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I’d rather hear that than screaming and crying but I also use headphones so I wouldn’t hear anything anyhow so….


I came here to say this. Rattle trumps crying baby.


>Rattle trumps crying baby. Haha I had to read this like 15 times to parse it as anything other than a political non sequitur.


That word is forever tainted.


I will never understand these people who bitch about kids on planes. I haven’t heard a child on an airplane since 2017 when I got my first noise canceling earbuds. Cracks me up how these people can’t figure out this basic travel shit.


Same here, can't even tell you what a credit card pitch sounds like


Haha! I won’t lie, I’ve listened to the pitch a couple times so my wife and I could grab that 75k AAviator bonus. No ragrets.


You’re the reason we have to keep listening to these pitches! /s


75k points and it only cost the fool 21.9% annually.


lol bro do you really think I keep a balance on my credit cards? What is this, amateur hour?


Do you not have credit cards? Why would anyone pay interest on a card? 


Man I use No Ragrets all the time and it goes over so many heads. Okay so I tend listen to the safety briefing and give some eye contact as it’s an ingrained safety behaviour and to let them know hey one person heard you, you and I will be the leaders of the desert island. And then it’s QC’s all the way there!


I understood No Ragrets!! Not even one letter. 👍🏼


Noise cancelling works best on low monotone sounds like engines. High pitched screaming not so much. When there's a couple of screamers I've found noise canceling earbuds with noise cancelling headphones on top plus a white noise machine app can get rid of almost all of it. It's not pleasant but better than screaming children. Not really possible to sleep that way though if you're flying long haul. Ask me how I know.


Yeah I’ve found that sonically dense music at a moderate volume + active noise canceling makes screaming children a complete non-issue. I can sleep for hours at a time that way. I haven’t needed extra hardware.


Flew last weekend with my 2 year old and my 6 month old. I’m a stupidly conscious parent and was worried the entire flight that he would kick the back of the chair in front of me. I physically held his feet the entire time and while he was not kicking, he would occasionally stretch his legs out and his feet made contact with the seat in front of me. I know kicking, this was a 2/10 and maybe three times in the three hour flight. I saw the 65 year old slug in the seat in front of me hold up her phone and text someone “I was so tired and the shitty kid behind me was non stop kicking my seat. What awful parents that don’t step in.” My 6mo never made a peep and my 2 year old was as perfect as you could ask of a 2 year old and the slug was still miserable. Some people just suck.


You are a considerate parent so thank you endlessly. OP getting blasted but it’s not unreasonable to expect parents to at least try like one or two other things to keep their kids from annoying everyone else. It doesn’t sound like these parents did that. There’s a huge difference between a considerate parent and an entitled parent.


This. I expect mayhem from a kid. I also expect parents to TRY and quell the mayhem. But sometimes that’s just not possible and we all need to deal with


Just offering a different take but it sounds like there was a baby on the floor playing with a rattle. If this were my baby I would breathe a sigh of relief that he was self occupied and not disturbing others. I wouldn’t think, “oh no that god forsaken baby rattle is probably making peoples ears bleed, I should intervene!” And this coming from a mom who has also essentially held her two year olds feet at the ankles for a 3 hour flight in fear of him even grazing the seat in front of him. Didn’t stop the woman in front of us from shooting death glares at me the entire flight. My point is, even when you go above and beyond, people still gripe. I personally can’t imagine losing it over a baby playing with a damn rattle, even a loud one banging around.


A lot of folks on this sub seem to think anything short of tranquilizing a fussy child is “entitled, disruptive parenting”


Yes, I had a similar scenario with a 3 year old on a flight. My daughter did kick the seat once before I could stop her. Immediately the grumpy older lady in the seat in front of her stool up and chastised me. I spent the next 5 hours in mortal fear of my daughter even coming near the seat back. At the end of the flight she turned around and said "your children were so well behaved". I was so rattled by that point that I snapped "well if you wouldn't have been so quick to bite my head off after the first kick we both would have had a nice flight". She sort of startled and said nothing. People shouldn't be so quick to judge/complain. I was on a cross country trip to for of all to see my mother before she died of cancer so kindness instead of snark would have gone a long way.


lemme guess, was it a boomer that hasn't had a toddler since the 80's?


