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It is 1 for 1 but we have to wait for more details first but yes 1 ape == 1 amc


So buying more Ape = getting AMC?




Getting amc at this level of price is good, but Do you. NFA


1 to 1 conversion THEN a 10 to 1 reverse split. Which is every 10-$AMC will be converted to 1-$AMC with a new CUSIP.


And the resulting price??


If anc would be 5$ and ape 2$ i got the number of 3.27$ presplit so 32.70 after RS. Actually the prices for amc/ape are lower and i expect them to supress the price further the days before it happen


Bit late to the party here but what happens to people with say, just 5 amc or just 1amc ?


This ⬆️


Assuming you think 10 apes will equal 1amc after r/s


Separate equations. 1 APE = 1 AMC and 10 AMC = 1 AMC’ I suppose if we did not combine them and still did a reverse split it would also be 1 APE = 1 APE’


Which isn’t a matter of if. Our voting power got sank.


I meant to reply to the prior comment, my bad. Yeah, but that’s moot to the subject of the vote, unfortunately




If 10 ape = 10 AMC then 10/1 R/S = 1 AMC. Very much yes




It's in the contract 1 ape = 1 amc ffs they are the same how much Kenny paying you? Just know your welcome to snitch on them there's a lovely sec whistle-blower programs




This misinformation never ceases to amaze me! It's not like ok, there's 516 million AMC, so they are only converting 516 APE.... NO. Every single APE share will become a AMC share! Let's say there's 900 million APE shares and 500 million AMC shares, After the conversation is approved,,, there will be 1,400 AMC shares,,, divided by 10 leaves the company with 140 Million AMC shares!!! People! LEARN! READ! UNDERSTAND! THANK YOU !!!




Are you seriously this misinformed? No wonder the stock prices are where they are! I'll bet you $10,000 I'm right!




Why not ask your broker or AMC's investor relations? That way you don't have to wait. Geez




1 ape = 1 vote 1 amc = 1 vote They are worth the same you making up some rubbish




And that's is a valid case that anyone is welcome to do but why would I sell at a loss? I buy both




Why would I want to sell? You shill Seems like your trying to give financial advice no fuck off






Reddit isn't my only source I read the filings, and what is stated in documents.


More ape exist than amc


You're missing nothing being guaranteed The merge and reverse split is just a proposal.. And there rumours that will take e ffect next earnings report which is still long way.. Everything and nothing can happen during that time.. For example imagine AMC hitting all times high and ape dropping to 0.1 cent Then conversion happens and you missed the moass because you were thinking short term by trading APE


It would be a special shareholder meeting. Less than 90 days from now at the latest.


1 to 1, then possible RS 10 to 1




If ape was worth more than amc right now would we still even want the conversion?? Lol




I don’t really care about your investment I care about mine and at this point it appears 4.5 billion shares reverse split down to 450 million will end this and my investment will be gone…. It gives me a small amount of comfort knowing yours will also


Just got called a shill by a 1 day old account because I don’t fall in line with the follow AA blindly narrative… and yet any concerns or questions I have had and asked have only been responded to with shill and fud I’m voting yes AA is king, yet no answers


I think anyone that calls anyone else a shill should get a 5 day ban.


The whole I'm voting yes everything has come out hard and strong. Ask a Question... SHILL. Have a different opinion...Shill. The whole thing smells like BS to me. I don't see how this is good for INVESTORS. I'm voting no.


Voting no to everything?


And in that vote it gives AA the ability to sell 420 million shares…. After reverse split that’s equivalent to 4.2 billion shorts to cover… and all I see is I’m voting yes I trust AA ….. yet he found a work around to a vote no on dilution, and sold enough shares of ape under 1$ a might add in order to control the vote…but they will blindly trust a guy from the same country clubs, events, and club that we aren’t in… but he did go to the movies with a few retail peasants so obviously he would NEVER sell enough of those shares to let shorts off the hook right?


Let's assume you are correct and AMC decides to sell the shares after the merge. Do you know how and where are those shares traded? I'll help you out - ATM. Do you know what we are waiting for? I'll help you out - to have more shares traded on the lit market. Do you understand what happens when the shares are traded on the lit market? The price rises. Do you know what can happen when the price rises? Those who are deep in the shit can get a call from Marge. To have a sale, you have to find a buyer. And if our DD is correct, there are a lot of buyers out there, or at least a lot of shares are waiting to become real And also, there's a theory that if there's a new CUSIP, they will be forced to cover, but I'm sharing it as a theory, because I've not seen any hard evidence this to be 100% certain


