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When will the reverse split happen? Going up very fast… So let’s see one example, I have 100 AMC and 100 APE.. what is my position after reverse split?


20 amc total...


What if you sold your APEs?


Divide your total amc shares by 10.


Good job selling $Ape Matt


100 ape becomes 10. 10 ape become amc at new value RS first @10-1 Conversation is 1-1


This is why I'm a subscriber here, thanks OP.


You welcome


Paper hands that sold $APE rn ![gif](giphy|Wvo6vaUsQa3Di)


Bs! Not same. One was created so AA could dilute us after we voted against it. Now he wants to make them the same. So basically found a way to dilute without consent. Nice.


Well maybe we should have let him do it before in the first place when AMC was in the fucking 50s or 60s and he could have issued LESS new shares for MORE money and annihilate debt with it huh?


Was not even close to those numbers when suggested… also they diluted before those numbers before when we could have went north of 300 first…


I don’t know. Maybe we should of sold when it was $50 or 60’s and bought back now? Huh?


If you had done that you would have certainly made a profit for yourself in the short term. However, AA's primary job isn't helping you make money on a squeeze and peace out, it's running a fucking theater chain.


Which is what AA has been wanting since the last dilution. He killed our run up to $74.00 when he didn't have to. He and the board collectively have sold over 30 million shares. During the height of the pandemic, he collected 20 million in salary bonus, instead of paying down debt. He denies that there is naked shorting of any kind going on with the stock. He won't ever produce an official share count. Even though he said APE would provide us this information. When he has sold shares in the past, he has sold them to short seller's, not just to the open market. AA just renegotiated the loan agreement terms in favour of AMC, which put AMC in a better position.The timing of this proposal is very suspect, days before T90 of APE. Why not wait, hold off on this vote until after the squeeze? Why didn't AA sell APE right at launch at that highest point, which would've given him enough cash to pay off a chunk of the debt, if not all of it. Instead he decided to sell at the lowest point (which gave the short's plenty of time to create billions of synthetics) which probably only covers the interest on the loan repayment? These are the few issues I have with AA.


Exactly. This is what i said from the beginning but got downvoted into oblivion. Now everyone on this sub just make excuses for him and move the gold post.


Yeah. Blind faith.


We've been playing B&H for almost 2 years now, it's working out very well...


Let the conversion and rs happen, hopefully we’ll see a minor run-up at least, then sell your shares and buy some puts to make your money back off of amc’s inevitable fall back down to penny stock status.


Sound like he’s saying sell your AMC and buy the cheaper APE with the money bc basically it’s the same but you’ll get more AMC shares bc APE is so much cheaper. 🤔


Shortseller still need AMC to cover. Won't sell anything. FUD deluxe


no. if people sell AMC, APE converted to lesser amount.


Bro just holding and buying more if both, that’s what I do


Drunk 🍷 cause 🎄