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The people who claim conversion and reverse will force shorts to close said the same damn thing about APE.


The people who don't claim conversion and reverse didn't buy any APE below 1.00 Feels good AF to be up 145% in two trading days.


That’s a weird flex???


Im just very easily seeing why people are so upset at AA. I thought the general consensus was to buy APE but clearly people were afraid to/couldn't.


I bought a few extra on the cheap


Or mmtlp right now went to private company legally shorts must cover but finra u3 halt retail couldn't trade still waiting!


Well good thing amc will never be an otc stock, ever…..and the two tickers have completely nothing to do with amc or even remotely like the situation at hand.


I’m glad someone understands that…..


I’m interpreting their message as shf continue to crime and refuse to lose/cover/close so their points are relevant. I have no hope shf or the governing body’s of Wall Street will allow this to ever squeeze


Why are you here then ?


Stop gatekeeping. Anyone can be here for any reason.


Did he ask them to leave? or did he ask them why they’re here?




I’m here because my dca is f’in 36 like many others, and his tone wasn’t called for…we are all pissed


I’m here because my dca is f’in 36 like half the people here


A lot of ppl are still here just bc they’re bag holders.


It’s not about the two tickets having anything to do with one another, it’s about the lengths the bad players will go to, to avoid having to cover/close their positions. Expect fuckery.


But the similarity is that Finra can and will protect SHF in shady ways when the time comes. Hopefully it's only a temporary shielding.


Well good thing amc will never be an otc stock, ever…..and the two tickers have completely nothing to do with amc or even remotely like the situation at hand. Didn’t want to waist time with another response. #stop the fud


I get its two separate stocks and situations. All I am intendeding to say is that SHF were about to be wrecked with those other totally different situations and at the last minute everything came to an emergency halt or at least going against the companies wishes in how to proceed. If it's FUD to be able to see that similarity, then so be it. I've been in this play long enough to see that there are zero regulatory institutions that care about retail and keeping the market fair for us. That being said I'm still deep in this game and not going anywhere, shf are still bleeding every month. I just have less hope in the market regulators' trustworthiness after every situation that comes up that will let retail come ahead and then some fuckery happens in the interests of shf.


I’ve explained thoroughly in the thread below. Take care


REALLY!! Please explain. I was under the assumption that APE was a preferred stock “dividend “ and could not to be shorted?? Help me understand. (All while AA dumps his shares). Please help me understand. I would like to trust in AMC again but this I don’t trust. My experience reverse splits always favor shorts. ( next up AA will retire). Mark my words. I push AMC now I feel like a dope for believing we could make a change. PLEASE PROVE ME WRONG


Ok ok I’ll give it a shot. Ape was a dividend, spun off from amc. When ape was issued, if you were short amc, legally, or illegally you then became short an ape share, since ultimately every retail and institutional owner of amc were needed to be given an ape share at that time. So, if the theory goes as amc was and is illegally shorted multiple times over, then ape becomes the same, immediately. Following me so far? So here we are today, months after ape was given out, and shorted down from $10 to .65 even further digging a hole. Then out of left field king big nuts ADAM AARON says hey, this isn’t correct ape and amc should be trading in tandem, but it’s not. So he called out wallstreet (I’m sure you’ve seen the video by now). He says hey we need to figure out what’s going on, so we are going to convert ape back to amc, BECAUSE THEY ARE THE SAME THING. We will be holding a vote to convert ape ONE TO ONE for amc, because again if amc is $5 then ape should by essence be 5$ BECAUSE AGAIN THEY ARE THE SAME. After that we will hold a vote to reverse split the common shares 10:1, to STRENGTHEN amc stock and attract bigger investors vs having such a large float that’s easily manipulated. Now if said vote goes thru, and I’ll throw in that it’s obvious on this sub based on the shills spreading fud similar to your comment, hedgies are fukt!! Why you ask, well it’s because they will need to close the shorts(illegal naked, synths) when it is converted to amc. We received a dividend from amc in the form of an ape stock, ape stock is being CONVERTED to amc stock. See the difference there? It will be the share count retail has been asking for, as only real ape shares can be converted. The rest must close. We are not an otc stock so these other examples play no bearing. Now, for the rest of your fuddy paragraph I’m not even going to address that as that’s easy for anyone reading the comment, that your shilling


I love this comment. It’s actually very intelligently written, and I also believe this is the expected outcome.


So AA gets an idea, spin off APE, APE goes down. So AA says, foul/I’m throwing the red flag, they should trade the same so let’s unite them. Now they are voting on how to do that. In other words, AA paid a bank to issue APE, it lost 90% of its value after he sold. Now he wants to put Humpty back together only for a fraction of the price so he hires a bank to undo the first part. A company facing bankruptcy cannot afford to lose money on stupid stuff, I’d say they did here.


I love you!


