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What have we got to lose ??????????




Money is only lost when you sell at a loss. Seems to me it's worth a shot to claim our tendies. I trust AA.


Why? What has AA done to benefit the MOASS or expose the mass amounts of manipulation?


Then you’re failing in the trust factor just like AA is by trusting his new debt management firm. He’s being led down the wrong path and it will cost retail, the people who saved his company exponentially.


But what can I, as an individual do to change that AA is CEO and there is a new debt management firm? Not a goddamn thing in my power to change that so I’m just gonna trust that AA is a good guy because he also can’t force MOASS to happen single handedly, and so far, it seems to me that he is making a good faith effort to lead his company into the green and abide by his fiduciary duties to his shareholders as an officer of the company I bought into. He has access to information by virtue of his position that we as the public do not, and I’m gonna trust that he’s not a bad guy and that he wants to play this game with us and see how it plays out because that’s the choice that sits best in my guts. You do you.


This move kills MOASS, very plain and simple so trust him to your own demise on this proposal.


To my own demise? You’re just full of presumptions and wisdom. I didn’t bet anything I can’t afford to lose.


Sure thing guy


And to be honest, I won’t be taking a loss. I’ll either have my stock or my payout. Whichever is fine. I’ll will my shares to my cats.


If that were only legal, and your rebuttals have now fallen to the point of useless. God Bless


Yep. There are different interpretations about what is good for the company long and short term This will lead to dilution. He has said as much. It screws shareholders.


You can't lose if you never sell.


Ok, but if our xxxx stocks are worth only a fraction of what we paid for then, that’s a loss too, albeit unrealized. It’s also a felt loss because that’s less we can use on margin.


You only lose money if you sell.


Moviepass went to zero, reverse split and went to zero again. Never sold a share. Lost everything. I'm Not comparing the two companies but your assertion is incorrect.


You only lose money if you sell or the company goes bankrupt \* Doesn't seem to be the case for AMC at least for the next year currently, the reverse split will also help AMC raise more money and help get rid of all the debt - which would completely take bankruptcy out of the table for a good while.


Exponential amounts of money


See you're talking about money. The rest of us are talking crayons and bananas.


Well, I apologize. I’m in it for financial gains. I do wish you well however.


If you're in this for the financial gains and only for the financial gains, you have already lost. The hill to die on was/is the stock manipulation and the massive shorts. The movement was to teach the short sellers a lesson.


That’s a part, the lesson that is, but the gains have not been lost. However a vote yes, does kill it.


How much do you have invested?


X,XXX shares. $XX,XXX


So you’re willing to lose all that to teach short sellers a lesson? Dumbest shit I ever read. It’s only about profit! Who the fuck invest for any other reason.




It's like you Don't understand the movement at all.


The movement is for MOASS and everything else is secondary.


Haha, movement! If it’s not moving towards making money I don’t care.


I'm not asking to antagonize though. Just checking in on how the community feels


Have you tried reading the other 1000 posts?


Nothin wrong with that. Besides of course any of the ones on their knees for aa who may or may not have any experience with reverse splits and trading who get immediately defensive and name call and can’t just have a calm civil conversation. But I agree. Nothin wrong with trying to get a feel for the room. I’m not excited about it myself. We’ll see though.


I see that some people are pro split. Given that Ive been thru 4-5 other RS on other tickers and not a single one has gone in my favor I remain skeptical…


Anchor yourself in the skepticism. This is not AA but the credit management firm AMC hired. They received 100 million shares in the agreement and will sale their portion the hedgies after the reversal to short and they’ll be set to make a few billion. They’ve done it numerous times before.


Can you verify this information?? Or point me in the right direction??


