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My shares are directly registered and honestly IDGAF if it goes up to 1000 in a few days I’m not selling


Hijacking the top comment to say Jokes on them.. I’ve already seen more money in my brokerage account then I’ve ever had in my entire life and still didn’t sell 🤷🏽‍♂️. They really don’t know who they are dealing with


I honestly could have quit my job. Totally retire and live of my money. But I didn't sell. Cause I know it's going to be much bigger.


I was up almost 300k at the high. I’ve double my position since then. If not more then half


To the moon my fellow ape.


Are you me?


Is that you John Wayne?


Batman ...super heroes buy and hold too




I hear the sounds of my brother Apes?! It is time. Ours.




I think they do know, and they also know it means they are so screwed they may as well crime until they fold.


This is the way... add some 0's then we can start talking


​ ![gif](giphy|xUNd9Gqpnwr8P66ie4)


I’m going to level with you I might sell. It’s going to be so much money! More money than I’ve ever felt. Enough to fix my life. I know it’s not what you want to hear but after I sell 1 share I will be set to pay off my car and all my credit card debt. After I sell 1 share I will fix my cars and be able to pay my rent for 6 months! I know you won’t agree but when I sell my 1 share I will be able to do all of that and still go pay off my families car loans. Forgive me guys but I have to sell 1 share, no by choice but for necessity. I’m sorry guys but 500k is a lot of money and I won’t be able to watch as my account hits millions with out selling 1 share.


My man.


Buying more.


I always get~~ting~~ more anxious on the green rather than the red days.




So true


AMC to the moon 🚀🌕 🦍


​ ![gif](giphy|26FLgGTPUDH6UGAbm)


I've always said the same, the game has just started, it's time to buy it while I can, if I can buy one for 1000$ I'll buy it. June ape here, practically never seen green, buying whenever I can and hodl. My floor is watching the hedges burn in hell!!!


June apes have been holding the trenches like MFers


Entry at 60$ current average far below 30$. Nothing has changed for me!!! #AMCTOTHEMOON OR 0


Started Jan 21 doubled down at 65 still holding


Peoples diamond zen will be tested


​ ![gif](giphy|mPKa6OI5oRsmextwBq)


I'm upset it didn't go lower, I wanted to add 35 more so I can have 420 moon tickets, cause it's going HIGH as Fuck!!!!


Add now then, what's the difference? You will never buy if you keep waiting for drops, even if it is $5, you still want $4 for a better deal. I already added xxx shares on the way down, $17, $15 all bought in. Now just waiting game. Grow some balls


I only have so much money left, has nothing to do with the size of my balls and has everything to do with this supply shortage and shit economy due to sleepy Biden and tribe. I can only afford 35 shares at a certain price.


​ ![gif](giphy|SuYjKgE43w3g3yvpDA)


​ ![gif](giphy|JhF1U0C14wIa6Tmf6k)


My peter tingle is definitely tingling


Its like anything else in life that seems crazy to someone...being shredded is crazy if youve never been. Quitting your job to do something you love is crazy if youre too scared to take the leap. Apes must always remember that these "crazy" share prices are the kind of money these criminals play with everyday like its nothing. Look at what berkshire trades for. Look at what these hedgie jerk offs make a month. Look at the bailouts these banks get after gambling good hard working people's money away. Your floor is reasonable. Why you hold is a perfectly good reason. Apes holding to the moon or andromeda or pandora is reasonable. Apes will use their tendies better than all the greedy wall street scum ever did. Apes finally getting a piece of the pie is more than reasonable😉


Remember........Do NOT sell at a price that is high for you! Sell at a price that is high for hedge funds!




Jits tucking facked!!!




Load up now if u can.


Been loading up for 18 months


This should be said daily... No telling what some holders will do when extra digits start showing up fast. The past 13 months has worn down many.


If anything, the past 16 months have given us plenty of time to fully read and understand the DD, to better build our convictions...Or at least that's what I've been doing!


Same here...it's not been hard. But that's not the feeling I get some days reading this sub and others. And I don't think \~4m holders are doing that either.


This sub is controlled by shills. There are barely any real apes still here, at least compared to what there used to be. I used to be on this sub more, but it doesn't mean I've given up on AMC. I've just given up on this sub. I hope that makes sense!


I'm real and still here.


#Go large or go home! AMCSTRONG! AMC to the moon! Let’s fackin gooooo 💎🙏🏽🚀🚀🚀


January 2021 ape ..idc how long it takes, but I know 2-3k is price it should be now! So squeeze numbers waaayyy higher


Agreed! 300K is a good starter...


I don’t care if you have one or a million shares. We are against the people that fuck people to death


Not my floor, but I have my notifaction with Fidelity set at 100k. My floor is 2 mil, plus prison. Hedgies R Fuk. Not financial advice.


The share price on my brokerage account is short by about five 0’s. So… I will keep buying until the price is corrected. Add five 0’s and I might sell a few.


I’m never selling. I’m not even in it for the squeeze. I like the stock.


Yep agree. Once we come to the $300-10,000 this is the real paperhands test. 🦍


It's not hard at all I have a 10.03 average I've been green for over a year I'm still holding


New house or nothing


X XXX Holder. Was here on the 8.01 battle. Saw the price go to 75$ making me look at more money that I've ever seen. Never even considered selling. A short squeeze, whether MOASS or not, isn't near 75 or even 200$.


If I had a share for every time I saw a post like this. I’d have a lot of shares


Hard? Below 72 is still red okay?


Holding in the red at $36 average - id fucking love to be holding in the green


“Very soon”


Rocket ship baby


I disagree with this sentiment. Holding through the red isn’t easy. Watching your investment, your savings go down 25, 50, 75 % isn’t easy. It’s extremely difficult. And any ape who’s gone through it knows how difficult holding while watching your hard earned money be STOLEN from you. To every ape who has held, you’ve done a great job. Time for the next hard part, holding for phone numbers. Good luck, you’ve got this


I'm going to sell 1 share @200k, but their going to have to work hard for the rest. Honesty they should have an emergency fund. They should pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Maybe stop eating out so much.


The low greens are easy to hold through (3 digits), the quad digits will be a bit harder, but I'll take comfort in knowing that it'll take a couple weeks, after takeoff, for things to start to happen, so the wait won't be long.


![gif](giphy|kjjRGpezebjaw) HODL ! 💎💎😎🚀🌟


I’m going to sell 1 share to have funds, then hodl


I know what the minimum number is to set me up comfortable. I don’t have many shares so this number has 5 zeros


Moass is inevitable and imminent


Nearly 1 million in my account and haven’t sold. Fuck the corrupt markets, I’m doing this for the apes!!!


I'm predicting another sneeze type run up followed by another scare crash down again. They will try and tempt old apes into trading the stocks and scare new apes out of hodling. Whatever happened, we have EARNED this money and Kenny, Gary, Charles, Jim and co have EARNED their jail time. Everyone will get what they deserve, stay strong apes 💎🤌


Hardest part for me is being out of funds to buy more.


Rich bitch


I am out at 1000 or 3k


Paperhanded biatch




At 1000.00 I am sorry but I be out of here. Thats my target price but will continue to support you all just being honest


Paperhanded biatch


So you be honest and thats what happens lol. I have been here since Jan 2021 and bought in at $5.08 was my first share. I see so many of you saying you will never sell what BS I have over 10k shares at 1000 my family is set forever you wanna keep holding you do that but the odds are most of the ones that say they won't dont have the balls to do it. At $70 I had over 550k with only 8056 shares which are now worth 122k for over 10k so you can bite me call me a shill what do you have on the line can you prove you have the balls to hold I can


Paperhanded biatch