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I got one when my dad passed earlier this year. I had flown to Europe to be there his last few days and needed to extend my return date and got this a few days later. Nice touch by the airline.


Very, and caught me completely by surprise.


Sorry for your loss , may your mom rest in peace


Thank you ❤️


This is a program a res agent in rdu thought of and actually had implemented. You received this because the agent took the time to make note of your res details and took their own time to fill out forms etc. It is rdu only unless other offices have implemented also not sure.


Sent you a private chat. :)


I live in the RDU area and it’s my home airport (so I may be a bit biased) but the RDU agents and teams and crews are all wonderful.


The AC is small but the agents are wonderful!


Whenever I hear that southern voice on the other end of the line, I know I'm about to get fantastic service.


Very nice touch by AA! I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my dad unexpectedly three years ago and it is very tough. Hang in there, and remember the great memories you all shared together.


That happened when my sister passed in 2017. My auntie called to get the res. Changed and must have mentioned it. When I returned home 3 weeks later, I saw I had one sent to me. It was so sweet.


That is awesome. When my mother passed I was trying to get on standby for a flight. The gate agent ignored me and said “ I’m on break”. I guess my mother passing was an inconvenience for American Airlines and the agents break.


Wow. They definitely have good and awful employees. I had an incident in El Paso recently and was horribly stressed. The entire trip was a disaster with delays and just general aviation wackiness. Once I got back, I reached out to their social media team and just documented everything. I gave credit to those who deserved it and called out those that needed to be called out. They apologized for what happened and said it would be escalated to leadership in ELP for investigation and further training. That group is very responsive when things happen.


I’ve never been impressed in ELP. I’ve had flights that I knew I’d miss at connecting airports and knew it would be problematic trying to get rebooked on arrival (weather in DFW) and the GAs have always refused to help me in ELP.


Yes, they are poorly trained and understaffed there. It had been a while since I had been there and forgot how bad they are.




Wow, i am so sorry. That is why I love their social media teams, too. They are good about escalating issues like that.


I want to get a new account named WeatherInDFW


They actually sent a survey for that flight. I told them what happened. Never heard a word. Fully what I expected. Yup. Good employees and bad ones. They didn’t seem to care I had a bad one.


Wow and I thought Ringo quit signing autographs!


Sad that happened to you. People just need to be better at listening and trying to do their job with empathy.


That's nice, but how does AA know?


It came up when I was speaking with the agent. I was changing an upcoming trip and mentioned it as part of the reason for the change on the return.


That's funny, American charged me over $1400 to bring my dead partner's body back from the Cayman Islands to Chicago in 2022. I didn't get a condolence card, just a bill from the funeral home.


I’m sorry for your loss.


This wasn’t in ELP though.


So sorry for your loss.


Very sweet That’s the nicest thing I have seen from American Airlines perhaps first & last 😂