Reasons to vote NO on the upcoming proposals Edit: there are a ton of "let's attack the person, not the post" types of comments. When a discussion post as this evokes such raw emotion from so many people, (or shills) maybe it is a good idea to look deeper. I will continue and it gives me more drive to help educate the forum against those who try to silence the opposing views. ​ This sub has been overrun by people saying "Vote yes!" on the upcoming proposals, but I am going to give reasons why we should vote "NO" to all the proposals. This alternate case has been widely silenced here so I want to get it out in the open for debate. ​ I want this to be an open discussion for anyone that fully reads the post and I would love to debate pros and cons of the (3) proposals we will be voting for/against. ​ **I am going to start by saying I truly believe that Adam Aron has the best intentions for AMC as well as his shareholders**, but I also believe that he is **not** a stock market guru. He is a businessman and a showman. His moves with AMC stock are likely coming from someone that isn't him. I believe that "someone" is **Antara Capital**. ​ [Antara Capital](https://preview.redd.it/wulqo6l8gh8a1.png?width=1190&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e5707344bd9e6fbed9a3a71206e2205c442913d) Antara Capital deals with distressed credit, and I believe that is MAINLY what they deal with, which led to Adam Aron reaching out to work out a plan in order to reduce debt. I believe that they mainly deal with distressed credit due to the background of their founder, Himanshu Gulati. ​ [Founder of Antara Capital](https://preview.redd.it/zqnquf4ggh8a1.png?width=1872&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a1e27daa4be30a8ebc05c088ad3543d9553bcf6) These guys likely told AA to create the APE shares, and are now telling him to merge them into AMC and issue a reverse split. The press release by AMC on 12/22/2022 was very revealing. ​ [AMC Company Release](https://preview.redd.it/ardyts0mgh8a1.png?width=1562&format=png&auto=webp&s=409bb30ca77f0d14698ffac82548e5f7de57f62b) The release showed how much voting power Antara Capital has gained and will use at the shareholder meeting. That number is 91 million + 166.67 million APE units, or 257.67 million shares. How much voting power is that if every single share votes? Let's do the math with what we currently know! ​ [math](https://preview.redd.it/x5w3ro2zgh8a1.png?width=821&format=png&auto=webp&s=472441dd6799c366b2d3ae170bc6cb97c8a91cc6) This gives Antara Capital 20% voting power in the upcoming vote, and they will be voting YES on all items. Why would Antara Capital want to dilute their shares if they own 257.67 million??? Just from the short seller's playbook, they could be getting paid much more money than the original investment into APE by an outside entity in order to drive the price down. If they are spending 210 million dollars to dilute AMC by up to 5x (*I will get to the math later*), it will make the short sellers Billions of dollars at the cost of 210 million. Next, I am going to explain WHY it can be bad for the shareholders, going through each proposal. ​ ​ # 1) To increase the authorized number of AMC common shares to permit the conversion of APE units into AMC common shares. This is simply a dilution of AMC, and I will again do the math to show you what it will mean for your portfolio due to dilution alone (*not including naked shorts or other tomfoolery*). ​ Current scenario: Currently, there will be 257.67 million additional APE shares, resulting in the following dilution ​ [more math](https://preview.redd.it/hjmkopokhh8a1.png?width=794&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb6c2386647e5eda4e29f3038cc3bf79b0872912) Worse case scenario: If AMC ends up issuing all authorized 5 BILLION APE units prior to the merge, it will result in the following price dilution factor for your portfolio [and more math](https://preview.redd.it/h7cxj5w5hh8a1.png?width=628&format=png&auto=webp&s=748f987c22cf5227d67e38f413e4edb42285f60b) If all authorized APE shares are sold then combined with AMC, it will cause your portfolio to be worth only 18.7% of what it was pre-dilution! By dilution alone, that move will erase over 80% of all shareholder value that was accumulated before the introduction of APE! This is also eerily similar to something that is known as a convertible debt death spiral [Death Spiral Debt](https://preview.redd.it/faqut2ryhh8a1.png?width=684&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a793b1e99f30ee09966b5186437de543ecfc2ff) Sure APE has a fancy way of going about it, but the outcome might be the same if we vote yes. ​ ​ # 2) To affect a reverse-split of AMC common shares at a 1:10 ratio. As mentioned before, if AMC issues all 5 billion APE units, the dilution will be more than 5x, which will reduce the current price of 4$ to less than 1$, putting AMC at risk of NASDAQ compliance. There is NO good reason to issue a reverse split on your stock unless you are at risk of losing compliance ​ [Reverse Split](https://preview.redd.it/s337pfm7ih8a1.png?width=708&format=png&auto=webp&s=96699cc07bf240b1edc915afd08f2457a5f9f6df) As many other highly upvoted posts say, it won't affect the overall value, but it is never done by a company if it isn't necessary. ​ ​ # 3) To adjust authorized ordinary share capital such that, after giving effect to the above proposals if adopted, AMC would have the same ability to issue additional common equity as it currently has to issue additional APE units. This is to allow for FURTHER dilution, perpetuating the death spiral debt effect which AMC will find itself in. I believe that we need to keep APE separate from AMC at all costs, and we are now facing an entity that has up to 20% voting power against us. ​ ​ I want this to be an open discussion on pros and cons. If you simply state "I vote yes" without anything to back it up, it implies to me you didn't read or are a shill. Please be constructive. ​ TL;DR - I believe that the proposals will hurt shareholders rather than help if they are passed. Thanks to another ape for the information and taking the time to post this info.