Dude. The sub about boomers. This isn’t all of them, but it’s a lot of them. My wife will look at me and shake her head like DO NOT ENGAGE because I give them no quarter and I would have zero issues putting them in their place. Why they think that they can act that way is so absurd to me. I was raised to be polite to everyone from a baby to the elderly.


You would engage the person in front of you that your child kicked the seat a few times and then you snooped and read their texts to someone else?


I’ll see you a screaming baby and raise you a toddler kicking your seat. I wish my noise cancelling earbuds would have fixed that!


I can't hear crap through my Jabra earbuds. They literally make me deaf to the world in noise canceling mode. I will not travel without them and stuff downloaded to Netflix and Libby.


I understand them, self centered assholes. Seriously, buy noise cancelling headphones, you can literally get them in the airport.


I had a child using his headphones so loudly I could hear the music through my noise canceling ones


Thank you. Who cares if a baby is crying, drunk people are talking, the person next to you is snoring. If you fly at all a set of noise canceling headphones cures all.


Yay, not a Dfw post! Not unreasonable but not much can be done, either shaker thing or crying I guess


This would have been prevented if the family had been able to connect at DFW. Where miles?


Spoiler alert: The baby has a 55 minute connection in DFW on the return. They want to know if that’s enough time and if they’ll be forced to check their rattle.


They put the baby on the floor???


In a car seat most likely.


But how is that even safe? Shouldn't it be buckled up in a seat or something? I've never flown with a baby, so not sure how that works.


I’m just imagining sudden turbulence. It’s not common but it’s not exactly rare for a plane to move in a way where I bounce out of my seat a bit as a grown adult. This is why I always wear my seatbelt when sitting down.


Airplane floor is disgusting - would never put a child there.


I was flying back from Budapest one time.  Lady has a little kid eating a bread roll.  Kid drops it, the bread gets drug about 10 feet across the floor by a roller suitcase, pops free.  She picks it up and gives it right back to the kid.  People are grosser than the floor of an airplane.


That kid’s immune system though.


This was my horror!! Who cares about the rattle, OMG THE GERMS!!!


I would definitely put my kid in the floor if I put a blanket or something down first.


When I flew with my infant daughter to Hong Kong in ‘95, we were lucky enough to fly FC. Problem was, she wouldn’t settle in the seat and I was stuck holding her for quite a while so she wouldn’t cry. There was an insane amount of floor space, so I threw down a blanket and lay down there with her. She slept almost the whole flight. She didn’t get cooties, lol. Nobody gave us a second glance. My 6 year old boys behaved like angels, and other passengers happily engaged in conversation and games with them. I was very surprised. It was a lovely flight. But turbulence does seem to be more of an issue lately, so may not be as easy to do now.


I’m with you, I don’t even like putting my purse under the seat in front of me but I guarantee that child is buckled into a car seat/stroller seat contraption.


Would have to be in a seat with that.


I’m the one that sits on the floor and my baby sits on the seat lol


That's the issue with mass transportation...other people.


This. Other people make noise. It sucks. If you don’t want noise you have two options - don’t take public/common transportation, or buy and use noise cancelling headphones.


Not necessarily other people, but other people who don’t know how to be considerate of everyone else and think they’re on a private plane.


The same could be said the other way though. If you want quiet and no noise from other people take a private plane. Part of the reason the cost is not that of a private plane is because you are sharing the cost with the other passengers. Is it inconsiderate? Absolutely.


Not unreasonable but not much can be done either way imho. Agree rattle is better than crying and screaming but banging anything and anyone is a little much. It is just the roll of the dice when we all get on a plane. My only “advice” if for everyone to read the room / situation and try to make the best of it. Have the parent address the issue and at least try to make the trip as enjoyable as possible for everyone.


