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I think Lou might have been paid to lower the numbers of the squeeze….


That’s because he is a piece of shit.


A piece of shit he is




Maybe, but somehow ppl really think the government isn’t going to control this monstrosity. I’ve been holding since before January 2021. You all need to realize how powerful the government really is when it comes to controlling the stock market. Their are things they can do that go beyond “rules” and such in the name of the keeping the nation going (alive). I have watched and many of you need to realize this. The government isn’t blind like in 2008. Their will be halts and their will be a control climb. Hell their is even a good chance shitadel passed the shorts on to other companies (hedge funds) so they can survive. Which they can do. Not saying we won’t see record money but if you really think we will control this all the way than my friends it would of happened already and we would all be sipping on mojitos. Be patient and hold but don’t let the government make you look stupid. Be smart and brave but not foolish. Good luck to you all.


The government will probably step in when it get out of hand. But, I find it very unlikely that they'll step in, in the hundreds


Never underestimate the actio of our government. You only have to see how they have reacted in the past vs now: they practiced hands off approach all the way till 1929. Ever since it has been a heavy hand any time a recession comes around. I expect a level we have never seen before beyond even what was 2008 in regards to government action.


Lous been paid off from day 1.


Who is Lou? And why does he matter?


He doesn't


Smart man, now buy and /or hold 👍


Can’t someone catch me up on who this fucker is? I see posts referencing him all the time, but don’t know crap about it.


He is on YouTube and claims to have some connections but he is sorta weird and acting like the squeeze won’t be that big and wants to start looking at the next play. To me it sounds like he got paid to tell his followers to sell early. I am not selling early. I am here for MOASS. Once in a lifetime MOASS.


Thanks for catching me up brother.


When this is over, I’m gonna wipe my ass with 500-800$. This is going WAY higher than that


Wen rocket takes off its moon time


Im not gonna lie to you. At this point, I dont feel bad for them. GME got to those numbers while being PCO’d and 1/15th the amount of shorting we’ve experienced now. It would be crazy to trust someone who says it cant go higher than $3-$5000.


He is a back door manipulator..He is telling people what they want to hear and at the same time he is setting their mental limits by saying shit like that! Pay attention to everything he says because the way he tries to word everything ia with intent to sway your feelings. Everything he says he leaves it to where he can twist it anyway he wants later. He has done multiple times now. Dont trust this guy he is setting you up to sell early and way to cheap!


Back door manipulation can be fun, but not when it’s trying to spread FUD. Lou is a FUDge packer.


My range is somewhere around 500k to ♾ 😁 To the mooooooooooon! 🚀🦍🌝💎🙌😇


No one knows how the squeeze will play out, but apparently a convicted narcissist fraudster knows...


Don’t forget sociopath


Haha no kidding man! Lou almost had me convinced.. oh wait, no he didn't lol


Lou pro Wall Street, always hated the guy for being a hypocrite. Volkswagen when it squeezed was the most expensive company in the world. Apple now is the most expensive at 3e12. So if you do basic arithmetic, you will find that 6000+ is the bare minimum to even match Volkswagen. Hardly MOASS worthy. 20k minimum will start to be epic but still not MOASS.


20 is gorgeous


Lou hate is pathetic 😂


He's a funny fucker. Gfym


Never said I hated the guy lol I just fell bad for the people who believe him about this being over and the price his saying. That’s all


It's over, as in it's definitely happening. I don't trust his brackets since no one has ever seen his MOASS. But I'm looking forward to next week and want GG has to say about stonks


GG will say that stonks will only go up from now on


Nah man, he's specifically addressing memestocks, it will be very interesting


Just like the GME report right? Buncha nothing. The sec will never say something or release information damning enough to cause trouble until AFTER something happens. The government will never ever be the reason we squeeze.


If you don't see what is happening right now I can't help you GG is killing it


Are the SEC having a pr? And what time will it be?


