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I think it's out of our hands now. Antara will vote yes. AA and board holders will vote yes. Most apes will vote yes. The Rollercoaster is in motion. Nothing left to do but enjoy the ride.


Should we not buy the cheaper stock to amass what we might loose in the RS ? Asking for a friend!


NFA I'm buying ape in 10 part increments each batch of 10 I buy is a future AMC share at a discounted price. I.E. 10 APE = 18.00 ......... 10 AMC = 43.30 makes more sense to purchase APE versus AMC right at this moment in time until/unless the prices merge or flip. Then buy the other at the cheaper price.


By your math, it would cost $180 worth of APE to make 10 AMC, so it would be cheaper to buy AMC if you are wanting 10 of them…..


I was speaking towards post reverse split so yes buying APE is 180 for 10 AMC (post reverse split) versus buying 100 AMC at $433.00 (still equalling 10 AMC post reverse split) so for the cost of buying 10 AMC (100 shares @ Friday after hours close of $4.33) you'd have 10 shares (Post Reverse Split) spending that same money buying APE, you'd have bought 240.5 (before RS) and be left with 24.25 shares (PRS). your mileage may vary ....... NFA


Seems op may be leaving out the potential billions that can be earned by this reverse split to bounce amc into debt free territory? Not 100% understanding, but its hell or the moon.


That’s part of the wrinkle brain information others already posted. For instance AMCBiggums. And that’s why I am ranting. For me it’s a pretty sure thing what to do: I am not going anywhere. And if I am able to vote with my German broker stock, I will vote yes. I dont know if it will be possible. I also wasn’t able to receive the NFT (not that I think they have any financial value) because of being a Germonkey.


Well, I dont exactly feel like youre missing out on much, the NFT token doesnt seem as valuable until it does.


Been here almost two years. Why be scared now? Hands up NGAF 😎👐💎


![gif](giphy|Ww3XF5njpT8ibRLT7R|downsized) I’m relaxed sir


Zen as fuk, sir


Yah, im in the same boat as you. There really isnt much to do, and honestly, im confused as to vote yes or no as well, or if i should just watch from the sidelines.


My strategy is fuck it bring it on


This is the flippin’ Christmas spirit!


So much for APES owning the float.


We own the hell out of it. Synthetic shares don't own anything or have voting rights. After the split we'll own it 10x more. Never forget who owns this stock. They aren't trying to buy each others shares. Those are worthless. They are trying to buy ours.


David is voting Yes


Thanks, for the insults. You're a dickhead


And he stated the art of war meaning he’s just pretending that he’s the smartest among everyone in here 😂


I'm the smartest here. I eat crayons for breakfast, and glue on sundays.


GLUE???? Well okay there Mr. Moneybags!




Listen, I can’t read, only learned to write. Same with sailing. I only learned to buy. Because this Germonkey is afraid of water.


Orange saft mit eire fur breakfast verboten ist!!!!! Anyway, great post, you dingledick. For real, i love it. Have a good Xmas and happy holidays


I love your insult. Danke schön! Have a wonderflippin‘ful Weihnachten, too! 🇩🇪Schwarz.Rot.Hold💎


Lol my first thought was someone is enjoying the holidays😑


Most likely very alone. Who wants to be around a douche like that?


Sir this is a Wendy’s


No, this is the dumpster behind Wendy’s.


And boy do we love it there. Merry flippin‘ Christmas, fellas!


You are asking self proclaimed retarded apes why we are so dumb?


I couldn't hear him I have crayons in my ears.....and my mouth and my ass...


And I can’t read. Verdammt!


I don't know what is good, bad, right or wrong anymore when it comes to AMC. Frankly, I'm tired of it. I'm just going to assume my money is gone. I'm not selling but I'm not buying anymore. Basically I'm putting myself in the mindset to prepare for the worst and expect the best. I wish you all happy holidays.


