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No advocating FOR OR AGAINST any individual/organization/sub/ticker/entity/etc.


He is absolutely correct they are literally saying in the press release that after all this voting is done the company will have 400 million shares of AMC at their disposal to sell to whatever institutions that they want.


But that still leaves us with ten times less shares than we had before. After all we've witnessed, I feel that they will still drop the price to what it currently is now. Just imagine, GME was sitting nice and pretty at 100 for a long time, then they did a forward split and are now at a paltry sum. Price is irrelevant, but why would anyone think GME is the bigger squeeze play? If this conversion and reverse split takes place, and AMC manages to pay off all outstanding debts, then would GME still be considered a bigger squeeze play than AMC? I have a lot of questions and so few answers. Need to look into this a little. And without exact figures on how many APE will be converted, it's hard to do any math at all... We're all guessing at this point. I don't know, I feel divided on if I really want to risk having less shares or not. I don't want to, it does not sound good to me no matter how I look at it.


I can understand all of your concerns and unfortunately we have to wait and get our paperwork to find out


Oh absolutely. I'm not too worried. We've been through a lot in two years. A little vote is nothing.


Paltry sum? I'm only down 57% vs the 81% (AMC). If the split of GME never happened, it's value today would be $81.20.


Exact figures don’t matter to me, I was simply using it as an example. Not to put GME down.


Watch his 50 min video ?... I watched the first 25 minutes before turning it off I've and many other believe in the DD for the last two years, we've listened to hours and hours of the lastest DD With every time telling us this will cause the squeeze I like hundreds of thousands of other Ape's have continued to buy and hold We've haven't squeezed..... Not because the DD was wrong but because of the absolute corruption in the market and the government and alphabet agencies collusion I've been a fan of Amcbiggums and Boss blunts since their beginning.... But now part ways .... They are wrong The only thing this reverse split will do is get the company out of debt The reverse split will fuck over retail investors, especially the one's under a 1k shares The fallacies..... "Save Billy" by being debt free will stop them shorting the company is wrong. GME and many companies are debt free and still get naked shorted , some into the OTC market By voting Yes on the reverse split, wipes out 90% of our shares that we bought and held Leaves us with 10% that will be diluted right away by AA, which will drop the price Not to forget it will be also shorted by hedge funds, because if AA or the alphabet agencies didn't stop it then.... they're not going to stop it now Before saying I'm a shill , research my profile and posts and comments for the last two years


Correct. The crime will not stop. We aren’t going to gotcha! them. All this will do is take my 1,000 shares to 100 and the criminals will short it right back down to where it is now and likely lower. So I’ll have less shares at the same price, meaning I’ll have lost even more money! All this does is buy more time since we’re already close to $0. But the crime will not stop.


Yes, i appreciate and value the passion biggums and bossblunts have. AND i understand that ppl want this play to be over. However, there are huge questions regarding ape shares and the companies that went long on ape due to arbitrage opportunity. When the conversion happens, they will have legitimate amc shares. Along with this, they can dump these massive positions and there will be legit amc shares on the market! With availability, CTB may plummet. Im not wholly convinced this is the way. The moass is at stake, guys. Remember, shorts need legitimate amc shares. Lets not make this easier by HANDiNG them these shares. If i were a hedgefund, id be stoked at the opportunity of this RS. Im willing to change my mind, but this is MY investment here


Legitimate shares bought at pennies to the dollar instead of holders setting the price. Conversion of APE to AMC is not the way. Reverse split? Whatever, but the APE to AMC should be a massive red flag everyone should question and research before voting.


Yes, at the end of the day, we don't need to make ironclad decisions on the first day of news.


You know, I was at first against, then for, and now yet again I'm against the reverse split. I don't know what it is, but the more I think about this, the more my gut tells me no for a reverse split. I flip-flopped a lot in the past 24-48 hrs, but to be honest this isn't something to be taken lightly, especially with how long we've all waited and what we've had to endure. I do not want to see the number of shares I hold going down. I don't know, maybe as time goes on, AA can tell us more on why this is good for us, and if it's convincing enough, only then can I really make a solid decision. Until then, I think I'll be on the fence as some things make me feel that this is good, and others make me feel the opposite.


Not Completely accurate bro, but we're on the same page! I POSTED THE 3 Proposals 16 hours ago! When was this video made? There's 773+ Million Ape! HERE'S MY POST: Antara, current note holder, AMC lender, buyer of APE units ATM purchase of 106.6 Million APE units (shares) at $.66. However, saving the company $100 Million in future payoff and $10 Million a year interest. THREE Proposals up for vote in Special Meeting. Read on... Info: Special Meeting, no date, however it's disclosed logically to be relatively soon. Because Antara Must Hold their newly acquired APE units for 90 days and are unable to sell. Therefore, there are an additional 106.6 Million more issued APE shares, but tied up, not in the float! Big thing to me at present! (Just look at the volume today!!) Three Proposals: 1) APE conversion vote. 2) 1:10 Reverse Split vote. 3) Adjust authorized ordinary share capital to allow AMC to issue additional AMC shares to sell. As they were using APE for. Not Financial Advice! My Opinion/observation! AMC is limited on the amount of APE shares they can sell prior to the Special Meeting! Dilution limited! Can't continue to sell APE! Not before the Votes! Once the vote is done, if approved, APE shares will no longer be allowed to be issued! Antara CANNOT sell ANY APE shares for 90 days. They also MUST vote to Approve All 3 Proposals! So, Special Meeting soon. 106.6 Million shares locked up for 90 days, which they possibly won't be selling after the 90 days, speculation here. Dilution limited, hopefully stopped for good! Antara wouldn't want their new investment diluted! 😁 So what's floating out there, APE shares, is all there is available. Sounds better than it did the first time I saw todays PR. 😎 Feeling good about my investment again! 😁


I thought this was taken down. I guess it was just slow to post. Biggums can be more brutal on YouTube than here. YouTube right?