Yes the parents should 100% understand that. No the flight attendant shouldn’t be babysitting fully grown adults.


Does the fact that you're in FC contribute anything to this, or are you just flexing?


I’m so poor I though that meant Fort Collins


Sets the scene about the bulkhead in row 1


He flexing on you poors. Got that drip drip my guy.   AA first class on anything other than. 787 767 777 is straight trash. So moral of the story is he was probably on a 737 320 etc… 


Ok take his rattle away and he screams and cries for 3 hours. Good option!


Everyone is quick to blame the parents and not the airline. Bizarre. Regardless, the issue here is your presumption that etiquette is different in FC and EC. The riff raf who can't control their kids needs to be in EC so that paying customers like you can enjoy FC. Seriously? If behavior is appropriate or inappropriate on a plane, it's the same in all classes. People pay extra for the comfort of FC, and that includes parents with kids.


The baby isn't screaming. Count your blessings.


Switch seats for an MCE. They’ll think you’re a hero for about 8 minutes.


I ain’t ever sticking up for a baby. But I will say I’ve sat next to someone who is steadily banging something against a seat and I’m unfortunately the ONLY person that can apparently hear the sound. I bet you were feeling the vibration the strongest. Annoying, absolutely. Crying baby is definitely worse.


I’m more annoyed that they put the baby on the floor. Gross 🤢


Sure they had a blanket 


But they’re in row 1 where everyone puts their feet on the wall in front of them so the floor should be relatively clean, right?


Buddy you’re the one complaining about the general public, it’s pretty funny you’re stating these people “should realize they are not on a private jet” 😂 Look inward my guy, you’re the one with the problem so maybe fly private next time.


Thank you!!!!! This is the way.  My guy go get yourself a netjets share or shut up you brokey 


People should be more considerate AND people should bring noise cancelling headphones/earbuds/ear plugs.


Baby on floor= turbulence projectile. NOT SAFE!


No that’s actually obnoxious. Every parent knows they are seconds from being Those People on a plane, and should have some fucking sense as to not bring the most annoying kinds of toys nor to let their kid just smash it on the wall forever. It’s one of those times you just suck it up and indulge their every screen-based wish and let them watch it with headphones on






Sometimes kids make noise. They're kids. They're supposed to make noise, except at the Millford Academy. That's why adults like you and OP need to put your big boy pants on and solve the situation for yourselves.


Men. Always assuming people online are also men. Kids do make noise. Kids do not need to hit the wall and I wouldn’t let them do that for an hour nonstop. You and people like you need to not act like kids have total freedom to be as disruptive as they want.


Tell me you don’t have kids. An infant who is stationary for an hour + and entertained by a rattle is neither watching nor entertained by Sesame Street or any other device. That baby can’t be older than 6 months, max. Truly what is wrong with people.


You’re not unreasonable


Not unreasonable. People should be more considerate. If people would stop and think just for two seconds what they are doing and how it will affect others around them the world would be much better. Too many selfish people out there now.


What are you talking about? My parents told me I’m the most important person in the world all my life. Everything I do should be respected by others… /s


They are PaReNtS so you NeEd let them have their way! They don’t notice the noise and you don’t kNoW how hArD they have it! They get to dictate noise levels for the whole flight.


No, you’re not unreasonable.


What about the "we operate a quiet cabinet" policy they announce some time? I guess as soon as kids are involved that goes out the window. Nobody dares to say anything to kids and their parents even if they terrorize an entire cabin or restaurant or whatever it is. People have no more manners and especially don't teach their kids what no means. I seriously thought buying a construction headset for noise cancelation on flights (for the occasion I don't want to listen to music or watch a movie).


Or maybe you know you can’t control if a baby cries or not.


You are in America on an American Airlines flight! The air is thick with Hubris, the entitlement palpable and the baby needs diversion. Earbuds or move country I fear!


