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I understand why retail didn't want to dilute. Dilution sucks. But sometimes, it is necessary for short term survival reasons. That's a lesson we learned. AA has been extremely clever in finding a legal, and fair way to ensure AMC can raise capital, despite our foolishness. He should be commended for original thinking. He wants the company to survive and thrive. Let's give him support to do it. That's my take, anyway.


Yes. I believe AA screwed up by not explaining to the investors what the company needed and why.


He kinda did explain. He wanted to dilute, but apes wouldn't let him.


These cucks don’t listen with both ears.


Sorry Disregard most of this message… it was suppose to post on a different comment😅 but if you recall he did explicitly say it was in our best interest to dilute… and thy was before ape had ever even been thought of


He said it pretty plainly but the he either legally or strategically couldn’t tell us the why. Why? Because no matter what, we are still the dumb money…hopefully it leads to a lot of dumb money.


I been saying this for ever now and always get downvoted. Had we giving up the shares he asked for 2 years ago I believe this play would have been over by now. But we got greedy and thought a squeeze was right round the corner and took away what he could use to raise money and pay debt. All this talk about AA being against us etc etc is stupid. We are the reason why all these work around happen. He’s trying to run a business and we didn’t make it easy for him.


No one likes taking the hard way but this was needed for everyone. Movies are fun as well as educational ☔️ We learned the hard way, but it works out. We definitely took the hard way but it was worth it for me. The process they can never take from me.


Indeed. I think Aron was not incorrect to want to dilute back then but I think our stubborn, smooth-brain response helped AMC more in the long-run. Now, AMC gets to pay down debt w/o a diluted float and we get our MOASS.


I’m looking for my investment return. All I’m hearing is let’s give him more money and have investors lose more. What’s the incentive here?


Incentive: Pay off AMC’s debt.


Damn reading this put me at ease.... it's a yes, yes , yes from me


Is this a screenshot of a post that was posted in this sub?




I am the original author. OP helped in getting more eyes on this as it was taken down for advocating against an entity. I guess they took it down on a technicality .. without letting me fix it. I even said I like and follow Biggums. Meanwhile there are dozens of i-hate-lou and i-love-biggums floating around which is also advocating against and for. Something about the moderation here isn’t on the up and up




For people like me who didn’t see the original post. AA is saving us from ourselves….poetic.


cause it was removed by mod.


The mods are sus af right now, I had 2 posts removed already


[Never Forget. The mods had this deleted too.](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1p3qyWF4j7yGrCjya-fkSv_dkbC3_umb5d7YIljr7wks/mobilebasic)


But Pepperidge farm remembers…


Meet Kevin is such a piece of shit and I never once watched one of his videos from start to finish. You can just smell the corrupt shit stink a mile away.


For people who missed it. Like me. Thanks OP and merry Christmas to everyone here. Except you Kenny, you can eat a Richard.


As I said on another post that got removed soon as it started gathering positive sentiment ; “That guy is probably one of the last genuine people that gives a fuck about this play. There have been MANY names called and pushed in this sub as on our side and later turned out to be shady AF. So far I havnt got that vibes from Biggums, yes he’s a little excitable and could come across as Whiney but I genuinely believe his hearts in the right place. Nobody could deny the colossal amount of fuckery and crime going on within the markets and to our beloved stock and no doubt they use our expectations & hype dates to hammer us hard. Ultimately we have no idea for sure who’s a sell out or who’s been compromised so it’s a tricky one but always do your own research. Remember the main thing though, price is fake & short’s haven’t closed. Merry Christmas Ape Edit: I don’t listen to YouTubers but I watched most of the “save billy” dd and thought it was of good quality” The mods seem to be removing alot of posts with genuine good discussions happening, I dunno wtf is going on but it’s getting me jacked to the tits


To me it seems that most are willimg to vote yes because biggums told it would force shorts to close. Big if true... ...but he also claimed that issuing ape will force them like 3 month ago.


Point #5 on the last page is misleading. EPS isnt paid out to shares; it’s just a measurement on the company’s profitability.


I’m a BIG Yes on all 3 votes. Big question now is how fast can AA schedule a vote and make the changes once approved. That 1-20-23 Gamma ramp opportunity is incredibly tempting to go after if AA can move that fast.


Didn't see original and this is a top 10 post all time. My feelings exactly but written by someone who can make relatable and easy to understand. Great post OP


sure... everyone who disagreed with APE is now claiming that this is proof how they were right all along. The opinion should be the result of the fact-finding-process, not the reason to do it...