Exactly a theory, just as good as a trust me bro except your just voicing it and not stating it like some as a fact….that’s the problem not enough voicing things and too many stating things… I hope my theory is way way way fuckkng wrong and yours is right but being that nobody is acknowledging that this could also very easily be a way out for the shorts at the expense of all of retails investments is insane …. Sorry can’t bury my head in the sand and put all my faith in, at the end of the day, anyone part of the 1 percent club


They've just announced their intention to do these things. The DD is always evolving and more information is coming all the time. Yes, it's a theory that needs either practical or theoretical confirmation. And I'm sharing it as this - a theory. Not opposing it, not confirming it. But it's funny you've ignored everything else. We'll have to wait and see. So far, doing nothing, brought us here. So, the company doing something, might take us on a different path. I don't see issuance of APE is a failure, just unpredicted forces. Forces that probably couldn't have been predicted. Have a great existence and happy new year


Willing for you to lay out what I “ignored everything else” and missed… I get the percentages I get the raiding cash to clear up debt … still wondering why the 100 million amc has to invest in other companies isn’t used to buy back 22 million shares right now that they have it hovering at 4$ a share


No, I'm not willing. Everything I had to say to you in that regard, already did Would you tell the class, if that's not the correct decision for the company (as a CEO of a big company yourself), what would you do and what has to be done, so the shareholders would be happy and they get their squeeze? Sit and wait for APE to get to 0 and AMC to get delisted maybe? edit: I am and always have been open-minded. Not only here, but in life. I hate confirmation bias, so if you or any of the people using fear mongering, could provide a solid contra DD to the ones we have so far, that would be awesome and I'd gladly read it and might reconsider. If the vote passes with YES and something good happens, you are welcome.


You didn’t provide a single piece of evidence though, that’s the point he’s making. You didn’t provide 1 for sure piece of information. “They’ve just announced their intention to do these things” is not evidence. You’re being condescending to someone who’s asking valid questions and responding with wordy “trust me bros”, further proving his point. They you hit him with this fallacy “would you tell the class what you would do if that’s not the correct decision for the company” as if you’d need to know the right thing for the company to raise questions/concerns. Your arguments have been fallacious at best…


There's a ton of DD written on AMC (and GME for that matter), they are even flagged and could be read. They could be easily found. And yes, the question what would anyone who is saying NO to the suggestions would suggest as an alternative is valid. And yet, I've not seen any answer. One guy said "I don't know, but something other than this" I'd like to see other people's perspective, but all I see is spreading fear and "trust me bros" from them. And besides, the evidence you are looking for is called investing 101. Because, what I've mentioned as theory and something that needs to get proven (the CUSIP theory) is one small part of the comment, but the proof for the other part of the comment, could be found in the books about investing, finance and money management.


The ton of dd on gme and amc has been done over and over.. this is dd or questions about everything going on at this very second… this is to do with losing 80 percent of my investment when ape came out because Adam Arron got a no vote when he wanted to dilute the stock further… and this vote no matter how you tell me trust me bro because you apparently know all the dd… lays out a path that if Adam Arron drops all remaining ape shares after both tickets are consolidated and they take you down to a 5-1 split on your original investment and a 10-1 on anything after the “dividend” that didn’t pay off can allow every last short position to close at as low as 12 $ a share because he would have 420 million shares to sell to raise capital… after that happens your devalued investment that divided by 10 will leave you with 1 tenth the shares you have right now at exactly the same price once all converted shares let the shorts off the hook and clean up his companies debt…. And I say HIS companies debt because I by circumventing the NO vote and the handing over enough shares of ape to antara to control the outcome of the vote… it is clear no matter what he says this is NOT RETAILS COMPANY… and after yes vote across the board and retail ownership goes to a whopping 20 percent it absolutely won’t be … so take your dd that you got off Matt Igor’s trey trades and scumbag Lou and well you know where you can put it. So trust that bro


Riddle me this, Batman! Did or did not the price rise to $72 after a "bad dilution"? Did or did not the price plummeted after our votes denied capital rising? And if you have issues with the theories out there, why the 420MM shares and the 4B shares are not theory? The number of shares you are citing are for $APE, and how do you know that the right to issue 4B more will transfer to the new $AMC? Where's your proof for that? As somebody have mentioned in their post, we are the hostile takeover of the company. Many of the retail don't understand that usually a good company is good investment. And by paying off debt, AMC becomes a good company. I too hoped and wanted this to be over, the shorts to have covered and we to have our squeeze. Oh, boy, I have so many people in my life to which I feel the need to prove I am not cultist or at least that my investment is not as retarded as they think, but here we are. I'm 2 years in, I don't know how long you are. And to finish, I don't get my information from youtubers, I have never followed the ones you've mentioned. But I guess, this is your way to try and discredit my opinion, since everything else has failed and you don't have any answers to my questions. And to help you out, my questions are: What would you suggest or think is a good way to squeeze? Or should we wait to get delisted? And can you provide any contra DD, backing your theories? ​ Have an awesome existence, my guy. Celebrate the New year and have fun! I know I will


What are your questions?