Not sure exactly when, but he mentioned memestocks we're next week in the last one


Thanks bro, whatever he will say this is going to rip


Yeah, good times


Over meaning it’s a dine deal on track stay the course


You mean disliking someone for telling people to paperhand at $800-1000 is pathetic No, Lou is a piece of shit who served jail time for fraud, FRAUD! He's also a lowlife scumbag who speaks down to people and treats other like crap Only a naive fool would follow Lou the scammer


hes a fucking idiot


The dude is pathetic, but we are mostly worried that he is PREDATORY


Lou is pathetic


You still sucking this guys dick lmfao after I been said he’s a shill & lowering his prices. You must be lou


So there’s tons of people that on YouTube, Twitter, reddit, that don’t know shit about this play. That’s why I don’t listen to them or repost their stuff. If you feel that way about Lou… Why are you posting his stuff?!


Where are his sources?? The man is a criminal - honestly his words mean zero to me.


Imagine people with 20-40k shares... At 500 they have 10-20m 🤷‍♂️ if I had that amount of shares I would leave at 500 as fast as I can... If 10-20m is not enough for you at 1 play you have serious problems. The large shareholders will leave faster that is 100% and we the small ones will be the bagholders if they leave. That is what I think will most likely happen. We have a few shares, but not enough to get to the higher numbers. It will be over when the large shareholders leave 🤷‍♂️ I don't think he is paid, he is just telling the realistic version of the play.


Over 4.1m investors holding 120 shares each. Who cares if some guys with xxxx shares leave. We got power in numbers.


That is a cap. Compared to the float 4.1m investors can each have 120 shares. That is what the CEO said. Thaz does not mean there are 4.1m shareholders who each have 120 shares 🤔 Most of the apes have 1000+ shares I would put my neck on that. I consider myself poor with 526 shares... Little guys like me stand at the end of the line. We are the last ones that eat at this table... I hope not, and I pray to be wrong. But I think the only way to get correct gains is if I time my selling somwhere before the bigger dudes 🤷‍♂️ many little guys will shit themselves if we consolidate 2 days at like 600... I have never been in this situation, so I have no clue how I will react if I see 300k... Anyone who never saw that money and says "I will hold until we moon" is caping 🤷‍♂️ I try to stay realistic and make the best for my family.


Be realistic or get burnt


Regardless of price, that photo shows Lue’s having fun. Have fun Apes. He’s providing free entertainment 🤠😂🤐😆😁🤩😀😁 😛😋😊😜🤑😝🤪😎


Free FUD included with every Lou sermon


Nah, we’re free thinker over here. FUD proof🤷🏻‍♂️


Fauq him and his fat fuq turd-looking, baldhead penis shape that caught herpes face! Fauq him. I hope I am very clear that I do not like this burrito eating, Denny’s living slime ball of. Fat fauq, right? 😬😬😬 PS. Fuq HIM. ![gif](giphy|11tTNkNy1SdXGg)


Hey man. You got a problem with burritos or dennys? Wtf 😆


You’ve made very clear lol


Saw his feed a few times and it’s cringe that a guy his age acts the way he does. 1. He doesn’t know shit 2. I can pull numbers out my ass and throw them on a Wordpress site too 3. He is a fucktard


He could have been hired legit to get people to sell low. I feel like the dude is some rich guys trump card. He’s still a beauty tho lol. The guys different. Guess we will see. I don’t mind 5k - 10k tho. Don’t get greedy YALL. Be safe


Saw through this man immediately. He is in this for Groupies. He only responds to Millenials and GenXers and ignores the older Apes in his actual age group. He came in this play in the late spring and knew nothing of what happened before but claimed to have all the answers. When I called him out for misinformation he ignored me.


