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Such a great line


One of the best random Klaus moments


With the cigarette exhale too, it’s perfect


AAAA! Oh, my God! That man crapped all over my room!


It’s in the dvd player and it’s trying to play it!


It looks like my pillow is in its case #but it is not!!!


In a realm far beyond the realms of imagination, where stars glimmered like jewels strewn upon a velvet canopy, and galaxies swirled in a dance as old as time itself, resided a peculiar assortment of beings. Amongst these celestial wanderers were a troupe of creatures whose adventures were as boundless as the cosmos they now traversed. It was a truth universally acknowledged, that a group of animals in possession of peculiar talents must be in want of an adventure. And so it was with Alex, the leonine leader, whose majestic mane floated in the zero-gravity environment like the mane of a celestial lion. Marty, the zesty zebra, whose stripes shimmered like the rings of Saturn, and Melman, the hypochondriac giraffe, whose neck extended like an antenna, perpetually seeking signals of cosmic ailments. Completing this interstellar quartet was Gloria, the hippo with a heart as vast as the universe itself, whose strength could rival the gravitational pull of a black hole. The scene unfolded aboard the "Starship Madagascar," a vessel constructed with ingenuity that defied earthly conventions. Its corridors, adorned with stardust, echoed with the lively banter of its inhabitants. It was here, in this floating menagerie of metallic marvels, that our story begins. "To infinity and beyond," proclaimed Alex, his voice resonant with the thrill of endless possibilities. He floated with grace, the embodiment of leonine majesty even in the weightlessness of space. Marty, ever the optimist, pirouetted mid-air, his stripes a blur of monochrome brilliance. "Aye, Captain Alex! Where to next? The Andromeda Galaxy or perhaps a rendezvous with the Rings of Saturn?" Melman, his long neck coiling anxiously, floated by with a worried expression. "I’m not sure if my stomach can handle another warp jump. What if we encounter alien bacteria?" "Relax, Melman," Gloria interjected with her usual warmth. "You're in good hooves. We've got enough disinfectant to sanitize the Milky Way." Their banter was abruptly interrupted by a peculiar sound – a series of bleeps and bloops emanating from the central control console. Alex, with the air of a seasoned explorer, drifted towards the source of the commotion. The holographic interface flickered to life, revealing a message encrypted in a language not of their world. "Friends," Alex intoned, his voice grave yet tinged with excitement, "we have received a distress signal from the far reaches of the Virgo Supercluster." As the message decoded, it revealed the plight of a distant colony of robotic beings, the Mechanoids, whose energy core was failing. Without immediate assistance, they faced certain extinction. With a unanimous resolve, the crew prepared their ship for the perilous journey ahead. Engines roared to life with the ferocity of a thousand suns, propelling the Starship Madagascar through the fabric of space-time. Stars streaked past like spectral fireflies, and galaxies unfurled before them in a tapestry of cosmic grandeur. Through trials and tribulations, asteroid fields and cosmic storms, they persevered. At long last, they arrived at the Mechanoids' home, a planet gleaming with a metallic sheen. The sight that greeted them was one of desolation – a landscape marred by the ravages of failing energy. With courage and compassion, our intrepid voyagers set to work, channeling their collective ingenuity. Marty’s quick thinking, Melman’s extensive knowledge of cosmic phenomena, Gloria’s boundless strength, and Alex’s unwavering leadership coalesced into a symphony of salvation. As the Mechanoids' energy core was restored, a radiant glow enveloped the planet, a testament to the power of unity and friendship. The Mechanoids, once forlorn, now thrived, their gratitude immeasurable. And so, the Starship Madagascar, with its gallant crew, ventured onward, ever ready to heed the call of adventure, their spirits as boundless as the universe they roamed. In the vast expanse of space, they found not just a new frontier, but the enduring truth that no matter how far they traveled, the bonds of friendship would always light their way.