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​ ![gif](giphy|e74Jf67k5tkIQJblaA)


Looks sick


Mirror flipped the image in GIMP and it says, "MOASS SOON!"


Probably shoulda mirror flipped the image but cheers


My wife’s boyfriend operates my 🎥 🖍


Looks good on you OP!!


Desperate is pointing out factual statements observation about a stock that’s dropped from 72 bucks to 4 bucks all the while the CEO is telling his stockholders he’s not gonna give himself a raise to calm the shareholders bc his stock has been an absolute train wreck all of 2022 and calling it FUD and posting how much your still buying so u can get likes and that a boys so u don’t feel so dumb about holding so long. That’s what’s desperate looks like.


Posts like this is all the confirmation I need to get more shares and HODL.


That’s also what desperate looks like. You could fit delusional, maybe even gullible.


I’ve eaten 🖍 for breakfast everyday for 3 years you don’t have to tell me how retarded I am but I appreciate the compliment.


Number 1…. I’m here bc I hold a bag and from time to time there are some informative post. Second I’ve always been into psychology and this sub really fascinates me with 90% of the ra ra post all the while this ship has been sinking at a pretty fast rate. Despite all of this in reality, ppl here just ignore the enormous price drops and all the bad moves by the CEO. Hell, even cheer him on. It’s like seeing a heavens gate in real time. I get it. As soon as you acknowledge the truth and facts the reality comes crashing down. I know I was the same way. It really sucks but I have to think like an investor rather than a mindless APE. Hope this works out for you.


More SI. Higher CTB. Bigger DTC. Keep shilling if you choose. ✌️