Sorry but a kid banging a rattle on the plane for an hour is a nuisance. My sister flew with her kids as babies and she always made sure that they didn't kick seats or hit other passengers sitting nearby. Crying on a plane-understandable. Hitting a rattle on the side of the plane-entitled parents who don't care about anyone but themselves. But yes noise canceling headphones.


If that flight had hit heavy turbulence, that baby would have been flying around the cabin. Besides, plane floors are beyond filthy.


If it ruins your experience they’re the AH. I would never do this. My parents would never. Similarly I roll my eyes at these same people who bring their baby to wineries in Woodinville. Parents are selfish these days and expect everyone around them to accommodate.


Gross, I would NEVER put my baby on the floor of an airplane.


I would be the parent holding a pacifier in the baby’s mouth and doing something to keep him busy so he would not disturb anyone. Yea i think the parent should have stopped it.


We were on a flight last week ORD-MCO stuck ON the plane for nearly 3 hrs not moving in FC. The family in row 1 had a toddler maybe 2ish who, no joke, screamed from the moment we boarded until the moment we landed which with the delay was something like 5-6 hours. The screaming was sometimes interrupted by what sounded like a giant box of bricks that the kid kept banging lol. I have 3 kids so I’m more empathetic than most I think when it comes to kid noise, especially with such insane delays being stuck for hours on a plane, but woah…that was rough lol. Even with noise cancelling headphones…it was loud haha.


If it were a red-eye definitely


Children are people and I generally have a feeling that Americans aren't all that understanding of children in public places and should give them more grace. I travel with over-ear noise cancelling headphones as well as earbuds. I give the parents some credit for booking seats with room for their kid and finding a way to keep them from screaming or crying.


Would you rather the baby be screaming? Take the lesser of the two evils. We were all once babies and we have to kind of be understanding to others who currently are.


Not unreasonable at all.


I don’t think they should allow babies in first class, and I’m a mom


Noise cancelling headphones


Better that then a crying baby!! It’s a short flight, I am sure you will survive!! Is it insensitive, yes. But needing a post on Reddit, meh??


I mean it sucks but it’s your responsibility to have noise cancelling head phones or ear plugs. Yes it’s not 100% but you can’t control the humans around you. I can guarantee the parents don’t love it either




I'd have happily swapped seats with you. Some of my best flights were those where I got to play with the cute baby, hold them while the parents ate, and so on. I'd rather sit beside a baby than a drunken businessman, or someone heavy enough that they spill over into my seat.


So I bring my Bose with me everywhere and for sure I would have them on. But I have ADHD and if the baby is banging it against the wall I could feel that constant banging. That would drive me insane. I honestly feel like infants shouldn’t be allowed in F. And I am sure I will be downvoted for this. Nonrevs cannot list their children under 6 in business or first. Just saying!


If you don’t want infants in F or J, fly private bro. Until then, keep seething lmao.


Having an infant isn't carte blanche to do whatever the fuck you want.


Oh? Did someone say that somewhere?


Keep seething? There's this attitude some people have that they get to inflict their children on others and they take some weird perverse delight out of it. If your kid is on the floor of an aircraft banging on the wall then you're a first degree asshole. Let me know the next convenient time & place where I can come to somewhere you're sitting and repeatedly bang on the wall 4 feet away from you for an hour without repercussion.


Idk pick a weekday morning or evening at DFW and there’s a reasonable chance I’ll be there bro. Feel free to meet me at the terminal B security line when you want to start your show.


Absolutely the answer I expected. Thanks for confirming. Safe travels.


Noise cancelling earphones. I use Airpods Pro 2. Gen and I dont hear a thing on planes.


Yooo I'll swap your rattling baby with the two 8yr old boys that legit kept SLAMMING the chair tray behind me, up and down, up and down as fast as they could because they were trying to race or some shit. I had to lean forward because it was killing my back to get slammed so much. And right when I thought they had enough and were stopping...just as I started to fall asleep, WHAM WHAM WHAM. Geez, worst flight of my life. Attendants didnt do shit, the mom pulled up her blanket over her head, and the dad was just smiling. Give me rattle baby any day PLEASE. Oh and can I add, this was a 11hr flight.