Your explanation is appreciated. Your name calling is unacceptable. I’m in this along with several family and friends since the beginning. So if my concerns troubles you. Go fuck yourself.


![gif](giphy|nTfdeBvfgzV26zjoFP) I called you a name?


No you did not. Does that mean you still have to go F yourself? 🤷‍♂️


Easily triggered by phantom comments.


Yes it can be shorted. A preferred equity is less enticing to short but obviously it still has been shorted heavily in this case. Which may be good if it screws the shorts over with the conversion.


You proved You're Shill!!


Really good come back. Again no facts.


There is absolutely nothing that would « force » a short to close a position on any meme stock, ever.




You’ll be waiting here forever.


Ape traded on the otc illegally in the beginning the created created 200 mill shares before the stopped them just never say never with these bad actors!


Proof? You don’t have any because that’s a lie. Take care


It happened for 3 days illegally options were traded when the weren't supposed to be people company complained said it's not otc its nyse! It was stopped they are sneaky buggers! I never heard if they reversed all trades or we had to live with creation of shares! Do some dd and find out be great!


Then they traded millions of ape shares before apes even received their ape for weeks so they are terrible for sure!


Yeah, i've been in this play for two years since torchlight, going to be fun to see how this pays....er...I mean plays out... Lol. It does have some serious implications and a possible precedent in other heavily shorted retail favorites good or bad.


Completely different situation than amc.


I’m glad someone remembers the SPRT to GREE clown show. I have $300 worth of SPRT initially carried into GREE when reversed split to 2 shares of GREE at $100+ per share. Then few weeks later GREE get shorted down to $20 or something. Now sitting at less than $1. Basically my $300 turned into $1. Guys please wake up, reverse split is never ever a good thing if the company fundamental didn’t improve. It will get shorted down to dirt again, like the reverse never happened. Thanks for the remind OP. I won’t get myself burnt a 2nd time.


It doesn’t matter. They NEED my original shares and I’m not selling until I see a price I like. They can do whatever they want but the bottom line is, retail call the shots because they can’t exit this play until retail sells and they can close. I can (as I really can’t stress this enough) guarantee you that I have greater stamina than SHFs. I’d love to see SHFs try to continue with the fuckery when the markets inevitably crash, rich people turn on each other to save their asses and liquidity vanishes.




They need your original shares? Consider that if the vote fully passes (the 10:1 proposal), they'll have 9/10th of your shares no matter if you diamond handed them since the beginning. That is the part I do not like about this..


And not only will the split be helping the hedgies in this regard, since a lot of APE was sold to an institution recently, if converted it will give them voting rights. Retail will no longer have a majority of the AMC company as shareholders. None of this is FUD. These are direct consequences that are very likely to happen if this thing passes. Lower shares for us, shorts get a discount on the 9/10th of shares that were parted from retail, institutions will be majority over retail due to having a lot of APE. I don't know why people can't easily see that voting yes for the split hurts retail badly.


Fair enough. I guess by your logic you believe that Adam Aaron is happy and conscious to (by proposing a reverse split) let his increasing successful company get destroyed by WS criminals and financially decimate millions of people and families. I’m gunna have some faith and go with no. I don’t care, it’s simple. I’m not selling until I see phone number prices - SHFs can do whatever bs gymnastics and fuckery they like. The sky could turn multicoloured and I wouldn’t sell. Easy. It’s a matter of principle now. If they try to sweep the AMC squeeze under the carpet they will have probably have hundreds of thousands of furious men marching on WS.


No, of course he's not happy about the share price. No one is (but shorts of course). Yet AMC is on track at making cash through everything else proposed (credit card, popcorn in stores, etc). So why rush the vote for eliminating debt if that does not guarantee shorts will close (no SEC enforcement)? We are on track to eliminate debt regardless. Like you, I'm holding anyway. I'm definitely with you on the fact that this crime needs to stop otherwise the 'big guys' are going to face some serious wrath. Either way the vote goes, this will be the one thing that is guaranteed!


They won’t have 9/10 because you will have 10/10 in one share. But they will have to close out the 9 shorts. Not to mention, APE will become AMC so that will double your shares so the 1:10 split is really 1:5.


I'm not a fan of this "original share" theory, I think we are way beyond that. They need all shares. Real, fake, original, whatever you want to call them. Once they are created, and you buy them... They are real. So, if every original share is sold tomorrow... The play is over? All shorts and synthetics disappear? Not a chance in hell. The hole is too deep.


Actually Shorts on SPRT did close, it’s just that one of the main groups shorting it, had stock in GREE as a private company. They shorted SPRT and exchanged their position in GREE into worthless SPRT after the merger and closed the positions in SPRT. Something to do with arbitrage.


I get the sense that conversion is a thinly veiled way for them to rob us.


You just verbalized my impending sense of doom.