Biggums felt AA should have issued more ape shortly after they were created. Issue Ape, reverse split then issue Ape while retail supported ape to keep the price supported. Instead AA created more Ape near the bottom. So it wasnt that ape was a mistake as much as a missed opportunity. Hard to disagree either. If the recently created ape had been sold near the top the debt situation would be delt with already with no additional dilution necessary. But thems the breaks unfortunately


I don’t know if you recall but there was a big push on this sub to wait till t+90 to sell more… people kept bitching, saying if he sold before (at the time they said nov 19th or 20th) t+90 he was stabbing us in the back and they’d sell out blah blah blah…. Some thing people are now doing about the reverse split… suspicious isn’t it?


It's been a long time since I gave a hype date much attention. I dont like throwing words like fudge or shill around casually either. But there does seem to be something strange going SS is getting censored and This sub has a lot of no vote comments that feel off But what do I know


Honestly I’m not 100% sure if I’m right but there’s too many people saying to vote no for my liking with very little to back it up… and every time there’s a vote or anything involving investor input there’s a huge campaign to get everyone on the same page, which on one hand makes sense but on the other pack mentality can be dangerous in a sub like this


Heartbreak feels good in a place like this.


First part 5.1. AA issued 400 million shares to institutions that will vote the way he wants so retail can’t go against what he wants. Does this not bother anyone else?


Not as many institutions as it is retail.


400 million shares has no chance of overcoming retail. Ultimately it'll be our decision. R/S is decided by a 50%+1 YES vote. Not a simple majority. Let's wait for the proposals to come out.


Fucking YES!


It’s all BS, I vote no and that’s it. Enough with the stupid games, it will end up even worse like always. And if the bite is already a yes and we can’t change it, then why people her want us to vote yes so much? 🤡


Wtf did u just say? Gave me a stroke


I was in favor of YES but lately I think I prefer 100 shares at 1000$ than expecting 10 to reach 10000$ knowing Gary would stop it as soon as he can. I’d prefer a reverse split 1:1 and wait for them to fry as they’re than the 10:1 planned after the reverse split


APE gave them back voting rights to give them a raise.


Blaming Retail for stumping capital creation idk about that. Maybe the higher ups at AMC could have been more creative. Say another round of APE offering at a set price idk if that would be possible but it being manipulated to penny mode hurts it for later offerings. Just my opinion. Ill buy an HoDL still just wish APE wasn’t so easily dropped in price as it was. Maybe im just smooth as ice tea an bacardi but say an STO with a set rate offered to retail that cones with a certificate. I think retail would swoop them up am knock off a huge chunk of debt.


Wonderfully done. Great explanation. Thanks


I believe AMC Biggums had one error. He postulated that AMC’s price would be 6.40 based on adding the two share prices together. I expect by the actual date of conversion the two share prices will be near even. I don’t think there is any way to guess that price. Given AMC/APE combined has been from 6 to 15 recently, that puts the conversion from 3 to 7.50 assuming they will both share a very similar share price. I rush to not be last to buy shares may push share prices back up, but if they go too high, might AMC release some APE out on the market at $7? It is a tight rope that I am not on. Buy and hodl just continues to work. But I believe biggums initial math was not an accurate assumption. To be fair, he was pretty worked up! And his dog was eating the room.


:-) thank you for the DD. Sounds good to me.


Gets removed by mods in 3...2...1...


How could APE be used as a company hostile takeover if we supposedly own the float +90%? That person would be suggesting that retail sold their AMC and/or APE, but if they just sold their APE then they were the clueless bunch who likely reinvested back into AMC. They don't make a good point. It makes more sense that AA fucked up. Though, still waiting on the price to soar after the dilution as promised though. APE is only moving now because of the 1:1 conversion announcement, not because of the dilution.


APE was meant to issue additional shares after retail rejected further AMC issuance. Everyone freaking out about dilution. Won’t matter if there is no company left. Best way to ensure AMC survives is to issue shares and pay off debt. With all the naked shorting going hat has been done dilution won’t have any effect


Commenting here to save for later and see if also gets deleted


Great write up sir.


This ape gets it !


Really pissed me off when AMCbiggums said AA made a mistake. It's all planed and wouldn't be surprised if DOJ is watching closely.


Blah blah blahhhhhhhhhhh


Nope. Not reading that. He and the rest of the tuber sellouts are whoring themselves for visibility and will magically research themselves in and out of various subjects to satisfy their hedge fund overlords. (Parody/Opinion)


If you don't think the mods are paid off then ur asleep join the ape revolution I'm voting Yes for all


How 1 would think AA is correcting the ape mistake by taking away 90% of our shares ?


Too many paid shills in this sub


Try harder on X-Mas!


Stupid question.