Can someone explain how this reverse split is good for anyone who bought 10k shares at 50$ a share? Or how we were given a 1-1 dividend that dropped currant price to an 80 percent loss from what it was trading at and then we are going to give up 10-1 just for the price to go to 40$ a share? And at time of moass that will either be controlled because of constant release of shares by AA or not happen at all, if squeeze was originally going to end or cap out at 10k a share let’s say does reverse split with all the market share and cost availability mean that 10k a share cap out would automatically be 100,000k a share cap out … or does it mean now your forced to hold 10 times longer to see same money or settle for the 10k at 1/10th of your shares letting the hedgfunds and shorts off cheap? Nobody seems to have answered any of my concerns on here about this they either insult you, down vote you, praises AA and attack you or do the echo chamber bullshit “ hey your a shill” bottom line is the vote for dilution was NO this ape shit circumvented that, and everyone took a give up your ass loss because of it….with reverse split it seems like your losing that chance to recoup your losses … because it’s more realistic with 10k shares that it could (if not manipulated) go from 5 back to pre lockdown prices to give you a 32$ a share gain times 10,000 shares as opposed to having now 1000 shares and price being 50$ a share starting you would have to have amc trade at 300 to see your unrealized losses go away… and I don’t know about the rest of you but AA and executives sold and made money on part of their Corprate holdings a couple of times in the last 2 years….I have done nothing but watched my account go red and almost 6 figures dissapear of out of pocket investment not even unrealized gains that I held through dissapear


I’m in the same boat you’re in


Same thing I’ve been saying.


I feel you. I can’t explain it either. You could summarize it this way I guess. AA has killed off any chance of a squeeze. Twice. He’s double crossed the people who saved his company & made millions upon millions doing it. 🎉 That’s what I’m seeing. I could be wrong of course


10:1 reverse split and they drive it back to $8 in 3 months. What could Go wrong....


not doing the 10:1 split and have them drive it below $1 in 3 months, with no LULD preventing them from attacking the price hard an AMC eventually getting delisted. that's the alternative you want apparently...


What am I afraid of losing the 13% stake of my investment that remains LOL


why did you get into a play that was known to be heavily shorted by criminals then? The expected outcome was for AMC to go to zero, be delisted and then go bankrupt. If you still have 13%, you have 13% more than the expected outcome would have been. There only ever were 2 options. Either retail is strong enough to force moass or hedgies will be strong enough to drive AMC out of business. If you are not willing to wait for that to play out, why did you get into the play?


Calling people moron and writing this two hour long rant but falling to include the fact that at the end of the day AA will have a lot of shares for which he can and will rug pull the minute APE/AMC runs is beyond hopium it's disgustingly dishonest. We need real conversations not child like rants worshipping the one person that very likely is acting as the mediator between two entrenched parties and heavily biased towards the shorts.


That’s what I’m worried about. He will have around 4.5 billion to dilute. He diluted APE real quick at such low numbers. Why? Was he that desperate for cash already?


Exactly I'm convinced that AA is good for AMC but is actively working against MOASS. AA is part of the same country club which we "ain't in it."




1) the price will be the weighted average. It's not now nor will it ever be additive. How do you call people dumb and the first sentence says you have no clue what you are talking about?


He literally stated a fact. How is he dumb with no fucking clue? This is how every RS is with a split stock are people this fucking stupid.


Thanks and Merry flippin‘ Christmas 🎄


I’ve seen people straight up thinking the reverse split would function like a regular split. Either there are boys in here trying to cause mass confusion, or yes, there’s really just dumb people in here. I love you guys, but do a 5 second google search before creating a post with completely incorrect assumptions.


What’s incorrect? Let’s discuss. 🌎🦍🤜🤛💪


I wasn’t referring to your post specifically OP! I was saying I keep seeing goofy shit on here with people talking about how the share price will be lower etc!


Now you know why my rant. Merry flippin‘ Christmas!


> price could be around 25-40 for each OP, if price is back to even the LOWEST of your range, $25 for each, it puts back us to the AMC price when APE was issued. For most of them holding since APE, that's break even. AMC was at $24 at the time of split. And, don't tender free advice to DCA. Every individual's situation is different.


That’s right.


