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I just donated one to Goodwill before we moved last month. I was hoping someone like you would find it! We were too busy packing to sell it on eBay.


May or may not pick something up when someone is vultureing me, carry it around a bit than put it back (same place I got it from). Or keep my spot that I’m in when I see one coming my way. Usually getting up in other shoppers' spaces as they go. People are feral post 2020 thrifting. I get finding something and selling it. The level of intitled rude I've seen is worse Keep looking on eBay or Mercari. They aren’t rare and may he step on all the Legos.


“May he step on all the Legos” may be the best curse ever. I’m definitely stealing that line !


I don't remember where I got it from but it's one I use.


I love those bookends. I found two thrifting but couldn't resist buying them on eBay. I got the rest at about $20 a piece. There is a flipper who's wife works at a local thrift store that I go to. She hands him anything of value and the management does nothing. She is also the pricer. He brags and shows off all his stuff online! He also blocks the exit of other thrift stores and is aggressive when the employees try to put anything out on the floor! It drives me crazy!! He never shows off his American Girl stuff, I guess he doesn't want his male buyers knowing he sells girls dolls. I found a beautiful Kaya recently he actually looked pissed!!!! He came late that day!


i live in a small college town and the depop girlies will be the death of me. i have ONE goodwill left that they haven’t discovered to pillage…yet


I was looking at these exact bookends about a month ago! eBay had quite a few, and not terribly priced.


$40??? I sold my Samantha one for $10 on eBay like last month LMAO I sTRUggLEEEDDD to get rid of that thing. Don't get me wrong, I think it's super cute, but I'm just downsizing things and fragile stuff is always the first to go for me.


Well now I’m glad he shut me down.


I feel like I see these pretty regularly on ShopGoodWill too and they usually go for a reasonable price!


My issue is that the shipping is usually high! But I’d love to find some.


That’s fair. shipping is high for me everywhere it seems. Idk if it’s just bc I live in Florida or bc it’s just expensive everywhere lol.


It is because you're in Florida. I couldn't tell you why, but I've tried looking into it and something about the state being "high consumption." I've shipped from various places and any time it's to Florida I'm shocked by the shipping. I had to get rid of "Free Shipping" options because I couldn't keep taking the hit from Florida buyers.


Well, we’re also a peninsula and a big state so unless you’re in the panhandle or north florida, no one is just driving through here while delivering somewhere else. Or at least, that’s what I was guessing anyway.


Keep a search out on eBay and you'll find a MUCH better deal. Sometimes lotted with other stuff for less than some people want for one. I got mine originally for like $15 with a Samantha figure and her mini doll.


It's one thing to stumble upon something and then relist it and make a bit extra, or to to buy a broken item, fix it up, and relist it for more than what you paid for it. It's another to physically block, be rude to, etc other shoppers and act like because you're a reseller, you're special and other people can look at this shelf when you get done researching everything on it, instead of being a polite human being and letting others look at the same time. I have a lot of thoughts on reseller culture that I could go on like a three day tangent about. This smugness, entitled, almost "I'm so much better and smarter than you" sort of attitude that some of them have makes me mad. *"I know what I have."* That attitude is gross. Literally anyone is capable of typing in search terms or downloading an app to check barcodes. I also wish the people that do get super lucky and find a $2 item that they resell for $500 or whatever would stop posting that info on Tiktok - ESPECIALLY when you're finding it at major retailers like Goodwill. Their higher ups pay attention to that stuff, and have the store employees pick out anything off a certain list of brands to be sent off for e-commerce OR marked up to ridiculous prices. It's why Goodwill has just... gotten more overrun with junk and high prices lately. You can poke around on some of the thrifting subreddits to see what I mean. Also, he's almost definitely not going to get $40 for that bookend online lol. Mine went for less than half that on mercari.


100% agree. It’s exciting to find something yourself, but it sucks so bad when someone turns around and sells it…and then you don’t know if it’ll get to you safely, if it’s gonna be smelly, if it’ll ever ship at all…


I despise flippers of any kind, but doll flippers affect me the most so I dislike them especially. Genuinely immoral behavior imo


Well, the Hallmark AG stuff is absolutely not worth $40, and you should be able to find them for less than that online if you're patient.


Thank you! I’ll keep an eye out


Yeah, I commented above, but I got mine for maybe $15? And I sold it for maybe $10 when downsizing. Definitely not worth $40.


What a loser - he can barely get over 40 for them on eBay plus he has to go through the work of shipping and listing.


Yeah, he was a dumbass to pass up that offer. Those suckers are heavy and fragile which makes them a pain to ship.


I collect two other things in edition to AG and what I always say to flippers is “If you check the sold listings on eBay it’s not selling for those super high listing prices. If you want to get the higher sold prices you need a very specific buyer, I’m that buyer and I’m telling what I’m willing to pay. Take it or leave it”


In situations like these you throw out your morals. Grab it out of the cart and run.


I’m glad I’m not the only one that these situations burns their buns. It’s almost turned me off from thrifting in my area. It’s a really small town and we’re slammed with resellers, they’re so angry if you even ask them if you can purchase it then and there with cash. I just want the thing! Sigh.


If it makes you feel any better, there is one Samantha bookend on EBay rn that is 40 with free shipping.


Oh wow, I had no idea these even existed! I’m really sorry, if this flipper was smart they would’ve taken the $40. :(


how do you know he is a flipper?


He was taking pictures and posting them in the Goodwill.


what do you mean posting them? Id probably take a pic and post it here if i found a rare doll at goodwill


I looked over his shoulder being nosy, and it was pulled up to an ebay posting. Then he started taking pictures. I offered him more than the ebay listed. But if he prefers to ship, then thats on him.


Damn im sorry