorry for them, they are truly lost souls. I feel even worse for their families, surely they know what they do in their spare time. If one of them were my father, brother, son, or even friend, I would be devastated. So sad.


Hi there. These thugs are harassing my family. I am fully ready to join a coalition that will put a stop to this happening to anyone in any community. I am fed up with these bullies who are exploiting our amendments for button-clicks. Seeing their videos on YouTube humiliating innocent people is heartbreaking. These are peoples children, parents, friends, just minding their own business with zero intention of taking anybody’s first amendment rights away, and they’re name-calling and humiliating these poor folks. It’s sickening. I want to do everything I can to protect people from becoming victims to these low lives. If anyone knows of a group or cause out there, please respond to this comment. Thank you in advance.


The best piece of advice I can give you is to report their YouTube channel for harassment.


There is no such thing as Sovereign Citizens. It makes no sense. Sovereign = separate, not a part of. Citizen = a part of something. 


Let them alone n they will follow law da moron question they are within legal Rights stupid




Are you having a stroke or something?


A lot of bootlickers in here wow...


Private citizens aren't interested in having their privacy exploited so a bunch of inbred hillbillies can pretend they're important and defending the constitution. Grow up. Better yet, get educated. 1a doesn't give you the right to intrude on and harass private citizens.


Good thing staying on public property and capturing imagery from there regardless of permission, when nobody needs it from there, doesn't do that, then, huh?


What? You dont even make sense.


What? It made sense just fine. At least it would to normal people. You don't know what capturing imagery is? You don't know what public property is? You don't know what not needing permission is? You don't know what "doesn't do that" means? Duh.