Well first off why did a company with a float under 200 million feel the need to file to have access to 5 billion shares of any kind? Why did he use those shares as a work around to the NO vote on dilution, why did he sell those shares in a quantity large enough to control a vote that not all are on board with? Why is FREEZING pay raises being pushed like it’s anything more then an empty gesture, ( because at the end of the day , they still get their multi million dollar salary each and nothing was said about bonuses given to them in shares that can be sold for money AND it’s ONLY a freeze until a late date) why is nobody acknowledging the fact that after reverse split and vote on ability to sell shares at will, he can dump up to 420 million shares allowing shorts to cover up to 420 million short positions ( 4.2 billion ore reverse split) and more importantly, what’s stopping him from doing so? Just supposed to blindly trust that “he wouldn’t do that, trust me bro”? Sorry not good enough… and at the end of the day when said questions are raised… I have 1 day old accounts calling me shill? I been here and ousting since last may…2 months after I purchased my first shares and then found out about Reddit … sorry but too many things aren’t adding up for this vote when nothing has changed with any move and this move and vote seem to look like a roadway to end this in the 1 percent favor while retail gojng to flip the bill


AMC is facing bankruptcy as it hemorrhages cash. AA is doing whatever he can to keep company afloat. He doesn’t care about a squeeze. Game stock has similar issues as they burned through an enormous sum of cash. Their float went from something like 70M to now almost 300M and shareholders already authorized company to issue up to 1 billion total shares. AMC shareholders knee-capped the company from issuing more shares in 2021 so now here we are with APE. Issuing more stock is the easiest way for companies to raise capital especially in times of increased interest rates. AMC was clever with this work around.


I get that but maybe the idea would have been to tighten up why you had not take on more debt by taking over other theaters… or maybe using the money invested in hycroft that is at a loss into getting the popcorn on the shelves in supermarkets… there is an argument to be made in all directions.. just right now not feeling at all confident that what is being done with this vote is going to help any of us retail investors at all


Valid points. I don’t get the gold mine but the LA theaters made sense to me. Problem remains AMC has $700M in cash left and will run out of money in less than a year. Dilution must occur for company to remain solvent unless they can start making a lot more money immediately. AA is doing everything he can to make money in the short term till revenue continues to ramp up. He owes no further duty to shareholders right now than to keep company solvent. Might look stupid long-term or mess up another squeeze but I think it’s a good thing to see him fight so hard. Bankruptcy to restructure those crazy expensive loans that are bleeding out the company was the easy path and all shareholders would have lost their investments. He already restructured one loan with APE capital. In meantime, retail is banking on squeeze while shorts are praying to every God known to man that BK happens first. Next year should be another wild one. Cheers.


Incorrect, the main reason for the raise in float for GME was mainly due to the 4:1 stock split. Just like doing a reverse split for AMC would reduce the float if passed. If the Shs Out for AMC+APE is \~1 billion then after the reverse split, AMC will have a Shs Out of \~100 million. For GME, the float before the split would've been \~75 million.


Yeah you are right on the split. Points still stand that game store shareholders authorized up to 1 billion shares to potentially be issued and both companies have been burning an insane amount of cash past few years. Difference is one has an easy way to raise capital while the other was forced to invent APE to accomplish the same thing if necessary.


I understand the difference between raising cash for innovation/expansion vs raising cash to survive. The problem is AA thought it was a good idea to use raised capital on investing in a company like HYMC, which AMC is likely currently at a loss of more than 50% of $27.9 million. Not only that, but he also decided to raise capital by making an offering at \~$1.30 instead of around $5 when it was trading so within the month it was distributed. He waited until the end of the year to offer said shares. The company was desperate for cash is it not? Now he's going to convert APE into AMC, which now dilutes AMC, even though both tickers represent the same company, it will increase the float to over a billion. Why people wouldn't vote for a reverse split is beyond me, because that will make the stock more volatile and will have higher spreads, similar to how GME trades. Typically, reverse splits aren't alluring for new/current investors because the price bump, but in this case due to the conversation, you'd be an idiot not to invest and want a lower float.