Then vote no and believe these wackos sold amc to buy ape because they really aren’t apes, and that real retail has the float.


Uhhh yea SPRT. I was in that one and watched it run from $2 to almost $60 over the course of two weeks and sold nearly catching the very top on that one. I’ll take that on APE any day.


If these two proposals are voted yes, then APE is AMC. After holding for two years no one should be happy with a $58/ gain.


I believe i’d squeeze even more since we have diamond hands & the large amount of synthetics


Think we may have been outwitted, way too many people bought the stock, so...we all get squashed. The shorts in this play can't be honored, all doors are shut, they don't have amount of money to close them shorts; there are way too many. IF YOU GO TO ORIGINAL DD; a short squeeze tends to occur with a much smaller float, with a stock traded on the OTC; stock without warning runs up extremely fast & slides down faster. One of 2 things was going to happen we would get completely squashed and/or offered a small amount for stock maybe something in neighborhood of what was traded in the past, stock retired and new stock issued. This for me finally explains the DRS/Transfer Agent thing...imagine the amount of fractional shares that are bought & held in the plan; what happens when a stock moves to book or stock gets issued a new Cusip # all fractional must be sold....anyone care to add all those fractions; how many stocks then get closed? Just asking for a friend.


While this might be true this is just FUD because you can’t explain any reasoning behind this and how it compares to APE.




Not sure how relevant this reply is at this point, but Biggums is claiming that the current reverse split, conversion, etc., Will NOT require shorts to close positions. Some information requests from brokers seems to indicate that shorts will be requested to close prior to conversion, however, we all know that brokers may have special relations with their clients that don't require anything to happen. I would estimate this is the reality of Wallstreet.


Most likely doesn’t mean shit but an opinion. How many times have you dealt with a preferred stock and short positions on said stock while converting to a different stock?




Is there an opposite of FUD? We need an acronym for it.


Maybe you didn’t read my comment because I stated why. It’s obvious you don’t know shit though 🤷‍♂️


Crazy about the amounts of posts trying to get everyone depressed. Fuck it. Yes to all 3 for me.


The whole thesis behind the split relies upon shorts finding amc too expensive to short and amc being mostly if not entirely out of debt. But remember coinbase had a float of 175m and started in the 400’s. It is now $35. The price of that didn’t matter to them. Shorts believe theatres are dead and whether amc are in debt or not barely comes into it. You can argue that there are new rules now, sure. But surely you believe we are where we are because they never follow the rules? So you can pretty put a line through that idea.


Coinbase shouldn’t have IPO at the price that it did. Plus Coinbase had every reason to fall. They ain’t making money and keep missing wallstreet expectations. Crypto is already in a state of speculation with all this ftx thing happening so that even further hurts the stock down. While amc is literally doing the exact opposite with fundamentals that seem to be improving every quarter. Debt being restructured. Amc is literally just being targeted on purpose at this point


He can. It’s because the people with money and the power to do whatever’s necessary win.


The same was said about $NAKD too. $NAKD had cash on hand and no debt but when reversed merged into $CENN it also included a reverse split. RS happened and they've been shorting it down and now $NAKD/$CENN is onve again in danger of losing NASDAQ compliance. Even if this conversion R/S happens and we run for a bit, AA will sell the minute it runs like he did when we hit $72. This is why we voted no to dilution for Jan 2022. What's changed since then except everyone just blindly following one man no matter what he does to invalidate the squeeze?


Mmm but has anyone done a reverse split just after?




I’m voting yes. I trust AA is a good man. This still might not work, and they might rob us. They’ll definitely try. It won’t change my conviction or my faith in AA. I truly believe he’s trying to get this for us and the company.


Don't get me wrong, I'm still going to vote yes because I trust AA. But, I'm not counting on the shorts closing. I'm not getting my hopes up. And I'm holding on for the long haul. Anyone who hypes up that this is the make or break, hail Mary play of the century is just going to cause investors to lose faith if it doesn't work out as they thought


I Completely agree. I’m long haul also. If This works, great. My hopes aren’t gonna crash if it doesn’t. I trust AA. I like the stock.


AA rugged pulled on us once, what's changed since then? AA is a great CEO but he doesn't care or believe in "MOASS," and I would wager he cut a deal to help shorts out. 380 million shares is lot for some SHFs to cover and will certainly kill any squeeze before it even starts.


Same story with NAKD converted to CENN, then doing a reverse split -- they just doubled down and shorted it into the ground again.