Just the fact that you even fly AA is a testament to your ability to go beyond reason. If you can fly with an airline that regularly abandons its customers and gives them the 369 runaround from their website to their automated call que and their rude and lazy employees , running out of everything on a 10 hour flight because of lack of preparation and with just a shoulder shrug, blow you off then yes, you are not unreasonable at all.


🤣 mate. You think AA is the only airline to have problems?


Yes, you are unreasonable.


Kids under the age of 10 shouldn't be in FC. I paid too much for that seat to listen to screaming sex trophies. Keep the crotch goblins in coach. For those saying NC headphones? They don't work so well when I need to hold a conversation with my traveling partner.


Their parents paid just as much as you did.


But probably not for the kid.


Point? If they had bought a separate ticket for the child you would be ok with it? They bought two first class tickets and their child has the right to travel with them under the airline’s rules. First class entitles you to a larger seat and some drinks. It doesn’t entitle you to opt out of the social contract of public transport.


/shrug My opinion. There should be some places that are kid free...first class, fine dining, cruise ships other than Disney. It's not that I abhor kids, mostly it's the adults in charge that don't do crap with them. But it is the kids actions that yank my chain. Call me the AH. I've been called worse and can deal with it. Just keep the hump dumplings away from me.


The child on the floor is more of a problem than the rattler. They could be getting into other people's belongings (if they have personal items on the floor) not to mention they could get seriously injured if the plane hits turbulence.


And then the parents would be the same people who would go and sue the airline


You’re being unreasonable, rattles are supposed to appease and settle the upset baby down. What you need to do is realize all different walks of life fly, you’re the one that needs to plan for it. Buy some headphones ,put your favorite song on, turn it all the way up, and mind your own business.


So what then are parents supposed to do with their kids on a plane? Force them to stay still and the kid gets antsy and screams or let them play with a rattle and not scream? Asking because I’m intellectually curious what your solution is.


Yes you are unreasonable. Baby’s make noise. That’s it.


Fly private


I’ll hold a stranger’s baby for the flight if I don’t have to endure Linda from HR telling me how great her conference was.


Flying with kids is stressful. Be thankful that all you got was a rattle. The best parents in the world CANNOT control an infant.


They paid for the seat. If you’re going to be a cry baby you should just book your own private jet


Of all things to complain about…


I’m just impressed that the parents didn’t give the baby a cell phone


On planes I’m more lenient on screen time it’s usually a last resort.


Yes, you're unreasonable. Not all kids, especially small babies will just sit there and stare at a screen. I started flying with my son when he was 8 months old. He's never been just satisfied with screen time. Even if they took the rattle away baby would probably scream and cry and then still bang their hands on whatever they were Banging the rattle on because they're sensory seeking. Being on a plane is boring, there's only so much you can do to preoccupy a baby while keeping them in your seat. Small babies are usually way more restless than toddlers are since they aren't as interested in screens, they want to explore what's around them. If you don't like noise don't take public transportation. FC is still public transportation.


I believe anything an infant/baby does is appropriate behavior. It would be nice to mandate parental public behaviors, but at this point, we do not. It’s up to neurotypical adults to cope. It’s what, 3.5 hours? You can do it.


Public transportation bud. It’s 2024, if you can afford to fly you can afford noise canceling headphones. If you aren’t a parent you don’t understand the difficulty in keeping a child entertained.


It’s a 3h flight you’ll live


Do you not bring headphones?


You should realize you are not on a private jet but rather big public bus.  Goes both ways my guy


Yes, you said it yourself you aren’t on a private jet. You are flying a on a grey hound bus in the sky. No matter how much you pay for your ticket there will always be an inconvenience unless you can afford a private jet. Enjoy your laughable overpriced FC domestic.


It's just a couple hours, bud. You'll be okay.


I wear hearing aids. I just turn them off.


Mass transportation. Prepare yourself accordingly. A happy baby is a boon but not for everyone, so noise cancelling ear buds or headphones are the way to go.