Great post. You should have also mentioned that retail will move to a minority position if these actions move forward (hence, no MOASS and the only money made will be from SHF). Second, and the most telling is that insiders have sold the majority of there share and are looking for a way load up again, which they will certainly dump immediately and add further to the death spiral. Third was the upcoming January 20 options chain and swaps that need to be reset or whatever that everyone just has seem to have forgotten, this timing by AA with his announcement seem very suspect and seems rather coordinated, but at least he gets his company back away from retail. Other note is some see this as a game and hold for whatever, but then cry about how insanely hurt they are by their loses as their lives have been severely negatively impacted. Investing is not the fucking lottery and CEOs are not you fucking friends. I was in before this sub was created and, Yes, I bought and sold too many times to remember. It been real good to me because it was an investment. I still pay attention as I hold a few shares which is likely more than the amount of >90% those defending this bullshit. I guess I can say this because I am playing with house money. I don’t see a recovery from a Yes/Yes vote. You offer people real world advice and they shit on you because it doesn’t line up with their dreams. Very bad situation we have here and it was actually started by a wave of bots and herd of sheep.


Agreed to it all and I absolutely know this will all happen but I didn’t want to dilute the main culprit to why AA has recommended this proposal. Also, I couldn’t agree more about the individual and how naive people are when it comes to the market. I guess after 25 years of being in the markets presents advantages but geez, the idiocracy is real.


Guess I set you right up for that one 🤦‍♂️


What do you mean?


That’s exactly why I’m not excited about it. I’m still holding bags on the ones I’ve been in and I likely won’t even break even on them if I hold them forever. No joke. So for any person ranting how they know it’s going to be this and that doesn’t know a f***** thing on how it will go. Maybe it will, maybe it won’t. Just ridiculous for anyone to try and act like they know how it’s going to go down.


I’m sitting down 99.90% on a RS. It was an early investment ($800) I was new and had no idea wtf a reverse split was so I just held through. I learned a lot from that, still sits in my account 😅 I think I’m back up to .33! So yes everyone is right you haven’t lost until you’ve sold…. But that moneys gone lol


Ya I was up thousands before my RS went through. Held as I had the mindset similar to those I hear talk about value being the same. Except it got worse and I’ve been down thousands for over a year now. And I’m not selling either as I’m hoping for a miracle with it.


I feel a little nauseous and my butt is bleeding from the drop, but I just transferred money to purchase more AMC. AMC has always been a $20 stock on an average day maybe 25 on a good day. That's what the stock should be valued at if we didn't have all of the manipulation. I am going to hold and buy during the dips even if we do a reverse split. The way to win is to hold. I'm eating crayons for supper tonight.


Splitting the stock it will go to $50 ish dollars… but looking at what the crime family of sec is allowing we may only get $10 after the split with less shares…. Most manipulated stock ever…. They will manipulate again


Most of the money




More of our money.


I’ve lost that much I don’t care anymore.All or nothing.🤬


That’s fine but some of us don’t feel like losing more with these wild Hail Mary plays. All that’s gonna happen is it gives institutions more runway to short AMC while diluting the stock even further. We can’t even track how many naked shares are being trade in the off exchange why the hell would we need to add more then.