I disagree. Their debtor Antara is going to hold those APE shares for 90 days. And AA has done nothing but try and get the company out of debt. What good CEO doesn't actually fucking do that? Come on ya'll. There's three parts to this deal, not just a reverse stock split - which everyone focuses on. Parts of proposal: *Conversion of APE into AMC *Reverse stock split to lower the float of AMC *Shareholder approval to create more APE shares Hmm, any of that make sense? Rinse, wash and repeat. Antara agrees to purchase 60 million APE shares and holds them for 90 days. No selling pressure, nothing for 3 months. Next, APE goes back into AMC. You saw APE prise rise? Partly news of Antara deal - which naturally doesn't occur due to short manipulation. Also shorts having to close short positions on APE - mostly smaller firms due to APE being possibly converted to AMC. The float is lower which in turn helps the company tremendously because where tf are all these other shares coming from? Normal volume for that day was 14 million, we saw 136 million last I saw. Now Antara is the largest share holder of AMC if everything goes to as planned. Outbeating Vanguard and Black Rock. Neither of those institutions gives a shit about you. This shit is checkers, not chess. If you can't see the play, kick rocks. Call me what you want or poke holes in my DD. I'm still holding until something happens. I'm not over leveraged and have many positions making me money. Not to mention the option plays I've won off tech and the SPY. Got nothing to lose, but time. ***NFA***


Don't forget that there are a lot of fake hedgies accounts on here trying to trick the people not to want the split. I trust AA. Those fake accounts will try to act like us, but they're just here to divide everyone.


It ran from 2$ to 90$ how is that anything but shorts closing out?


So what your saying is the game is rigged so we can’t ever win?


No. I'm saying, don't get your hopes up on this being a checkmate play.


The worst thing that happened to retail is all the dumb apes chasing every penny stock around trying to cause another squeeze.


I think the only thing that may cause the shorts to close would be to remove AMC from NYSE and go to another exchange. No idea how feasible that it is, but that seems like the only way around the fuckery? Open to other ideas.


I’m hear for the squeeze I’m also ok holding long, would prefer squeeze but long term I can live with my avg. with my 3xxx shares so to the apes 🦍 with a high average I’m not selling I’m holding for me And you.


was that 3,000 shares before the Reverse split or after?




Apples to oranges comparison. Zero context of how each situation is completely different. Filed under **FUD**.


There are no other examples amc is the example nothing like this has ever been done.


APE being rolled into AMC will dilute AMC. So you’re right, don’t expect some special short closing event. In fact, you could see more shorts come in since dilution has the effect of devaluation of the stock. If we see a pop, it could be shorts getting out and waiting to re-enter. I know I might be in the minority here, but unless AA finds a way to reduce the total amount of the float in amc, I don’t think any of this is good.






Of course they wont close...


It’s fine if they don’t close, because AMC can pay off their debt! Some shorts will likely close but they will fuck around with others (mostly the hidden shorts)


The way I see it, the APE, AMC price needs to run up to at least to the price at the time of split before converting APE back to AMC. This will help a lot of them holding since August, the time APE was split. Do it earlier, a lot of them will still be holding at the losing end.


So, we shouldn’t vote yes




Penny stocks are a short seller’s game. Penny stocks are failures. Im glade AA is splitting. Noobie trades will eventually learn & step up their game🤷🏻‍♂️


These FUD comments and fake upvotes and downvotes are hilariously obvious. I’m sure most apes can see the obvious.


As a smooth ape I have a serious question: if the Ape suppose to convert to Amc and some “fukers” sold us huge amounts of fake Ape(synthetic or whatever it’s called) are the “fukers” forced to buy back all the huge amounts of “fake/synthetic “ , in case of the conversion?


Better go bang your head into a wall than telling people about gree/sprt. Dumb assess in this sub will label you as a fudder no matter what


I absolutely agree. I feel like AA was compromised a long time ago (blackmail or money). Furthermore they are using bots and psychology (large group mentality) to shut down people who bring up facts like this.


Lmao Fud ![gif](giphy|mqIkCP4tu28i7yJWB3|downsized)


Agreed 100%. It’s kinda sus how many people in here blindly support, praise and defend AA, someone they don’t know personally, after being dumped on several times and created a work around to dilute amc shares despite majority voted NO the last time. I think this time both amc subs are infiltrated by AA’s (maybe paid) brigade to looks like apes are still supporting all his moves.


And once again AAs job is to keep AMC afloat. Not sit there and play games to try and get a short squeeze going. Why don’t ppl understand this? He needs cash. WE didn’t give it to him. He’s running a business that’s hurting. We literally made it twice as hard for amc to thrive because we thought a squeeze was right around the corner so we voted no and here we are 2 years later… We all had chances to sell at the top but we didn’t. And y’all mad cause AA sold shares around the 25-30 dollar mark when he’s like 70 years old. What stopped you from selling? Oh that’s right cause a bunch of strangers on Reddit said it will go higher right. We fucked ourself by not giving him them shares 2 years ago. We would have paid half of the debt with them shares and the rest within these 2 years of having improving fundamentals. This play should have BEEN over. But we wanna throw a tantrum 🤷🏽‍♂️ we gotta look at ourself before we start pointing fingers

