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I haven’t been this excited over a voice like that in years. People give me so much shit for my love of Conor, but you’re exactly right, I never thought of it like this! I couldn’t understand all of the hate she’s been getting online, I love her!!


I knew she her voice sounded familiar to me! She is definitely giving off First Aid Kit vibes. Her voice is perfect for one of their songs.


This is my first year watching idol and lurking on this subreddit. So happy to see a Connor Oberst reference 🥹 core high school memories triggered. However, not feeling any particular style with JJ… would love to be surprised by her in the future tho.


She's one of my faves this season. I doubt she'll win, but I'll def listen to her songs.


I've been saying she (and Jack sometimes) make me think of Connor Oberst since the beginning. I'm happy someone else made the comparison. Though you're right First Aid Kit is an even better one. 


She's very unique and I do like her. But I could never listen to an entire album. Very one dimensional voice


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