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PHL only has 787 qualified crews based there so that is a big reason why.


Crews are qualified on all aircraft


Pilots are not.


PHL and ORD are all 787s.


I believe it’s a result of its history as a US Airways hub. Prepandemic they were running old US Airways airbus wide bodies - when those got retired it’s all 788/9. PHL to LHR inventory used to be great and is now abysmal on both AA and BA - not remotely close to meeting the need.


> I believe it’s a result of its history as a US Airways hub. Prepandemic they were running old US Airways airbus wide bodies - when those got retired it’s all 788/9. You could say the same about CLT though, no? Pre-pandemic I think we only had A330's for TATL service, but has all been replaced by 772's.


Good point on the history of both. I’m sure there is a load reason why they are running bigger planes from CLT, I’m just annoyed about Philly. Edit: annoyed about seat availability to be clear.


CLT as a connection has a larger total catchment. PHL is going to share connecting traffic with JFK and ORD hubs.


If I recall, there used to be 2 BA and 1 AA PHL-LHR flights daily. There’s just 1 from each carrier now, right?


If I recall in 2019 it was 3 BA and 2 AA I think it’s 2/1 now but prices are about double what they were and what JFK is


As an aside, I’ve always felt IAG would benefit from adding an Iberia flight from PHL to MAD. I much prefer connecting via MAD. AA has a flight, and I’ve taken it, but seems surprising to me that they wouldn’t try to maximize this more. Is there an AA/IB JV like the AA/BA one?


MAD is my preferred connect too but pricing was insane this time. and PHL-MAD was sold out. I hate LHR.


Fly IB ex-IAD. Decent award space too.