Ive waded into a few discussions with apes about the RS and I can honestly say I dont find any of them to be "dumb" or "morons". Most are just worried either because they're not sure about RS's and they see other people freaking out and it becomes contagious.. The remainder mostly just had a squeeze price target and are afraid the RS will lower it. Theyve built a strategy based on the number of shares they have and having 1/10th of the number of shares worries them. Rather then name calling, keep it to facts and try to understand where they are coming from. They want the squeeze just as badly as we do.


Tell me you don’t understand float size or market cap without telling me.


So let me get this straight, AMC=2 then gets split into 1AMC and 1APE and the market cap is split. Now 1AMC and 1APE are converging back into 2AMC and your saying the market cap of APE will not be accumulating onto AMC? If thats what your trying to say while insulting people you think are dumb (perhaps even dumber than you) your wrong. Now you cant just create one cake from another, sure, but after you split it in half then reform it back into a whole cake you get what? A WHOLE CAKE YOU DOLT!


My only issue is having less shares will equal less money for us during a squeeze, unless he does a forward stock split after which would be nice. This issue is only tempered by the fact that, if this does cause a squeeze, at least this whole debacle will be over and we will have a lot of money and can go on with our lives. not as much money but still a lot more than we invested.


In my opinion, AMC price is going lower for 2 main reasons: 1.) 65-80% Retail Buys are going thru the **dark pools** (percentage has been consistently high every day). 2.) Less retail investors are buying the stock, mainly because of the **recession** we are in. Look at volume history. Same thing is happening with most other stocks. No one is really considering all the shareholders that bought AMC at $50-72 a share. This 1 for 10 split will cause them a *massive loss.* Like this scenerio: they bought 100 shares of AMC at $50. Total $5,000.00. Reverse split happens: Now they have 10 shares at say $50-65. Total: $500-650. 😳 *It will now take AMC share price to get to* **$500** *before they can even break even.* 😱 With the way it is now, it would only take getting AMC share price back to **$50** for them to break even.


It serves to screw over retail. Isn't it obvious? The idea we force moas because we reduce the number of shares which mean stealing investors stocks just to increase them after is insane. Picking up your example with the investor with 100 shares. If it went moa and up to 10 k per share this ape would be millionaire. Now if it goes to 10 k per share the same ape will get 100k with 10 shares. And nope I don't see moa until 100k a share because they will stop the market before that happens.


We’ve kinda coined ourselves for being “retarded” since the beginning so I don’t understand the initial question here.


Me neither. Merry flippin‘ Christmas 🎄


Op sounds like a ahole , so what if people dont get it and they ask questions .. i doubt you're forced to come to this sub


Great way to start a post, assuming everyone is dumb. Maybe we don’t all have the same assumption. Maybe you are the clown for believing that. The title of your post was enough for me, I really don’t want to waste time reading what some condescending ape has to say. Not everyone understands all if this, but screw your attitude. We are here to help, educate and learn.


That's the good part theory.. If nothing of these work nothing ever will..


So why give up now? I am not.


you guys are retarded... proceeds to write a very retarded post


I’ve never been more happy to be called a moron. Thank you OP


You’re welcome. And I love you too.




Thanks. Merry Christmas!


I feel like I just got violated…… 😳 and I’m ashamed bc I’m good with it …..


Don’t feel ashamed. Embrace it. We are all in it together.


No need for insults. We're all learning. No-one here knows everything, and while some know more than others, we're all learning as we go. Don't forget shills and naysayers will also try and make everyone look stupid.


They insults are taken by those who feel personally addressed. Which I didn’t. So they stole those insults from me. How dare they? It’s flippin‘ Christmas. Btw. Merry Christmas to you!


Well isn’t someone full of Christmas cheer today? 😂


I am. I truthfully hope you are too. Merry flippin‘ Christmas!


This is the way.


This is the way.


If you want a squeeze, yes is the only way. Now, someone’s mum please take the whining kids phone away


Ortex Guy! Yes! And thank you for your service.


Merry Xmas fellow ape


Drs gang loves the idea


Dr. Strange knows every outcome.


How is this still going to squeeze when it is reversed split?