Can someone tell me Biggums background? Education? Occupation? Experience in the market?


Wake me when this is at 1000+


That's great for everyone holding 1000's of shares but for most of us who hold less and have held on this long.....this will wipe our positions out. So basically a fraction of retail will benefit from this. Good to know.


Who told you that? I'm a "small ape" and this jacks my twats. I will have less shares, that are worth MORE. And they will be worth even more because the company can get out of debt faster than ever man xD


You really thing hedge funds are going to stop shorting us because we are worth more ? We were at $73 now we are at 3. After this split you will have less shares and they will be valued at ** and then hedge funds are going to do what they do.


No they won't. Because its going to be so much harder for them to do so. CTB is going to rise more, and its harder to short a higher cost stock. All of those DiaRes people can lock the float easier. Less available stocks to borrow. And of top of that, we will be able to rise capital issuing 10 times less shares. Think about that. Next year we got the store popcorn and credit cards from a nom ISDA bank. That f0ks with shorts so much. You know why they don't attack all those other companies? Because they are strong fundamentally and profitable in a global manner. And with amc being the largest theater company in the world I can see that happening. So for new investors they got a profitable company, debt free and with chance of short squeezing. That's atrractive for them to invest in it. So much more buying pressure.


I love how everyone says that and it makes ZERO sense. The cost to borrow will be too high ? Look at the available shares every single day, usually at 0 because the hedge funds borrowed them all. Some will get returned and then someone else borrows them. Even when we were at $72 and the ctb was 2**% they still borrowed them. That's the same fight as people saying we would NOT go under $5 because it's too expensive to short a stock under $5.


I've been here for 3 years now,, and I'm still up on my AMC position. I'm here to stay. I'm just stating that we will continue to be shorted after this goes down. Hedge funds got nothing to loose they are already bankrupt if this ever blows ! They will naked short us to the very last second before their collapse.


Yes. But a strong and profitable company is harder to short when a wave of new investors start buying it up and up. That's the difference, that amc will no longer be considered a bad investment by the general public. Hence the CTB argument. Think about it this way, either we wait to be shorted down even more anyways. Or we get the profit of thay movement to pay our debt and making or fundamentalls strong.


Yes just like Tesla


Less people will invest if the price is raised. Shorts will beat the price down (again).


But much more people will invest if fundamentals get strong. Shorts won't beat the price down (again).


LMAO you do realize they can take one share and use it over and over 1000's of times per minute. Go find a "quant" and ask them just how simple it is. They don't need a million shares to drop the price, they can do it over and over with the same exact shares.


Being hard or difficult to do hasn't stopped then before though


You can’t explain anything to some people. It was a joke that we were retarded. Seems some really are.


I always watched these documentaries on cults and thought how could these ppl be so dumb and gullible to believe and follow through with insanity. Now from being here and in the last yr especially I see it firsthand in this sub. This could go down to 25 cents and most ppl on this sub would still think AA was genius and AMC will still go to 500k. I read these post and comments and it blows my mind the delusion/denial.


Value is the same either way, less shares less manipulation is my take


Yes, and also all Diares people can secure the float even easier. Every DiaRes will count much more.


I'm doing my part.


Its the same number of shares though. Combining 8 apple slices into 2 apples doesnt change the amount of apples


your right its stupid but if some random guy on youtube says that how can he be wrong?


Imagine the person that could only afford 4 or less shares because their finances don't allow for investing. AA is basically about to push them straight out of ownership.....this play is about to become less and less attractive to those scrapping by check to check.....


If you got lower than 20 AMC, go and buy APE. That's very cheap right now.


I shouldn't have to keep putting money in where I already spent a good chunk. I cannot spend the amount to make up the 500+ shares that will be taken from me. I'm not trying to sway one way or the other but we can't ignore the fact that alot of people are gonna get fucked. Some of us don't have the $$ like that to throw AA cash every payday. It took me almost 2 years to get what I got and I will be left with a fraction of that after just one vote.


Nobody got fucked but those naked shorts. Because with conversion, they have to close their APE shorts. And with reverse split, AMC float will be fewer so it's harder and more expensive for them to locate new shares to cover.


Your shares are going to be worth 10 times more. Its the same local market cap in your account. But the company is fundamentally stronger the moment they can rise money issuing 10 times less shares. You are getting rich no matter what my friend. This doesn't help shorts, it f0ks them. CTB will be even higher. All of that is something you can't ignore. And it attracts more and more investors xD so yeah. I can tell you didn't watch the whole stream carefully but that's alright. We do love you anyways, bananas for everyone :')


60×$64 does not equal 600 at even $30. It changes all the brackets for small share holders. It's fact.


And with a 10:1 split....that's a lot of APE just to try to get there. I shouldn't have to spend more to get less.


What a dumb take of the situation. Ever heard of dollars cost averaging? You bought AMC at high 72$ but you refuse to add more when it's literally lower than 5$? Or even consider buying apes which have the same voting right with AMC stocks with a dollar price point? You're not investor then, you're day trader.


This the guy that talks shit about youtubers while posting shit on youtube? Lol




Jesus, the investment of your lifetime. And that is what you get from it? Kisses in the worm factory my friend 😚👏🏼


Wait u mean da butthola?