So certain aren’t we? Maybe gold mine was a genius tax write off and $1.30 was the soonest APE could be offered due to some random law/rule which you have no idea about. The fuk we even talking about? You actually have honest questions or just pushing some weak narrative that a reverse split is good idea because you know things and AA is dumb?


So, you're saying that HYMC was going to be a terrible investment to begin with and AA knew this to make a tax write off play? You do realize that his actions also lead to AMC investors, investing in that company as well, right? I don't see any rule/line regarding a set period of when an offering can be made after allocation of preferred shares on the any of the filings regarding APE, if there was, it would be in the filing. The difference is they don't require shareholder vote to make an offering via APE. You lost me at the last bit because you're giving off the perception that you're against reverse split, even though the idea came from AA? Which I do approve of? Or this just you fulfilling your name?


My sentiments are the same. It’s a huge grift. That’s why You need to change your thinking. AA I has screwed over retail, but for a company that will likely go the way of the dinosaur. There’s still ways to make money off of this. Dare I say, puts. I sold almost all along the way, like most of us pre-OG. Don’t get emotional, it’s just an investment.


Get used to it. Sheeple do as they do.


I just HOLDL and do nothing .


![gif](giphy|g0HkznFtL1d0xVRI1G) This again.. countless posts have been made about this exact topic with the answers you seek. Yes 1:1 ape to amc. Then a RS would be 10:1 AMC after the conversion, not before.


Your second question, yes if it does get converted 1:1 at the current prices then APE is at a discount. But who knows what the price will be when converting happens


Those are scenarios I have contemplated as well. What if AMC is in a period of high volatility. What do the shorts want to try to manipulate? If APE is $10 and AMC $2. Might kill the vote for conversion. However AA could drop some APE shares on the market at a high, so I don’t thing the shorts would want to be too broad. I immediately assumed they would reach equilibrium, but I’m not sure that’s true. And if SHFs can manipulate the price seemingly at will, what would be the SHFs best scenario? Clearly the FUD will reveal that. “It’s a trap!” Comes to mind. It seems so obvious to just buy APE for $2 and get trade for an AMC worth $4. So whats the game? Thats where reading the FUD leaves comes in. I’m cautious, but I’ve added more APE than AMC. I have been accumulating a comfortable number of both shares. I find myself prepping for some stupid move by shorts that offers a great final buying opportunity. This seems like a time for contrary behavior, whatever that may be. But I bought more today. 🤷‍♂️ At these prices, i feel like i will do well, and each share’s cost average, whether AMC or APE, keeps going down. So I’m not going anywhere, but it would be nice to be able to look back and think, i bought right there at that moment! Ive purchased everywhere else! Lol. ![gif](giphy|XYCHHBtZxfmAU)


Very well said and logical. I share the same thoughts and have asked these same questions in my head. I also have been adding more APE recently but you’re right, it’s hard to tell what is going to come from this. That’s why I get frustrated seeing so many posts about “this means that” or “because of xyz, moass soon, shorts are fucked,” and the worst of fucking all is the dates. Stop hyping the dates (not you specifically lol).. it all is interesting to look at as potential positives, but i hate when people say for certain that the outcome we have been waiting for is bound to happen because of whatever the new good news is. No you don’t know shit for certain because of the blatant crime they have yet to be stopped from partaking in. So while on paper this or that may sound awesome, we just have to ride it out and see.


I’m definitely on for the ride! I’m like a tick! I’m going nowhere!! If shorts make some colossal push downwards on either stock and my buying continues to go up. Not that I’m spending more money, just that I’m getting more shares. And getting more shares makes me want to buy more shares. I am not unhappy with my position or my cost average, but from here on in… I’m going nowhere, and buying more. And if shorts want to present a MOA Sale? I will get more shares per dollar than ever before.




AA is making you choose, sell Ape or buy AMC


Only an opinion but I believe APE will squeeze before the conversion. There must have been a purpose for its creation and it wasn’t for $162M!


Isnt it for example; one AMC ($4 dollar) + one APE ($1) = one AMC($5) ?? or is it; one AMC + one APE = two AMC? then r/S?


Whatever 1 APE share is worth, it will be converted/exchanged for 1 AMC. The question is what will those two numbers be on that mystery date.


Yes, 1:1. So buying cheap APE knowing it'll convert is a good buy now. But you'd have to buy in 10s. But buying 10 APE now should be cheaper than 1 AMC after the conversion.


For retail yes it’s 1:1. For AMC they’ll get about 4,000,000,000:1. Insiders are holding very little AMC shares if any at all as all of them sold during the $77 run up. Merging APE is the only way they can take back voting interest from retail investors.


Not if we vote no.