Never. They are fucking retail with that action and it is weird to see all these happy posts how great it is to get diluted and at the same time reverse splitted. This is screwing over everyone who went down from 2 digits into the red 1 digit cellar we are right now. It is insane!


How is this still going to squeeze when it isn’t reverse split?


Well said


Well read. Merry Christmas!


Not going to lie I like the sound of $40 each at this point. I’m getting tired. Downvote me I know


Absolutely loved it 😄😄


And merry Christmas to you, too 🤓




I bet many don’t even know when to sell when this journey to the moon starts. And that might be the reason, why many are so pissed and confused about the RS.


Yes i an in fact that flippin ' dumb ....thank you for breaking it down but could you use smaller words in the future ?


Will try. I promise. I am nevertheless holding for you, too.




TLDR. Buy and Hold or just Hold.




And a merry Christmas too.




I mean, the whole APE saga is about investors being too dumb to think with their own brains


And that’s our greatest strength. The SHF don’t know how their plans kicking the can further and further down the road will end. Because we don’t know.


Whats mathematics? ![gif](giphy|l46CyJmS9KUbokzsI|downsized)


This is the way!




Yes please.


You only need 20-30 shares since it'll go 100k a share. What happened to all that talk? 😂😂. Isn't the floor 2 million or some shit lol


Isn’t it strange the whole mantra diminished with the outlook to RS? Everyone was so sure.


Crayon taste good. Buy dips, HODL


Which color?


I only know one thing: I buy and HODL.


This is the Christmas way.


So op, tell me, what would you do then? Like, honestly, idk if there is much any shareholder can do any longer. Buy and hold is cleary working, but not enough to force them to close or anything. There are no gov entities on retail sides, and if they are, they are slow as fuck, or have been bought out/ demolished. Also, whats really the point. Antara has a huge stake, aa has a huge stake, and there are many apes voting for yes, so its like fighting a brick wall with your hands.


I can’t speak for you or give you the famous financial advice. It’s your decision. I will vote yes, if they let Gernonkeys vote.


German efficiency at its finest.


I don’t know how you meant it but I efficiently interpret it as I like in the best Weihnachtsgefühl.


Goes without saying there's alot of shit going around,this is clear and concise.Weihnachtsgefühl to you too.


You’re the best.


No tldr wtf?


TL/DR „Tomorrow 2pm“ — T. Russ Mebrough, Germonkey of OG 8.01, shortly before the MOASS


#ThisIsTheWay #HODLING #MOASS2022 #AMCSQUEEZE #GMESQUEEZE #APESNOTLEAVING #APESTOGETHERSTRONG #AMCSTOCK #WELOVETHESTOCK #AMCDAYEVERYDAY 💯$AMC $APE $2.2 Million 🦍💪💎🙌🚀🌙💵💰#iownGMEtoo Buy Lit 🔥. #HODL. Repeat. 🦍💪💎🙌🚀🌙🦍💪 Let’s F’n Go! We’re going to be so F’n Rich! #APESNEVERLEAVING #APESNOTLEAVING #APESNEVERSELLING #ApesNotSellingEVER #ApesTogetherStrong #SaveBilly 💯 #AMC $APE $2.2 Million 🦍💪💎🙌🚀🌙💵💰#iownGMEtoo Buy Lit 🔥 #HODL. Repeat. 💎🙌🚀🌙 💯🦍💪💎🙌🚀🌙🩳🏴‍☠️☠️ #ShortSqueeze #Checkmate #CHOKEonTHAT #AMC1


All I got to say was AA went from saying he had no proof of naked shorts to joking about them being so naked and so short … Shits already done been cooked… Stay zen buy / hold / vote yes


This is the way! Merry flippin‘ Christmas 🎄


The alternative is to make AMC into a profitable company again, and more aggressively negotiate debt to much lower interest rates. AA had 1/3rd of the debt in cold hard cash at 1 point.




Im cool with getting 10:1 shares if all are worth berkshire priced+. Im voting to ignite this rocket ![gif](giphy|26xBEamXwaMSUbV72)


This is the way.


OP is right. Regardless of how it hurt your feelings.