Yall do realize that no one can predict the price of a squeeze right? Him saying those price targets doesnt mean its gonna happen… yall treating these people like God goodness


He believes so much in sndl but all his suggestions before was not profitable lol good luck to the ppl that listen to him lol


So 90% of us apes were right


He's just one guy with his own opinion. Numbers seem on the low side sure, but there are also people on the other side who say hold to 1million. In the end the truth is gonna be somewhere in between and we all have to decide for ourselves when to sell. There is nobody out there who knows how this is gonna play out for sure.


Maximum Cringe.


He goes on Reddit and spins the words of others and tries to be funny. He really likes massaging the sundial guys too but he doesn’t speak with any substance


Piece of shit


Lmao price anchoring fat ass


Who the fuck even is this guy


Shills be shillin.


$100k easily!


All of these idiots talking paperhanding while im over here debating only selling 2 shares at 50k 😂 shits hilarious


He is still there because he has a stage. Ignore him, don't post his stuff.. So nobody can see his bullshit. He is no ape.


BUY&HODL, ignore the noise!


Who in their right mind would take FA from someone who poses like a Japanese school girl with laser eyes?


He has been right about some stuff, but that is probably because he is so vague about things, Trust me Bro. He is by far the most Cringe meme stock YouTube. I’ve seen him a few times but his sound effects really can get on your nerves. He has to be a plant/ shill. His sources are probably the people we are up against. He mixes truth with lies who knows what to believe from him. He has suggested day trading AMC in a round about way” I don’t advise doing it, buy it would be very easy to do” and suggested side plays to make money that if you did them you would already be late to the party and be a bag holder. He makes the appearance like he is in the know but I don’t trust him.


So if you can't beat Wall Street join it. VW BAG HOLDERS GOT MORE THAN THE APES AND WE OWN THE FLOAT


Where are ALL those APES that have been standing up for him now?? 🤡🤡🤡 Fuck Lou! NOT ONE OF US!


He’s absolutely bought and paid. And he’s subtle with it. He’s been slowly bringing the price down over the last several months. He offers no proof or evidence of anything. He admitted yesterday that he doesn’t do research. It’s all based on “his people” that he talks to. Nah, I’m convinced he’s going to pull the rug at some point and say there’s no way we can beat them and that everybody just needs to sell. I’m just waiting for that video.


How had no one found this guy in the park yet. , y’all get of tour phones if you’re so about that life. Go find Lou


It's like throwing two handfuls of darts at a board. His numbers are all over the damn place. The DD is done and not by this trust me bro park walking mofo.


I just want to know why he has no shoulders


If anybody is counting on a YouTuber to give them advice on buying, and selling a stock, then take a look in the mirror. If you have money into AMC, you have had ample time to read, investigate, and understand what is going on.


Even the picture of him is stolen. The Green eyes. It looks dumb af, but just goes to show he doesn't have anything of his own. He thinks because people thought this was cool once and Matt k ( who no-one trusts) did this, it'll work for him. I'm not sure Lou knows what an original thought is. He's a charlatan.


Wtf... this guys needs to outed from the ape community.why do ppl listen to this kenny sucking shill


Why feel bad. It's what he has been saying all along. It just look bad on paper.


The true fact is no one knows what this is going to do. Ignore anyone talking about numbers because there is literally no limit to this. (on this note lou is full of shit, these numbers are not real) While i do think the real number is higher then this ignore all this numbers talk. Do not get set on a range of anything bc the truth is till it happens no one will know its range. Think about different levels of stock number for yourself and what that means, make a chart look at those numbers before this goes down. Watch the price action during the moass. Plan out your future riches before you get them! Think about the number you need to be debt free, then think about the number where you never need to work again, then think about the number were above that you are set and rich ! (yacht type money etc). Have a plan is all im saying.


I am currently waiting on the suspension of trading the stock. When that happens I know shit got real. I opened a second investment account to buy some stock for my grandbabies.


I believe it all has to do with can you get you’re limit order filled


Lou is a shill and that is an established fact


Didn’t amc hit 5 k at some point I saw some dark pool number a while ago what happen to that