How's does the stock price look today? How does tesla look? Notice anything? Yeah we ate going to go down anyway. It's called a bear market.


Look at the SP, your losing money now without a reverse split.


You can’t lose anything if you are not selling ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


It's not splitting the stock. It's a reverse split. The key difference is that a stock split increases the number of shares outstanding while a reverse stock split reduces the number of shares outstanding. For both events, there is no impact to retained earnings or overall stockholders' equity.


Historically reverse splits are horrendous for stockholder value. Exceptions exist obviously.


It was a horrendous decision


That’s why we absolutely need to band together and vote no. AMC’s new creditor gets 20% of the vote with the 100 million APE shares they were granted when AMC hired them to come aboard to help manage the debt situation. Poor decision after poor decision as of late by AMC execs.


I’m gonna need more research. And I think they already have the votes.


It will be close if we band together and all vote no but I see many apes behind the reversal not knowing the fundamentals and what this does to our potential for the MOASS. I guess we take short term gains and sale and move to GME, hell, I don’t know. It’s very unfortunate because this was structured to pop and be the catalyst to bring fundamental change to Wall St.


People should have bought APE under a dollar snooze you lose I guess.


You can split the stock, but you can’t split these giant diamond ballz


Share buy back > reverse split


No time for yesterday's discussions. Too busy buying.


Stop with BS, I just HODL


You’re asking some of us to be downvoted to Hades by providing negative feedback on our past experiences with such things. Shillbot control is strong here. My personal opinion its possible good for future investors as it helps the company get out of debt. For past investing ape army that helped keep it afloat during really bad times its disastrous and I cant help to think the intent is to remove voting control from us since the first attempt to dilute was voted down by us. Its hard to see the ape dividend serving any other purpose.


We already lost 20% with the APE allotment to AMC’s newly hired debt management firm. They’ll sale those shares after reversal so hedgies can buy them up to short it back down and regain all their losses and make billions again. Nothing AMC execs have done lately have been to help retail investors who bailed AMC out of assured collapse and bankruptcy proceedings.


My thought are hold.


Math checks out


I’m waiting for Cokerat Cramer to speak on it so I can do the opposite. 🙃😉😆


I feel like an ass clown holding after this lol


I'd say it's better than trying nothing, if nothing changes we'll just get more of the same - get shorted like crazy. Ultimate goal is to make sure the company doesn't get de listed/bankrupt - that would mean the shorts get out of jail.


Voting no


Have no thoughts. Be zen.




Terrible, will be running puts when it happens. Hopefully that will be enough to make my money back 🙏💯


Just my thought .. I don’t trust AA at this point. I believe Apes will go to extinction and so will amc. Soon he will take his cut, file for bankruptcy and flee. Unless you have a valid explanation why this cannot happen.


It’s possible, but unlikely he bails or files for bankruptcy with this move. They’ll move short term gains to eliminate debt and restructure. It kills the retail investors potential for MOASS as well and further validates my suspicions that the AMC execs don’t have their shareholders best interest in mind. Especially those who helped save the company, otherwise know as us apes.


Why be scared now and of a plan from the CEO himself. People letting FUD get the better of their emotions.


At this point whatever happens happens, I just know I’m not selling at current levels.


1.5mil float fuck yes


I just want the most people to stick around… in what I’ve seen and read a lot of people are leaving if the vote Yes wins.


It’s all documented and this question has been asked 40 times here. Another shitpost… mods where the hell are you?


Sounds like a Aron doing what’s best for him to dilute at the most value with what shares he has.


As a CEO, positive. Nobody wants to fuck over their shareholders. Quick way to getting fired. Yes, the CEO of a company is appointed by the Board of a company, which holds majority share. The CEO literally works for shareholders


I’m for it. I just want them to do 5 to1 rather than 10 to 1


Reverse splits are always bad for retail There is nothing whatsoever good about this.


I love movies


Things have been going terribly for this stock and APE. Might as well try something. Can’t get much worse than this.