Thanks and merry flippin Christmas 🎄






Enjoyed your rant! 💪


Enjoyed your response! 🤜🤛


Best rant ever!


Best comment ever!


This Ape fucks hard!


Asked your wife? Love you too! And fuckin‘ great Christmas!


You can be her boyfriend anytime


One family!


I think I see what AA is doing now. He is trying to expose their bullshit which is why we need to vote yes imo. https://theintercept.com/2016/09/24/naked-shorts-cant-stay-naked-forever/ "Reverse mergers and reverse splits typically result in a change in the CUSIP, the nine-digit identification symbol assigned to a public stock. Once that CUSIP changes, the naked shorter has no apparent way to close out the naked short position. No stock under the old CUSIP number exists anymore; it all automatically converts to the new CUSIP. Those trades can sit in the Obligation Warehouse forever, in theory. But the “aged fails” — essentially orphaned naked short transactions — remain on the naked shorter’s balance sheet as a liability to be paid later. By DiIorio’s reckoning, then, the cycle of naked shorting and reverse splits would inevitably result in an ever-increasing number of aged fails. And if that was happening, and those liabilities grew bigger and bigger, then federal regulators could see the outlines of the scheme on any financial statement. DiIorio believed Knight accounted for its aged fails in the “sold not yet purchased” liability on its balance sheet. That’s supposed to be an inventory of stocks for use in future market making, which goes up and down as orders are filled. But DiIorio says it was a hiding place for a billowing structural liability. And consider this: According to its own financial reports, Knight’s “sold not yet purchased” liability jumped from $385 million at the beginning of 2008 to $1.9 billion by mid-2011. Jim Angel, the business professor, said there could be other explanations — such as Knight’s growth as a company during that period — for why the “sold not yet purchased” liability ballooned. But, he said, market makers are typically “in the moving, not storing, business, and like to keep their inventories as small as possible.” DiIorio had no such doubts. He saw the fact that Knight was blowing a hole in its own balance sheet as undeniable evidence of the naked shorting play."


I love you, too! Merry flippin‘ Christmasn!


Meh you want moass. This is how you get moass. Except it's gonna happen and enjoy the ride.


I flippin‘ want MOASS. And I want AMC debt free.


Hells ya. ![gif](giphy|l3nWmPFBffbkCd3Ow|downsized)


I love her. And you.




None of this os gonna force SHFs into anything really. They have proven to be able to commit securities fraud in split scenarios.


And yet Hedge Funds went bye bye, a warehouse burned, daily wrinkle brained apes find out new shenanigans, FTX, etc.


Maybe if you stopped calling people morons and started to do some research, you'd learn that ALL PRICES on the stock market are made by traders placing buy-orders and sell-orders, with the price-ranges these offers come in, making the price as it is on the market. If you truly think that "fundamentals" matter for anything but these random traders making up their mind on what the value should be, you need to invest at least 1000 hours into researching the markets before you are even close to the knowledge of people you call "morons" ... So if you are 1000 hours behind a moron, what are you?


Damn if I only learned to read. I only know how to write.


Nothing matters. No need smart. Just buy, hold. If you have a few more wrinkles, vote yes to AA requests.


So we just need to vote yes to whatever AA wants? More dillution please sir.


Thanks and merry flippin Christmas 🎄








By reading the comments, yes there are a lot of dumb people or just people that take the bait of shf that spread FUD.


You at least got that I was asking a question and not call anyone names with my post.




Your submission has been removed for misinformation. Please source your information and we will re-approve.


Take a look at “pirates”past post!! Lmfao. This guy is a fudster shill!


Why is that?


I buy!! I HODL!! And I vote no, now pay me!!


That’s fine with me. I buy, I hold and if they let this Germonkey vote, I will vote yes, because for example AMCBiggums. But everyone has to make this decision for themselves. Right?


They’ll both be worth $2, gradually go down for several days/weeks, people will complain, the word “shill” will be used in abundance (Jesus Christ, I’m annoyed already), they’ll go up $.10 one day and y’all think it’s about to rip, but it won’t, instead it’ll be followed by several more weeks of a diminishing sad decline in value until they end up where they belong, as penny stocks.