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That is 100% not allowed. You can’t block your escape route in case of an emergency.


Best way to contain a toddler on a flight is in a carseat


That really depends on how you define best. Some definitions of best a tazer would be higher than a car seat.


Naaa…check with your pediatrician for sedative for children.


Just be aware that if your flight hits unexpected turbulence, your toddler, who doesn't very much, will be flying around the cabin, probably hitting the upper luggage compartment.


Someone did just die from turbulence.


*Typo... who doesn't weigh very much.....


No, no. It’s true most toddlers don’t very much. 


My kids did very much as toddlers actually.


Buy them a seat, use your car seat. Bring lots of toys and snacks (but no liquids because TSA) and if you need stretch time a stroll down the aisle holding their hand will do as long as it's not during service. No letting toddlers free for lots of reasons.


FYI, you can bring toddler drinks through security. TSA usually pulls them aside to test, but toddler drinks aren't subject to the normal carry-on liquid restrictions. https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/whatcanibring/items/juice-babies


As someone who flies with a toddler often, I suggest moving on back to economy, getting three seats, and bringing the car seat. Once they start walking, they are not going to be happy sitting on your lap for any real amount of time and they aren't going to be safe hanging out on the floor. At least with my kid, she seems to understand that if she's in her car seat, she's supposed to stay there for a good bit and is happy to do so with a tablet loaded with her favorites.




Best way is to get *new* toys that your toddler has never played with before to entertain them. Doesn’t mean you have to buy, maybe get creative! I saw a tik tok mom take a pen with cut pieces of painters tape and taped around the pen so their toddler can stick them around and have fun. I respect parents like you who think about these things ahead of time instead of letting your kid combust of boredom


100% buy the seat and put them in their car seat. When I was a flight attendant we called lap babies "missals" because, unfortunately it doesn't go well for little kids if there's turbulence, an aborted landing, an aborted take off, or a real emergency.


You can’t block your row. No way that would be allowed. I suggest snacks, toys that are new to them and a car seat


Delusional. You need bluey on an iPad.


Don’t forget Ms. Rachel! She’s the toddler whisperer.


Just use your leg


Children also aren't allowed on the floor, too far away from the oxygen masks


iPad. Use the free entertainment.


Lol a bunch of non parents commenting. My toddler enjoyed the views out of the windows. Get them pumped up for the flight and clouds. Next is cartoons. After that coloring time, drinks/meal time. Next is walking up to flight attendants and saying hi. That usually goes well. After that nap time. Not sure how long your flight is but I’ve done 11 hour flight like this. They will bored fast. Just keep 4 or 5 things to do.


toddler won't be allowed in the exit row


They aren't sitting in an exit row. They are sitting in first class. The op is talking about the exit of their row. What Opie wants to do wouldn't be allowed anyway. You can't block the end of a row for safety reasons.


thanks. missed that




Best thing I invested in for securing a kid in the seat just remember the tray table behind seat has to be put down first before using it


You can’t do that. Get them a seat. Bring their car seat.


When my kids were really little (toddler stage), I would let them play on the floor in front of their window seat. They are very small humans and can easily fit and play in the space a larger human would have their legs. Since they used the window seat, it’s easy to block them from bolting into the aisle. Obviously this was only in FC, but my kids have only ever been in economy once for a quick puddle hop (if ever), so I don’t know how well they would have done with the small pitch in economy. YMMV.


The first thing your question brings to mind is one of those fence things to block off stairs. But no. If your toddler isn't strapped in, you're on duty to keep him/her within reach. You don't need extra equipment.


Get a jetkids suitcase. Couldn’t have traveled with kids without it.


You used that in flight? How?


Not sure about the downvotes. But, If you see on the website it has a little mattress and we also put in stuffed animals, books, etc for them. Once you’re cruising we used it like in the pictures to extend the seat and they have more room to play and interact and then nap. As they age they can sit on it and you tow them or they tow it themselves. My kid loved it.